95-1078Council File # q 5- I0� g O�fG���,��,� Green 5heet # _29769 RESOLUTION SAINT Pl}UL, MINNESOTA �S CITY Presented by s Referred Tc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Library Associate in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Date RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title of Library Associate be set at the rate set forth in Crrade 28, Section ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution sha11 take effect and be in force on the first pay period after its passage and approval. � Requested by Department of: OFFICE OF HIIMAN RESOURCES BY � �Df�� �9 �Y� l \ .� Fo pp ved b City Attomey By: � I '-_ Adoption Cert�f'ied by Council Secretary � App � Appro b Mayor for u ssion to Council BY: / `� � ����1 Adopted by Council: Date �_ K\ Q�_�_ a15 9s -� � `� DEPA TMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATE� IV c y i � y Of£ice of H Resources c�� 7 31 95 GREEN SHEET CONTAC7PERSON&P N INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE � DEPAR[MENT OIftECTOR 1'1 CITV CAUNGI U ASSIGN �C ATTORNEV g 9✓ CINCLERK NUYBEN FOfl MUST BE ON CAUNCIL A DA Y( A E) AOURNG gUDGET DIqEGTOR FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Olft. OROEP MAYOFi (OR ASSISTA � F —=��o-.Q, °— TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval to establish the Library Associate class in Grade 28 of the Technical Standard Ranges. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (F) PERSONAL SEqVICE CONTRACTS MUSi ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PL4NNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirtn e�er worketl under a contract for this tlepartment? _CIBCOMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DiSTRICi CoUPr _ 3. Does ihis personttirm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOB.IECTNE� YES NQ Explain ell yes answers on seperate sheet ana attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (W�o. What. When. Where, Why�: The respansibilities have been found to averlap between adjacent classes as the staf£ cope with the increased demand far services and a reduction in staff. Once the new class i.s established, the Library Assistant and Library Specialist classes will be abolished except as to present inc�nnbents. ADVANTAGESIFAPPAOVED: - The creatian af the new class will establish a strong and solid paraprofessional title within the libraxy system and address the issue of over '��,�� �. �� q y p Y ;�s.v� si �,:?°'di'` and responsibilities. The long-term cost benefit would be$16,805 savings per year. ��� `��' � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED ' The initial cost to reallocate the affected e�loyees would be $28,270 . ����E�s�� ��"�E6V�� ��� �� 199� AU� 2 5 1995 •.u,° r�r DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. � �- � � ' ` ° � � � _ •�� Sd � E, Csa i ��,.� i��v � E Inability to i�lement cost-effective arganizatianal changes and innovations. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfiG SOUBCE ACi1VITV NUMBER FINANCIA� INFQRMATION: (E%P�AIN) 9S- lo� � fi�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayo� TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Gerald Steenberg Libraries Karen Sanchez`�,� �/V� O�ce of Human Resources Mazch 28, 1995 13D Ciry Ha11 Annes 15 West Fa�vth Street Sairst PauZ, Mirsnesot¢ SSIO2-163I Library Associate Twenty Day Notice Tetephone. 612-266-6300 TODlI7Y� 612466-6501 Jotriine: 612-266-6502 FacstmiZe: 612-292-7656 We have completed our study ofthe proposed Library Associate class. Based upon the information provided, we have determined that this classification should be assigned to the Technical Bargaining Unit in Grade 28. Those employees currently holding the title of Library Assistani, *Library Assistant II, and Library Specialist (full-time or part-time) may be reciassified into the Library Associate ciass in accordance with the Civil Service Rules 8.A.5 if they meet the minimum qualifications. Those who do not wish to be reclassified may remain in their current title. The Library Assistant and Library Specialist classes will be starred (abolished except as to present incumbents). I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear &om you within that time frame, I wili assume agreement and will proceed with the process. We w111 also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for Library Associate in Grade 28, Section ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. KS/tf I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. . /i4 , OFfTCE OF IiUMAN RESOURCES LeeAnn Twchin, Acang Direaar Date q S _ �0�8' Class Studied: incumbents: Studied By: Date Studied CLASSIFlCATION STUDY REPORT Library Associate (Proposec� Vacarrt Karen Sanchez July 29,1994 Persons Contacted: Library Labor-Management Committee APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: DATE SACKGROUND This study was prompted by a 1992 study conducted of the Library's middle management structure. One of the findings of the study revealed that the increased demand for services combined with a reduction in staff has caused job responsibilities to overlap and lines of responsibilities