93-1030 � , ;�,y''���r� resented e Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F] Ls/� �/1�'/�/�� h� a/- �oo'� � RESOLUTION �� Y OF NT PAUL, M ��� �i �� <i,�n--e 30 Council File # 93- /D� � GreenSheet# 79559 Commmee: Date �l�f��' S- An Admini trative Resolution establishing the rate of pa for License Manager in the Salary Plan and Ra es of Compensation Resolution RESOLVED, that the rate pay for the classification of License Manager be set at the rate set forth in �r e 20, Section ID4, of the Professional Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this res lution shall take effect and be in force on the £irst pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. Requested b�,r department of: By: Approved by Mayoc: Date ey: By: For Ap oved by By: � �, ,\, ; I Attorney Approved by Mayor for S}ibm(ssion to Council „ � By: � -tiu� Adopt�d by Councli: Date Adoption �ertified by Council Secretary '� : . ��/43d /'S� DEPFRTMENT/OPFICEKOUNCIL DATEINITIATED REEN SHEET �� ����� ' of Huma Resources E+/1,8/9B�" �Niriaw II�ITIAVDATE CONTACTPEfl50N&P N yyy DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �GTYCOUNCIL John Shock /Mike"'F'oley x6502 A ��� N �CRVATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUYBEFFOR MUST BE ON CAUNCI� AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROEp �MAVOR(ORASSIST � Finant`.a—A TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new class entitled Licease Manager in Grade 20 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges. FECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLANNiNG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB CoMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personRirm ever been a crty employee? — YES NO _ DiSiRIG7 CoUftr _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECTIVE? YES NO ' Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wnat, When, Where, Why). This new class is being established as a result of a study of a new position in the Office of LIEP. This position will oversee issuing licenses to businesses, non-profit organization and charitable gambling operations. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Approval of this resolution will establish a professional supervisory classification which is necessary to adequately manage the unit and supervise the assigned employees and will insure that customers of the license function receive effective and efficient service. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. RECE9VE� Ju� � 4 �993 CI�fY �LERl� . DISADVANTAGESIF NOTAPPROVED: Failure to approve this new classification could limit the City's ability to effectively and efficiently manage license applications and license inspections. �i8tl�tCi# �"s��i'�'S �P61t�4° ,lUL 0 7 1993 � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/FiEVENUE 9UDGETED (CIflCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE pC71VITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��11 I W .. . � �3-�a3d CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of Human Resources CZassification and Compensation Division 230 City RaI1 Annex, Saint Pau1, MN 55102-1631 612-298-4221 T0: Bob Kessler, DirectoY License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection FROM: Michael F. Foley ��� Classification a o en ation Division DATE: May 25, 1993 RE: ltaenty Day Notice It has been determined that the title and class specification of License Manager should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please noti£y me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. This replaces the memo dated May 18, 1993 which had erroneous infarmation. My apologies for any inconvenience. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of License Manager in Grade 20, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. 5 �5-�-� Date 93 �o�-v CZTY OF SAINT PAUL , Office of Human Resources CZassification and Compensation Division 230 City Xa1I Annex, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1631 6I2-298-4221 May 25, 1993 Frank Staffenson, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Office of LIEP 330 Lowry Professional Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: ltventy Day Notice Dear Mr. Staffenson: It has been determined that the title and class specification of License Manager should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days o£ receipt o£ this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. This replaces the letter dated May 18, 1993 which had erroneous information. My apologies for any inconvenience. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate o£ pay for the title of License Manager in Grade 20, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, �� ��� � M dhael� Foley v Classification and Compensation Division I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day natice £or the purpos of creating this title and class specification. � Fr k Staffenson Da e PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LZCENSE MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK CODE: 521A �� /�3(� BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: �E�.��� JUC, 141993 General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative CLER4C managesial, and supervisozy duties in disecting the licensing of business, non-profit, and charitable gambling operations in the City of Saint Paul. This includes setting fees, determining investigative policies and performing related duties as required. S�ervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Director of LIEP. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general, technical and administrative supervision over supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees TYPICAL DUTIES PE�tFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, directs, and coordinates the work of the assigned functions and personnel. Develops and continuously reviews policies, procedures and systems to insure conformance with legislation and to insure efficient and effective management. Establishes divisional goals, objectives and work programs £or assigned staf£ in accordance with departmental plans. Participates in the selection of staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development, and evaluates performance. Directs investigations for issuing licenses and for insuring that the conditions upon which a license was issued are being met. Coordinates investigation and inspection activities with other City agencies and with appropriate State offices. Monitors progress on violations. Insures existence of an information program to keep licensees informed of requirements. Directs the development and maintenance of pertinent and required records and files. Provides required information to public, businesses, non-profits and elected officials. Coordinates with neighborhood groups as sppropriate. (continued on reverse side) LICENSE MANAGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LICENSE MANAGER Submits reports and makes recommendations on licenses to the City Counc�l. Prepares ordinances relating to the licensing function. Performs special investigations and studies as deemed necessary. Yrepares and submits recommendations regarding changes in license fees. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge o£ applicable City policies, ordinances and State statutes pertaining to licensing a wide variety of businesses. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with all levels of personnel in other departments, elected officials, officials of other governmental jurisdictions, businesses and the general public. Considerable skill to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable knowledge of the rules of evidence gathering. Working knowledge of proper investigative methods and procedure. Considerable ability to analyze business and non-profit corporation financial reports and accounting statements. Considerable ability to direct and supervise subordinates. Considerable ability to manage multiple priorities. Ability to deal effectively with citizen groups. