95-1033t—, ' g �"':, B ' a � r., 4'�� ! l�+g t-` P Presented By Referred To J ����N � �� qs-�o � �� ( 11 )�j5 Council File # � RESOLUTION Green Sheet #�aRio cc� F �T PAUL, MINNESOTA 4� Committee: Date NoV�w�bc.� \ta WHEREAS, The Council o£ the City o£ Saint Pdul, ursuant ta Chapter 62 0£ the Administrative Code and £ollowing the public hearing held on , 1994, did adopt a Resolution establishing the level of Stseet and Alley Maintenance Service to be pe=£ormed in the City of Saint Paul, and the esti.mated amount of service charges to be levied against benefitted propeity, the work to be performed in 1995, and the charges to be collected with the regular taxes in 1996; and WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works has per£ormed the approved street and alley maintenance work and submitted its report together with the total cost of street and alley maintenance in the amount of $15,124,498; and WHEREAS, The City Council determined that the City shall pay the sum of $6,368,498 of the street and alley maintenance costs from: Municipal State Aid ($1,474,613)� Trunk xighway Maintenance Aid ($355,461), County Aid ($402,567), Miscellaneous Receipts (5490,000), General Eund ($3,395,568), Fund Balance ($250,289), and the remaining amount of $8,756,000 shall be assessed against bene£itted properties, and further resolved that a Public Hearing was held in the Council Chambers on Octobex 11, 1995, for the purpose of adopting the service charges against all benefitted properties; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did hold a Public Hearing on October 11, 1995, for this purpose, and, having heard all interested parties, does hereby adopt the £ollowing service charges in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter and said Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, now, there£ore, be it (Page 1 of 2) qs��33 _�,������f�� (C contd. ) �'° 1 '' '-� `- ��d i"� t,o RESOLVED, That the Council oE the City of Saint Paul does heieby adopt and levy the following service charges as special assessment against benefitted properties: Class I Class II Class ZII Class IV DowntOwn Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets Commercial Property Residential Property All Residential Streets Commercial Property Residential Prope=ty All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Property Unimproved Streets Commercial Property Residential Property Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Property $3.53 per assessable £oot Class V Class VI and be it 52.43 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $1.76 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $0.86 per assessable foot $0.57 per assessable foot 50.66 per assessable foot 50.44 per assessable foot $0.34 per assessable foot $0.23 per assessable foot FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service charges levied herein shall be extended on the property tax lists of the County and collected in 1996 along with current taxes, and said service charges to be payable in a single installment. (Page 2 of 2) �W Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By Appx By: Requested by Depa=tment of: , Public Works , � � $ G � (���--� Fo=m Ap��oved by City Attoxney i' ' l By� r ��_� �: ;,��,��� � Appio,,ve,d by Mayo�r for Submission to Counci`j By: `% ! � t�l �'�� Adopted by Council: Date ���� �\ 1T � C R���,�� OEPAflTMENT/OFFN:E/COUNCIL DATEINITI�TED GREEN SHEET r,o. �4 �� Public Works Aug. 9,1995 � � �� ca-rrrcr aenson a v� � DEPAR7MINf DIflECiOR C�(d'� 07 cm counca C ZC1F-6YL9 � tN �5 GTfA7TONI�Y —� �cma.mic MUST BE ON COUNCIL MaHiDA BY (DAT� f � � g�� p���p fl ❑$ F�. 8 MGT. SEIiVICES DIN August 30, 1995 (Ci[y Clerk by August 23) �MAVOR (OR ASSISTIWn �2 ' E' �/ TOTALfOF81CN117W1EP11G� 1 (CWALLLOCAl10NSFOp9101UTUR� 0.SSOCIATE ❑i DEPT.ACCWNTANT ' S ACTpN RE�UE3T� Resolutbn ratifying 1995 StreeVAlley Maintenarxx:e Service Charge. AttachmeM: (C) RECOMMENP�iqNS:kwae (�7 a r+elea (Po PEf1SONAL SEXVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: _ PUWNING COMMSSpN _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this pe_fs NBrtn�vel waAced under a contrac[ for ihis deparUnent? _C� COA1Mti7EE 2. IiaS this r � E rsorv�rtn ever been a dry empbYce? — EY S NO _ S7AFC 3. Does ihis persoNfirtn possess a slull rrot rrormallY pos.aessed by arry current dry — ampbyee? DSttiICTCOUNC0. YES NO SUPPOATS WHICH COUNC0.08,�CTNE4 ExP�a�+�l yas answas on �apanb ahM and attxh to gro�n NrK INITIATMlG PqpgLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WfUT, WHEN, WHEflE, WHh: This will albw for collec[ion of monies for funding the 1995 Program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: See Above RECE€t�ED AUG 1 4 3995 Bt3DGET O�FfCE DISADVANTpGES IF APPROVED: LtsOd�na�iY ll����` V�Tlti AUG 2 2 1995 � __.