to blur between the Library Assistant and Library Specialist titles as employees at all levels cope with the increased demand for senrices. The Library Administration, consequenUy, met with the bargaining unft representatives to discuss combining titles to create a strong and solid paraprofessional title. A labor-management committee was formed to develop a class specification for the proposed new class entitled Library Associate. This study was based upon the proposed duties of the new class. ��i��]'[dilu�T'li]� `�. Labor•management committee meeting. Review of the proposed class specification and job profile. Comparison to refated classifications. QES evaluation. POS{TION DESCRIPTION The typical duties of the positions in this class will be as follows: q5-(oh� I. Assists customers by providing information and reference services including location of materiais, use of database services, searches, and helping customers develop library user skills. 2. Assists customers in circulation services including charging materials in and out, coflecting overdue fees, registering library applications, and responding to customer questions and complaints. 3. Performs collection management duties as assigned including selection, weeding, processing, and cataloging. 4. Plans and implemerrts programs and projects as assigned including children's programming, promotion/publicity, special projects including large system projects and staff training. 5. Prepares reports and written documents as assigned. 6. Maintains technical equipment and services including serving as liaison with the data processing staff, basic maintenance, troubleshooting, staff training, and improving electronic access to information. 7. Maintains equipment and manuals. 8. Oversees agency operation in absence of professional staff; maintains established policies and procedures. COMPARISON TO RELATED CLASSIFICATIONS The Librarian I class has more responsibility than the proposed Library Associate class in the areas of collection development, programming, cataloging, staff training and review, and more complex reference services. 1. The Librarian I assists in collection development and maintenance for a particular library or library department and may supervise and coordinate work done by lower level staff. The Library Associate will have responsibility in this area only as assigned. 2. The Librarian I develops, plans, organizes, and directs or presents special programs. The Library Associate will have responsibility in this area only as assigned. 3. The Librarian I catalogs and classifies books and reviews and revises work done by lower level staff. The Library Associate will have responsibility in this area only as assigned. 4. The Librarian I trains paraprofessional, technical, clerical and volunteer staff . The Library Associate willl have responsibility in this area in relation to technical equipment and services, whereas, the Librarian f class does not specify any particular area. 5. The Librarian I may super�ise the da�y operations of a smaller branch library. The Library 95-1oRs Associate will have short• term responsiblit�r far overseeing an agency operation in the absence of full time staff. 6. The minimum qualifications established for the Librarian I class are higher than that of the proposed new cfass. The duties of the Library Associate are more comparable to the Library Specialist than Library Assistar� class. The Library Assistarrt is trained and performs entry level technical library work, whereas, the Library Associate will be woricing under general supervision. QES EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS The proposed new class was evaluated at Grade 28 of the Technical Standard Ranges. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the comparisons and QES evaluatron, I recommend that the Library Associate ciass be assigned in Grade 28 of the Technical Standard Salary Ranges. CODE: 561A au: 02 �s_�o�lY EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY ASSOCIATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs paraprofessional work in providing reference, information, and material loan sexvices to library customers; and performs other related duties as required. S�ervision Received: Works under genexal supervision of an agency supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: May lead the work of clerical and technical employees as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists customers by providing information and reference services including location of materials, use of database services, searches, and helping customers develop library user skills. Assists customers in circulation services including charging materials in and out, collecting overdue fees, registering library applications, and responding to customex questions and complaints. Performs collection management duties as assigned including selection, weeding, processing, and cataloging. Plans and implements projects and programs as assigned including children's programming, promotion/publicity, special projects including large system projects, and staff training. Prepares reports and written documents as assigned. Maintains technical equipment and services including serving as liaison with the data processing staff, basic maintenance, troubleshooting, staff training, and improving electronic access to information. MainCains equipment and manuals. Oversees agency operation in absence of professional staff, maintains e5tablished policies and procedures. