95-1029Council File � � �� / G �:�����L Green Sheet � 29358 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA t� � /I� . �1 �f � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date "Ll;j��/:�9 WHEREAS The Payne-Arcade Area Business Association has submitted a request to waive the 608 consent requirement for a block party permit (Payne Avenue from Case St. to Lawson St.) for Payne-Arcade Association Harvestfest, and the Payne-Arcade Business Association has argued that it would not be practicable to obtain neighborhood consent, therefore be it RESOLVED: that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 608 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit for the 1995 Payne-Arcade Association Harvestfest to be held September 16 between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. r—����� Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection aaoptea bY councii: Date q� 3 o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: s ��> �} �2vt� C Form Ap roved b�City Attorney gy , �'- Ot -�l� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 9.����y DEPAflTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATEO N� 2 9 3 5 8 Lzsr GREEN SHEE INITIAL/DATE INITIAV�ATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAFTMENT DIRECTOR � qTV COUNdL Christine Rozek - 266-9108 ���N CffYATrORNEV qiYCLERK NUYBEF FON O � MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (OATE� p�uS�N� O BUOGET DIRECTOft � FIN. & MGT SFAVICES �IP, Hearing: Cpn�� ORDEF �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 51GNATURE) ACTION FE�UESTED _ Waive 607 Consent Requirement for Block Party Permit aECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SEFVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POILOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 thi5 perSONfifin evEr worked under a COntlaCt fof ihis dZpartment? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRiCr CouRT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skdl not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PiiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Wha, Wha�, When, Where, Why): The Payne-Arcade Area Business Association has submitted a request to waive the 60% consent requirement for a block party/special event for the Payne-Arcade Association Harvestfest to be held September 16 between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. The Payne-Arcade Area Business Association's block party location is Payne Avenue between Case St, and Lawson St. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The Payne-Arcade Area Business Association will obtain a block party/special event permit and be held as planned. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. g � �@ � .� er+.�u_.:w'H .'q'�:"�='./ii s.?�P�A�` ("�eul� =- l. �09�� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� The Payne-Arcade Area Business Association will be unable to hold the Harvest Festival. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXP�AIN) DEPARTT4ENT OF POLICE Saint Paui, Minnesota Permit# 4I9���/� � The applicants have satced to abide by all mles set forth below, togeiher with all ox�inances and otber rules and regulations which may be imposed goveming such activities: A. Barricades provided by tLe City or private vendor w�ill be dropped off on one comer of the block. The applicants v.