95-1024�' '� Council File � q s- � oay Green Sheet # J l�'-� p RESOLUTION �IN�FAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� 1 2 s RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves 4 s of the appointments, made by the Mayor, to the POLICE-CIVILIAN INTERNAL 6 � AFFAIRS COMMISSION. a 9 io APPOINTMENTS TERMS EXPIRING ii iz Jeremy Minsberg 12/2/96 is Clayton Robinson, Jr. 12l2l96 14 15 ie Mr. Minsberg and Mr. Robinson will fill the unexpired terms of i� ia Karla Robertson and Timothy Sawina, who resigned. 19 20 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appx By: By: Form Approved by City Attorney � By: " Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� V r ��!�� By: Adopted by Council: Date �� , �¢ \�{,R� �ls-loai� ��T OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 316 4 8 Mayor's Office g/9/g5 GREEN SHEET _ CONTACT pER50N 8 PHpNE INITIAVOATE INITIAIJDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CIiY OUNCIL Roger C. (, 266-8531 A ��� N CITVATiORNEY CIiYCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) NUYeEP fON gUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN & MGT. SERVICES DIR, pOVTING ONDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Appointment of Jeremy Minsberg and Clayton Robinson, Jr. to the POLICE-CIVILIAN INTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION. RECOMMENDA710NS: approve (A) or Reject (H) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE CAMMISSION �� Has �his personriirm ever worked under a corrtracf for this departmeM? _ CIB CAMMRTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFf 2. Has this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does thw personlfirm possess a skiU not normally possessed by any currert ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete sheet and anaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (Who, What, When, Wh¢re, Why)� None. ADVANTAGE5IFAPPROVED: Appointment of the following people to the POLICE-CIVILIAN INTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION: APPOINTMENTS TERM5 EXPIRTNG Jeremy Minsberq 12/2/96 Clayton Robinson, Jr. 12/2/96 Mr. Minsberg and Mr. Robinson will fill the unexpired terms of Karla Robertso DISADVANTAGES IFAPP VED: . ,�ag s i�+ b� tidd4� � L� lel�� DISADVANTqGES IF NOT APPROVED: 70TAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBEq FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 3�� Z ��� :(ttlll F}11.2 Ih1iUR'ti OFFI�:E 612 �E6 .3513 F.�]2/06 pY�ICB OF T HI�YQR 3so CITY RALL qs-�oay er�l.ri�z r.�uT,, HzNN�soxn s5zo2 ?.f+5-R57_6� J F��m� �,1�� �N�� � N1► Ns���� ,,� _ a .------ (5 �� 5��... � (.�I t��p D,�� �`� �Q„ _� f/� St.r.e.et s,�ry � - --- �`� Zip - --�-Ho�o�_._���� n �3�-- -- . . _t�o=k�___ 6�� —ol�i Name: . . ..., _.._,_ Home AcIcll.ea� Teleph7no t�lvxber: piannzng ll3stric7: CowlciL: _ _. _.. Yrefer�ed Sailing Address: SThat is your occupatioDl Plac¢ OE F�tploymettt: Co�ttiitee(s) ApplS.ed Eor: _ . .. .., _,_ City Cousicil Yazd_ Fhat skillsJtzainirtg or experie7�ce. do qou possess for, tiie commitzee(s) for vh3ch you seek appaantmentl . S�� a��� The i.n�armation included in this applieat3on is considered pxiaate data actording to the H3nnasota Gavermsnt Data Praczices Act. As a resuit, this 3.nEormation �.s not released to the general publi.c. � COVEk) Rac.4./21193 --- '-_. ' � —r- .. ��..`• t� ia.E . , ... � . 'i' � . N�1a ; 7.T`."..= L--.'-- � - .Ad�ceas- - ' � Yhone: , Home ��- � . . ;� 612 c66 8513 P,03 ° l5 -1ea� ' x�er {��„� �nwr�Cr �AaazdBg:_ _ �a_ �I �,,f�-- ��1w,u�a�s P .�l(� . Yhone:��$amel �`�'+-- ���� --j / — �l ' - ` Vork J gaSna: �(�CL �CKL�! L/ !,� . Add�ass: �l Y`� �.� �cI T I t4 ¢ p - . ... �. : ;;: , (`� -- �- CL'' �OO `'Phoae�. � �'6 T`'"�OD� �.��i—W�� ------___... �rk� .. FeasqAS;'Yor,yoar intsreat � this garticular co�.ittee: S� a'�"�� , .. 