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES (continued on reverse side) LIBRARY ASSOCIATE Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: G�S�,QI�g' LIBRARY ASSOCIATE Considerable knowledge of library policies, procedures, and organization. Considerable knowledge of community resources. Working knowledge of library science principles and practices. Working knowledge of collection management principles and practices. Working knowledge of literature, science, arts, humanities, social sciences and the organization of disciplines. Working skill in maintaining and troubleshooting electronic equipment. Considerable ability to research information including library-related electronic databases. Considerable ability to conduct reference interviews. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work and to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Considerable ability to interact effectively with internal and external customers. Considerable ability to communicate, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to listen and communicate with all ages, educational levels, and ethnic background. Working ahility to perform repetitive movements such as bending, reaching, and lifting library materials. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree; or two years of college and two years of general libraYy experience plus two courses in library-related classes. LIBRARY ASSOCIATE � � k a."° � M..� �h ���� � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 672-266-6502 TO: Dave Thune, City Counci! President Jerry Blakey, Councilmember Michael Harris, Coancilmember Roberta Megard, Councilmember Janice Retunan, Councilmember Dino Guerin, Councilmember Marie Grimm, Counci(member FROM: )ohn Shockley, Human Resources Manager �h��` Classification, Compensation 8t Org'I Des�gs� DATE: RE: November 8,1995 Libsary Associate, Council Resolution 95-1078 Fauimile: bi2-292-765b Attached is the Bureau of Mediation Services unit clarification order regarding the proposed Library Associate class, Council Resoludon 95-1078. It is item number 15 on today's Council Agenda. Attachment OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John HmniIIon, D'ueaor 230 CFty Hall A�maz Tekphone: 672-266-6500 ZS Wen Fourth Street TDDfIT'Y: 6I2-266-6501 Samt Paul, Minnesow 55 1 02-1 631 J o 6 1 i e e: • MEDIRTION SVC TEL�612-643-3013 Nov 08 95 10�36 No.003 P.02 ;. . BUREAU �F MEDUJION SER17CT5 State of Min�ezota �N `_ TH� -M�13'TE�: � �3�`".A: :P�'i'i'�'�A�`. =FL31� . .. - GLt�TYC1!?T+DIV_ UR �?PR(I�CIA3'E•�. _. .. : _._ .; . . . . :; : �:.:_... ... '(3�??IT. � ::......:.. ... . . : , :.-,:.:., ; ���-ia�� Novembez B, 1995 Professional Employees Aesociation, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota - and - City of St. Paul, Minnesota - and - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council No. 14, South St. Paul, Minnesota BMS Caee No: 96-PCL-543 Before: Peter E. Obermeyer Hearing Officer YINIT CLARIFICATION ORb�R _� =rrrxoauc On Monday, October 23, 1995, a hearing was conducted by the Bureau of Mediation Services, State of Minnesota (BUreau), purauant to a petition filed by the Professional Employees Aesociation, Inc., SL. Paul, Minnesota {Associationl. The petition requested the clarification of the proper unit placement of a job class of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota iCity). The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council No. 14, South St. Paul, Minnesota (Council 19) was identified as an intereated party. ART At the hearing Mr. Michael Wilde, on behalf of the Aesociation; no and Mr. Jerry Serfling, Busine8s IS5IIE Business Representative, appeared appearance was made for the City; Agent, represented Council 14. Should the newly created job class af Library Aasociate be assigned to the professional appropriate unit represented by the Association or the technical appropriate unit represented by Counail 14? • ibu� �a�.ssz� rnx: ie�z� ca�•�oiz 1380 Lne�gy lane • Suite B2 • Si. Yaul, MN 5570R-.5253 An Equai Opportunity Empluycr � MEDIRTIDN SVC TEL�612-643 '� � Unit Clarification Order • BMS Case No. 96-PCL-543 Page 2...November 8, 1995 • i Nov 08 95 10�36 No.003 P.03 �����'� Before the Bureau in this case is the proper bargaining unit placement of the newly created job clasa of Library Associate. The new job class is the result of the _merging o£ two existing classes in the St. Paul library system. The current job claeaes involved in the mexger are Library Specialist (represented by the Aesociation) and Library Assistant (represented by Council 14). Central to the debate is whether the class a£ I,ibrary AssociaCe is professional or technical in nature. Tbe Public Employment Labor Relations Act (PELRA? provides general guidance to the Bureau in determining unit placement diaputea. 