�ill chen be responsible far placement, maintenance and removal of the barricades. Bamcades should be placed ai either end of the street during the evern. � C. 11]! The total roadway poxtion of tt�e riehtof-way shall not be blocked; st least a ten-foot aisie shall be kept open at all times to permit passage of vehicles of residents of flie block and emereency or other authorized or necessary vehicles to enter and ezit. No matezisls of any type (such as powder, sawdust, etc.) shall be placed on A�e public right-of-way wluch will create ha�ards. Applicants shall maintain adult supervision at all times during tLis activity. E. Applicaats shall provide trash receptacles to prevent as much littering as poss�ble. Applicants shall be responsble for the pick up or disposal of trash and garbage following the event. Such clean-up shall be completed within 24 Lours after terminxtion of the activity, but in no eveat ]ater than midnigLt followwg the day of the public gathering. If fl�e City is requued to clean up, the permit holder will be billed foi all cosu. F G. H. Streets may not be barricaded prior to 8 a.m., nor ]afer than 12 midnight in any e�ent. No loud speaker system shall produce sounds audible outside the areas designated for the public gathering. The event organizers are requued to make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities at this event, for ezample, in tbe areas of parking, rest room facilities, curb ramps and access to food and entertainment. AUTHORIZATION IS GRANTED TO HOLD TF� BELOW-DESCRIBED EVENT: ORGANIZATION/NAME OF EVENT: Payne-Arcade Business Association Harvestfest Block Parfy CHAIlZPERSON: Mark Miesen PAONE# (DAl� 771-5505 (EVE) 459-5947 ADDRESS OF CHAIRPERSON: 751 Payne Avenue; Saint Paul, MN 55101 �o.c1 �IoSed o n t y o �a_:'�w ,��'. I�� DAY AND DA'IB OF EVENT: Thursday, September 14 through Saturday, September 16, 1995 START TIME: 8:00 a.m. FINISH TIME: 6:00 p.m. # EXPECTED: 1,000-2,000 AREA TO BE UTILIZED: Payne Avenue, from Case to Lawson RFSTRICT'IONS: Standard city ordinances; proper vending licenses required BARRICADES REQiTESTED FROM CTTY: See barricade list Event holder is legally responsible until the area is released back to the City. The area must be closed and cleaned no ]ater than l�h hours after the finish time noted above. �. , . . � .. : :. .. .: . � . APPROVED BY• Chief of Police os drsigoce PM 228B-R94 Payne-Arcade Harvest Festival September 14-16, 1995 Barricade List Payne and Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Payne and Jenks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Payne and Lawson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Total ................................. 14 ''' CLASSB PERMIT APPLICATION(STATIONARY PUBLIC GATHERINGS) � � " DEPARTn1ENT OF POLICE, Saint Paul, 1linnesota, Community Services Unit, 292-3525 NOTE: NO PERMIT .4PPLICATION �S1TLL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT PROPER FEES ATTACHED Sponsor and name of event: Yl�'�,�P — �/��c�e /tYe� ��J:.��s.r �f1JOG.�i�2<J q�=/Da y Dayldate of event: Location of e�-ent: ���� �c�_ �� Time: Yrom ��'""' ta G On (name of street or park) f�v.�e /��x • Bet�+een (str•eets or acenues) �/�� 2• i � L/ Evening: �/Sy-��Y7 Name & phone i of contact person: /2°qiK !�,/�>esP� Day: 7�i-s'; �� 14ailing addr•ess: 2.S�f �l ho I/�' c .S� %Q i. /��N S=��a ! ZIP: S's «+ � Estimated number of participants: it�o�—,�L��� i�iii beer or liquor be soid at this ecent? YES �_1� �4i11 food be sold at this e� ent? ,��YES n0 �** If beer, liquor or food w�ll be sold, proper licenses must be obtained. K'ill one or mor•e str•eets or alleys be closed for this event? _�_YES �O *** If clostires ar•e r�equested, enciose a map(sketch indicating the areaslstreets to be closed and proposed placement of barriczdes. Include barricade list. Barricades needed? �_Yes (ATTACH BARRICADE LIST) ?�To *�# If yes, �vtll they be rented from: ,�_ Public 19orks, 292-6600 ($5 each) Qther Public �5'orks will assess additional charges for missing barricades and/or pieces. *** The City r•eserves the right to r•equire additional barricades andlor signage as a condition of appr•oval of this permit. Saw horses or home-made barricades are not acceptable. 