95-1005ORlGINAL L P=esented By Council File # � S � �� � RES�LUTIOt� Green Sheet � 26039 OF SAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA m Re=erzed To f„ Committee: Date _ p. � ��3 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 37 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 WHEREAS, the Departrnent of Public Works has let bids for the grading, paving and lighting of Hoyt Avenue-Hamline to Victoria, and WHEREAS, economies and efficiencies are gained by doing all this work under one contract, and WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted by City Council 947741, known as Spec. Contingency Hoyt Reconstrucuon, and WHEREAS, a larger portion of this project is eligible for Mun. State Aid funding than originally budgeted, the Water Utllity has agreed to partiapate in the funding, and assessments to benefrtted property owners need to be added, and WHEREAS, there is an additional $65,000 of Major Sewer Repair monies available for sewer repairs in 7995, therefore Public Works is tecommending an increase in the 1995 Ma�or Sewer Repair project, and WHEREAS, there is $8,150 worth of sewer repair work to be performed under this contract, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by ihe Council of ihe Cily of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of ihe Mayor and advice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Commipee, Ihat ihe Capital Improvement Budge[, as heretofore adopted and amended by �his Council is hereby further amended in following pardcular: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs - 1995 C95-2T678 Sewer Repair Pund SPENDING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs - 1995 C95-2T618 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN White Bear Traffic Improv C92-2A007 PIA 1992 MSA 1992 840,000.00 56,850.00 696.850.00 840,000 00 56,850 00 896,850.00 840,000.00 56,850.00 896,850.00 840,000.00 � 56,850.00 896,850.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 46,000.00 -20,669 07 25,330.99 47,600.00 -20,669 Oi 26,930.99 95-�oos 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 37 32 33 36 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ORiGINAL SPENDING PLAN White Bear Traffic Improv G92-2AOD7 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Mounds Blvd-Plum to Earl G95-2D010 MSA 7995 CIB 7995 SPENDING PLAN Mounds Blvd-Plum to Farl C95-2D010 Plans & Consimc[ion FINANCING PLAN St Paul Avenue C95-2T528 MSA 1995 SPENDING PLAN St Paul Avenue C954T528 Plans & Construction FINANCING P�AN Hoyt Ave Reconstruction C94-2J005 1994 Public Improvement Aid 1994 Capital Improvement Bond 1990 Municipal State Aid 1991 Municipal State Aid 1992 Municipal Stare Aid 1993 Municipal S�ate Aid 1994 Municipal State Aid Assessment Waier Utiliiy Sewer Repair Fund 1995 Municipal5[ate Ald p�2o�3 47,600.00 -20,669.01 26,930.99 47,600.00 -20,669.01 26,930.99 121,974.31 -58,249.Q4 63,72527 50,000.00 50,000.00 171,974.31 -58,249.04 113,72527 171,974.31 -58249.04 113.725.27 177,974.37 -58,249.04 113,725.27 235,332.16 -108,982.07 126,350 09 235,332.16 -108,982.07 126,35Q 09 235,332.16 -108,982.07 126,350.09 235,332.16 -108,982.07 126,350 09 15,000.00 15,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 31,47220 31,47220 81,445.92 81.445.92 340,537.14 20,669.07 361,206.15 14,147.92 74,747.92 387,396.82 387,396.82 7,500.00 38,324.00 45,824.00 9,765.00 9,765.00 B,iW.00 8,75000 166,000.00 167,23i.i 1 333,231.11 1,071,500.00 244,13912 7,315,639.12 �� � by Cj�ty At�.orney p� 3a�3 ; 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 70 SPENDING PLAN Hoy[ Ave Remnstruclion C94-2J005 Plans & Construction 1,071,500.00 244,139.72 1,315,639.12 1,071,500.00 244,139.72 7,375,639.12 RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council adopis the above changes to ihe Capital budget. Phe 3t. Paul t.on4 - Range Capital Improvom�nl $udget Commi{tee received this xequest on g _�_ and recommends �da±e) y d $i9n�d: vw � . - ' ,� Requested by Depa*_tmenc ef: MJE/jb Public WOC�;S 6-16-95 By: � �"iv�r Adooted by Council: Date � Fozm Adoption Ce=tified by Council Secretary aY� By: Appx By: 9 5 - taos by Mzy�r for Submission to Counc-1 � B V �"�i � ���� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED • v�' O �� PublicWorks 6/9/95 GREEN SHEET NO. 2 INITIA ATE INITIAUDATE CANTACTPERSON&PHONE DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CIiVCAUNCiI Michael7. Eggum 266-6143 N � � qTY ATfORNEY �g CITV CLERK MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DAT� RWTNG BUDGETOFFICE �p FINANCE-ACCAUNTING �� 7 MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn Q MkaEggum TOTALROFSIGNATUREPAGES � caa JMGR (CLIP ALL LOCA710tb FOp SIGNATUqE) ❑3 p DEPARTMEMACCO �i / 7 1 ACTION REOUESiED Approval of Council Resoludon aznending the 1994 Capital Improvement Program by transfe g spending and fmancing from the White Bear T�c Improvement, Mow�ds Blvd, St Paul Avenue and Major Sewer Repair projecu and adding Water Utiliry and Assessment financing to the Hoyt Ave Reconstruction pro}ect RECOMMENDaTiONSapFrwe (A) «aejm (q) PEHSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLqNNMGCOMMI$SION_CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 7 HasthisperwNfirmeverworkedunderacontracCiorthisdepar[ment? CIB CAMMITTEE _ VES NO S7AFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a dry employee? — — YES NO _ OISiRICTCOUNCIL _ 3. Doe51hIS rsOfVflrtn pe possess a sitill not normally possessed by any curren[ ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILO&7ECTNE� YES NO Ezplafn all yes answers on separata sheet and ariach to green sheet INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHI�: The Department of Public Works has let bids for construction of the gading, paving and lighling of Hoyt Avenue-Hamline to Victoria approved by CouncIl on CouncIl File 94-1741. There aze some economies and efficiencies gained by doing this work under the same contract. Addidonal MSA funding, Water Udlity financing and assessments need to be added as financing to this project. A small amount of sewer repair work is i�cluded in this contract and there is additional Sewer Repair monies available that Public Works is recommending be added to the 1995 Major Sewer Repair project. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ; he Depaztment of Public Works will be able to awazd contract for all of Hoyt Ave reconstruction, thas taldng advantage of the economies and efficiencies gained by doing the work under one contract. �'i�° �e� s�e ^.�f�i '�?��a' ��� � �g�� RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� ivo�e. gUDGEi O�F10E RECEIV�� ��i� o� �ss� Ya���n���� DISAOVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ��� 0 � ��^� Awazd of contract wil] be delayed until su£ficient financing is in place. y �?°.�.'�h;'�' :�w °;'�:>°; TOTALAMOUNTOFTRM7SACTION$ 48,OS900 CAST7REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOUNCE 1992 & 1995 MSA. Water Udl.. SRF & Asmt ACTIVITY NUMBEH C95-2T618, C92-2A007, C95-2DO1Q FINANqAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) C95-2T528, C94-2J005 Transfers - $ 196,05012 Additions - $48,089.00