1/ Multiple criteria are eatablished for the determination of such issues. 2/ However, where Che employer's bargaining structure hae been establishe'd based on occupational groupe, resulting in a separate bargaining unit for profeasional employees, L•he definition of pzofessional employee must firat be considered. In determining tbe pzofessional status of a job claes we are given direction from the PSLRA of the unique considerationa that are made for professional employees. In addition to a detailed definition of protessional employee, 3/ they only are given the zight to "meet and confer^ with their employer concerning the "... services being provided to the public ..." on a regnlar basis. 4/ The Bureau considera it paramount that employeea included in a profeasional bargaining unit, must, first meet the PELRA standard of professional. sefore us in this case is whether the newly created job clasa of Library Aseociate is professional in nature. The PELRA definea a professzonal in terms af the intel2ectual character of the work performed and the nature ot the educational foundation required. Crucial to thia case is the educational requirement that is sequired to be considered a professional. it states that a profeasional is 3istinguished by: 3,,/ Miitnesota School Emnlovees Association and IndependenC School Dietrict No 276 BMS Caee No. 95-PCL-605. �/ Minn. Stat. 179A.09. 3/ Ibid. Q/ Minn. Stat. 1�9A.06, Subd. 4 and 179A.08, Subd. 1 and 2. MEDIATION SUL TEL=512-6A3-3013 � ''' Unit Clarification Order BMS Case No. 96-PCL-543 • Page 3...November 8, 1995 Nov 08 95 10�37 No.003 P.04 ��5 -���� °�... learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specializad intellectual inetruction and atudy in an institution of higher learning or a hospital, as distinauiehed from a qeneral academic education . " ,�/ (Emphasis added) The record does not support the argument that the Library Associate class meets this rigorous test. Tha job class description o£ Library Associate mandatea a "bachelor's degree^ or a combination of college and experience, aupplemented by two library related classes. �/ This level of minimum qualifications does not meet the professional test of the PELRA. We concluded that the job class is paraprofessional in nature, consistent with the general nature of the technical bargaining unit. FINDINGS AND ORDERS • 1 Wa 3 The job class of Library Associate is not profesaional as defined by Minn. Stat. 179A.03, Subd. 13. The job clasa of Library Associate is included within the technical appropriate unit represented by Council 14 . The City shall post this Order at L work locationa of the employees involved. STATE OF MINNESOTA Bureau of Mediation Services I+ANCE TEACHWORTH Commissioner PEpJeld c�: Mlchael Wilde (2) (Includes Posting Cogy) Jerry Serfling Gerald Steenberg Sue Wegwerth . — _ 5/ Sz/ TBR E. OBERMEY R Hearing Officer Minn. StaC. 179_03, Subd. 13,-a, (iv). JOINT EXHIBIT No. 1. Council Fi1e # q 5 -10� ��I�l����� Green Sheet # _24764 RESOLUTION SAINT P�UL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred Date `S i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 An Administrarive Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Library Associate in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title ofLibrary Associate be set at the rate set forth in Grade 28, Section ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after its passage and approval. Adoption Certtfied by Council Secretary I'•..?� � s. � rV� Requested by Department of: OFFICE QF HUMAN RESOURCES BY. S�Y�M � . 1 �'�� Fo pp ved b�`l�-�X.S�ttomey BY � �-' Approved by Mayor for u'ssion to Council BY: �' l �j � Adopted by Councii: Date �e�_� \ �1_ _�95 GREEN SHEET 95 -i N° 297 INRIAV( C�TYATTORNEY $ �(✓ BUDGEf OIRECiOR MAYOR (OR ASSIST TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FQR SIGNATURE) CITY GOUNCII CITY CLERK FIN. & MGT SERVICES DIB. Appmval to establish the Library Associate class in Grade 28 of the Technical Standard Ranges. _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION __ GB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ �ISTRIGTCOURT _ SUPPQFTS WHICH COUNCIL Q&IECTIVE� PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1 Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract tor this deRartment? YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a aty employee� YES NO 3. Does this peisonlfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by arry wrreM city empioyee? YES NO Explain all yea answers on separate sheet and attach to graen sheet The responsibilities have been faund to averlap between adjacent classes as the staff cope with the increased demand for services and a reduction in staff. Once the new class is established, the Library Assistant and L,ibrary Specialist classes will be abolished except as to present incumbents. The creatian o£ the new class will establish a strang and solid paraprofessional title within the library system and address the issue of over ' ��,� �. and responsibilities. The long-tezm cost benefit would be $16,805 savings per year. p �� 3 ���� 