D00397W�ne - Ciry Cbrk Pink - Finance Depi. Canary - Dept i CiITY OF SAIP`T I�AUL UFF[(iY OF THE MAYOR ABMINISTRATIVE ORDER I3I'IXiEf KE\'I�iIO\ No: �� � Date: t �— ""�' _�`� ��I�'ZS�.��� �)I�EIZ, Consistent with the authonty granted to the Mayor m Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and ba5ed on the request of the Director of the Department of Pl�hl i r Haa 1 th to amentl the 19__.9.4 budget of the S�.pc i al Reveruie fund. the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorizetl to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amendetl Budget Change Budget SPBCiAL F&013CTS - g"nALin 3Ua-JdGJd aG3-33i33-0"saa �U�'JSLd4'�JJL "su5-3ai3s-u�39 "s05-3"sia5-035"s 50�-332a9-a§"s5 �U3 305-�ai47-u4a9 • Fh:ili,Y FL'xFflLiiG - POELILAlIOAS r"AHiLi Y'LftFN1NG - �HBEIILAL% LABOU LllfiJ[V1Le11'11�H - 1'�$I�1liAL SUYY'L'1$1 iN�UsiZAii"uw - BrcINGn BnN"nFii"s nLiri Lea - Llit}H1LAL RBgLTfl LAB, - eBiriGfi a�HBFITS SJYY NI��U IM'.1•L�j - :1�I}V11N� �J1� �'�1�� �11.i���� - CI�TK"4�' U��7BNIT� 3u�oG �11�L���Ub #7G,Ou6,00 �44��QE.UV ��s,aoo,00 $i7,24i3OD �Z1��V�,�� yi5"v, E.SY.UO ;4as, �4s.�a 's"s.Giru.ir9 j�"3 �6,uuu.OG �$O.UOU.UGj 35,��a.OG (y5,0�D.0@j �411 {S2G mU.OV 33,Oitu.uG i1��LU���l7 676,6u"v�GO 536�4UO.IIO $ii �10�L41.UU 3gi 323�,&34,DQ 3438,746,GG irti"nuEaS, T}iu P�BLiC �B9UTH'8 �A'r,iLT �'L'aNNSAG aCSIi�iTF NEfl65 3P"nkDIA�G A13TH6&IT3 iH PuBLiBaTI6N5, i�Mi1nSZAiI+�fl AnB�iS 6UTnQ8ITY r"0'� HSuICsL BJFFLinn, rin�GiA LAn. NnFDS AU;NQRiiY ruB LABGt2nT6Bi aii%PLinS AH6 Su"rP. F06DS NBfiDS aiii&6RiT? r"On PhIiiTIkC, eND �9BRBAa, THE&n in SPnNGiEiG aiiiii6&iT"s i!i CttMII�C tLk'h'NifiG LAB SiiPPLiBS, iH it4eSiiKiZATi6N eaiNGn �H1�3FiTa, iN HHALi6 GAH. �&S?1Gn n�H�FiTa 'a66 IN 'v�',i.C. i&iriGB Ba�SFPiB THAT CnN 9fi =�A�iSFS&&fiD� irin�nc06� nn &n�Gi�iBD, iriAi i"r.B etAFGR kFF&G�fiS TA"n CHeNGB i6 TuB i"s99 BODGBi, � Requestetl by: Department director �,�� �� p ro�etl by: Mayor �Z—ls�—� � Date !�� � � DEPANTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL I OATEWRIATE� GREEN SHEET "O 19004 Publ i c Neal th ��� ���'.�( 5'i . CANTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAI/DATE INRIALI�ATE � OEPAFiTMENT DIRECTOA � CiT' COUNqt th Mohriand Z Z- ���'N OCITYATfORNEY CT'CIERK NI1qBER FOH BEONCqUNC�LAGENDABY(OAT� pQ�µG �BUDGETOIFiECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. DRDER MAVOR (OR ASSISTAN'n TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: City signatures on Administrative Order transferring spending authority between various special Projects Activiti�es. RECAMMENDA710N5: approve (n) or Reject (R) pEfiSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _ PL4NNING CAMMISSION _ CIVI� SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this pe�son/firm ever worketl untler a contract for this tlepartment? ,_ qB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF Z. Has this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT CAUaT � 3. Does this personNirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? $UPPoRTS WHICN COUNqL O&IECTIVE? - YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOqTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where. Why): Additional Spending authority is needed in 33233-62�5, 33234-0352, 33239-0353 and in 33247- 0241. There is spending authority in various other object codes that could be tran�ferred. NTAGESIFAPPROVED: There will be no deficit object codes. ���',E�vE� DEC 12 1994 �� OFfiCE DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED _ NONE RECEiVED DEC 1.61994 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: There wiil be a deficit in various object codes. 70TALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ �4 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIHCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Sp2Cld� Fund ACTIVITVNUMBER ��.�Z3�3,.�.Z,�, �3-Z4.Z FINANqAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � i `, V1l