95-10001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ' � � Presented By REGISTERED LAND SURVEY FOR SEEDBURO EQUIPMENT COMPANY �� WHEREAS, Seedburo Equipment Company has submitted the attached Registered Land Survey for City Council approval; and WHEREAS, the appropriate city departrnents have reviewed the Registered Land Survey and found it to meet the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing before the City Councii was duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices were mailed to each owner of affected properiy and property situated wholly of partly within 350 feet of the subject property; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council was held on August 16, 1995, at which all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the plat; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached Registered Land Survey for Seedburo Equipment Company. Requested by Department o£: _ - a . . � �- - .. - � ��/ V !.��� � _ � Adopted by Council By: �� Sy: 1 "4� Form By: By: Council File # � � �� Green Sheet � 3� a � s by City Attorney for SubmiSSion to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �5 " (.000 DEPARTMEN7/OFPICE/CQUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHE�,T N 31�275 OB�L II9S INITIAV A 1'l71q ATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRE �� CITV CAUNCIL e 266-6583 ���N CITVATTORNEY �anc�eaK NUMBER WP MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (�ATE) pOUTiNG BUDGET DIPECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVI ES Olp. S�flO(/1 aS �jsl G OflDEH MAVOfl(ORASSISTANn ��� t TOTAL # OP SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt resolution to finalize council action taken on August 1G, 1995 approving the Registered Land Survey for Seedburo Equipment Company to allow the sale of a vacant portion of property. RECAMMENDA7ION5: Approve (A) m Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTtiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEPVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person/firtn ever worketl under a contrect for this tlepartment? - CIB COMMRTEE �'ES NO 2. Has this personffrm ever been a ciry emptoyee� STnFF — YES NO _ DIS7RIGT COUFT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall osseuetl y p by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL O&IECTIVE4 YES NO Expintn a11 yes enswers on seperete sheat antl attsch to green shoet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (Who, What. When, Where, Why): Adopt resolution to finalize CiTy Council approval of the Registered Land Survey for Seedburo Equipment Company. Approval is necessary to allow recording of the new Registered Land Survey. ADVANTAGES IFAPPqOVED: �'3F1���"� �"r3��?C� (�t� Subdivision of the property into two tracts to allow the sale of the vacant portion of properiy. AUG 1 � 1995 `-____�...��,..�.�. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ����E��� � ���� ��� none AUG 1� 1�9� �UG 1 � 1995 :�;� ��_�:�, ��TY �tTQ��E� �ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. Loss of sale of the vacant property. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) �000 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY N0. I, John V. Chaffee, Land Surveyor, do hexe6y certify that, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 508.47, I have surveyed the following described property situated in the County of Rassey� State of Minnesota: Tracts C and D; That part of Tract E lying northwesterly oE a line descxibed as co:nmencing at a point on the northeasterly line of said Tract E a distance of 80 feet West, as measured at right angles from the northerly extension of the east line of said Tzact E; thence on an assumed bearing of North 79 degrees 30 minutes 16 seconds West along the Northeasterly line o£ said Tract E a distance of 375.61 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line being described� thence South 20 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds West to the South line of said Tract E and there terminating, all in Aegistered Land Survey No. 98� files of the Registrar of Titles, County of Rassey. I hereby certify that this