95-1002��PI���I�L CITY Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 34 15 16 17 18 1S 2Q 21 22 23 24 2b Committe2: Date lq WhEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has prepared plans, speciai provisions, and specifications for the construction of a Bicycle Trail and Access Road, State Project Nos. 92-090-01 and 6280-302, from the park and ride iot at Ariington Avenue just east of the T.H. 35E to Cayuga Street just west of T.H. 35E; and WHEREAS, the consent of the City of Saint Paul is necessary for the construction of said projects; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said plans, specifications and special provisions for said bicycle path and access road within the City limits of Saint Paul, be and hereby are approved � �� Requested partment of: 8/8/95 Public Works MJE : d " � � � � By: Stacy M. ecker, Director Adopted by Council: Date Ty .� q Form Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App� � Council File # �S�' ��01 RESOLUTION Green stieet � 26004 SAINT PAUL, MtNNESOTA By: 3y: by C�ity�ttorney for to Council Y 95— (. DEPARTMENVOFFICECOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 26004 Department of PubliC Works $�� iyi AUDATE INITIAUDATE CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR ❑S CITYCOUNCIL MichaefJ.Eggum 266-61-03 N � B �� R �CINATTORNEY ❑6 GNCLEflK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABV(DAiE) ROUTING �gUDGETOIPECTOR � �FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. OHDER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAIJn Q7 Mike Ec7gum '�?1,� TOTAL R OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRE) � ASSOCIATE � DEPT. ACCOUNTANT ACT10N AEIX1ESlED Passage of City Council Resolution approving Minnesota Department of Transportation Plans for a bicycie trail from Arlington Avenue and 35E to Cayuga Street and 35E. FlEGOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) wReject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710NS: PL4NNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 7. Has this persoMirtn ever worketl under a coMrect for this deparimenfl — YES NO Cie coMM�rrEE 2. Has this persoMirtn ever been a ciry empioyee? — — YES NO _ STAFF 3. Does this persondirtn possess a sMll not nortnally possessetl by any wrzent cHy — employee? DISTAICTCOUNCIL YES NO — — Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE'+ INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNiN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): This State administered and financed project requires City consent in order to be built. ��t�tl . �, 3�� ���� A[6 I '� i AOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Bicycle use wili be further facilitated at no cost to the City. �. , �u�A�� DISADVANTAGES IF APPPqVED: NONE RECEIVE� ���E'v�� �U� 34 i99a AUG 1 6 z9�5 AUG 141995 .�� ._ ,r,�1���v BU�GET O�FICE �;��� pT��R�3EY DISADVANTA6ES iF NOT APPROVED: A lost opportunity to further encourage bike use in the City. ` ��� V " " � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 'O' COST/REVENUE HUDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) VES NO PUNOING 50URCE ACITVITV NUMBER FlNANCiAL iNFORMATION: (EXPLAV�`1) C Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To CITY OF Council File # 95— � 003 Green Sheet #� t y aa Committee: Date Ci�J 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, on March 1, 1979 the City entereed imo L.ease Agreement FMSl25 (formerly PED/1) wiht Ramsey Action Programs, Inc. for the purpose of providing child development programs in a faciltiy located at 586 Fuller; and WHEREAS, Ramsey Action Progams, in 1994 responding to an increasing need for its services, sought funding to expand the facility at 586 Fuller by 3,200 squaze foot, adding two additional classrooms; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Adminishative Order D00315 dated November 2, 1994, Community Development Block Grant funds provided a grant of $247,500 to Finance the expansion; and WfIEREAS, representatives of the Real Estate Division, LIEP Design and Ramsey Action Programs determined that the scope of the work should be expanded to include a play azea for the two additional classrooms; and WHEREAS, to fund the increased cost of construction, Ramsey Action Programs secured a grant of $122,649 from the Deparhnent of Health and Human Services to be deposited in special fund number C-95; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to accept the grant of $122,649 to be used for the expansion of the faciltiy at 586 Fuller. BE IT F'[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the budget for the expansion of the facility at 586 Fuller be amended as follows: FINANCING PLAN C95-1H001 CDBG Block Grant Ramsey Action Programs SPENDING PLAN Construction RESOLUTION AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Current Amended Budget Change Budget $ 0 $ 247,500 $ 247,500 $ 0 $ 122,649 $ 122,649 $ 0 $ 370,149 $ 370,149 $ 0 $ 370,149 $ 370,i49 Requested by Deparhnent of: Finance & Management Services B Y� � �( �Director Form Approved by City Attorney �' � Adopted by Council: Date Adop ' Certified by Cow By: a . Approved by 11 0. te By: > r����(r,�,�� ,,, ! _' 6 "v 'c : I� �� � roved by Mayor for Submission to Council `7'�. �. `���