5'r'ill banner•s of any type be disp]ayed? Yes �No *"* If yes, written permission must be obtamed from the Department of Public Works. This application must be submitted to the Saint Paul Police Department no ]ater than 60 calendar days befor•e the event. You must ccntact the Offiee of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection at 266-9100 to discuss the proeedure for itinerant food and peddler lieensing for your event. AGREED4ENT AND CERTIFICATION IT IS HEREBY AGREED: I. A�reement of Applicants: The applicant(s) agree to abide by all r•ules set forth Uelow, together w all•ordi�arrces^'sn�'ot�2�'�ules and r•egulations which may be itnposed governing such activitie t .{�tl��(�'at9.LGl�' S � -�o.i.v.;:i-su�iia r � �'f:YeU"4'�.7 Y�2P;:.4 : •: � £�'l`; iI. R�ilatibrrs:aP• F3��*� �,�"X ig�ing,�nd presentation of this application, the signer(s) certify to the City of Sain aul that the follow statements are true and correet and signers agree to and will abide by the following: A. Barricades Barricades rented from the City or prioate vendor will be dropped off on one corner of the block. The applicant(s) will be responsible for placement, maintenanee and removal of the barricades. Barriczdes should be plaeed at both ends of the street during the public gathering. Saw horses or home-made barricades are not acceptable. B. Traffic The total roadway portion of the right-of-way shall not be blocked; at least a ten- foot aisle shall be kept open at all times to permit passage of vehicles of residents of the block and emergency or other authorized or necessary vehicles to enter and e�sit. C` � Surfaee of Street: No materials of any type (such as powder, sawdust, etc. ) shall be placed on the public right-of-way �vhich w create ha2ards. Supervision: Applicani(s) shall maintain adult supervision at all tunes during this activity. (over) E. Clean-up: ApPlicant(s} shall proti trash receptaeles to prevent as much littering as possible. Applicant(s) shaii be responsible for the pick-up or disposal of trash and garbage following the event. Such clean-up shall be completed �vithin 24 hours after ter-mination of the activity, but in no event ]ater than midnight following the day of the public gathering. If the City is required to clean up, the permit holder �v be billed for all eosts'. F. Hour•s Streeis may not be barricaded prior to 8 a. m. , nor later than 12 midnight in any ecent. G, Speakers: No loud speaker spstem shall pr•oduce sounds audible outsi@e the areas designated for the public gathering. H. Accessibility: The event organizer•s are requir•ed to make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities at this e1 ent, for example, in the ar-eas of parking, rest r•oom facilities, curb r•amps and access to food and entertainment. I. Event holder is legally r-esponsible until the area is reIeased back to the City. The area must be closed and eleaned no later than 1-i/2 hours after the finish time noted. III. IndemnitV A�reement: The applicarit(s) agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, b7innesota, its agents and employees, from any and ail claims, demands, aetions, or cause of aetion of whatsoever natur•e or eharacter arising out of or by reason of the conduct of the public gathering in any respeet ineluding costs, attorney's fees, expenses, etc., ineurred in connection with the defense or settlement of any claims for injuries or damage resulting fr•om or conneeted with this public gathering. State of ?�linnesota ) County of Ramsey ) - 2 !'-�%�� ����� /�'/,�,��� , being duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that helshe has read the foregoing statement bearing hislher signature and kno�vs the eontents ihereof, and that the same is true of his/her ow kno�vledge exeept as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to Yhose matYers helshe beliei*es them to be trve. Subscribed and s�vorn to before me this �� day of �1 , lq' l 5 U /ul-✓ ��✓�c�Y✓[�/��C.� �otary Public, ^ �,�fi✓��'^-�!