�.�--- DISADVANTNCaES IF NOT APPFOVED: � (( W 7oTALpMpuNTOF7RqNSpp7IpMi '95=$15,124,498;56=$15,588,998 COSr/nEVENUE6uoGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No Ftu�iwnc sounce Assessments, General Fund, Fund Balance, Aids pCRyRy NUMBEH 42310 thr0ugh 42375 FINIWCWL INWRMATION: (IXPLANJ) GLEM�e � . �y� �� SE� � � 199� �{S -� b33 RECEI�f�G� SEP 2 81995 ;lTY CLER{� ����195 J- j�.R�1Dr�cc. �`J'IfJ W�J��.'� ti��� TD A,��i�c. i'H� .�iR���- ��t�;t�2. �'{-�/fi�k� �s��`� 7� i rl� ��Q?�rs -i--�� a E Z� Z34 z oc�� 9 �c �- t 9 9(� , ! I�� . ��RSC..a �ci rS 6 iN I�q¢ �c 5'"i � i W�4S L' �C�41..�� 1 lsJ � C� ��li( �it'�l �b i9-ti� S�A � �f{c.C, I.UtflCt+ .� ��%•i� � t��CI�.J� 'j7-F� Si ��1 S'NbcCS� d.� C�L#;ftnl '�D�. � 1 �'� �l.�t � �zC. .g J1� �l �1�, , ./r�l t`��S t� o� I�'i� �y W� tf�1� or.Jz� �1�U��Q (,� ��`� C���� �. RN�J 1� i tr�rJ K 7,�� S;��Sf+o�z� � C�L,��-�€t� -<`� iZ 1'i '� ��G fl��i� �� t �J � � t �i � �.�, �pC�e�S ° ��FT� �r��s°r �vC�2- �.�7�5 ��.??rrJ� i ff�- S�s�.1ev�,�Z llfiEd{ i �z�,�� � � %.�lf?C.1L � �''�LS� �.LK� Tb (�/J6c� t-� 1�= M i� �' / I A.i G� 7't1� C'� i�f C 1� U�N'� �i4,�K5 S; ,2�� r i�� tf� � l tf�� � f��s�5s,�� i5 ir.9 �zr�%�o,�.� �7e� N., �l� . ?�Y Au�y w�y Nr���Js ��.���� ���.��� �T,�� l�J „�,�;��Z � �7� �1� F�Z � R� ��+� 77-t�}�1 �} 4� ��1' � t� /�5 1 N t�s'� �J6 ri ILt y�cK t.Zt At t� i.�J1�-y +3�}���.� t�t,y ��c� ���s�. r�' =L t��t Y�i�yrn!{� �b�J�C� _�Xr�c�r l�cTianY ��V� 1�1b� i �1 v.S i' �. irUC�c�s� ���� � ���� �_�� 140 Ciry Ha11 Saint Paul, MN 55102-1613 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPART,'vIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RANDALL B SHUFFIELD 309 HARRISON AVE ST PAUL MN 55102-2706 I�I�I��I�I����IIII�����I�I��I�II���III����II����I�II FIRST CLASS PRESORTED MAIL PERMIT NO. 1015 U.S. POSTAGE CITY OF ST. PAUL C�S ' 103_3 e4ECO�1MEii/DED >99s STi�EET.4N0/OilALB,EYtY1a4/IVTE/VA/VCE�E��ACECHAo�GES ProperrylD# oizaz3azoo39 �F����� Fiontage 4 9 ,'+9 Propeiiyaddiess 309 HARRI SON AVE � 2 8�gg5 C/ass 3, 4 ;IT`� GLERK Recommendedamount S 8z . 00 COSTOF Your street and/or alley maintenance service charge provides funding for only a portio� of the summer maintenance of SER�ACES approximately900milesofstreetright-of-wayand2300individualalleys.TheremaindercomesfromMunicipalStateAid, Trunk Highway Aid, County Aid, misceilaneous receipts, and General Fund contributions. The estimated summer street maintenance program costs are approxima4ely$10 million annuaily. Of this amount, 84%wiil be recovered through service charges, 16% through aids and fund balance. APPEAL You may appeai this service charge to the Dlstrict Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for your appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days of the order adopting the service charge. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of Disfict Court within 10 days of filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the notices within the specified times forever prohibits an appeal from the service charge. NEEDREPA/A? QUES7/ONS? �'� � , � ': _ Please note that Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires that regular payments be made, even if the charge is under appeal. If the appeal is successful, the payments will be refunded. If your stre2t or alley needs maintenance or repair, please call this number: 292-6600 If you have questions abouf your street or alley service charge or frontage, call 266-8857. City staff will be availabie to answer last-minute questions on your street maintenance in City Council Chambers from 3:00-3:30 p.m. on Vdednesday, October 11, the same day as the hearing. Geta free map and win a traffic signa! orotherpriaes at the Public Y✓orks Open House, Thue, Oct. 5, 4:00-7:00 p.m., aithe Dale SdreetYards—on Dale, justa blocksouth otCore�oAvenue. Familyfun, food atlow prices, and prizes. NOTICE 1995 Street Maintenance Service Charge Recommended for Ratification, Public Hearing for 1995 Service Charge, and Proposed Service Charge rates for 1996 PURPOSE To notify property owners of the following two official public hearings before the City Council: OFTH/S 1) Ratification of recommended service charge rates for 1995 street and alley maintenance services. NOflCE TIME: 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 11,1995. PLACE: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, & 15 W. Kellogg BNd. Written and oral statements will be considered by the Council at this hearing. HEAR/NG TIMES 2) Proposal of service charge rates and service levels for i996 