95-1009ORIGI�lAL Presented By Referred To Council File $ 95 _ I pC79 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 30786 RESOLUTION �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Coim¢i.ttee: Date 35 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #30347) for a Sunday On Sale Liquor, Gambling Location 2 (C), Entertainment (B), Retaurant (B), and Liquor On Sale (C) License applied 3 fos by The Penguin Corporation DBA Over The Rainbow {Linda Schmit, CEO) at 4 249 7th Street West be and the same is hereby approved. ��—��—� Requested by Department of: By: Approved by By: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection s : �j�-�.� A ���?,�,c s Y Form Approved by City Attorney By: ��/diLlilA� �. /G "�fv'�rt.L S �/ o ��17r Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 95-1�9 DEPARTMENT/OFFIGE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATEO GREEN SHEET N� 30786 LEIP/Licensing CONTAGT PERSON 8 PHONE �NITIAL/DATE INRIAWqTE ODEPARTMENTDIRE �C�n'COUNCIL Bill Gunthex, 266-9132 ���N GtTYATfORNEY CITYCLEAK NUYBEP FOH O O MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�R BY (DATE) RO�N� � gUDGET DIRECTO � FIN. 8 MGT SERVICES DIR. r'OY Hearing: � S OBDER �MAYOfl(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: The Penguin Corporation DBA Over The Rainbow (Linda Schmit, CEO) requests Council approval of its application for Sunday on Sale Liquor, Gambling Location (C), Entertainment (B), Restaurant (B), and Liquor On Sale (C) License at 249 7th Street West (I.D. 4�30347). RECAMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Aejeci (R) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ oISTRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does ihis personNirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any wrreM ciry employee? SUPPORTS WNICH GOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl ettach to green sheet INI710.TING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPGIRTUNIT! (Who, What, Whan, Whe�e, W4�y): ADVANTAGESIFAGPftOYED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPqWED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' ��i , <��#" JUL 1 � 1995 TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOUHCE NCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet# 30786 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 5/11/95 ��S'�OOq In Trdcke(? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 30347 Company Name: The Penguin Coporation pgq Over The Rainbow Susiness Addresss: 249 7th Street west Business Phone: 631-1651 Contact Name/Address: Linda Schmit, 5533 13th Ave. So Home Phone: g24-8482 Mpls, MN 554ll Date to Council Research: Pubiic Hearing Date: � . Notice Se�t to Appiicant: �/� �/ Notice Sent to Public: �.� v�y �� �/sv/lj v� Department/ City Attomey Environmental Health Fire License Date Inspections �"�I� 97� � �G-9� h ,'� G* >� 4' 7 —1 = (�—' �!� Labels Ordered: 5/12/95 District Council #: 9 Ward #:- 2 Comments C_3 �-- �w�= � s��"'' �'�"'s o� r Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: Police .������ � �o�� ��� � - '� -�-� -g� � �m� � � �J� �",'; �: i ` �� i ! � � � � �.�`_'a OFFlCE OF LICE�SE, I'�SPEC770\S AN �� �� E\V lR0\ ViE1TAS. PRO'[ECT10.�' q 5�� DO9 Roberl Kessler, Direcmr LCE,t'SE A.�"D A'SPECT10.4'S 350 SC Peler Stree� Suire 300 $oint Pau1, d�rnr,esola 55102 Telepl�one: 617-166-9100 Facsin; ile: 6I2-166-9174 LIQUOR - ON SALE LICENSB APPLICATION This form must be typewritten or printed in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5% in the corporation and./or association in which the name of the license wi11 be issued. CITY OF SAINT PAUL :�'orm Colen;an, �:a�or THIS APPLICATION IS SIIBJECT 10 REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. 