95-1047council File # � /�� � Green Sheet # � ��?6 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date T� WHEREAS, on September 28, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Neighborhood Sales Ta�c Revitalization (STAR} Program, C.F. 94-1127; and WHEItEAS, the Neighborhood STAR Program is funded with fifty percent of an additional one-half of one percent sales tax on sales transactions that occur within the city, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WIIEREAS, the purpose of the Neighborhood STAR Program is to fund capital improvements to further residential, commercial and economic development in the neighborhoods of St. Paul; and WI�REAS, the Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development (PED), in the first cycle, has received fifty applications to the Neighborhood STAR Grant, Loan and Seed Capital Program; and WIIEREAS, PED, the Neighborhood STAR Board, and the Mayor have evaluated the fifty applications and forwarded their recommendations to the City Council; and WIIEREAS, approval of projects at this point means the projects have six months to secure private match commitments, comply with project stipulations, when applicable, and work with PED and other city departments as required; and WIIEREAS, upon conformance, within the six month period, of all project stipulations including credit requirements as described in City Credit Reports, and in accordance with the STAR loan standards, if applicable, the STAR grant and loan agreements, notes and other required documents will be signed; and WfIEREAS, should an entity not comply with stipulations, credit and other requirements, and is not under contract within the six month period following City Council approval, that entity will not be funded and the funds will be reallocated to other projects as described in Attachment A; and WIIEREAS, any STAR funds returned during or following the period an entity is under contract to the Ciry, will revolve back to the STAR budget to be used for the next funding cycle; and WFIEREAS, a one time waiver will allow under-utilized Seed Capital funds to be used in the regular loan pool; and WI3EREAS, projects that are funded at less than the original request will reduce any direct project costs in proportion to the cut in funding; and WIIEREAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, recommends changes to the 1995 budget as listed in Attachment B: NOW, THEREFOI2E, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council approves the fixnding priorities and budgets for twenty- two (22) projects at recommended funding amounts and terms as shown on Attachment A, and described in final applications, subject to compliance with the program development and implementation requirements of the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization Program Guidelines; and Page 1 of 2 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 �J� /� `f y BE IT FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 1995 budget listed on Attachment B; and BE IT FURTf�R RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the reallocation of STAR Funds as described in attachment A, and the remrn of STAR funds to the appropriate STAR Program budgets to be used in the next funding cycle; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a one time waiver is approved that will allow under-utilized Seed Capital funds to be used in the regulaz loan pool; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council wish to extend their appreciation to all applicants and to the Neighborhood STAR members for their time and efforts in developing proposals and recommendations during the first cycle of the Neighborhood Sales TaY Program. FINANCING Budget Change Proposed Transfers from Escrow Account �t P7-930-9�x-73ax 0 ?,�I�.d,f9��3,7�.