street and altey maintenance. TIME: 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 15,1995. PLACE: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Ciiy Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Bivd. Written and orai statemer�s wifl be considered by the Counci( at ihis hearing. SERY/CE Your1995servicechargewillbetheamountrafifiedbytheCityCouncilatthepubl+chearing.The1995ratesshown CHA/7GE below are the amounts recommended to the City Council for ratification. A list of the proposed service charges for /NFOH�f/AT/ON al� properties is avaiiable for review in the Fnance Department, Room 140 City Hall. SEAY/CE Most Sai� Paul homes are Class I! or Class I Il ResideMial property. Example: a 48-toot residential bt (Class III) with CHAHGE an alley (Class I� would be charged 48 x$1.10 plus 48 x$0.57, or $80.16, for 1995 service. However, the charge /lATES would be $80.00, because we are rounding off all payment amounts to the nearest dollar to simptity biNing. Comer resideMial lots are not charged for long-side street or long-side alfey frontage. Commercial property includes all apartment buidings of four or more units. Townhomes and condominiums wifl be blled for at least 20 feet of sUeet froMage. Youaienotchaigedfoiana//eyifyoudonothaveone. SERVICE CHARGES PER FOOT AND SERVICE LEVELS C/ass Desciiption >995Hate >996Hate ServiceLeve/* (RecommendedJ (PropasedJ Class I Downtown Streets $3.53 $3.53 F/ush5times/x�eek, sWeep3times/Week Class II Class ill Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets CommercialProperty $2.43 $2.43 F/ushandsweep Residen6alProperty $7.10 $1.70 approximate/yl3fimes AII Residential Streets F/ush and sweep each spiing and fal/ Commercial Property $1.76 $1.76 Oi/edsbeets—sandsea/every3yeais Resideniial Properiy $1.10 $1.10 PaYedstreets—chipsea/every>Oyeais C�ass IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commerdal Property Residentla! Property Class V Unimprored Streetc Commerdal Prc�erty Residential Property Class VI Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Res+derttial Property F/ush andsweep each spdng $0.86 $0.86 Oi/eda//eys—sandsea/every3yeais $0.57 $0.57 Pa�eda//ers—chipsea/eYery>Oyeais $0.66 $0.66 $0.44 $0,44 $0.34 $0.34 $0.23 $0.23 Patch, b/ade, andp/ace ciushediock �primaii/yon a comp/aintbasisJ Patch, b/ade, andp/ace crushediack (p nm a d/y o n a c o m p/a in t b a s is j 'A//ro�inenon-wintermaintenance, inc/udingpatchingandiepai�ng, isdone whenevernecessaryfora//C/asses We re/yon citizen padicipation to identilyprob/em areas throughoutthe yeai You will receive a postcard showing the approved amount within two weeks of the hearing. This wili allow you to pay your ratified service charge if you do not wish to have it appear on your statement of property tax payable in 1996. _ � a,meao�,�.yaeav�r � � °15 -. �r� 33 Sept . 22 .199g ��� ` � �,i �7 ��;��J„ C�i.�x- �✓ u�' !�.� � � Jear i�ih� ei Clerk of District Court ��1� ��� �+i�?; cY� 2 � ,9�� Please be notified that we are appealing the recoxnmended 1945 street and alley ,naintenance ser�ice charge of $ 87.00 and 86.00. On the grounds that the address of Edgecumb Rd. I.P.= 162823340d0� and 162823340004 aze vacant lots which we have beP:: �nable :r s�ll ar. wh;yh a�� not �e by �s s any way. RECElVED SEP 2 71995 CI��' CLERK Sinc�re � � ��' � % FLichard an Valda Cohn 829 Lincoltt Ave. Saint Paul, MN. 55105 612-2242148 r a 1528233�0005 FDGCUMBE ROAD R!CHaRD i& VAL6A 0 COHN 829 l(NCO�N AVE ST PAUL MN 55705-3350 ���������������������������������������������������� � �.. t��,'_., , _� � i. . ��: ,_:: �,_.. I .— ---- � - - � -1 5 ��a�33 ..,''�t��`�'..-°�� '_- ";.a�'�..." .,d•°++� , , i, Fi.;��L'r>= 79 NO ALLEY 2 j?����,�,r,., � , $87.00 ;: . � , ,�� � , r.;�, .. , � � � , � ".�e ;r ;� � :r :- , . � , , _ �'r� � � _ . ��^� n� ��ou; �'°e�' �, _ . _ � s OG-S ,,4 � . .. � , _ , , ..,. .. � � z,`<�; r,� fh? i��� ,; �, 6 � � .r.. . .. " � '=`t`.P,1:".cp'&-" r.s� �_i _ ,. , u,. . _a., �".;� ,7�' ,., _ .., . �`N°�i, a, `;Ci.�a�"r.. r- ., Tn, , t , .: "?��=��,l��r ,r.� „ , - pI, . I_':, , _: - �fs-1�33 � RICHARD i& VALDA 0 COHN 829 LiNCOLN AVc ST PAUL MN 55105-3350 '�III1�'�'11111I1I1111�1'lll" . . � � . -. ' )" • 162823340004 'EDGCUMBE ROAD ...�x , , ._ . 3 �'A � d' . . . . . . . � , � L � , I � , trn,q��,7r 78 N� ALLEY �J//��>�� L f��c:�i;>;�,- ': - - ' � $86.00 ;n ..,, , ; �,,: . ? �� . ' ,�i:;�.�=r�,� � . � ''J�1'�li. ��. � ,. ' , , . . , ,...f.:,'i _-.... � _ , . , , � .-"�pi:�er'„<�, ,. , . ia , gc.. - �I� `, .� .. , " _ ��,,�,. ,,;� :. .",; . . _ , - ; � .i. .ri:-, .. , . .., � _. � i. � , � q,s _ Io�3 � �� 7 i y �� `��`� ^ n sz . zz , i99s i�'}"I,t11'1 ��� F�.�.