3usiness Address 2. 3usiness Vame � 3. If business is incoroorated, give date of incorooration �' 7i7 , 19 ��_ 4. Doing 3usiness As �)(��1� �iP I.(�+�1��OG(,� 5. Business Phone ,u, 4' J�' S � 6. Mail to Address (if different than business address) 7 k �j Your Name ��.i�VIX (� �(�.t V� �L�1 W11� Title 1..� ��• 8. Home Address 3=` i 3'� r� ✓e . S 1Pt��.MnJ, ssy Phone „ C� 2 - � ' g`��Z 9 Date of Birth (MOnth, Day, Year) �� S/ Place of 3irth �� - 1�� � /�N 10. Are you a U. S. citizen? �C� Native � Naturalized If naturalized, submit nroo of naturalization or valid documentation of resident alien status. *(Zn accordance with N,�7 Statute 340.402A, r.o On Sale or Cff Sale Licuor License may be issved to anyone who is not a U. S. citizen or :esident alien.) - �S—e �00� 11. xave you ever been convicted o= aay felony, crime, or violaticn of any city ordinaace cther than trai£ic? V�� Date of arrest . 19 'v;here Charge Corvictioa S°nterce Date oi arrest . 19 Y;here Charae Convictioa Senteace 12 . List licenses which you cur-er.tly hold, cr �ormerly Y:�eld, or may have an interest in. ,�N �re�„��,�,,��Q� M� �,��Ers �;�«�.�� �� � �� 13. Y.ave aay of the licenses listed +_n � ver been revoked? N J If yes, list the dates and reasons 14. Are you going to operate this business personally? � If no, who will onerate it? .�a���e 5ome Address Phone � 15. Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this busir,ess? �l/ Zf yes, give name, home address, phor.e n, and date of birth. ATame Aome Address Phor.e # D03 16. Including your oresent business/emolo}nent, what business/employ�nent have you followed for the past five years? (Business/Employ�ne.^.t, Address) he�CtlJi�1�K"Il�L1,8wvlSellr��- C4'/� I' �1a�s�fi�erd �����ufio�� } ►si a s;i�Qr �� �i �v'e,cJ �r,'�6,.�a;� �N-ssiiv 17. List all other ofiicers oi the corporation. (Name, Title-Office held, Home address, ?iome ohone, Busi, ss pnone) sec:�e���+ . � . �o ' �.itNiC✓ � �G[�/��P �I�i4;Ner�SS33 - 1 3 'f� . . n , n�i ✓ . i r t�_ �'z �f- B�FPz - �/. �8`f -8� S� °Is-loog ia 19 20 21 if business is oartnership, list partner(s) name(s), home address, home �'r,oae, business phor.e. Between what cross streets is ^usiness located? A (� C 1 ', f1 C �A?fi �lNl Wi l�U�� Whic4 side ef street? �Cl`�W�"r - Are premises .^.ow occupied? � t4hat tyoe of business? � I c How long? t��YS� W� / You wi11 be requirzd to obtain a Retail Liquor Dealers Tax Stamp. (See attached) r��� un�'�����j� - 0 t ANY FALSIr^ICATIO?d Oe P.24SWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTFD WILL R�SL'S,s -ti �ENIAL OF TiiiS APPLICATIQN I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questioas, and that the informatioa contained 'nereia is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state fsrther under oath that T have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, centribution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in t?:e a�plication whi I herew h s.:3 � tted. /� c(�G � ��-�%i�/ S I° State o£ Minnesotal Si� a ure of Aoplica.^. / Date ) County o£ Ramsey ) Subscribed and swon to beicre ne this �J da of .Y , 19 i3otary P ''b �JA�-'n%� County, ^'_*I � ��� N,y Commission expires � JAMES E. ALLEN �� i c ( � � � d NOTARYPU&IC-MINNES07A )f'J DAKOTA CAUNTY My Cortmission Expires Apr.4.1949 ey,mwe�- �<; �t E` •'� ?. �.l ��':._3 CITY OF SAI\�"I' PALT. :\'orm Colemcn, .d1o}'or °�S -I o09 OFFICE OF LICETSE, INSPEC770NS AND E;�VIRO;�4tE?:T.4L PROTECTIOV Rober! Kessler, Direcror LICE.'�SE A�'D I.�SPECTIO.