95-1077a�����A ��- l °R� � RESOLUTION 3� g O 8' CI��DF SAIIy1' PAUL, 11�INNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: ' Date WHEREAS, ffie Adopted 1995 City Budget includes an appropriation for a residual equity transfer in the amount of $b9,332 to close out the Department of Planning and Economic Development's Energy Conservation Improvement Program Fund (Fund 102), move this amount to the Department of Finance and Management 5ervices, and establish the Energy Conservation Improvement Program under Fund 165, Activity 31161 within Finance and Management Services; and WHEREAS, the remaining fund balance in Fund 1Q2 at Decem6er 31, 1994 is $91,3�3; and WHEREAS, a budget amendment is necessary to transfer the full $91,303 to close out Fund 102; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07A1 of the City Charter, does certify that there is available for appropriation financing in excess of that estimated in the 1995 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1995 budget. Cuirent Bud¢et FINANCING PLAN F102 Energy Conservation Improvement Program's Fund 102-36253-9830 Use of Fund Balance Total Financing Plan - F102 SPENDING PLAN F102 Energy Conservation Improvement Program Fund 102-36253-0536 Total Spending Plan - F102 69.332 69.332 69,332 69332 ChanEes 21,971 21.9�1 21.971 21.971 Amended Bud¢et 91.303 91303 91 303 91303 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1995 budget. ���-. /Y�-- Absent Adopted by Council: Date I'3 1' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � r� /t, Approved � Mayor: D te LL 7 l $Y: � (,�,�.�� Requested by Department of: ,� PlanninQ & Economic Development BY � � ��E -'' L -i( v'� � Form Approved by City Attorne� By: Submission to By: q5 - 10�7 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� �/� H O� i � Planning & Economic Development 7/11/95 GREEN SHEET CONTACTPERSQN & PHONE INITIA INITIAVDATE DEPAqTMEM DIRECTOR � 1-1 CIN COVNCIL L(}I $llSdR Ode - 6-6601 Tom Me er 6-6667 NUYIBERFOR CITYATrORNEY aCITYCLEPK MUST 8E ON CAUNCIL AGENOA BV (DATE) ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MRYOFi(ORASSISTAN'n �� c„can �C]2 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP Al� LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1e ccount an , ACTION pE�UESTED. Approval of City Council Resolution to amend the 1995 budget. RECOMMEN�ATIONS: ApprovB (A) or Re�ec[ (R) pEFiSONAL SENVICE CONTRAC7S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING CpMMI$SION _ C1VIL SERVICE CAMMISSfON �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ �'ES NO __ SiAFF 2. Has this personNRm ever been a ciry empl0yee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 CoURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE'+ YES NO � Explein ell yes answers on sepa�ete sheet anC atteeh to green sheet INITIATINO PflOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNRY (W�o, Whet NTen, W1iere, Why): The 1995 budget anticipates closing out Planning and Economic Development Fund for Energy Conservation Improvements and moving this under the management of the Department of Finance and Management Services. The fund balance to be moved through a residual�, eguity transfef is larger than anticipated in the 1995 budget. ``'°`' ��� 23 1995 ADVANTACaESIFAPPROVEO: .,;p-' -,.�.� ,;:;Tff",„. The entire Fund 102 can be closed out and the remaininn fund balance can be`u"sed for its proper purpose - Energy Consexvation Smurovements. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��_,��� .��.��� e�tac hECEl1/E� SEP °5 9995 AU6 24 1895 �;iT�` �T���N��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: V V' TOTAL AMOUNT �F TRANSACTION $ 2 S� 9 � 1 COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (GIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCa SOURCE F 102 Fund Balance ACTIVITY NUMBEq 102-36253 FINANCIqL INFOflMATION. (EXPLAIN) & Economic Develogment TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES as \iE INITIATEO � � '3 � t �Jlli9s GREEN SHEET _ MiTI M DEPRRTMENT DIREC70R I-1 C11Y COUNCIL Lql __ s$��N pTYRTiORNEY �pTYCLERK UNBEfl FOP — UUTMIG �1DGET DIRECTOF O FIN. & MGS SERVICES C11B. �p�R MAYOR iOR ASSISTAN'n �J I� SuGan Ode (CLIP ALL LOCATIDNS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of City Council Resolution to amend the 1495 budget. noarove la� a� _ PLANNfNG COMMISSION _ C1VIL SERYICE COMM�SSION _ CIB GOMMITTEE __ __ STAFF _ _ D1STflICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHIGH COUNC�L O&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 5. Has ffiis person/Firm ever worketl under a contrac[ for this tlepa�tme�t? YES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Ooes this personlfirm possess a sj�+II not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO / Explafn att yss a�ewers on separate sheet and ettacb to green sheet The 1995 budget anticipates closing out Planning and Economic Development Fund for Energv Conservation Zmprovements and moving this under the management of the Department of Finance and Management Services. The £und balance to be moved through a residu�a���ty transfef is larger than anticipated in the 1995 budget. '�^' �` ' : : �, , The entire 102 can be closed out and the remainino fund balance can $e`use��for its prooer purpose - Energy Conservation Imgrovements. � '. (a�'it8i `;��r r.�:�.:�;:Ch SEP ° 5 1995 AMOUNT OF THAtiSACT10N $ 2 1� 9� RECEfVE[3 At�G 24 9995 �iTY ATT4R�EY COSTIREYENUE BUDGE7ED (CtRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItiGS0U8CE F102 Fund Balance ACTIVITYNUMBER IO2-36253 FINANpAL INFORMATION. (EXPIAIN}