��TZ�-� ear City Clerk Clerk ofDistrict Court ���P''� e;�s ;w ; .��'��•. a � 5e�° 2 � i9°�5 Please be notified that we are appeatutg ttte recommended 1995 street and alley maintenance senice charge of $100.00 . On the grounds that the address of 829 Lincoln Ave. I.D.� 022823420173 is required to purchase $40.00 a year for parking permits to park in froni of ow cwn 3 a�id il.e alley is used heaviiy by commercial businesses . therefor we would like to pay $60.00 far this fee. REGEIVEL� SEP 2 71995 CiTY CLERK 612-224-2148 829 Lincoln Ave. Saint Paul, MN. 55105 � �f �� 'r�e�� ;�R•3�5Yi: °1^.G. � t ; � ; 022823420773 829 LINCOLN AVE RICHARD I� VALDk 0 COHN 829 LINCOLN AVE ST PAUL MIN 55105-3350 I�I�I��i�l����llil����l�l���ll���ll��l�l�ll�����ll�l �S-�b33 � i - � �.;{`. �. �� � � � � F,'t��ol��;:-; 60,60 ,, .. a , u ,, . , .,��r ; ,���, Sioo�.00 „... ,.r��;_ <.e�,c,� r ;, � ''�"s �.... � . _ „v� C . _. _ �, > naYtT,a ,. . - � „ , ,, t � , �:�., � , , , - , .. .� t . ' .!•]P.. � , . � , , . r,< , �S - ► 0=�3 September 27, 1995 City Council 3rd floor 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St.Paul, MN 55102-1613 Dear Council Members, We will be out of town on October 11, but would like to voice our opinion on the street maintenance we receive. Our assessment wili be paid, but we are not getting our money's worth. We live in the north end of the Midway on Taylor Avenue near Wheeler. We are in a nice location by Neweli Park (aside from the terrible noise/air pollution from the BN-Hub.) However, our streets have aiways been unsatisfactory. We have been in our home since 1966 and have waited since then for our streets to be properly repaired. The oifing and sanding are not adequate. Taylor Avenue west of Snelling to Wheeler is filled with bumps, cracks and holes, old curbs and in general, not very nice looking. Last year there was some biack patching done, but that too was poured in an irregular pattern and made Taylor Avenue look reaily bad. The oiling and sanding, just done, was incredibly messy for many weeks, and what is left is not a good looking surtace. We wil{ pay our sesvice charges as good citizens, but wish to affirm that Taylor Avenue has been a mess for many years, and there appears to be no hope in sight. We ask that street maintenance be done in a permanent way in the near future, with professional black topping and curbs. Other streets in the area have received new surfacing and curbs, etc. but not Taylor Avenue. As the Council works on assessing costs perhaps they can also assess what services we should be receiving. Thank you for considering this information. Sincerety, ' �^�- ���. Christine and Frank Dreisbach 1749 Taylor Avnue St.Paul, MN 55104 _ � l 'ii �t'I��If�'u i ��� !��� ,i�s i� ,,,;. . . � �,; ��qr,,: il�ilrrilpil. ,� d�� i i ��l ' � li ii'N� I��. , . , . 'ii' i u ��III,'�1S{ ! � ._. � ..._�i� ±��� � �_'_��� —"'_ e� a,., 140 City Hall Saint Paui, MN 55102-1613 r I �% � FIRST CLASS � 5 J PRESORTED MAIL PERMIT N0.1015 U.S. POSTAGE CITY OF ST. PAUL RICHARD P HOLLESCHAU 8260 RIVER ROAD �� � INVER GROVE HEIGHTS MN 55076-3449 ��� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � I�I�I��I�I�II���I���I�II����II��I��I�I��II�I��i���ll d , • � � � ♦ � � � RECOMMENDED 1995STREETANO/ORALLEYMA/NTENANCESER�fCECHARGES Pioperly/D# 322922240089 Propertyadd�ess 480 KENNY ROAD Fiontage C/ass 220,230 NO ALLEY 3, Recommendedamount S�9z.00 COSTOF Your street and/or alley maintenance service charge provides funding for only a portion of the summer maintenance ot SEAY/CES approximately 900 miles of street right•of-way and 2300 individual alleys. The remaindercomes from Municipai State Aid, Trunk Highway Aid, Gounty Aid, misce((aneous receipts, and General Fund contributions. The estimated summer street maintenance program costs are approximately$10 miilion annually. Of this amount, 84°/awill be recoveredthrough service charges, 16% through aids and tund balance. APPEAL You may appeal this service charge to the District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for your appeal with the City Clerkwithin 20 days of the orderadopting the service charge. You must also filethe same noticewith the Cierk of DistrictCouRwithin lodaysof filingwiththe City C{erk. NOTE: Failuretotilethenoticeswithinthe specifiedtimesforever `prohibits an appeal from the service charge. Please note that Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires that regular payments be made, even if the charge is under appeal. If the appeal is successful, the payments wili be refunded. NEEDf1EPA/H? If your street or alley needs maintenance or repair, please call this number: 292-6600 OUEST/ONS? If you have questions about your street or aliey service charge or frontage, cail 266-8857. City staff will be available to answer last-minute questions on your street maintenance in City Council Chambers from 3:00-3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11, the same day as the hearing. � OPENHOUSE Geta free map and win a traHic signa/ or otherprizes at the Public Works Open House, Thur., Oct 5, 4:00-7:00 p.m., at the Dale Street Yards—on Dafe, just a blxk south of Como Avenue. Family fun, food at lowprices, and prizes. F ' , � t ,,,, R L, .