�'S 350 SG Peter Streel Suiie 300 Saint Paid, 3Tr,nesota 55107 L=Quo� - ox SALE LICENSB APPLICATICN 7elephone: 617-266-9100 Fauim de: 67?-266-97�4 This £orm must be typewritten or printed in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5% in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Business �ddress �S� � e J/L1�� { l� K-!) NL'/,J U,e�G/�77JN f�N �2���?i 2 3 4 s 6 sus:ness Name �L!/��oU//J C,U/e�O�F} ! Zf business is incoroorzted, give date of incorporation y- 27 , �9 �� Doing Busi. ess As , � I��it�-- ��'r"� l�-�� (� Business Phone n �v 3 �"��..�� Mai1 to Address (if di°`erent t::an business address) 7. Your Name �.l O f'�' • t—�"�v � �.� 2itle .� � �2G�r� 6. Nome Address 5533 � � / �c' �"� �� �` - !-iPLS. Mnl, 55 �7 Phor.e � ��7"�d Ta � 9. Date of Birth (Monch, Day, Year) `� l.3(,�� _ Place of 3irth �/-ELT/++�0�!! �L • 10. Are you a U. S. citizen? � Native � Naturalized Zf naturalized, submit proo of naturalization or valid documentation of resident alien staCUS. '(In accozdance with NL^1 Statute 340.402A, no Oa Sale or Off Sale Liquor Licer.se may be issved to anyone who is not a U. S. citizen or resideat alien.) _ c� 11. Aave you ever been convicted of any/� elony, crime, or violation of any city ordir.a^ce other than traffic? N �ate of arrest �'here Conviction Date o•` arrest *r,here Conviction 12. List licenses which you current_y hold, or °ormerly reld, or may have an interest in. 1��2t��.5 �1 GL�l�SG� 13 14 15 16 Have any of the licenses listed in �14 ever been revoked? � Ii yes, list the dates and reasons. Are you going to operate this b��siness personally? onerate it? ..a���e Home Address Phone � �5 If no, who will Are you going to have a maaaaer or assistant ia this bvsiness? � Zf yes, give name, home address, phoae �, and date of birth. Name Home Address Phor.e # _, 19 Charge _ Sentence _ , �9 Charge _ Se. tence DOB Including your preseat business/employment, what bUSiaess/employment have you followed for tne past five years? (Busir.ess/Bmploy�nent, P.ddress) . _ \ _ Cc� G,`M rf - [ T � �ie �/�T�.db -f�cc-T� - /9aa o e.0 .S.�i3KU�NNL�7e�� /�L/n 6 � A.c���,,�T�S- /�ce-r6- t3[.m C a��i�� 17. List all other officers of the corporation. (uame, Title-Office held, Home address, Home phone, Business phone) - 1,�AI��� �CN,,,.��- CC'�� SS33 �3'rt!- �}✓�.�e M�GS, k�����Z L�1�� f-/aN 5��[�.v � �,ec1a s�.ee�° -�/� � j�Pti �e v� �Sf, C�'re le �ii�eS ..Ul/�1 . SS�I � 18 19 20 21 If business is oartnership, list partner(s) name(s), home address, home phone, business nhor.e. °Is -t o°9 3etween what cross streets is �usiness located? Olv J�C��'T�k/E� W/�LNUT `E-`sEf�'�]G l �LCJ-�71u�� t,hich side of street? Are premises now occuoied? Y ES What type of busi^ess? _�F4K xow long? �D �(� You will be required to obtain a Retail Liquor Dealers Tax Stamn. (See attached) ANY FALSIFICATION Oe AI.*SWERS GIVSN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RHSliLT IN DENIAL Or iHiS APPLiCATION I hereby state under oath that I have answered a11 of the above questions, and that the information contained hereia is trve and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other considerztion, by way of loan, gift, contribution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I rewith submitt d. �/ � State o£ Minnesota) Si atu of Applicant / D te ) County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sworn to before me his ayof r , 19/� Notary ublic � Couaty, N*I N,y Commission exoires � f � �� ...Nw JAMES E. ALLfN �S NOiARYPU3UC-M{NNE$OTA 1#t DAKOTACAUNTY Ny CortnW55ion Expire6 Apr. a.1?99 _9 S-tooq OFFtCE OF LICENSE, ]?