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in public administration, business administration or the social sciences and three years' experience in legal investigation work or the interprepation of complex laws and regulations at the level of Business License Supervisor or License Enforcement Auditor. (No substitution for education.) LICENSE MANAGER 9.�io3d CLASSIFZCATION STUDY REPORT CLASS STUDIED: Management Assistant III ZNCUMBENT: Christine Rozek STUDIED BY: Michael F. FoleyG���/ DATE STUDIED: May 12, 1993 PERSONS CONTACTED: Christine Rozek, Incumbent Robert Kessler, Supervisor APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATION & COMPENSATION MANAGER: DATE: ���//'`„�v' l'� .S — ! z - �'/� Background The position has evolved in responsibility and the function has been reorganized with the creation of the new Office of License, Znspection, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). This study was requested by the incwnbent and is part of the reorganization process. Study Components Review of job profile. Interview with incumbent. Interview with supervisor. Comparison to other class specifications. Comparison to other positions. QES evaluation and analysis. Sob Description This position supervises the positions that inspect the charitable gambling functions and certain other establishments such as "unbanks". There ate two inspectors and there will be an auditor position. The position also supervises the clerical staff that supports the business and licensing functions. The position exercises full supervisory authority over the assigned positions, both professional and clerical. The position does work assignment, evaluation, selection, and other functions. The position 93-io� does receive some technical assistance in administrative support techniques from the present Office Manager position. The position has budget responsibilities and manages funds collected from the establishments. These funds go into a special account which provides the majority of the salary money for tfie section. The position has a high level of contact with state agencies such as the Gambling Control Commission and the Attorney General. The position requires extensive judgment since many of the cases are errors in judgment on the part of the offenders rather than cases of outright criminal intent. The position has encountered only one case of clear criminal intent. The Attorney General's Office normally supposts the recommendation of this position. The position develops changes to the City Ordinances controlling gambling based on the experience in enforcing and administering the laws. The Attorney's 0£fice does the wording of the ordinance but this position develops most of the substance. The position is also assisting in developing major revisions to the codes govexning restaurants. Comparison to Class Specifications A comparison to class specifications that were most likely to be xelevant to this position indicates that there is no existing class specification that adequately describes the duties of this position. In particular, they do not adequately describe the responsibility fox enforcement and the responsibility for line management. Management Assistant Series The class specifications for these positions at the I and II level do not stress supervisory authority and describe the level of professional responsibility as "assists" rather than having final responsibility. The position under study clearly has a higher level of responsibiLity. Although the position is presently classed as a Management Assistant III, this does not describe the position. The Management Assistant implies administrative functions and internal functions rather than functions that affect the public. Although there are exceptions, notably in Treasury, this is still the thrust of the class specification. This series is not appropriate for this position. ProQram Coordinator The Program Coordinator class stresses project related work. The class performs special studies and coordinates activities that 9�-� a require professional communication skills and a considerable ability to coordinate complex matters. The class does not emphasize supervision or management. The emphasis is on coordination. Supervision is usually over clerical personnel or personnel assigned to administrative support functions. This class is not appropriate. Proeram Administrator The minimum qualifications for this class are specific to a PED career ladder. Although many of the duties of the class do correspond to the duties of the position under study, the class specifications do not stress enforcement and do not adequately describe Yesponsibility for intexpxeting laws and ordinances that have criminal implications. This class is not appropriate. License and Permit Manaeer This class specification describes some of the functions and responsibilities but it was designed for the manager position in the License Division of Finance. The position under study is managing in a new organizational environment and this class is not appropriate. Comparison to Other Positions Although it was found that there were no appropriate class specifications we did study the positions described in those classes to insure that there was not an appropriaCe class. This review confirmed that none of the class specifications are appropriate. Management Assistant Series Positions in this series do have a mix of responsibility. Some of the positions do have supervisory responsibility and some even have "program administration" responsibility. However, the majority of these positions have only limited supervisory responsibility . Normally the positions in this series deal with internal City administration. They do not deal with ordinance enforcement activities that directly affect the public. The majority of these positions do not require interpretation of laws and ordinances. The position under study does not compare well with the majority of positions in this series and the position has a requirement for highly specialized legal knowledge. The positions in this class do not compare well with the position under study. Program Coordinator The positions in this class have administrative responsibilities but do not have as much "line management" responsibility as the position under study. In addition, the positions in this class normally do y.� �a� not have any enforcement responsibility. The positions in this class do not compare well with the position under study. Proeram Administrator Some of the positions in this class do have programs that affect the public directly and some do have responsibility for interpretation of laws and ordinances. Although the positions may interpret laws they tend not to have an enforcement responsibility. Moreover, the majority of these positions do not have "line management" responsibility. Rather, they tend to have program development and management responsibility such as a business assistance program. The position under study has clear management responsibility and responsibility for enforcement. The positions in this class do not compare well with the position under study. License and Permit Manaeer As stated above, this class has only one position. It was developed to describe the responsibilities of the position that managed the License division of Finance. The position in this class does not compare well with the position under study. Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q E S analysis supports assignment to supervisory grade 20. Recommendation Recommend that this position be allocated to a new class entitled License Manager, and that the new class be assigned to grade 20 of the supervisory standard ranges. It is recommended that the new position be in the classified service. These recommendations are based on the £ollowing: 1. The position is in a new organization and therefore it is logical that existing class specifications are not adequate. 2. The position is unique due to its regulatory and enforcement duties and its licensing responsibility. 3. The position has no unusual policy role so it is appropriate to place it in the classified service.