95-1007ORIGI�IAL City of St. Paul a�# COU�ICIL FILE NQ 9 S� �� O B i� " Resolution Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award of Damages Voting Ward In the matter of 6 FIle No. 18779-5 condemnation and taking of slope easements near Prosperity, Rose and t4aryland Avenues to be known as the Prosperity Avenue Realignment Slope �asements. Slope easements to be located as shown on tne map on file with the City of Saint Paul Real Estate Division, Dept. of Finance and ilanagement Services, Room 140, City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota. under Administrative Order XX Preliminary Order 95-544 Finai 95-695 G?;� 24, 1995 June 21, 1995 The Directoz of Finance havmg submitted his xeport m the above mattec as to the amount of damages awaxded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropnated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said impiovement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That che said assessment of benefits be and the sarne is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pubhc hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the aw�rd of damages made by the Director of Finance and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 27th day of Sentember. 1995 at 3:30 P.M. , at �.--a'cioc;r E,.�.,., and that the DirecTor of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILMEN Yea� Nays rimm Guerin �-Iarris �fegard � ttman �une Adopted by the Council: Date �' 3�� 4--5 � Passed by Council Secretary �In Favor _QAgainst ! i�b � r Mayor � Public Hearing Date — September 27, 1995 RE 8/11/95 �ts-too� F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISlON Date: August 2 1995 Green Sheet Nnmber. 33329 - DFPAKIRffi�Il' DQ2EC1'OR ClIY COUN(�. Contact Puson aad Phove Number. �., (TIY A'1TORNEY Q FRY Peter White 266-8850 °°°' UDGET DII2ECI'OR -� MGT. SVG DIIt YOR(ORASS7STAN1) L UNCQ.ARCRARQ �,scbeoncounaingeaaatsy: 8/23/95 to set date of public hearing fot 4127(95 r1L # OF S[GNATURL PAGES 1 (Q.1P AIL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANR� CiION RF.QC7ES'IED: 1. Set date of public hearing to ratify slope easement project . Ratify said easements RECOMAff�NDA1IONS APPROVE (A) OR REk3C;1' (R) pRSONAi, SERVICE COIVIRACiS MUST ANSWER •ll.If? p�I1AwING PIANNING CO�TON A ST� _��e peisoa/£um ever wozked under a coatract tor this departmeat? YES NO C[VII. SeRVICE COMMISSION Has this petson/£um evcr been a Ctty cmployee? YFS NO cIB wAa�az �'Ee - noes u;5 pe�oa/Cum po�es a snu n« notroaus r� br �v _ (1[rent Gty employee? YES NO lain aIt YES answeis on a sepamte sheet and attach P°x�s w�uc� courrcu, oarr,c1l`�' Better & Safer Streets couxc�. waxn(s� 6 visriucr rinxxnv� courrca. 2 17NG PROBI.FM, ISSUF OPPORTVNIIY (Who, W6aS When, Where, Why?x roadway realignment project has been approved for Prosperity and Rose Avenues near Maryland Avenue ast. Since the realigned roadway creates a change in grade in some of the abutting properties, slope asements will be needed for the cuts and fiils necessary to blend the two together. VANTAGES IF APPROVID: .,�r`�'.s'.� ��, `� i?7^c,-:i 3; ; 6�;;;; t;� etter and safer finished surfaces near the newly realigned roadways �,U� 15 (s°�5 ISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: asement compensation for damages incurred by the taking of these easements. --- -----_. _�. __._. ISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: oor finished appearance of finished project, unsafe conditions at the unmatched grades. AL AMOUNr OF TRAN,CACTTON: $j2� 105.60 cosr/xsvNavus sunc� �cmc� or� �s xo ING S°u�zc� Municipal State Aid A�IZVrrr rr°�ER C94-2B019-0786-00000 CIAL INFORMATION: (E}�IAIN) (Damages, $11,090.20) + (Misc. Costs, $1,015.40) _ $12,105.60 �r ,,, _.