�SPECTIONS AND E:�17R0\MENTAL PROTECTION Ro5er7 Kessler, Directar CITY OF SAINI' PAUL Norm Colemcn, ,d9ayor 710E�'SE A.�'D L'�SPECTI0.4'S 3�0 St Pe1er 5lreet Suife 300 Saint Paul, .4Txnesofa �5102 LIQUOR - ON SALE LICENSB APPLICATION Business Address This form must be typewritten or printed in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5% in the corporation and/or association in whieh the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUB�ECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 Business A*ame 7'elephone: 61?-?66-9700 Fatsimile: 611-266-9124 Z If business is incoroorated, aive date of incorooration 'f - 2� , 19 � Doing Busiaess As �V� � 1--�uH VQl( � Business Phone � 19�� Mail to Address (if di££erent t:^an business address) 7. Your Name j2 �� � L! (r �Ri E J/V) H A.J S�"! �2 � Title �`�-� � i9 S �f'EP,t�UG��l� 8. Home Address ��y�� ����Gl�U F4 < "T C/tzc ��. Pi ti•Ps !rl�l iIJ SSa /e/ Phone � �SSO �� 7_�� 9. Date of Birth (N,onth, Day, �ear) �/3�ya- Place of Sirth ��2-�Bil%�� � [^1 �'+�O S0. Are you a U. S. citizen? _1 L Native Y Naturalized If naturalized, submit proof �f naturalization or valid documentation of resident alien status. *(Zn accordance with MN Statute 340.402A, no On Sale or Off Sale Liquor License may be issued to anyone who is not a U. S. citizen or resident alien.) °�s�►oo9. 11. Have you ever been convicted o' - ny £elony, crime, or violation oi any city ordinarce other than traffic? _L1�h �ate of arrest , 19_ Where Charge Co^.viction Sente^ce Date of arrest , 19 where Charge Conviction Sentence 12 13 List licer.ses w�ich you currently hold, or °ormerly '�eld, or nay have an interest in. �ave any of tSe licenses liste3 in r14 ever been revoked? If yes, list tre dates and reascns. 14. �re you going to operate this b'csiness personally? � If r.o, who will o�erate it? Name Aome P.ddress Phone n 15. Are you going to have a manager or assistaat in this business? �� If yes, give name, home address, phoae n, azd date of birth. Name Home ::ddress Phor.e � 16 17 �� � Zr,cluding your preseat busines_=/employment, what business/employmeat have you followed for the past five years? (BUSiness/Employment, Address) List all other officers of the corporation address, Aome ohone, Business phone) �i I�LQ[ti �cl1�M��-C�b .,5533 - 13"�'i t}IK. (Name, Title-Office held, Home l�3. �63i i as1 - �--'k� �F - £ryb� Z 0 w��,33 N-�v � IJ� �r��l�f�v� MN SStIZ � gs -looq 18 19 zo 21 if busiaess is oartnershi�, list oartaer(s) name(s), home address, home phone, busir.ess phcne. � 3etween what cross streets is '^^siness located? l�t..t,.,.-1- ._. fl CI ,.._ I.t.ot fI� � Which sice oi street? Ns'� � Are premises now occupied? � B2,t�en what tyoe of busiress? 4 � How long? �v �l �'� S �S You will be sequired to obt i� a Retail Liquor Dealers Tax Stamo. (See attached) � _ ��� 1 .�� 1.. ' ! I ��' A'v"Y 2P?�SZFIC�iIO?N C? =?�SWERS GIVEN OR MAT?',ZIAL SUBMITTnD W?LL RcSULP I*7 DBNIAL OF THIS APPLICATION 2 hereby state under oath that I havz answered a11 of the above questions, and that the information contai,ed hereia is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. i hereby state =urther under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gi£t, contribution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the aoolication which I herewith su mitted. �-, � �-��.�,� State of N,innesota) Signat e of Anplicant Date ) County of Rzmsey ) Snbscribed and sworn to before ne this �� day of �, �9�� Notary Public �—_� County, ^'?.T Ny Commission expires / � �����✓�� (C� JDY L PILACZYNSKI � ';0':AAYPUBLIC-MINNESOTA •°=�C`'_,'�'�. RA4'SEV r0UN7Y ',;yCpmm�ssionEnp�rzsJan 31.2000