95-1010Q��������� Council Eile # 15 � � � � Ordinance # Green 5heet # 30760 Presented By Referred To 3G Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #19419) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License 2 applied for by K& L Sales Inc. (James R. Koller, President) at 1523 Como 3 Avenue be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The number of "For Sale" cars on the loe at any one time shall not exceed 15. 2. The agplicant sha11 obtain a"second hand motor vehicle dealer" license from the city before the use is established. r��—�r ---� Requested by Department of: Office of License, Insnections and Environmental Protection BY: �S�-i-e�� "' • A -G � By: Appx By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney By: � 3-�-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adoption Certi£ied by Council Seczetaxy 95 - to�e DEPAFTMEM/OFFICEICAUNdL pATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE N� 3 0 7 6 0 LIEP/Licensin INITIAL/DATE INITIAVDATE CANTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPAqTMENT DIRECTOR � qN COUNpL Bi11 Gunther 266-9132 ASSIGN �CITYATfOFiNEY �CITYCLEFK NUYBEHFOR MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEJ qOUTING O BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Q^� �� OPDEP O MAVOR (OF A$$ISTANn � For Hearin : i� a� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: K& L Sales Inc. (James R. Koller, President) requests Council approval of its application for Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License at 1523 Como Avenue (I.D. 1/19419). RECOMMENDA7iONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has ihis person/tirm ever worked under a contract tor this tlepartment? _ GBCOMMRTEE _ YES NO _ STAF� 2. Has Mis person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUR7 3. Does this pereon/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet and atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. Whal. Whan. Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: +. G �'Swic��:.�^f .4�"��.e.m_�.i6 x.:'{:a�i�.h JE��.1 � 1�95 � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NpTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 95��0�0 Greensheet # 30760 in TrackeR License 10 # L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date:__2/13/95 / App'n Receivetl / App'n Processed Company Name: K& L Sales Inc. DBA: Same Business Addresss: 1523 Como Avenue Business Phone: 645-9232 Contact Name/Address: James Koller. 1055 Van Slvke, 55103 Home Phone: 488-8723 Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: �S ��9 Notice Sent to Aoolicant: Labels Ordered: N/A District Council #: Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: n4 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney �� �j� 3 �S� Environmental Health Fire � .,� s � C� I,L License � t �`°� � / p ,, �� y q� $ite Plan Received:_ ` j �.z �l S ��� dc�..�cV �w" o�.(-� Lease Receivetl: f i Police �'� � -�-� -`J � � Zoning ���j �. .� _( , _`1 b/ U` tt 'I—�'1✓ °15 - 10�0 S..�T lw06 � A � THIS APPLICATION IS SLBJECT TO REVIE�V BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TY''i E OR PRINT I*I INK Type of License being applied for: Company Name: CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION ,S i-� 1 — I_= S � Pzrtnexship f Solc Proprieto<�;p If business u incorporated, gii°e date of incorporation: n � �jf{y- BusinessPbone: ��I��—�Z� �� � � <'-6�'t ��.�{ �/% �l�k ��/�T /1� • � /�8� � Street Address C State Zip Between what cross streets is the business ]ocated? �DJ�°�11�i9CI Which side of the street? ,�(/oRT� Are the premises now occupied? �/ � �'Jhat T�pe of Business? � UC��C�'�O-5� ��S Mail To Address: ,/ ts � ��/ n� ��. K I= ST I�F r/G. �N ���l 3 S:reet Address Gty � Stzie Zip Doing Bticiness As: Business Address: Applicant Inforaation: 2�`ame and Title: I�Y1 G'S ��iV/-� LIJ ,�C1� l. 6� 12 �/t� ��`-� fiat Dliddic (Maiden) Lzst Title Home Address: CITY OF SAIN PAL'L O;fi¢ of Li¢nse, Inspec:ior.s zr,d Emironmental Pro:enion i50 St Pr.a A. Suwic 4'q c.:.• Paut, Mi-xsaa S1C2 (6:3) Y69100 ::x (611j ?569126 License I.D. � � `7 ! (for office usc ontp) � �H U �- ��� � Street Address � Ciry State Zip Date of Buth: -��_��{ Piace of Birch: .S %� �� (.�L Home Phon�`����� -�72 3 Are you a citizen of the United States? Native? � _� A�aturalized? If you are not a US. citizen, you must ha�e w�ork aut orization trom t2�e US. Immigration & A'afuralization Ser��ce. Have you ever been com�cted of any fe]ony, aime or �iolation of any ciry ordinance other than tr�c? YES _ NO � Date of arrest: Chazge: _ Coaviction: �Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chazacter, living v.�thin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to tbe applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanPs character: NAME ADDRESS ��1 L. GlJ�N�� rS PHONE Gi ��� x� c�ia,q r� � 3�T�,p� ��� ��� �,�s io � aii� i� � i= ��/1 � i�.r/�'/ I��✓ .�GVK t= cT, l�l-� 1/� /1�IV. 5.i�1�3 1/��-3�3 Lis[ licenses which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interes[ in: d�/ �, n� �- , . , ,,�v�� k..:.._� � � u� : s > VJhere? Have any of the above named licenses ever,been`ievoked? _ YES _ A'O If yes, list the daies and reasons for revocation: _ .,.�� Are you going to operate this business personally? � 1� S F:st I�'ame Middlc Initiai (�!si3cn) Home Addxus: Street Namc G� Are you going to have a manager or usistant in this buz;.,ess? operator, please complete the foIIo�ing information: Fxst I�'ame Middic Initial Sone Addxess: Street Name (.'.!ti3en) G.q A'O If not, ��bo �ill operate it? ��y Ld5[ Date of Binh Suie Zip Phonc Numbet I�TO If the manzger is not tfie same as the I.ast Dttc of Birth State Zip Phone \vmber Pleaze ]ist your employment history for the pre�5ous five (�7 yeaz period: (� Business/Emplovment • Address .��'�� ( kn'�G.L-'t? J�t�i�J2c�l.I3sS -�-ii/<' �'r/�t1 17a(It=NPo27' .ST Nl� �ZAI(�/� List all oY2�er o€ficers of rhe corporatioa: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF N.�ME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHO2�'E PH023E BIRTH �a nG If business is a par[nership, please include the following informatioa for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): Fist I�ame Home Addns� Stxect \ame Fust I�'ame Middle Initial Middle Initial (�Szidrn) 6ry (.'.�aiden� Last State Zip Last Datc of Binh Phonc I:umber Date of Birth HomeAddress: Strect Name Gty � State Zip Phone S.umber Attacfi to this application: ' 1) A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). 2) A copy of your Iease agreement or proof of oKaersLip of the property. .4R'Y FAISIFICATION OF AI�SF��RS GIVEPI OR MATERL�.L SUBMITTED VVILL RESULT IN DENL�L. OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state under oatfi tha[ I fiave answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained berein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or otber consideration, by way of loan, gift, contn'butioa, or otheraice, other than already disclosed in tbe applicatioa which I herew5th submitted. ' � ., Subscribed and swom to before me this Z u of 19 �s ���� ��� Notary Public County, MN My Commission exp'ues: w � i c�v � S' ature of� licaat GERALD McNAB6 � NOTNtY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA RAA�SEY COtlNiY * MY �4 0�ires Fe6. 28, i 996 Date