Registered Land Survey is a correct delineation of Certif:cate of Title No. 372857. Dated this day of , 19_ John V. Chaffee, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 15228 City of Saint Paul Z do hereby ceitify that on the day of , 19 , the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, approved this Registered Land Survey. A11 monuments will be set as specified by the City Council and as stated on this Registered Land Survey, according to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02, Subd. 1. Taxes payable in the year 19 on the land herein described have Geen paid, also there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of ,19 ,Director Hy ` ,Deputp Department o£ Property Taxation Puxsuant to Minnesota Statutes� Section 383A.42, this Registered Land Survey has been examined and is approved this day of , 19 and the conditions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2, have been fulfilled. David D. Claypool, R.L.S. Ramsey County Surveyor Registrar of Titles� Ramsey County� Minnesota I hereby certify that this Registered Land Survey No. was filed in this office this day of , 19_, at o'clock _. M., as Document No. gy Deputy Lou McXenna, Registrar of Titles ENGINEEPING CORPOAATION � h v� c � o� � � ` ,- 0 � pW �n �O �� VQ �h 3 � lu o `O REGISTERED LAND SURVEY N0. � ..: --...,._ M ..`Z .tr e0 rv +---� ' / � / I -_`___-- O1t04 O� I • .. -� _. O � e v r�_3 v C . k ... 4 : � � O� �q� G �W p 3 0� .. j O � vI W 2 0 Y h �O ° � � � � j U � `o \ . '�i � � p OL � 20 , lo,n ��-`"� �n�C 0 0 N F Q 4 C� °o / y0 dd I I o 0 0 � -, '" ' y ' � `co � � �o � 0 o � � I st o I ._ / � � � � ro �. �2 � � K � I� M �W � , � � h :� I i �� � I � s< / o �ZZ9l� df<OON � �OC m \ � ~\� U � .'. H M � 9 2 ( � S 3 � U Q � � �o� I.. I ;� I ; �• 3 M � I m ••O ZD p I A� p ezs ��!I �r \\ V I , I I I i , /� I � �' O �� 1 I � �_^I• A � ��� ..-� h � � �° � a � o � _ / i� / � � / " 1 . � /- /,�:: . f �_ �—_ �_:._'�_ / 86 oN 572f � � )>0�1 Jo aui7 �saM _ � � _ � N � �� z W � n r o hti C�z o V On " Oi�»n �N ONp� \ \ � c�o�'mN W o U�vz W W ma aoa b�no¢zw w m w >z � z �Ja3 � o�. aswz� 'Oao m� N n0�00 awN Z�< ¢F3 LLI�Z �> � �'�O `p�C WFU Q oU�� ' W O O¢ y S OOw O�! 03m a aF oi a Ya� .�o :�o =a . ��� =ow o�� 0 - (000 Ci_Ir�T .�. (l� 7 DEPAR'I'MENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 2, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: °�S -,00c� S� ., Telephone 612-266-6565 Facs�mile' 6/2-228-33l4 s ^ ,,..}e �',�t4'Et'� �,��..:i �..m A�G 2 19°5 i would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, August 16, 1995 for the foliowing zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Location: Seedburo Equipment Company 95-106 Registered Land Survey to allow the sale of a portion of the property to an adjoining property owner. 1211 Pierce Butler Route Drvuion af Plann+ng 25 West Fou>fh Sh'eet Saint Passl, MN �5102 My understanding is that this pubiic hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council on August 9, 1995 and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6583 if you have any questions. Sincere/� � �,�,'"i Michael J. Kraemer Zoning Section cc: File #95-106 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIIVG The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public heazing on August 16. 1995, at 3:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Third Floor, City Hall, to consider the application of Seedburo Eauipment Company for a registered land survey to aSlow the sale of a porCion of the proper[y at 1211 Pierce Bu[ler Route, to an adjoining property owner. Dated August 7, 1995 � NANCY ANDERSON- . , _ Assistant City Counci� Secretary � � �- (AUgust 9, 19s5) ' UEPARTMEiQT OF PLAi�'NG & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMINT ' AfI77F , SP A I��L`:' . �} . AAAI� CITY OF SAII�IT PA?JL Norm Colenran, Mayor August 9, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Councii Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Orvismn of P[ann.ing 25 bVest Fourth Slreet Samf Paul, b9h' S�702 RB: Zoning File #95-106: Seedburo Equipment Company City Council Hearing: August 16, 1995. PURPOSE: Registered Land Servey Dear Ms. Anderson: qS -luoo TelepAone 612-266-6�6� Facsmule. 