95-1004n�?lGI�IAL i ?resented By WHEREAS, the Department ot Pu61ic Works has entered into Agreement #95019 with Ramsey County for participation in the cost of Iraffc signals on University Avenue from Prior to Eustis, and WHEREAS, this work is eligible for Municipal State Aid and Trunk Highway funding, and there is sufficient MSA funding available in the Universiry/Lexington signal project to Vansfer this project, and WHEREAS, this work was originatiy adopted by City Councif Resotution 92-1844, known as Log #5-5516, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by lhe Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of ihe Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budge� Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby fuAher amended in following particular CITY Re£erred To �ommxtcee: uaLe _ ��13rZ , 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 72 73 14 75 76 17 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 St 52 53 Council File �� S" � D D y RESOLUTION Green Sheet n ����� IN,T PAUL, MINNESOTA Curren� Amended 8udget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN UNIVERSITY/LEXINGTON SIGNAL C92-2MO20 7992 Public improvement Aid 3,000.00 � 3 000.00 7988 MuNCipalSlate Aid 248,98826 -Q82A.00 242,164 26 Assessment 83,000.00 83,000.00 334,988.26 -6,824 00 328,16426 SPENDING PLAN UNIVERS�TV/LEXINGTON SIGNAL C92-2MO20 Plans & Constmct�on F{NANCING PLAN UNIV ERSITY-PRIOR-EUSTIS C93-2S039 1993 Municipai State Aid 7990 Mumcipal State Aid 7993 County Aid County Aid Agrmt 7988 Pubiic Improvemen� Aid 1989 Public Improvement Aid 1989 Capital Improv mt Bnd 1990 Capital Improv mt Bnd 1997 Capitat Improv mt Bnd 7988 Municipal S�ate Aid Mn Dept of 7ranspor�ation 7993 Public Improvement Aid 334,988 26 -6,824.00 328,164,26 334,98826 -6,82400 328,76426 48,000 00 48,000 00 46,422 35 46,422.35 73,000.00 13,000.00 41,036.58 41,036.58 9,800 00 9,800.00 42,652.76 42,652 76 630.18 630.18 48,459.69 48,459.69 6,741.59 6,741 59 6,82400 6,824.00 180,474 87 5,469'.66 t85,944.53 78,000.00 18,000.00 414,181.44 53,33024 467,577.68 9s_�ooy p-2o� Z S 2 3 4 �' 7 8 9 10 SPENDING PLAN UN I V ERSITY-P R I OR-EUSTIS C93-2S039 Pians & ConsVUCtion 414,�85.4A 53,3302d 467,51�.68 414,787.44 53,33024 467,51168 fiESOLVED, ihat the Ciry Council adopis the above changes to the Capnal budget. Ihe St. Paul Long -Range Capitallmpl°°e��f $ix �� y { �ommittee iecei�=ed this i°quest on g �__ and zecommends �date) Y0� Si4n°d: VV`��s � J ' i� , RequesLed by Departme.^.[ of: MJEjjb Public Works �-20-95 `� � A'V`--- By: --� Adopted 6y Council: Date `� 1� Adoption C2rtified by Council Secretary By: Appx By: e'orm App ved by City Httorney By: Approv 5y Mayor foi Submission to Council B ��L� �'P�� Q G� — \wwll DEPFRTMENT/OFfICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED � �"� — � � � � Public Works �izoi9s GREEN SHEET NO. 260 47 CONTACTPERSONBPHONE ^ INITI VOATE INITIAUDA7E � � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR ❑g CIiVCOUNCIL Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 N �MB "� � T CITV ATTORNEY � CI7V CLERK MUSTBEONCOUNCIL0.GENDABV(DA7E) ROUTING � BUDGETOFfICE �p FMANCE-ACCOUNTIN � OHDFR ` A//�' ; �j MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn �j Mke Eggum ✓, yp � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � CAP PROJ MGR f (CUP ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATUBE) �3 _ 2Q DEPARTMEM ACCOU AC710N RE�UESTED Approval of Council Resolurion amending rhe 1992-93 Capital Improvement Progam by transferring spending and Financing from the University/Lexington signal project and adding County Aid and MnDOT funding to the University-Prior to Eusas signal projecL RECAMMENDATIONSApprwe (A) or qejact (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTFiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_CMl.SERVICECOMMIS510N � Hasthisperson/frmeverworkedunderaconVac[forthisdepartment? CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ DiSTRICT CoUNC�� _ 3. Does this persoNfrm possess a sltill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet ! INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV): The Depazcment of Pubic Works has entered into an agreement with Ramsey County for participauon in the cost of vaffic signals on University Avenue from Prior to Eustis. This work is also eligible for Municipal State Aid funding. There is sufficient MSA funding in the University/Lexington signal to transfer to this project This project was originally adopted by City Council File 92-1844, known as Log #5-5516. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: The Depaztment of Public Works will be able to accept monies from Ramsey County per agreemen[ and to awud a contract for the installadon of traffic signals on University Avenue from Prior to Eustis. `�'1. I�t�tsC� V �� . 'e /,,., ;� ,��C,�� �„ �� ~ ':�� �! U L 2 4 ��95 b ,� ' �UDGET OFFICE DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� � g None. ���� ����9��� ��� �� ���� ClTY A�T����Y DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� ����&��� Financing and spending budget will not reflect ac[ual available amounts and contract will be de]ayed. �U� o�)9�,� � ���$ '.�r�:��i' ,��;�� �'4;`� �4°'t'�g �.1.," .,. .,.u3 TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ F333094 COST/FiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIBCLEONE) yES No FUNDINGSOURCE 1488 MSA. Ramse�Co & MnDOT ____ ACTN�7v NUmees C92-2MO20 & C93-2S039 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $ 6,8?A Addifions - $46,506.24