`i i _�,r .. .� . �. �t �.; . : L - �� � . ��'�,. " � � � � �� � ' , z X X� "_ -� . .-. ' , —"`+' , �,.a.^ �: •' ' '+- -. , - :�. T '. �. � .�/1�' � ^ �nG -y� _.„,�✓�' +d . �""� ���?: ., .. . .. _ . 6} �� . .:' �. �� ,tx ".<� �_- : . _�_ �`. ^s ' I Ih Na �+� i � � � � . \��,-- � a - �, . - . .�- �'�""c`" �� . _ '�"d'.�= ;c;-� _l-- .rz - J;' �,.:� _= - �s-�-��.� r,�. • ._ _ .r„-'��%- '>.�_ q�-l0�3 NOTICE �S-��33 1995 Street Maintenance Service Charge Recommended for Ratification, Public Hearing for 1995 Service Charge, and Proposed Service Charge rates for 1996 PUAPOSE To nofrfy property owners of the foliowing two official public hearings before the City Council: OFTH/S t) Ratfication of recommended service charge rates for 1995 street and ailey maintenance services. NOT/CE TIME: 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 11,1995. PLACE: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, & 15 W. Keliogg Blvd. Written and oral statements will be considered by the Council at ihis hearing. HEAAING p� proposal of service charge rates and service levels for 1996 street and alley maintenance. T/MES TIME: 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 15,1995. PLACE: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hail, 15 W. Keliogg Bivd. Written and oral statements wili be considered by the Council at this hearing. SEH4/CE Your1995servicechargewillbethearnountratifiedbytheCityCouncitatthepublichearing.The1995ratesshown CHAAGE below are the amounis recommended to the City Council for ratification. A fist of tfie proposed service charges for /NFOflitfAT/ON ali properties is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 140 City Hall. SEA�/CE CHAHGE l�ATES ne s` � MastSaint Paul homes aze Class ll or Class Ill Residential prope�ty. E�cample: a48-foot residential tot (Ctass lllj with an alley (Class I� would be charged 48 x$1.10 plus 48 X$0.57, or $80.16, for 1995 service. However, the charge would be $80.00, because we are rounding off all payment amounts to the nearest dollar to simplify billing. Corner sesidential lots are noi charged for 4ong-side street or long-side alley f ntage. Commercial pro irScludes all apartment buildings of four or,mor� ur�ts. FAwn�e�s.and condominiu .will,,be bille� for least_ 0 feet of street r�-�fcontage: Yoy,are�otchaigedfo an'1�//ey�r donothaveone. + �;a T�� ,.,,< >� � �:�: ;�SE�VICE CHARGES�PFR F"OOT AND SERVICE LEVELS C/ass Desc�iplion f995Rate 199ffAate Serviceteve/" (RecommendedJ (ProposedJ Ciass I Downtown Streets $3.53 $3.53 F/ush5timesiweek, sweep3times/week Class II Class III Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets Commercial Property $2.43 $2.43 F/ushandsweep Residential Property $1.10 $1.10 approximate(y f3trmes All Residential Streets F�ushandsweepeachsp�ngandfa// Commercial Property $1.76 $1.76 Oi/edstieets—sandsea/every3years ResidentialProperty $1.10 $1.10 Pauedstieets—chipsea/everyf0yeais Class IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Property Residential Property Ctass V Unimproved Streets Commercial Properry Residential Property Class VI Unimproved Aileys Commercial Property Residential Property F/ush andsweep each sp�ing $0.86 $0.86 Oi/ed alleys — sand sealevery3years $0.57 $0.57 Paveda//eys—chipsea/everyf0years $0.66 $0.66 $0.44 $0.44 $0.34 $0.34 $0.23 $0.23 Patch, b/ade, andp/ace ciushedrock �p�imaii/y on a camp/aintbasisJ Patch, b/ade, andp/ace crushediock (piima�ilyon a comp/aintbasisJ 'A//ioutine non-wintermaintenance, inc/udingpatchingandiepaiiing, is done wheneueinecessaryfoial/C/asses We iely on citizen padicipation to identi/yprob/em areas throughout the yeai You will receive a postcard showing the approved amouM within two weeks of the hearing. This will allow you to pay I ' your ratified service charge if you do not wish to have it appear on your statement of property tax payabie in 1996. _ � prmtedonrecycledpaper ���- �� 3� ��� ��� ��� 48D K�'?�?�;' RC��� ST i-'_�,ijL, ?5 5at!si ? t'i-���, �4v�F�.:r;: , ��a5 V p ti. t`Gdllt '�. i G°'.fi � 3t�: iS � i' �4 i5 a�+3 '-.�z1.ti d'I*�ii �+`.. ?�itL'u'', it�'i�'+i �.�+i�i-i�i� "Ut �°�v: �;B: - �� - t �!.3v, itC?TTI # �: �vf. 1 i {1�tlx t'�!