�. SPENDING P7-930-9�x-0547 For Attachment B far Financing and Spending details. Budget Directar ���� y 3,?x2,����3,i:�a,l9$ g�— Finance and Management Director Planning and Economic Development Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Certified by Council By: Approved by By: n Page 2 of 2 �E . .� o �- - .. - ���+L� / `�� � � �1�/0�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 3 2 8 7 6 Planning & Economic Development 8/21/95 GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSON&PHONE INITIAL�DATE INRIAV�ATE 66694 � DEPAqTMENT DIRECTOR �/ � CITV CAUNqL Amy Filice 66648, Joan Trulsen ASSIGN �GTYATfOflNEY �— OCINCLEflK MUST BE ON COUNC�L AGENDA 8Y (DATE) a�B�R FOR � BUDGEf DIFECTOfi � FIN & MGT. SERVICES OIR. ROUTING 8/30 Public Hearing °pDEP �MAVOR(ORASSISiANn Q t n TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) 1400 City Ha11 An e: ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of STAR Board Recommendations for Neighborhood STAR Program. RECAMMENDAnONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEBVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this perso�Nirm ever worked untler a contract for this department� _qBCOMMITTEE A STAR Board ves NO _ STAFF 2. Has this perso�fltrm ever been a city employee� — YES NO _ DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this perSOnRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currem ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet anE attach to green sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, Whan, Where. Wny): Cycle 1 of the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Progran — Proposals have been reviewed by the Neighborhood STAR Board and funding recommendations are attsched for review of City Council members. A Public Hearing has been scheduled for the August 30, 1995 Council meeting. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Neighborhood proiects and programs can begin the contracting process and implement the recommended STAR proposals. OISADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVED: None r�,�'b4!'t`,�+.��r; °�� �� 199� .�,..,�:�, ,�.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPqOVE�: Neighborhood projects/programs will not be implemented. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ �j� r�`� J��" COS REVENUE UDGE7ED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE Sales TaX� ReVOnlle pC71VITY NUMBER � 'J �� 7 S^ FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) 9 3 o b 9307 95-10�7 � C1TY OF SAINT PAUL s9ac�xau re:�r�,�: a�z-zsc-asio Norm Colemarz, Mayor ZSWatKe7lo�Boulevaid Fac,nmJe: 6I2d28-8513 SaintPaul, AqJ55102 August 24, 1995 David Thune, Council President Members of the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear President Thune and Members of the City Council: RE: Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program Funding Recommendations � It is my pieasure to forward for your review and consideration a proposed Council Resolution which identifies funding recommendations for the 1 st cycle of the Neighborhood STAR Program. The recommendations are tor projects and programs to be funded with STAR loan, grant and seed capital loan funds. Applications inciude economic development projects including construction of a retail center, grocery store, and retail/office buiiding; residential and commercial rehabilitation programs, pollution clean-up, street-scape improvements, and community center construction. The Neighborhood STAR Program funding recommendations before you are based upon a participatory rating and ranking process that inciudes review by the „ Neighborhood STAR Board, the qepartment of Planning and Economic Devefopment staff and credit committee, and the Planning Commission. This Neighborhood STAR Program cycle included a totai of fifty (50) applications. The completion of the