5 �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVED. The initial cost to reallorate the affected eng�loyees would be $28,270 �'���@��s� ,s. : _ � � , ����E���� AUG 25 1995 Inability to ittg�lement cast-ef£ective organizational changes and innovations. TOTALAMOUNSOFTpANSACTION COSTfREY£NUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACt1V1TY FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 95- lo� �! ii'��i., :`�' . � �- _ - . , OFFICE OF AUMAN RESOURCES � LeeAnn Turchin, Ac¢rtg Duector CITY OF 5AIlVT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor ��: FROM: DATE: RE: Gerald Steenberg Libraries Karen Sanchez`� �(v-� Office of Human Resources Mazch 28, 1995 230 Cuy Flal1 A�urex Tekphaae: 612-266-65Q0 25 West Founh Street TDDlITS': 612-266-6507 Saint Paul, Minnesnta 55102-7631 7obline: 612-266-G501 . Facsimile: 672-292-7656 Library Associate Twenty Day Notice We have completed our study of the proposed Library Associate class. Based upon the information provided, we have determined that this classification should be assigned to the Technical Bargaining Unit in Grade 28. Those employees currently hoiding the title of Library Assistant, *Library Assistaut II, and Library Specialist (full-time or part-time) may be reclassified into the Library Associate class in accordance with the Civii Service Rules 8.A.5 if they meet the minimum qualifications. Those who do not wish to be reclassified may remain in theix cunent tit3e. The Library Assistant and Library Specialist classes will be starred (abolished except as to present incumbents). I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agteement and will proceed with the process. We will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for Library Associate in Grade 28, Section ID2, of the Technica] Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. KSltf 1 hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of crearing this title and class specification, . qs—Ic Class Studied: Incumbents: Studied By: Date Studied: CLASSIFlCATION STUDY REPORT Library Associate (Proposed) Vacant Karen Sanchez July 29,1994 Persons Contacted: Library Labor-Management Committee APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: DATE BACK6ROUND This study was prompted by a f992 study conducted of the Library's middle management structure. One of the findings of the study revealed that the increased demand for services combined with a reduction in staff has caused job responsibilities to overlap and lines of responsibilities to blur between the Library Assistant and Library Specialist titles as empioyees at all levels cope with the increased demand for senrices. The Library Administration, conseque�tly, met with the bargaining unit representatives to discuss combining titles to create a strong and solid paraprofessionai title. A labor-management committee was formed to develop a class specification for the proposed new class entiUed Library Associate. This study was based upon the proposed duties of the new ciass. STUDY COMPONENTS Labor-management committee mee�ng. Review of the proposed class spec�cation and job profile. Comparison to related ciass�cations. QES evaluation. POSfTION DESCRIPTION The typicai duties ot the positions in this ciass wilf be as foflows: qS -10�14 I. Assists customers by providing information and reference se+vices including location ot materials, use of database services, searches, and he{ping customers develop library user skiils. 2. Assists customers in circulation services inciuding charging materials in and out, cofiecting overdue fees, registering library applications, and responding to customer questions and complaints. 3. Performs colfection management duties as assigned including selection, weeding, processing, and catafoging. 4. Plans and implements programs and projects as assigned inciuding children's programming, promotion/publicity, special projects including large system projects and staff training. 5. Prepares reports and written docume�ts as assigned. 6. Maintains technical equipment and services including serving as liaison with the data processing staff, basic maintenance, troubleshooting, staff training, and improving electronic access to irrformation. 7. Maintains equipment and manuals. 8. Oversees agency operation in absence of professional staff; maintains established policies and procedures. COMPARISON TO RELATED CtASSIFICATIONS The Librarian I class has more responsibil+ty than the proposed Library Associate class in the areas of collection development, programming, cataloging, staff training and review, and more complex reference senrices. 1. The Librarian 1 assists in coilection development and maintenance for a pa�icular library or library departrnent and may supervise and coordinate work done by lower levef staff. The Library Associate will have responsibility in this area only as assigned. 2. The Librarian 1 develops, pians, organizes, and directs or presents special programs. The Library Associate will have responsibility in #his area only as assigned. 3. The Librarian I catafogs and class�es books and reviews and revises work done by lower level staff. The Library Associate wiii have responsibiliry in this area only as assigned. 