� County, A4� U My eommission expires /��/��d G G - _ -- -- - , Permit appli�ation must be signed and notarized: � PHYWSJ.6lEDERMANN � NOTAAY PUBtiC -MI18�ff$pTA Y RAMSEYCOtX�TY � " M c«mm. �s+.an. s�. s000 - ' - Recouunend Approval: (for ofiicial use only) Fir•e Department Health Department License Inspection & Env. Proteetion A4hDOT (For high�vay closure) I�1TC Parks & Recreation PIanning & Economic Development Police Volunteer Services PuUlic �4orks/Traffic Operations State Capitoi Security ; �. � , PrTITION 9�� y �9e, the under-signed, hace no objection to N� me of event or holding a public gather•ing on �e� �Y ��!� b2t�ceen the hours of ' (Day/date) � � � ��� � 1S and � a� n --Name of street, avenue, alYey or park) Uet�+een C��S'-P and / i0�1'aw (Street/atenue) (Sfi°eet/avenue) � This str•eet/alley w be closed for this public gathering. OR This street/alley �a not be closed for this puUlic gathering. - _____________________________________________________-------------------------------- - - �i,�t�gg ,�DDRESS APT# PHONE# DATE �/�� n //!/i�. u� /1/�v t►1;11. CERTIFICAT � f. _ _ . . � - - _-.. - _ � �Gn� rg-Schaber Ageacy, Inc. - � 9�3 Payne Ave. Saint Paul MN 55101 Steven R. Leafgren 612-776-2706 1l:SURED Payne-Arcade Bus Assn PO Box 6394 St. Paul MN 55206 Z660252G1709COF95 � -_.._. . - { . - - -.,. .:_ o- _. ✓ERAGES:_.-..: __. _ .. _: - .._:.: .._. _. _ :.-. -. - . �_ _� _"� . 11115 IS TO CEftTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LIS7ED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE �FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TEFM Oft CONDITION OF AM1N CONTRACi OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITF( RESPEC7 TO WHtCH TtifS CERTIFICATE MAY BE �SSUED OR MAY FERTAIN, iHE �NSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SU&lEC7 TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCL'J510@5 AIJD CONDiTiONS OF SUCH POLiCI'e5. LIMITS SHOWN i✓AY iiAVE 6EEN RED�CED BY PFiD CLAI(15. TYPE OF INSUfiANCE PoOCY NUMBFR PoLICY FFFECTIVE Pol1CY EXRHATION pM1T5 �ATE IMM/OD/Y1'1 OATE IM,MiDD/YY) � GENFAAL LIk81tlTY A $ _ CO�dMERCtAL GENEFAL LIA6ILITV CLAIN.SMhDE x �CCUR. 01MJEq'S S CONTFNCTOR'S PROT. AUTOMOeILE 11A6IUTY FNY AUTQ ALL ONR:EO AUTOS SCNEOIRED AUTOS ttIFEO AUTCS NON-OWl.ED AUTOS GFnAGE LIASILIiY E%CE55 IIABItJTY UM6FELLA FOfiM OTHEq Tiil.N UM6FELLA FOFM WORKHi'S CON.PENSATON AND Q.naiovExs• uns�urr OTHOi EACH OCCURFENCE AGfiflEGAiE 5 S . STATUTORY LIMITS ' � � EFCH ACCIDENi . S Di5EA5E—POl1CYLIMIT S DISEASE—EACHEMPLOYEE Y �ESCW V�ION OF OPQiI�TONSM1OCATIONSNEW CLESISFELIAL REMS FOR BLOCR PARTY CITY OF ST PAVL� ZTS OFFICERS� AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NAMED AS ADDITZONAL INSURED WITH RESPECT TO LIABILITY COVERAGES. CERTIFICATEHOLDER I :. . .......:. .......: . . �t `.'_ _CANCELtATION :,..>. - - _- .-_�.�: -- `-: . .. . ._ SF[OULO ANY OF 7HE ABOVE DESCRIBED POL(CIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE - EXPIRATION DA7E THEREOF, 7HE ISSUING COMPANY Wlll E�DEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAVS WRIT7EN NOTICE TO lHE CEftTIFICATE HOIDER NAMED TO THE C1'tp OF SaiAt PBUS LEFT, 8UT FAttVRE 70 MAIC SUCH NOTiCE SHALt IMPOSE NO OBLIGATtON OR Deparatment oE PoliCe LIABILIN OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR ftEPRESENTATIVES. 100 East Ilth Street St. Paul MN 55101 (,{IiXOWZEDREPRESFNTFT / ��� ��� %a�/g� COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPN:Y A Travelers Iasurance Company LtTER CON.F.SNY B lE) TEA CON.FANY `. lET"cR COMPhNY D ' LETiFR COMPAtiY E L�ER GENEFALAGGREGATE S1�OOO�000 08/16/95 OH�ZG�SB -PRODURS-COMPfOPAGG. 5 j�OOO�OOO _ PEft50NAL & ADV. tNJURV S 1� OOO � OOO -EACH OCNfiRENCE � 5 1� OOO � OOO FIREDMM1AGEIArryomtir<I _5 SO�OOO N.ED. ExPENSE (Arry or�e persoN 5 S� OOO COM6�NED SINGLE 5 LIM.IT BODILYINJUFV 5 tPer personl BODILY INJUfiV 5 IPeracc�dentl PROPEFTY DFMAGE 5 q�F INSURANCE ' ° � ,�.� ,=s�EOarE�M,�o,m . .- .- - .. PAYNE 1< : 7HIS CER7IFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. 7H15 CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. _ . -. Steven R. Leafgren - - _., ACORD 25-S pl901 - - :' - :: :`:'? �-. r _ � - - .� .' _- - - ' -.: � °�� =-: .. . � . � . _ , m ACORD CORPORA"P{ON 1990