review process came on July 31, 1995, when the Neighborhood STAR Board made its final recommendations on funding amounts and terms for the twenty-one (21) proposais listed on Attachment A. These recommendations reflect a wide variety of needs among St. Paul's diverse neighborhoods and I commend the STAR Board on their thoughtful and appropriate recommendations. • Neighborhood STAR Program Recommendations Page Two August 1, 1995 In addition to the STAR Board recommended projects, I am requesting funding of two other proposals: #113 Dayton's Bluff NHS Star Purchase Program for a grant of $90,078; and, #100 Jerome Shared Arts Facility Project for a loan of $ 156,870. These projects are next in the STAR Board's recommendations for grants and loans and provide additional geographic equ'�ty to the mix of proposed projects. The funds for these projects would come from sales tax receipts collected during the month of December 1995, allowing the complete calendar year of 1994 to be included for the 1994 funding cycle. (Please see details on attachment C.) I urge your support of: • the attached resolution; • ranking, funding and term recommendations (attachment A); and • budget revisions (attachment B). • two additional projects (attachment C). If you have any questions about the 1st cycle process or woul information on any of the proposals, please contact Amy Filice Joan Truisen at 266-6694, or ponna Drummond at 266-6556. Sincerely, ��� �`��' ��• 46' F `--„ Norm Coleman Mayor NC:jmt Enclosures d like additional at 266-6648, � n LJ • 1 153-95 2�142-95 31165-95 4�151-95 5�152-95 6�130-95 71133-95 8 116-95 9 ll5-95 10 158-95 1 1 160-95 12 146-95 13 166-95 14 141-95 1 5 i4s-95 1 6 104-95 17 125-95 1 8 127-95 .Side Business Dev Loan Fund hason Supermarket mbodian Community Center ilroad Is. Moving on the Rt Track verview Area Streeucapz Proj ac-Groveland Mid Income Fie-up )C Speciat Opportunity Loan Fund ong Neighborhoods - Safe Ciry yne Avenue Commercial Gateway alen Corridor Redev. Proj. Iby/Dale Retail O�ce Bldg aryland/Dale Development uv.-Mazketplace Facade Improv P le Cross Rd Development Strategy 3 Hague Saint Albans Terxace sthetic Uplifr & Sr Citizen Assist. MARC Ext. Renovation Fund Economic Dev Assoc ed Cambodian Assoc of MN �oad Is. Implmm Group,ESNDC, rview Economic Dev Assoc �lesterGroveland Comm Council hborhood Development Ctr DC & District 5 Side Nhd Development Co. Paul Port Authority & ESABA � Area Community Dev Corp 10, Como CC, Ec Dev. Comm ersity UNIT$D h End Area Revitalization Inc ;ct foc Pride in Living Inc �ra St. Anthony Nhd Dev. Corp Ctr of St Pau] 20 132-95 6ingle Family Home Reinvestment �eDA & Fort Road Federation 27 155-95 ndustrial Expansion/Renov. I,oan P t. Paul Port AuThoriry 113-95 ayton's Bluff NAS Stu Purchase P ayton's Bluff Nhd Housing Serv 100-95 erome Shazed Arts Facili rts ace *= indicates loan terms have been changed. **= Project withdrawn 8/3/95. Funds moved to #113, Dayton's Bluff NHS ATTACH lS- . - -_ GYCLE 7 i CR 2 NCC/ED 1 A/CGCR ' 2 � � 6 cs 2 iuz 3,4 Cx/ED I, CW 3R/GP/CR� 5,6 cx 6 Pa/n ' 6,7 NCC i 1 ED/CC i 5 CR 1,4 cEUCS 5 xx�p � 1 xx I 1 Rit i 4 cc , 3 A/RR 2 CR CW A/RR 7 A/CR � 4 • Seed Capital budget =$275,000 in requests. Moved $88,958 S.C. funds to the regulaz loan pool. NOTE: Funds � Risk Rating average on recommended loans equals rating of 2.88, this meets the average (3 or less) 113-95 * ayton's Biuff NHS Staz Purchase P ayton's Bluff Nhd Housing Serv nntR ! 7 I15-95 * ayrne Avenua Commercial GaYett�a� ast Sifle Nhd be�eiopmerif Co. cx f 6,7 G3 � Revised August 24 . 