'r•�'�, . . : � � . . ' , '-- —`_.. � , .'t�` �� , . � . : �.':.:�'�..''•',. .: '. . ii'[' '- , .< e.�. ��i'- .. __ _�.. . = �` ' _:.,:.._. � . •� ;rprE'�ous contact xith the�comm�etna !oz vhich { .:and'cixcumstances? ' � a r� ���6 8 ppi�cation. � G'1 �- Sl�Ih1T FRUL MqYOR'S OFFtCE z:�_(/� .. - �aa � easurs that committee repres�ntation zeflacta the makeup o£ our "chack the 2ine apglicable to yon, Th;s iaf i5 stzictly ..:,,:.jthzie . (Gancasian) ._::'.-'83ac'1c.:(Afziaen' Amorican) � �=Aittezi�gn Indica cr Alaskau Eak3.mo `; �. _, ��% ;� � �" ��2l�le'.i :''. Bispauic A81an az YaciPic Is2andnr .'+<.:, • t: _,., �. ::�g�e: � 1(. c�<< r� ^;; :.• Date o� Birth: � , ' �' �isaSled:. .:Yss' /� . �;,• No � .�F .'4 � 'Li �=.Yfrspec3al accem�odations �ra needed = . ; ,:..: t,; . - . , Pleasa specify. 1��� .�. . :�:; a , S.. ��o;r.�' ,u ,. . ,., ,9�.'._hoar'8bout this open3n8? �1AkdC� /� ��i{/l ��r�t�, �s -���y �'olice Civilian Internai Affairs Commission Application ___ Seremy Minsberg Skilts 1 Training / E�perience Leadership Team building People skills Goal orientation Comtnunity znembersh�p "�eam building and gaining consensus are essential in any committee, volunteer work or business to make it successfui. �eing leader in a service provider industry and from other volunteer work, I am abie to bring a creative, sinceze sensitive quality to an organization. Giving respect , while motivating and dealing with conflict and crisis have been important goals with an emphasis on time management efficiency and productivity. I understand commitment, am a seeker of qualiry and grasp t}ae concepts of reward and discipline. I have a positive attitude concernang constructive goals. The importance of being open minded, non judgnnental dealing with people while listen�ng, leaming and helping others is key in this committee. Goals are necessaty to achieve a positive, heaithy environment in which our city is to be a model. Reasons for interest. Born and raised in Saint �'aul, it is my desire to service and help the community when asked.l have a dear and open minded point of view and the opportunity ta learn, gzow and contribute is exciting. We are fortunate to have an excellent well respected police force, and it is innportant to maintain its reputation, quality and integrity. JRN-11-1545 08�5f SA1NT FAUL hRY�R'S GFFICE E12 �65 B513 P.07i�3 J D U 1:11' S Lµ.j�,j� ���� BAINT PAUL, HINNZSOTA 5s�o� � � s-io a y �_ „ 26b-8S2fi �Y ��� �� Nama: C1aYton N. Robinson, Jr. Ho�e Add:csa: 3?5 Ftyan Avenue St. Pau� 55102 Sttae: city . Zip Telaphonn 2�ambaz: Pla:uiing Districc Couani2_ Citp Go�. vard: Second Prefez:■d ?ia3ling iddreaae Stii*_e E-1A01 332 Minnesota Street St Paul MN 55101 Ghat iII povr occupatioaT Attornev P2e.cn o; F�plopncnc: Robinson LeQa1 Services, P.A. � Cn�ittee(s) Applied For: Human Ricshts Conmission C� 4� � 131 � q� (�Q�T ca� C � J� �; a,yn Sb.�va-,�� A�trs �,,,,�;ss�cr� Gha: akills/tra izing or nxpnr3ence do �ou posaess £or tDe co�aittee(s) tor vhich,you =eak a7Poiu�,�enc? ' lease s�� attached Resume. Thn inforaation included in this applicat3on is cansidarsd pziQata data nccording to t�e �;�yesota Govaxment Daca Yractices Ac�. Aa a=asult, zhis in�ornazSon is aoe ze2aa=od to [he ganezai gubiic. t��R) g�p. 4/ 2,1 I 9 3 .TON_1x-i995 08�57 SRINT PAU� p;AYOR'S OFFlCE xame: William Finney', 5t. Paul Police Chief Addzess: 1d0 East £leventh Street, St. Paul, 5510? - 95-��ay 6]2 2c6 85�3 P.O:vH3 Yhott�: fHo�*1 (vor 1 292-3588 Naae Address Reynaud L_ Harp eirst Nationa3 Bank Bldg., 332 F?innesota St., Suite EY40?, St. Paul, 5�101 Phona: fHo�o) 823-2292 � QO f � 225-Q Name: Norman Coleman, St. Paul Addtess� �90 City Fia12, St_ Paul. 551�2 YAOne- _�l7oeel �� 2fi6-8510 Reasone for pour intnrett ia thiR particuler coaaitten: and continuing involvemenE in human zights issues. Because of r.ry interest Hava qou had prnvioua cai.tnct vi:h the c�ccmittec foz rh3ch 7au are nak:ag application. Ii ae, vh.a, and cizcumetaaceaP None Zn ats attampt io snsuza thaz co�mittaa rsprnnentatian rnfleeta the makaup of our �o�unit3r, plansa check the 1l.ais app2icabZe to you. 71iis in£ormat10r1 �S St:tc.lp 9p111.