612-228-3 3 ( 4 Seedburo Equipment Company has submitted an application for a Reg�stered Lattd Suroey approval � for the property located at 1211 Pierce Butler Route. This application meets a11 subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the Registered Land Survey application. This Registered Land Survey is schedi.led to be hcard by the City Council on August 16, 1995. Sincerely, ���%� ��� � ICenneth Pord Planniug Administrator KF:mk ce: City Conncilmembers • °�S -\000 • � PLATSTAFF REPORT I FILE #95-106 APPLICAI�TT: Seedburo Equipment Company DATE OF HEARING: Aug. 16, 1995 2. LOCATION: 1211 Pierce BuUer Route; northside west of Lexington Parkway 3. 4. 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see survey PRESEIv�T ZON:\�G: I-1 STAFF INVESTIGATION AI�`D REPORT: ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.405; 67.406 DATL-: Au�ust 3, 1995 BY: Mike Kraemer A. PURi OSE: To consider approval of a Re�istered Land Survey to allow a poYcion of i'.ie prcperty to be subdiv;ded and sold to the adjoining property owner to the east. No new de�aelopment is associated w:th tLis Registered Land Survey. This Registered Land Survey is required by the Ramsey County examiner of titles to allow tbe reeording of the subdivision and sale. B. SI � E& AR�;P. CONDITIONS' The site is in a I-1 IndusYrial zoning district in an area of in�ustrial L;es. Tl:e site is owned and occupied with a bu,lding and parking ]ot by Seenburo Eo,uiprsent Compa7y with the eas!edy portion of prcperry being vacant. C. BACKGROLJND: Seedburo EauipmenY Company wishes to rr'1 an approximate 1.4 acre area of �acant land to au adjoining business owner to the east, Cxygen Service Company. The new Registered Land Survey is divided into two new tracts, Tract A and Tract B. Tract A is occupied by See;iburo Equipment Company at5d contains its buildin� and parking lot. 5eedburo wilt retain this portion of property. Tract B, wbich is vacant, will be sold to Oxygen Service Company for possible futcre use. The Ramsey County examiner of tifles requires that the applicant provide a new Registered Land Siirvey to allow reco;ding of the subdivision and allow the vzcanY easterly portion of property, Tract B, to be sold to Oxygen Service Company. Without this new Registered Land Survey, si;bdivision and sale of the vwcant portion of property is not possible. D. REOUIRED FINDIl�'GS: AZI the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code arc- co�npked with. • City staff have reviewed the proposed Reaistared Land Survey and determined that it ineets all reqairements and standards of the City. 2. The proposed subdivision will nct be detrimental to the present and potential surYOUnding land uses. The property can be developed vaith uses compatible to flie area. 95 - �obo Seedburo Equipment Company • R.L.S. Staff Report »95-106 August 3,1995 Page Two 3. The area surrozrnding the subdivision can be planrzed and developed in coordination and compatibiliry witix the proposed subdivisian. The surrounding area and the area of ti:e prof.osed Registered Land Survey are compatiSle �cith respect to land uses. 4. The szrbdivision is in confo with the Comprehen.rive Plan. The property is in compliance witl; the comprehensive plan for this area of the City. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing natural features, whenever possible. Ti�e existing site is developed. 6. AII land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the Yesidents by peril from floods, esosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. � The land caa be safely developed. 7. The subdivisio^ can be economically se�ved with public facilitles and services. The property is served by public faciliYies and services. E. