95-1079Q�� .��a��'tir�� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MI Council File � S �. ,�' k� Green Sheet # - 3 O �i C�m Committee: Date �' Whereas, on August 19, 1994 the Saint Paul City Council approved the allocation of 1994 Emergency Shelter Grant funds to a variety of agencies which minister to the needs of the homeless and the near homeless; and, Whereas, one of the designated agencies, Model Cities Development Center, was unable to continue with a post shelter aftercare program and therefore would not be able to administer the funds; and, Whereas, a second designated agency, Family Services of Greater Saint Paul, has indicated by written correspondence that it is transferring the Rental Assistance Loan Proqram to Episcopal Community Services; and, Whereas, both potential grant awards were in the "prevention category" and defined by the Department of Aousing and IIrban Development; and Alxereas, the Emergency Shelter Grant administrative staff recommends the reallocation of these funds within the prevention category to Episcopal Community Services in the sum of $20,00o for homeless prevention and rental assistance; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of St. Paul hereby accepts and approves this recommendation for expenditure of Emergency Shelter Grant funds; and be it F'IIRTSER RSSOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the appropriate City staff to enter into the contracts with the above organization in accordance with state and federal regulations; and be it M -, �;� � ' �S t� ° �- � � • S �l � �t � ee - y 'v ;'� � al S — t U�l °� FURTBER RESOI,VED, that the City Council adopts the following changes to the 1994 budget. SPENDING PLAN Family Services of St. Paul P6100-39290-0547-61536 Model Cities Family Center P6100-39290-0547-61542 Episcopal Community Services Net Increase Adopted by Council: Date . 3`�{�j Adoption Cettified by Council Secxetary By: Appr By: 1994 1994 Amended Budaet Chanaes Budaet $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 2�,000 (10,000) 0 (10,000) 0 20,000 20,OQ0 20,000 20,000 � Requested bY Depaxtmen of: � _' BY: Foxm Approved by City Attozney �� e� . B d , Appsoved by Mayoi fox Sub sion to Council SY�` � 95 _ DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED p � O �� xousing znformation office GREEN SHEET N_ 30938 MITIAVDATE MlT1A1lOATE CANTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAi�MENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNdL Steve Rice, ASSIGN CITYATfORNEY - � s� g 2( �(S �CITYCLERK N{IYBEN FOR MU57 HE ON GpUNCIi AGENDA BY (OAT� AOUTIN6 BUDC£T �IRECTOR � FIN_ 8 MGT. SERYICES IIfR. A. S. A. P. * OPDEN MAYOR (OP ASSISTANT) S• VF+ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of contract which reallocates 1994 Emergency Shelter Grant funds previously designated for Family Services of Greater Saint Paul - Rental Assistance Loan Program, to Episcopal Community Services RECqMMEnDA7iONS: approve (n) w Reject (p) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? _ _ �'ES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this perso�ltirm ever heen a city employee? — YES NO _ DiSTRICrCOUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a 5kill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IEC�IVE7 " YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green aheet INI��pGf�OB�M,I�.OAM'?fFT�'(�ho and Urban development awarded Stewart B. N�ai �. McKinney Emergency Shelter funds for emergency shelter and transitional housinq services for the homeless. City council approved the allocation of these specific funds (cf # 94- 1530)as part of a larger allocation to the various agencies which provide services to the target population. Subsequently, Family Services of St. Paul elected to discontinue the program and has recommended that funds allocated to it for rental assistance be AD G P OV : � Subarantee name 1994 Project Budaet � Episcopal Community Services $�,0, 000 63�-36 (� �� 6� This fund reallocation will provide rent and deposit assistance in the form of a loan to low income families and individuals that are o� ome essness or near ome essness. imes i wi e used to prevent the loss of an apartment. ���. CQ��+C� ���s L�,fi� ��� 2� 199a i�tsi, � i i9°5 „����af:� ;,;�€€�� D to very low income homeless and near homeless population will be not used and eventually lost to the federal government through call backs. City of Saint Paul interagency committments would not be kept and working relationships would be damaqed. ������� � ��1� 2 5 1995 b20 ?SpZ? 00 � ��. j � , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST7HEYENIlE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO HUD,McKinney funds GL-100-39290-3399 FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Q�tI����AL Presented By Referred To RESOLUTIOId SAiNT PAUL, M Council File �` S .. 