4. The Librarian ! trains paraprofessional, technical, cierical and volunteer staff . The Library Associate wilN have responsibiliiy in this area i� relation to technical equipment and services, whereas, the Librarian I class does not specify any particular area. 5. The Librarian 1 may superYise tt�e daily aperations of a smaller branch library. The Library 9s- t, Associate wiil have short- term responsib{ity for overseeing an agency operation in the absence of fu{i time staff. 6. The minimum qualifications established for the Librarian I class are higher than that of the proposed new ciass. The duties of the Library Associate are more comparabie to the Library Specialist than Library Assistant class. The library Assistant is trained and performs entry {evel technical library work, whereas, the Library Associate wiil be working under generai supervision. QES EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS The proposed new class was evaluated at Grade 28 of the Technical Standard Ranges. RECOMMENDATfON Based upon the comparisons and QES evaluation, I recommend that the Library Associate class be assigned in Grade 28 of the Technical Standard Salary Ranges. CODE: 561A BU: 02 p� EFFECTIVE: � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LIBRARY ASSOCIATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties; Performs paraprofessional work in providing reference, information, and material loan services to libxary customers; and performs other related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under general supervision o£ an agency supervisor. Sunervision Exercised: May lead the work of clerical and technical employees as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists customers by providing information and reference services including location of materials, use of database services, searches, and helping customers develop library user skills. Assists customers in cixculation services including charging materials in and out, collecting overdue fees, registering library applications, and responding to customer questions and complaints. Performs collection management duties as assigned including selection, weeding, processing, and cataloging. Plans and implements projects and programs as assigned including children`s programming, promotion/publicity, special projects including large system projects, and staff training. Prepares reports and written documents as assigned. Maintains technical equipment and services including serving as liaison with the data processing staff, basic maintenance, troubleshooting, sta£f training, and improving electronic access to information. Maintains equipment and manuals. Oversees agency operation in absence of professional staff, maintains established policies and procedures. KI30WLEDGE, SKILLS AND ASILITIES (continued on reverse side) LIBRARY ASSOCIATE Page 2 PP�OP05ED TITLE OF CLASS : q,r ,�' O� LIBRARY ASSOCIATE Considerable knowledge of library policies, procedures, and organization. Considerable knowledge of community resources. Working knowledge of library science pxinciples and practices. Working knowledge of collection management principles and practices. Working knowledge of literature, science, arts, humanities, social sciences and the organization of disciplines. Working skill in maintaining and troubleshooting electronic equipment. Considerable ability to researck information including library-related electronic databases. Considerable ability to conduct reference interviews. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work and to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Considerable ability to interact effectively with internal and external customers. Considerable ability to communicate, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to listen and communicate with a11 ages, educational levels, and ethnic background. Working ability to perform repetitive movements such as bending, reaching, and lifting lihrary materials. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree; or two years of college and two years of general library experience plus two courses in library-related classes. LIBRARY ASSOCIATE - - •� �r .� nn� n n� � �� �� a�-���� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor b12-266-6502 OFFICE OF EiUMAN RESOUACES lohn HamiUon, Diredot 230 Ciry Hall Aiv:ex Telephone: 612-266-6500 25 R'estFourth SYreet TDORTY.� 612-266-6501 Saint Paal, Minnesota 55102d631 7 o b I i n e: Fauimile: 612-292-7d56 f� TO: Dave Thune, City Counci[ President )erry Blakey, Councitmember Michael Harris, Councilmember Roberta Megard, Councilmember Janice Rettman, Councilmember Dino Guerin, Councifinember Marie Grimm, Counci{member FROM: John Shockley, Human Resources Manager '��� Classifiicauon, Compensation $t Org'{ Design DATE: RE: November 8, {995 Library Associate, Council Resolution 95-] 078 Attached is the Bureau of Mediation Services unit clarification order regarding the proposed Library Associate class, Council Resolution 95-] 078. It is item number 15 on today's Council Agenda. Attachment �