�?1!'�� ,�.�aY�'';�. f �p�%' �li : I arn ��•itir� txiis letter t� prc��st t,he �7�2.d� addiiiwr� c�r�e an i�� �f iYie r;� ran4 t�es� f'�r e��tra street mainten�nce. In addit��n ��s ent�ri�; a pr�t�st at #rie �it°� cau��tci: meet�ng, I�aas �alu #� file a�rritter� �rat�sG �rii;� y�u. I opera*� a aus�iness c�ut c�f a�•areh�use I c�s�n at 4�Q T�enny Ra�.. Th� �s are �lrsad.�r nearl,� � 1 El, QflO a;�ar f�r this very �asic, "�are banes" blc�ck �ttail�ii� �Fith nc= fr;lts, cz�hs nr sir��e�ralks. The �.d.�.itiona3. charr� for stree� ?s�in��ance gr�p�se� �t �Y� �.tiGi.. ? 1, 1��5, mee�ir�, �a4ta�d be a�at��si�ig for �ur srst�ll bcxsin�s. .�s vau can see btF �-� �nc���ed pietcu�es, thE �rareY��svse is at. tSa� ed�� vf t� railY��w� #rack r��in� �� �n a�e�. end s#reet �ith 1ittle tr�ffiG. I feel s�rc��t�° tt�i:�t t'�e e�'�r� ?r�n��r�?v�� i��'�iis arPa is �s �ru� un..�=:�?��nt�,�. :`.?�as5.:, ���� x;�. �,�u° w�r,�i��rat��n s` � tt+�a: m�.t#�r, �sS���j'Ri� 1 � �C@ �'v$s`9T1 /�� f���-, . , :�].GY! :;4�.>25C�',�ti �{�a�8��! G� �' '• �.��'�. I� C'i�u'�,�1'�, � : �J�rr�� Qrr��'�� 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-1613 ��' j���J CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RICHARD P HOLLESCHAU 8260 RIVER ROAD FIRST CIASS PRESORTED MAtL PERMIT N0.1015 U.S. POSTAGE CfTY OF ST. PAUL INVER GROVE HEIGHTS MN 55076-3449 `'� I,I�I��I�I�II���I���l�li����ll��l„I�I��II�I��I„�II � , • � � ... ♦ � � � RECOMMENDED >995STf�EETAND/OHALLEYMA/NTENANCESEflV/CECHARGES Properly/D# 32z9zz2uoo89 Properlyadd�ess 480 KENNY ROAD COSTOP SEHY/CES APPEAL NEEDREPA/H? Fiontage C/ass 220,230 NO ALLEY 3, Hecommendedamount $792.00 Your street and/or ailey maintenance service charge provides funding for only a portion of the summer maintenance of approximately 900 miles of street right-of-way and 2300 individuai alleys. The remainder comes from Municipai State Aid, Trunk Highway Aid, County Aid, miscellaneous receipts, and General Fund contributions. The estimated summer street maintenance program costs are approximately $10 million annually. Ofthis amount, 84°/a will be recovered through service charges, 16°/a through aids and fund balance. - You may appeaf this service charge to the District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for your appeai with the City Clerk within 20 days of the orderadopting the service charge. You must also file the same notice with the Clerk of District Courtwithin 10 days of filing with the City Cierk. NOTE: Failure to file the notices within the specified timesforever prohibits an appeai from the service charge. Please note that Section 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires that regular payments be made, even if the charge is under appeal. If the appeal is successful, the payments wifl be refunded. If your street or alley needs maintenance or repair, please cail this number: 292-6600 QUEST/ONS9 if you have questions about your street or aliey service charge or frontage, call 266-8857. City staff will be availabie to answer last-minute questions on your street maintenance in City Counci� Chambe�s from [� 3:00�:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11, the same day as the hearing. ��jOPENHOUSE GetafreemapandwinatraHicsigna(orotherprizesatfhePu6licWorks.OpenHouse,Thur.,Oct5,4:00--7:OOp.m, �� at the Da/e Street Yards—on Da/e, just a b/ock south of Como Avenue. Family fun, iood at low prices, and prizes. �� � -����,�+ .�� _ �, m - -_. _ � ;;�r�:; _��� � . . j ;r " ' . . . �. ..ti, Y � NOTICE �5-1�33 1995 Street Maintenance Service Charge Recommended for Ratification, Public Hearing for 1995 Service Charge, and Proposed Service Charge rates for 1996 PUHPOSE To notify property owners of the following two officiai pubiic hearings before the City Council: OFTH/S 1) RatificaUon of recommended service charge rates for 1995 street and ailey maintenance services. N077CE TIME: 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 11,1995. PLACE: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hail, & 15 W. Keliogg Blvd. Written and oral statements will be considered by the Council at this hearing. HEAR/NG 2� p�oRosal of service charge rates and service levels for 1996 street and alley maintenance. T/dlES TIME: 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 15,1995. PLACE: Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Written and oral statements will be considered by the Council at this hearing. SEAVlCE Your1995servicechargewillbetheamountratifiedbytheCiryCouncilatthepublichearing.Thei995ratesshown CflARGE below are the amounts recommended to the City Council for ratification. A 4ist of the proposed service charges