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the Registered Land Survey for Seedburo Equipment Company. \J c�s� �000 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO I, Joh� V. Chaf`ee, Land Surveyoz, do hereby certi£y that, in zccordance w:th t�-e crovisions o: htinr.eso`_a Statutes, Section 508.47, I have surveyed the £ollowir.g cescri�ed properTy sitcated in the Cour.ty o: Rzmsey, Scate of Minr.esota: Tracts C a�c D; That pa:t e: ;ract H!ying r.or[huesterly o: a iine d_scribed as cor� eaci:.y a: e point o� tne nort�easterly line c`_ said Trzct H a dista�ce of 80 :ee[ West, as r�eascce� at riyh[ zngles from the northe:iy ex:ensioe o`. tne east li-�e of said Trzct E; thencz en aa assuned bearing o: Nozth 79 cegrees 30 nir.utes 1G seconds West along the hortFeasteriy line of said Tract E a distance of 375.61 .eet to the actual poir.t of beginr.ir.g of the line being described; thence South 20 degrees 52 minutes 10 seconds West to the South iine o: said Tract E and there terminating, all in Registeced Land Su:vey Ho. 96, _`iies of the Registrar of Titles, County c.` Ra�sey. I hereny certi£y that tt:is Aeg�stered La�d 5urvey is a correct delinezt:on of Certi:icate o` TiUe No. 3i2857. DateC this day of , 19_ John �. Chaffee, iar.d Surveyor Minnesota License Nc. 15228 City of Saint Paul I do hereby cerGify that on the day of , 19 , the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, h(innesota, Approved this Registered Land Su:vey. All monum.nts a�ill be set as soecified 6y the City Council and as stated on this Aegistered Land Survey, accordinq to Mir.nesota Statutes, Section 505.02, Subd. 1- Taxes payable in the year 19 on the land herein descri6ed have been naid, also there aze no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day o£ ,19_ ,Director Sy Department of Prope:ty iaxation Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 383A.42�, this Registe*ed Lanri Surcey has beea exalr.ined and is approved this day of , 19 and ihe wnditions of Yinr;esotz Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2, have teer. £ul£illed. David �. Claypool, R,L.S. Ransey Couaty Surveyor R�gistrar c`. Titles, Ra.'nsey Cou�ty, Minnesota I hereby cectiFy that this Registered Land Survey Ro. was £iled in this o4fice this day o: � 19_� at o'clock _. M. , as Docw�neat lio. Hy Lou D:cKenr.a, Registrar of Titles ENGINEERING C09POR0.T�ON � REGISTERED LAND SURVEY N0. v� � h = ------ �� �n� a _ —_t� _ ` . - '_ ,,. ..>z .i_ ,o � ^`� " �' - � 'srsz��. ,/ ,-� _____—__ o� � �o � G: io;i - � � �< � _' ' �� _, r � ' � Y/ l c 'o 0 c � I —3 mo ' _ ti � k�� I ^ O � � � � _ . G �_ `/ �� � J '' r� � O 4C1� D � � �o b l Vi I =o / ^ry Y �� I A� ��� I. I O i � � O � ' o9 �Q� a p � c� M.,Ot.Za I/��I a o �� � eors %�I �O _ II o `r I O O m y cD � \� U o / �. 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MACALESTER GROVELAND I5. I�1GH`LAND 16. Sti;�ti�sIT HILL 17. DOWN`CQWN � � ��� � ���aOF���� CITIZEN PARTICIPE1TIOiv' PLANNiNG AISTRICIS qs-\�oo � �� , ` I � I �� � , i= � \� , �� � ���;� � kr �; -, -;-------- ,� , a_,� --= _� L 9 BUw(/F6TON ✓o��n[.r✓ /! � .�.,�,� J)i i✓ � �� � ".:.: �� '; , _-�-����°�� � � � � ��� ���_� I � �.�. ��� ❑��0� � � �i--�? � r � li ����- ..,.,.� �� �� ' I, . :e,_� � � �_ � ,.�,.,,. �°�� ! `�� � �C�'��� ❑� , ���� r�a�o����� ����o r��e� �� ��� B1� 6���� C� � C'� � '�°' .., ��, ,�--- �0 � CI�] 0�� ° ° � � ��—�c�a�oe�o��� � � � 0�18� ���:� ��\ ����� n� HAMLINE—MIDWAY � � ��: ° �'�: D I ST R I CT 11 U 5 ' 0 , 10°° 20°O a000 aoco xoo SGIE iM fEEf 1 � ����a��� ���� ��-r��� � � � � m � �_ �.� -� � � �� � rY = e-_ ° ' -��`~^-�'. � ° � f _ . �. � '� . . � 97 .f '�a 27 �:� �� � °1S-lo � � tl ��������Q�. �_I_� � i ; �bfo;o�,�lo U � O �� � � ���, �� :_ " . _, `� �" �'" �.� °�� � ,. � i , ' .. `.', -,., �..; � i _�G �l S'c,f �. / , '� _ _ J ` � . , . , � s' � r— i '_ ' ` � ,., ''�� : , I , � , .� ' , O�OO.0 J O,C � .� _, - ;� .✓�! - �'� O'OO'C ��t��' � � �Q �� E . . . , , , --� --.-�-- �.r,�f,'-,!n'nn n'n' 'nnn�'nnn'Onn�nC' � , �� -�'- _ � � 0 o'oi.ojc b�:;o o'�.�� �- ��� o�p � � - --rr-- a� O I �� b� � 1 0'.0 '�o � � °��'� �� , � � . . _.;. . . . . , i ..O � , i I �j0 O,O O'O'O Oi ,OI O f'1_, � � _ � � i � I ' � O � ii �, � � � C;, � 4� �' � ���:� ,,-� APP�ICANT �'������ � , i�'BAi� ��'a��d'.t i ' + LEGEND PURPOSE �`�� g�ff'y"l� �j,3r�U� zoning district boundary i FI�E # �� � � �� DATE � � � ' 9 � � subject property north � �LNG. DlST� MAP # �� v one family o e n comme�aa! ; � � two family � �„�. indusinal ' SCA�E t" = 400' �� � Q n�ultiple fam�ly N vaca^? . i �..:...;' : .:: . :; �-�-`-�= ,`�=�::..