`ZL'dTT, 'Chite CCaucnai,bn) Bispnnic __� XlacSc (A�tiean Amnricen) bainn or Peeific Ialander Amaxictn Zndina or 6laakan Eakiao X�K ?Sale Ramale Aata o! Hirch: Z/22/53 Disabind: Yes So X If apeeiii aeeamaadntions arn neednd, pleaaa apecifr. Hov did 7ou hanr about =hia openiug7 Snformaticn brovided bv city of�'icials. `is -�o ay CLAYI'ON MICHAEL ROBINSON, 7x. 315 Rysn Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Si102 Busincss: (012) 225-81D4 cx�d (612) 751-8551 Resldence: (672) 292-p7C12 EDLTCATIONAL BACKGROLJND Gzaduate • IJrake University SckooJ of Law Graduated: May,1979 Uegree: juris Uoctor Des Moines, Iowa Acriutries: Moot Court Board; Nztional F:ediick Douglass Moot Court Competition; Clinical Lawyer, Iowa Scate University �ampus 1,2ga15ervices; tslack American Law Studeni Associa6on (Vice President). Awards: American )ur�sprudence Award for Academic Excellence (Crimin�l Law); Fredrick Uouglass Moot Cnurt Competition Illinois Instiiute of Technology Chicago-Kent Catiege of Law Student, Summer Session,1996 C7ucago, Illinais Collegiate • Loyota University Chicago, Illinois Graduated: February,1975 Degree: Bachelor of Arts Majors in Political Science and History Southern Illinois ilttiversity . Attended September,1970 to May,1971 Carhondale, Ulinois Ce�n..A�.�.. + c+ C..,..._:,. T,. c-1... v:�e_ c_c._ _e �• -••- 9s-�oay -- �- �. - _ .. Resume, Claytnn llichae3 Robinson, 3r. Page 2 PROFfiSSIONAL BACKGROUND Bar Affiliations • State of Minnesota 5tate �f Ivwa (Pn�ently icmaive} U.S. D'+strict Court (Minnesota) and U.S. Supreme CouTt Associations • RecenE: Barristzc, W ancn E. Butgct Inn oE Court of Court �+fember Minnesota 5upreme C ourt Continuing �:du�arion �ifice, Court Management Subcommittee Member, Minnesota Yardon Board xeview Commission Membe*., 4ualifications and 5ecection Commission for Chief of Police, Ciry of St. Paul Present: Barristet, Douglas K Amdahl Inn of Court Member, Minnesota State Baz Association Member, E�cutive Council, Ramsey County Bar Association Memher, Minnesnta Min�rity Tawyers Associa{inn Member, Ramsey Counry Attoiney's Office Cuntinuing Legal Education Committee Member, Minnesota Supreme C:ourt Racial Bias 7ask Force Membe*, Minnesota Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Rules of Cziminal Proceduxe Associate Editor, Notes &�Iiends, �ench and aar ot��-�Psota {Mutne50ta $ta}p $ar ASSa'�ation )numal) Psesentations • Haaline University School of Law Advanced Legal Education Program (Rnatomy of a Criminat Triat); Minnesota InsHtute for Lega] fiducation (F.r�idenr.r.; f.thics); Minnesota Minority Lawyer's A�ociation (T�Iegntiation Techniguesl; Minnesota State Court Reportei s Association, and the International Association of Women Police Officers (State v. Lofs Germane Jurgens); Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (ChiId Abuse Prosecutions); I2amsey County At;omey's Officc Continuing Legal Education Program {Demonstrative £aidersce: Prosecution and Ehe Media; The Forensics of Death}: Council on B}ack Minnesntans (Btack on Btack Crime}; Mainesota Association of Blacks in Criminal )ustice (Sentencing Practices); Minnesota County Attomey's Association (Scientif,c F.ui4ence; Prosecutoriai Llability under Federal I.aw); Minnesota Fedetation of Teachers (The Charging Decision in Teacher-Related Chitd Abuse Cases); William Mitchell College of Law (Ethics and the Prosecution); MADD (Anatom�a ofa Vehuular HorTricide Case)� rv� qs-�o�y Resume, Cleyton Michael Rab'snsan, Jr. Page 3 EMPLOYMEI�3T BACKGROUND Ramsey County Attorney's Office Assistant Counfy Attorney III • February,19S2 to November 1,1994 Inver