1995 $150,000! $50,000'' $150,000 $100,000; ' $74,000 i J � $150,000 $200,000� $100,000 $25,000' $35,000 I $80,000 $15QOOOi I I $300,000 $125,000 $'75,000 $30,000 $45,000 $50,000 $225,500 $100,000 $50,000� i i I $150,OOOt $50,000� $100,000; ' $74,OOOi $200,000 $1OQ000i $25,000 -- I i $300,000 IIl $1 $90,078 the difference between recommends reduction of NHS's $ to � � $166,000; 3� $160,000� 4'i �rso,000; a' i i $150,000; #2' ! x4 i $35,OOOI 3,4; $80,000� 3i � $300,000': SI I $50,000 �3I $225,500 2� I $100,000 3� i $408,000 *I� >s 4.. V° $300,000 1 s<r:: $I50,000' 21 $156,870 �L 75,000� $2,431,370 yor: $3,695,448 � totaIs and resolution totals. � starmayr.wk3 A .. Ce _.: CR . CS' . fiEGOMIt!iFRF�ATt€}NS `--. - u -_ �1Qk��#� � � v..,t m �'�� :. NK ORDER BUT ARE NOT F .twork of Minnesota Inc itx Btuff Ctr for Civic Life xx A/CR CYCLE 7 5,6 7 4 135-95 *�onomic Dev. Leverage Loan Fund �orth East Neighborhood Dev. Corp cx i 6,7 149-95 * enant Remedy Actions ommunity Stabilization Project x2 � 1 117-95 * aptl I.oan Pool Utility Reduc nvironment & Energy Resource Ctr cx� CW 128-95 �bert L.anding �wertown Redevelopment Corp r I 2 134-95G �ncentive Prog for Residential Insulati t. Paul Nhd Energy Consortium (NE ErRIUCR � CW 157-95G dushial Redev't of Brownfield Sites amt Paul Port Authority rt,�n �,2,5,6, 131-95G yton Pazk Home Recycling Phase I eighborhood Concem Inc. aiaR � 5 1b7-95GL lock StabilizaTion Progiam pper Swede Hollow Nhd Assoc itlt 7 145-95 * vesting in Tomorrow's Commt. 110-95 * i aytpn's B1uff Paint and Fix Progiam 100-95 Jerome Shared Arts Facility 18-95L 12-95GL 19-95GL Side Streetscapes:Beaver lake WetlanP Art Saint Paul csazs 6 niv./Raymond Revitalization Pt Anthony Pk Business/Northem Cla n 4 Chautauqua on the Rivex utauqua on the River Cx 2 ousing Improvement Proa am AR/Neigh Housing Agenda Comm. 1ut � 5 argeted Homeowner Utiliry Reduct. vironment & Energy Resource Ctr � I CW � ounds Park Legacy Fstates, Pilot ayton's Bluff Ctr for Civic Life a�1z 'i 7 ome Ownership Purchase Fund amline Midway Area Rehb(H-MAR xx � 4 omeowner Rehab Matching Grant Pr orth East Neighborhood Dev. Coip I xit 6,7 ' rogtown Bus. Dev. Fund rogtown Action alliance CR�v 1 omebuyer Incentive Program ; oject for Pride in Living Inc. (PPL) x1t i 1,2 ummit Brewing Co. aint Paul Port Authority rtvED ? SNHS Retail Revolving Loan Fund est Side NHS Cx I 2 rand Ave- Summit HIlI Trolley d Ave Bus. Assoc & Summitt Hill n 2,3,4 ale St. Shops Redevelopment t Paul Port Auth/Frogtown Actn Alli � Pevn 1 � iller Coaches Comm. Renovation omas Dale Dist 7 Planning Council Cx�D i 1 rogtown Revolving Loan Fund I est Side NHS p�ut I 1 W. Rev.Loans for Non-En .S ' West Side NHS nntx i CW 6fPxO3uL:-____ ---.- ..'_ .- - _ _ _ _ _.__ _ _ _ . _ - - _ . _ . - , - , - _ _ GS - Con:stinetion(uicittdes fiattuesfequtipmentf _ - -- -- _ - - - - - - - p Reliab jaLsdincludes rehzb nE child care space, apa[aneM community room; znd tuismus ecgausioa): "=- - PG - sheetsc?Pa� � � . � _ - - t RR - . . __ .___ - evei�mmenriobseie2reiltxeCained -_ . - - - - - -:-- "___ � =- .�- RS starmayr.wk3 Reuised August 24 1995 - Green spaceDevetopment (melndes community gaideas, resideuual iandscaping„ msssic gacden} ParkIaiprovemems - Citq prbyercy - Ptayground Lpprovements (inctudes mflots) Q _ $aside¢vatRehab _ - 1 Acceptabie � - - 2 Speciat �Sention - 3 Subsrendard - - a Douttul - - 95-10�7 a C � J r� U REVISED 8/24/95 N Pianning and STAR Progra� ! Sales Tax Revenue transferred from � Neighborhood STAR Loan Program � P7-930-90305-7304-00000 Neighborhood STAR Grant Program P7-930-90306-7304-00000 Neighborhood STAR Seed Capital Program P7-930-90307-7304-00000 TOTALS starattb.wk3 Development � P1an $Oi $2,431,370 $0� $989,078 Attachment B $2,431,370 $989,078 $301,750 $3,722,198 Page 1 REVISED 8/24/95 Attachment B ` 158-95 160-95 146-95 166-95 141-95 148-95 104-95 125-95 127-95 113-95 132-95 155-95 100-95 �len Comdor Redev, Proj. 930-90306-0547-77025 by/Dale Retail Office Bldg �930-90305-0547-77026 �ryland/Dale 4 Corner Master Plan -930-90306-0547-77027 iv.