for lNFORMA7lON all properties is availabie for review in the Finance Department, Room 140 City Hall. SEAV/CF CNAAGE RATES _� s'°�`-. Mast Saint Paul homes are Ciass iI orClass Ilf Residential property. Example: a 48-foot residential lot (Ciass ifl) with an alley (Ctass IV) wouid be charged 46 x$1.14 p{us 48 x$0.57, or $60.16, Sor 1995 service. However, the charge would be $8�.00, because we are rounding off all payment amounts to the nearest dollar to simplity billing. Corner residential lots are not charged for long•side street or long-side alley f ntage. Commercial property irfcludes ali apartment buildings of four or,mor� u s. TownFio e¢ snd cpndominiu wil� bill fo�least 0 feet of street r�drontag� Yoyare�otchaigeo'f�a�//ey�r�afionot/iaveone. _ � ' .�- x �,�. � �.>< ..,� r;� � y,.:- ,;;,$E�VICE CHARGES�PFR F�OOTAND SERVICE LEVELS � ,, • � C/ass Desc�iption f995Aate 1986Aate ServrceLevef' (Recammended) (Proposed) _ _ _, Class I Downtown Streets $3.53 $3.53 F�ush 5limes�week, sweep 3limesiweek Ctass fi Outlying Commercial and Arteriai Streets Commercia! Property $2.43 Residential Property $t.10 Class 111 All Residentiai Streets Commerciai Properry Residential Property Class IV All Oiled and Paved Aileys Commercial Property Residential Property Class V Unimproved Streets Commercial Propedy Residential Property Class VI Unimproved Alieys Commercial Property Residential Property $2.43 F/ush and sweep $1.10 approximafely >3 times Flush and sweep each sp�ing andfall $1.76 $1.76 Oiledstieets—sandsealevery3yeais $1.10 $1.10 Pavedst�eets — chip sealevery >Oyeais F/ush andsweep each spiing $0.86 $0.86 Oi/eda//eys—sandsea/euery3yeais $0.57 $0.57 Paveda//eys—chipsea/e�eryl0years $0.66 $0.66 $U.44 $0.44 $0.34 $0.34 $0.23 $0.23 Patch, blade, andplace crushedrock (prrma�ilyon a comp/aintbaslsJ Patch, blade, andplace crushedrock fpiimaiilyon a complaintbasis) 'A//routinenon-winte�maintenance, inc/udingpatchingandiepaiiing, isdone wheneveinecessaryfoia//C/asses We re/yon cilizen padicipation to identilyprob/em aieas thioughoutthe yeai You will receive a postcard showing the approved amount within two weeks of the hearing. This will allow you to pay your ratified service charge if you do not wish to have it appear on your statement of property tax payable in i996. � pnntedon recycledpaper �-; 0 ,,, , ..-- �� , ,�,.. :.., ;�... .. _ _.. :�. •:� _ _ - ' -, -_ , ��i� � � J ,.,.,.�--- � �---,. - ' . � �. „�, �a.�. , �,,� � a� - � , ;�a � ,,: . .. . : . - a�.� . -. _, � :.:� ., . . - . � -_-:`:' : ;�} .... �-� � . 1 �/! osa ,,.� < ;fi-.<.._" P Y •i � .� � , � �.�/���w �--� . . :P't�0'�..,� .� �. J � - �� f � r.�� i "��a.�.�„ '"' �-:�- ;i �._ } �= i" � � , ,�` � - _�.+� r �,.�� .. yy ����w � . -ti� ,�`; _`<:,,. : _ �� � � �;�., ' � � u i � � � , �_.._. ` i� ,.++ �m•.. ,.. � , �,� i � i i r� ����:� � ,, � , u . ,, . . � ,.�;r,:w_ i. i,. , w r� .�i�l�l I .i M I I y „ / �I y ��� � �MyY � ���. S � � ��p � 1I���,� 1� � + . �i4rV��Fl���p�l� ni1 ��� 64 N i 1+ 8 I�rP��itM�� i ' . "�y � u 71 � :k bG����ia�i �. � � Ir i �kl I���,�yMl� � i +�anl �i �, � . H "e � y��ry � ��' � {{,,� � � �.�,I , : i iy I('� l I I a� '�� ��1���� v�i���� n�"�"M .! . ",' � � �/��i�rN �N'�r� �a, �:���� "� .�.� �, 1n'.�hui `��,� Q�- i�� • �;._,,. __ STATEMENT OF PROPER7Y 7AX PAYABLE IN 1 J95 RAMSEY COUNTY, MN :STATE COPY New 7994 ENCLOSE THIS COPY WfTH pORM M 1PR, IMPROVEMENTS CLASS L' 0�� L 4i L f' R E� �WHEN FiLiNG FOR REFUND FROM MINN. �' � �DEPTOFREVENUE;�.,�,,,,,,,,, , � PROPERTV ID NO /PIN � RELATNE IND * 32 ��9 22 �4 U689 ? EsrnnKr 1�7,:;C0 � TAXPAYER TAXABLE MKT 1 6 7, � f,� O , �AUR E ' HILLE 3542 C �Rh S�pY' E IMVE GR E HEI6I-ITS �N 5507t-16�0 � 'a 7, y, � s STATEMENT OF PROPERTY TAX �; _ P.A�T,ER�S OPY"- PAYABLE IN 1995 ' ""�'�"�—���'^"��� RAMSEYCOUNTY,MN RETAW 7HIC CnPV 32 29 22 24 048�-� I r-25C F � ! / / ' � �i � / I' • ' tt � � �/ � ♦ o� sr. Pau� L._. _ 7. Use this amount on Fortn M-1 PR to see if you ie eligible for a property [ax refund File by August 15. If box is checked you owe tlelinquent taxes and are not eligible. 2. Use this amouM for the special properry tax retund on sc�edule 1 of Form M-1 PR ..- , _ 3. Your property taz Gefore reduction by state-paid aitls and crediis 4. Aid paid by the sWte of Minnesota to retluce your property tax 5. Credi[ paid bythe state ot Minnesota to reduce your property tax. A. Homesfead and agriculturel credit B. St. Paui Rental Equiry Project c�edic amount 6. Your property tarz after reduction by state-paid aids and credRs . .. �. 7. Counry .. . . . 