1� Green Sheet � ,3 0� ESOTA Committee: Date at Whareas, on August 19, 1994 the Saint Paul City Council approved the allocation of 1994 Emergency Shelter Grant funds to a variety of agenoies which minister to the needs of the homeless and the near homeless; and, Whereas, one of the desiqnated agencies, Model Cities Development Center, was unable to continue with a post shelter aftercare program and therefore would not be able to administer the funds; and, Whereas, a second designated aqency, Family Services of Greater Saint Paul, has indicated by written correspondence that it is transferring the Rental Assistance Loan Proqram to Episcopal Community Services; and, Y�thereas, both potential grant awards were in the "prevention category" and defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Rhereas, the Emergency Shelter Grant administrative staff recommends the reallocation of these funds within the prevention category to Episcopal Community Services in the sum of $20,0�0 for homeless prevention and rental assistance; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RE30LVED, that the City Council of the City of 5t. Paul hereby accepts and approves this recommendation for expenditure of Emergency Shelter Grant funds; and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the appropriate City staff to enter into the contracts with the above organization in acaordance with state and federal regulations; and be it 95—to a g $ a� �! � �✓` � ! f� 3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the following chanqes to the 1994 budqet. SPENDING PLAN Family Services of St. Paul P6100-39290-054?-61536 1944 1994 Amended Budaet Chanqes Budget $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 20,000 (10,000) o (10,000) 0 Model Cities Family Center P6100-39290-0547-61542 Episcopal Community Services Net Increase Adopted by Council: Date � ,,�� Adoption Certified by Council Secsetary By: Appx By: 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 � ftequested b� of: !f hlA By: Farm Appzoved by City Attorney t ' ' + '� ' g�, a � Appmved by Mayoi Eox Sub slon to Council BY�� `F-- oPfice ! A.S.A.P.* TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES GREEN SHEET CITY ATTORkEY MAVOfl (Ofl ASSISTANT) (CL A L L LO C AT I O NS FOR SIGNAT Approval of contract which reallocates 1994 Emergency Shelter Grant funds previously designated for Family Services of Greater Saint Paul - Rental Assistance Loan Program, to Episcopal Community Services _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ qVIL SEFVIC£ COMMISSIDN _ CIB COMMITTEE _ __ $TAfF _ _ DISTPICTCOUflT _ SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 PERSONAL SERVICE GONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING aUEST10N5: 7. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a contract for (his tlepartmeni? YES NO 2. Has this persoMfirm ever been a ciry emplayee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a 5ki11 not normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separa[e sheet antl attseh to green shest "1'3I�R7°�:"•'��`d7P'�ifi�h'�"°�'�'��rYt�'' and Urban development awarded Stewart B. McKinney Emerqency 5helter funds for emergency shelter and transitional housinq services for the homeless. City council approved the allocation of these specific funds (cf # 94- 153o)as part of a larger allocation to the various agencies which provide services to the target population. Subsequently, Family Services of 5t. Paul elected to discontinue the program and has recommended that funds allocated to it for rental assistance be Subgrantee name Episcopal Community Services 994 Project BudcLet .� $,�,o,000 �6�5�1 This fund reallocation will provide rent and deposit assistance in the fornt of a loan to low income families and individuals that are used to prevent the loss of an apartment. �;Q6��iC� �3'?��i�i �t� q5 - l.a`1 N_ 30938 INITIAUDATE - CI'iY COUNCIL CIN C4ERK FIN. & M6 c SE r RVIC� t ES DIR. ���J ,- �� C J. vG�ZT�t;____z r '�� ,,,� , �U� �� �99� r�:�G 31 i995 r�:���6='`�. >y���v: �'PY�i"L�E'F�'ii4P�'P3ff� to very low income homeless and near homeless population will be not used and eventually lost to the federal goverrunent through call backs. City of Saint Paul interagency committments would not be kept and working relationships would be damaged. ��� ��� �.� Q 00 TOTAI AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION S HUD,McRinney funds FUNDIHG SOURCE FINANCIAL 1NFORMA710N: (EXPLAIN) ��G 25 1995 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO GL-100-39290-3399 NUMBER