D00396' _ . ,.. • No.: Date: GS #: �S �Q 1 � i2-15�1� 25894 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authoriry grarrted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pi�blir. Works to amend the 19 94 hudget of the Sffeet Repair and Cleaninq Fmmd iurd, the Director of the Departmerrt of Finance and ManagemeM Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: _ CITY OF �'JAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current 8udget 1 225 - 42312 - 0283 2 225 - 42312 - 0329 3 225 - 42314 - 0283 4 225 - 42314 - 0329 5 225 - 42321 - 0283 6 225 - 42331 - 0388 7 225 - 42338 - 0329 8 225 -42XXX-OXXX Renial-Vehicles Qther-Rep/Maint Grds, Str Rental-Vehicles Other-Rep/Maint Grds, Sa Rental-Vehicles Salt Far Streeu Other-Rep/Maint Grds Sir All other spending Totals $756,224.�0 $385.208.0� $179,670.00 $88,907.00 $42,107.00 $398,059.00 $3I,642.00 $13,246,151.00 $15,127,465.00 • $0.00 � $671,224.00 $365,208.00 $254,670.00 $108,907.00 �52,107.00 $393,059.00 $36,642.00 $13,246,151.00 $15,127,968.00 Possible problems with City Charter Chapter 10.10 and Budget Goals and Policies B-13 which restricts spending to budgeted leveis by major object code in the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund. ��u,Y (/I�( �U PYepatedby: ityMariagar Hequesied by. D � DireCtor �- f'''`" �!�----- p etl By ! yor la- l2 �� . Dafe � ($85,000.00) ($2�,000.0�) $75,000.00 $20,000.00 $IO,OOO.OQ ($5,000.00) $5,000.00 � 0 F. M' , i� FICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED 1 Y If 1' 7•-� b rubs�w�� t -�� i� GREEN SHEET '`'V � No.25894 I ��" INiTIIdJDATE INRIAUOATE CONfACTPERSONBPNONE �DEPAFiTMEMDI � CfTYCAUNCII Gary L, Erichson 266-b229 �� �� cm arrorar+Er � crrr c«r+K MUSTBEONCIXINCILAGENDA6Y(DA'I� FWTINC (y�UDGETDWECTOR O FIN&MGT.SERViCESDI � L J MAYORSOR DSS15T ❑t fmiritY Ma�a9� / i � OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCA710N5 FOR 31GNpTUR� � DEPARTMEM ACCOU : 0 4'{ acTmr+ r�aues�o Approve Administraave Order adjusting the budgets of activities 42314, 42321 and 42338 Street Repair and Cleaning Adminis�arion in the Street Repau and Cleaning Fund 225. qECOMM@BDATIONSApprwe (A} mAeject �R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WE5TIONS: _PIANNING(%1MMISSION_CNILSERVICECOMMISSION � Ha5ihi5pe�5oNfrcmevefWOAcedunderacofltrac[forihistlepar[menT? C�e CoMMRTEE YES NO A STnFf 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a dry employee? — — VES NO _ DISTRICTCOUNGIL _ 3. Does this pefsoNfimf possess askill not �ormally Qossessed by any currentcity employee� SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? �'ES NO Ezplain all yas answars on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INIMTING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT. WNEN, WHERE, NMYl: Work crew shifrs to Oiled and Paved Alley Repair, Weed Conanl on Street ROW and Winter Street Repair requires addirional funding for rental of vehicles and repair materials in these acaviaes. ADVANTAGESIF 0.PPR6VED: �major object will maintain a positive balance. DISADVANTAGES IF APPFOVED: None RECENED DEC 1,51994 CITY CLER4� �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Possible problems with City Charter Chapter 10.10 and Budget Goals and Policies B-13 which restdcts spending to budgeted levels by major object code in [he Street Repair and Cleaning Fund. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ -0• CASTlREVENUEBUDGETE�(GRCLEONE) YES Na DINGSOURCE ACTIVYfYNUMBER 42312 �`rZ33/ FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) U �`