8. Ciry or town 9- School district: A. Excess levy re(erenda tax B. Remaining school tax 10. Special t�ing tlistricts A. Metropolitan special taxing dishicts 8. Other special taxing districts o ISGAL DISFfiRI1'IE.S 17. Non-sChool voter appmvetl referenda levies 12. Total property ta�c betore speciai assessments 13. Special as5essmenLSlservice charges added to this property bill: FENTALTAX LINE 1 LINE 2 (? 4 rp�,���L FREF 16�,20� 150,200 . 0 (7 ❑ IF THIS BOX IS CHECKED YOU OWE DELINQUENT TAX ,�� PROL'ER f�DRRL� HSLABBREVIATED TAX DESCRIPTION t� t � U 6RUNSOiVS ADD11 TC�N f'ART BLK ALLEY' fiCCfiUIhG Ah VAG IN I Oi 2 BI_i< C+ �PEGIALAHSE�,S�EI�1 GHAFGES 7 � �' O Q I h' r' 1 (� ST Si�ift CHG �J030 �?1.00 s��iSTE NGT 0097 4Q.42 Si SE�%ER 2165 164.1�4 PAOPEFTY CLASS(ES) IMPROVEMENTS EXCLUDED NEW IMPROVEMEN7S ESTIMATED MKT VAW E 7AXABLE M}CT VAIDE � - —. 1993 PAYABLE rO�;MERL PI �. < °z; ;:rr's 1 xe� ,� T �:"� ; ;.:,f.�,;«-�_,� , _ t �:�-7 .e-.� 1994 PAYABLE 1995 CQ?�MERL �PREP.;�' iEO,�?ao<� - - — M ��B-,�2. y . dQ:i i_ $. 5��$9..'.� 15,7AE.12� � 7.168.04: y y,}�r�,� � , z. / �., \ . :rE: • • dV.�.:. . `� �;�".� +� . Q d; H.Y��"�4....�.� ��J/Sr,Sr`.. 1 , 898:Cfi: 1�8�5.5. � i � 3,076.5: zi�:s� a s,, � 1.i1 ..,-.v* g ��J7��:-"t„ 1,:,.3 f� ; Y:S = � iX= . .'s�:^.£ "'4 4. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPEC�AI ASSESSMENTS . - �`'' x � � ' � .... .. . P,Ex..''m:�G.'r:�.. You may be elioib(e for one or even hvo refunds m reduce vour orooerlv tax. Read the 6ack of this statement to find out how to aoo/v. ..," �,`I;� Y � w. 3 �..1i'tii�i'� t -^ ; _ C�; 1' [:� . . . . . : �'F $' _ � i�� a c � — '\, �' �"'�'�s��'""�1*w`, �,� , � �a I ��"'���w������ _ ,���� � �°,� � � , � ��4 , � � � �I, r ����. i � _ -. � M.Ii ... I .. . . .. � I � , ; ; ��- ��3� , " if you own your home, you may be eligibie tor a properry tax refund based on mcome or a speaal tax refund that applies to � homeowners whose net taxes m 1995 have increased over t 2% from the pnor year. To determine whether you are eligibie for the refunds 2nd to file you� cla�m you wil, need a copy of State of Minnesota form M-1 PR. The form is available. - In your 1994 Minnesota Income Tax Instructions or - at most banks and oost offices. or - by calhng (612) 296-378L 24 hours a day, for a copy. or - by writing to: Mlnnesota Tax Forms, h9ad Station 7137 . St. Paul, Minnesota 55146-7731 If eiigible, you must file by August 15, 1995. � Scfiedule of Penalties for Late Payment ot Property Tax � ' If your taY is $50.00 or less d must be paid 4o full by the first instaUment date to avoid penalry y If you pay your first half and second haif property tax after tfia due dates, a penal?y wili be added to your tax. The later you pay, the greater the � ' �� penalty you must pay. 7his taple shows the penalty rates ''--�^-_ '---- 1995 - — � . ...�..._ 7996 -- - ; Propedy: May 16 June 7 July 1 Aug � Sept 1 Oct i Od 16 Nov i Nov. 16 �ec. 1 Jan.2 � Homestead: + 1siHalf 2nd Half j Both Unpaid � . Non-homestead: � tstHalf Znd Half Both Unpaid Personal Ptop. Mobile Home tst Half - � � "2nd Half 2I 4% 4/ 8% PROPERTY TAX REFUNDS 5% 6°0 , „ g°o , ,p�,� t�� 8% 8°� 2% 5% 72% 12% 4% 8% 8°6 8°6 6r 6°� 7°6 7% 12% 12% 8°So B°lo 10% 10°/ 8% 70% 8% t0% 8% 10% 12% 14% 12% 14% 12% 14% 8% S% 8%a 8'%� 8`o S% &% S°lo 8°l0 8% 8% 89`0 8% 8°l0 8% 8°l0 $°le �� 8°!0 �" � 8%, 8°0 8% THE STATE OF MINNESOTA DOES NOT RECEIVE ANY PROPERTY TAX REVENUES. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REpUCES YOUR PROPERTY TAX BY PAYING CREDITS AND REIMSllRSEMENTS TO LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT. IMPORTANT: ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREON CHECK YOUR STATEMENTS TO SEE THAT ALL YOUR PROPERTY iS WCLUDED. (WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBIE FOR ANY PARCEL OMITTED 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID AS A RECEIPT OF PAYMENT OF YOUR PROPERTY TAXES UNTIL YOUR CHECK HAS CLEARED THE BANK. PAYMENT - Payment must be in U.S. doilars by money order or draft from a U.S. bank or U.S, branch. Draft must have bank's coded transii number a4ong boitom edge. Payments not meeting these requiremenis cannot be accepted since substantia� collection fees will be charged by the banks invoived. MAIL PAYMENT TO: RAMSEY COUNTY ` - 50 KELLOGG BLVD W., SUITE 820 � . , ,.,,, :�,iu;rC.;tv�'• , " ST. PAUL, MfNNESOTA 55702-1696 , •�' . , ��; _ �..�.�., � ���,..�—_ - „ _ _ _ - _ ____ �_� _,. ---- _ _ _ ,.., '; .. .. ��„ �,: ..._ �— - � = � ���a� � �'�� � , t � wr I;�d:n � Y NiTI Vp�'�i �, �!-r_4 q.� � ��_ � bi i , ..�� �y,�s�Ju.' � n '1� �Y�i�i . . � . � �i Jo� i �� �;�� � . , n��yl�� ���u I . � �. � . . , Il.li.�. ' _ � _ " S� ' � Id��°Y �M^I� J�.� �.,. . r.,.t�..-.,�, r�W�r,u . - �t". -. — ....,:,,,. "„ � ��.����'."�.,. w� -e�F" „ , � •: +�^ .�.....W.,..ic��'� ,�'''