-Mazketplace Facade Improv P -930-90306-0547-77028 le Cross Rd Development Strategy -930-90305-0547-77029 -930-90306-0547-77029 3 Hague Saint Albans Tesace -930-90305-0547-77030 sthetic Uplifr & Sr Citizen Assist. -930-90305-0547-77031 MARC Ext. Renovation Fund -930-90306-0547-79032 vish Communiry Cu Capitat Impr. -930-90305-0547-77033 yton's Bluff NHS Staz Purchase Prog -930-90306-0547-77034 igie Family Home Reinvestment -930-90305-0547-77035 lustrial Expansioa/Renov. Loan P -930-90305-0547-77036 :d Capital Budget -930-90307-0547-77037 •ome Shared Arts Facility TOTALS PCaR $OJ $50,000 $0 750 • • starattb.wk3 Page 2 ATTACHYIENT C i LJ NEIGHBORHOOD STAR FUND ALLOCATIONS FOR 1995 Grants (30% available funds) Smali Grants Lar�e Grants Total Grants Loans (60% available funds) Seed Capitai (10% available funds) Total available on December 1, 1994 $ 182,128 $ 910,643 $1,092,771 $2,185,542 $ 364,257 $3,642,570 95-1047 NEIGHBORHOOD STAR BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 1995 Grants (29% available funds) Small Grant Recommendations adopted 4/26/95 $ 175,254 $ 6,874 remaining Lar e Grant Recommendations 910 643 $1,085,897 Loan Recommendations (62% available funds) Seed Capital Recommendations (8%) Amount remaining (1 %) $2,274,500 $ 275,000 $ 249 remaining $ 88,958 transferred to large loans Total STAR Board Recommendations $3,635,397 $ 7,173 remaining (Including Approved Small Grant Projects) TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE INCLUDING SALES TAX PROCEEDS TIIROUGH DECEMBER 31. 1994 Actual Neighborhood Sales Tax Fund contributions for the months of December 1994 - 7une 1995 to[al $1,830,156. A one month share, or December's shue, equals $261,451. The proportional distribution for December proceeds is as follows: Grant portion = .3 x $261,451 = $ 78,435 Loan portion = .6 x $261,451 = $156,870 • Seed Capital = .l x $261,451 = $ 26,145 TOTAL = $261,451 + $3,642,570 _ $3,904,021 PROPOSED USE OF ADDITIONAL DECEMBER FUNDING Dayton's Bluff NHS $78,435 to be added to $11,643 originat recommendation = $90,078 (grant funding) Jerome Shared Arts Facility $156,870 poan funding) The percentages would then be (given the increased totalfunds available as $3,904,021. Granu (30% available funds) Small Grant Recommendations adopted 4/95 $ 175,254 $ 6,874 remaining Laree Grant Recommendarions $ 989.078 Total Grants $1,164,332 Loan Recommendations (62% available funds) Seerl Capital Recommendations (7%) $2,431,370 $ 275,000 $ 26,444 remaining $ 88,958 transfened to large loans i Remaining (1 %) Total Mayor's 1994 Proposed Recommendations (Including approved Small Grant projects) $3,870,702 $ 33,318 remaining • • 95 - loy� Attachment D Neighborhood STAR Project: # 158-95 Phalen Corridor Redevelopment Project Applicant: Saint Paul Port Authority and East Side Area Business Association Additional language requested by Council Members Janice Rettman and Dino Guerin. Whereas the Phalen Corridor covers a large area including Williams hili, etc. and Whereas the original language in the Phaien Gorridor STAR proposal included the possibility of acquiring the Poor Richards site and Whereas the Poor Richards site has been privately acquired by United Waste and has gone through site plan review, zoning, and planning commission review for reuse of the site, and Whereas there is a court order and a judgement monitored by the MPCA regarding timelines on cleaning the site and Whereas the Port Authority has removed it from their list of industrial sites and Whereas United Waste has agreed that they will work to meet any stipulations regarding set-backs and landscaping finally arrived at regarding the Phalen Corridor, Therefore be it resolved that this notation be included in the Phalen Corridor STAR proposal contract which will 4hen allow the STAR proposal to focus on other sites rather than the United Waste site. N:UMTSTAR\PHALENCO ATT