Hiils Community College Paralegatlnstrucfor • SeptemhQr,19�R tn January,1989 St. Paut, MN A�tomeys in the classification of Assistant County ITI are responsible for litigating the most important and complex cases handled by the Ramsey County Attorney's Office. "I'his position is thc highest career step advancement in the Counry Attomey's Office. In this position as a trial attomey, I have prosecuted in excess of 100 criminal felony jury triais. Presently, I am assigned to the Crimes Against Persons Division where 1 prosecute the most violent telony offenders. This assignmenE has included the evaluation and charging or grand jury presentation of iefony cases, and argument of matters before the Minnesota Court of Appeals. During 1987, I�vas the provisional Assistant Chief of the Juvenile and Family Violence Division, where I assisted in the supervision of 8 other attomeys. I have also served as an advisor to the Civil Division of the County Attomey's Office regarciing constitutional civii righis and human rights litigation. Award: Recipient,1988 Ramsey County Employee Achievement Award Inver Grove Heights, MN Part-time position in which I was invited by Judge Gotdon Shumaker, Director of the Paralegal Pro�ram, tn instruct an ABA approved course in Crimutal justice Systems to paralegal students. This course surveyed all aspects of criminal justice in the United States, with an emphasis on Minnesota substantive criminallaw and procedural rules. � �Resume, C1ayEon Michael Robinson, js. Yage 4 Hamline I3niversity School of Law Adjunct Professor of Law Janu�ry, 1987 to june, lyyil State of Minnesota Board of Law Examiners Bar Examination Reader • February,1985 to July ,1989 Minnesoka Attorney Genetal's Office Special Assisfant Attorney General • January,1980 to February,1982 St. Paul, MN Part-4ime faculty position in which I taught three semester hour conrses in Conscitutional Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination Law. These courses included the substantive law pertaining to 42 USC §� 1981,1982,1983,1988, and Titic VTI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and the Minnesota Humari Rights Act. Those areas included sex, race, national or ethnic origin, housing, age, and physical disability based discrimination, rogether with sexual harassmer+t law. St. Paul MN Appointive position by the Executive Director of the Minnesota Board of Law Examiners in which I reviewed and graded the essaY Portinn of the Minnesota Bar Examination. St. Paul, MN College Boatd, Appointive position by the Minnesota Attorney General in which I Provided legal representatiun t0 a variety of state agencies. Those agencies included the Minnesota Departmenis of Commerce, Human Rights, and Corrections, together with the Minnesota Board of Teaching and the Minnesota Community My specific responsibilities included representing and advisin� those agencies in administrarive rule-making proceedings, contract review, administrative litigation beTore the Office of Administrative Hearings, and civil litigation before the Minnesota District and Supreme Courts. RBFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQIJEST �5 _���y IrrterdepartmeMal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember JeTry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin Roger C. Curt}'� �.� � Jean Karpe l� .L� S August 9, 1995 POLICE-CIVILIAN INTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointment of the following people to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Commission: APPOINTMENTS Jeremy Minsberg Clayton Robinson, Jr. TERMS EXPIRING 12/2J96 12/2J96 Mr. Minsberg and Mr. Robinson, Jr. will fill the unexpired terms of Karla Robertson and Timothy Sawina, who resigned. Attached are copies of their applications. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 266-8531. Thank you. Attachments �