10-148CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER COUNCIL FILE NO. �Q �� �b B � ( File No. See below � Voting Wards See below Green Sheet No. 3047157 In the Matter of approving the construction of the 2010 Residential Street Vitality Project, by constructing new bituminous surface streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style lighting system and doing all other necessary work to complete said project. Also, the construction of and/or repair of storm sewer and water service connections in the right-of-way. Also, the construction of and/ar repair of sanitary sewer connections and lead water services will be made at the request of the property owners. The streets to be improved aze as follows: FrontlVictoria Area (Wards 1& 51 R.E. File #19080 Davern(Jefferson Area (Ward 31 RE. File #19079 Jessamine Avenue-Victoria St. to Como Place Orchard Avenue-Colne to Grotto Hatch Avenue-Colne to Grotto Stinson Street-Lexington to Chatsworth Burgess Street-Lexington to Chatsworth Oxford Street-Atwater to Front Street Chatsworth Street-Burgess to Front Street Colne Street-Orchard to Jessamine Kiburn Street-Orchard to Jessamine Ryde Street-0rchard to Jessamine Milton Stteet-front to Orchard Victoria Street-Front to 7essamine Barrett Street-Front to Jessamine Como Place-Front to Jessamine Avon Street-Front to Jessamine Jameson Street-Front to Jessamine Grotto Street-Front to Como Avenue Saint Albans Street-Front to Como Avenue Berkeley Avenue-Fairview Avenue to Snelling Avenue Stanford Avenue-Fairview Avenue to Snelling Avenue We]]esley Avenue-Fairview Avenue to Snelling Avenue 7efferson Avenue-Fairview Avenue to Macalester Street Jefferson Ave-Macalester to Snelling (street lights only) Wheeler Street-Jefferson Avenue to St Clair Avenue Davern Street-Jefferson Avenue to St Clair Avenue Macalester Street-Jefferson Avenue to St Clair Avenue Fairview Avenue-Randolph Avenue to St Clair Avenue COUNCIL FILE NO. D �� Green Sheet No. 3097157 Page 2 Hovt/Kennard Area (Ward 6) RE. File #19078 California Avenue-Flandrau Street to White Bear Ave Idaho Avenue-Hazelwood Street to Germain Street Idaho Avenue-Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue Iowa Avenue-Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue Hoyt Avenue-Hazelwood Street to Germain Street Montana Avenue- Hazelwood Street to Germain Street Montana Avenue-Flandrau Street to White Bear Ave Seventh/Douelas Area (Ward 2) R.E. File #19066 Erie Street-Randolph Avenue to James Avenue Duke Street-James Avenue to Palace Avenue Michigan Street-Taronto Street to Webster Street Michigan Street-Richmond Street to Western Avenue Harrison Avenue-Goodrich Avenue to Douglas Street Sturgis Street-Garfield Street to Douglas Street Douglas Street-W. Seventh Street to Grand Avenue Nebraska Avenue- Hazelwood Street to Germain Street Forbes Avenue-Douglas Street to Exchange Street Nebraska Avenue-Flandrau Street to White Bear Ave Leech Street-W. Seventh Street to Grand Avenue Nevada Avenue- Hazelwood Street to Germain Street Exchange Street-Elm Street to Shertnan Nevada Avenue-Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue Chestnut Street-W. Seventh Street to Smith Avenue Flandrau Street-Arlington Avenue to Larpenteur Ave The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: That the said report and the same is hereby approve with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 17.440,b96.00 , financed by Street Improvement Bonds, MSA, Sewers and assessments. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of Mazch, 2010, at 530 o'clock n•m•, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of 5aint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Yeas Na s Absent Bostrom ,I Carter Harris Helgen � Lantry ,/ Stark ,/ Thune ,/ °J Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified by BY� / / //>.ili, : Aate ��(J� �ouncil Secretary ' r i Date ��(e/7�/r � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � /n�!l1¢ .- � iu Departmentl0ffice/Council: Dateinitiated: /± � , een SheeL NO 3097157 FS — Financial Services Zg �pN 2010 V Contact Person & Phone: Departrnent � Sent To Person InitiaUDate BarbMundahl y o �anuatservices RealErtate 266$112 . 1 ouncd G5 Council �� 2 i C7erk Ci Clerk Must 8e on Council Agenda by (Date): Number For Routing Doc. Type: OTHER (DOESNT FIT AIdY Order CATEGORY) E-Document Required: N • Document Contad: Lyn Moser ' ConWct Phone: 2665858 ` � Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Lowtions for Signature) Adion Requested: Set public hearing date- Approve construcrion of streets and lighting in the 2010 Residential S4eet Vitality Project (RSVP). Construcuon includes new bituminous streets, concrete curb & gutter, driveway aprons & outwalks, boulevazds w/ sod & hees; new latem style lighting; and other necessary work. Also consuucdrepair, sanitary or storm sewer services or lead water pipes, as owner requested. . Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: � _ Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? q6 Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current cily employee? � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The sueeu indicated aze to be re-constructed as part of the Residenrial Street Vitality Project for 2010. Advantages If Approved: General improvement of the right of way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhoods. The newly rebuilt roadways will improve drivabiliry of said neighborhoods and continue the city's efforts to improve the street system in St Paul. DisadvantagesifApproved: Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust and general disruption will occur. Disadvantages If Not Approved: � � The pavement stucture will confinue to deteriorate. 7ota1 Amount of Transaction: $17,440,696.00 CostlRevenue-Budgeted: Y Funding Source: 2009l2010 SIB, MSA, Sewers, pctiviryNumber: Assessments Financial Information: (Explain) Februarv 3. 2010 10:35 AM p�„A � �o-� �fB SUMMARY OF ENGENEER4NG RECOMMENDATiONS 2010 Residential Street Vitality Projects Report Frepared 1!$110 Rubiic Hearing 313l10 PROGRAM The projects are to improve the aseas referred to.as the �ront-Victoria (Area 31�, Seveoth-Douglas (Area 47), Hoyt-Kennard {Area 12), and Davern-Jefferson (Area 78) Residential Street Vitafity Projects by constructing new bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevards landscaped with s.od and trees, and a new lantern style street lighting sysiem. fn addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs wifl be made, lead water services in the right of way witl be replaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer reconnections will be made af the request of property owners. See attached maps for project areas. EXISTING CQNDITlONS Most of the residential sfreets in the project areas are oiled or older paved streets. The street widths vary, generally between 26` and 32'. The street surfaces are generally in fair to poor condifion. Most of the areas have wood pofe street [ighting. PROPOSED lt4APROVENiENlTS lt is proposed to improve the following streets with the construction of new bituininous surFaced streets with concrete curb and guiter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, and boufevards landscaped with sod and trees. In addition, appropriate sanitary sewer repairs will be made, lead water services in fhe right of way"wili be repiaced, and storm sewer and sanitary sewer connections wi{! be made at the requesf of property owners. Front-Victoria: JESSAMINE AVENUE - Victoria St. to Como Pface ORCHARp AVENUE - Colne to Grotto HATCH AVENUE - Colne fo Grotto STINSON STREET - Lexington fo ChatsNrorth BURGESS STREET - Lexington to Chatsworth OXFORD STREET - Atuvater to Front Sireet CHATSWORTH STREET - 8urgess to Front Street COL�tE STREET — Orchard to Jessamine KtLBURN SFREE� - Orchard to Jessamine RYDE STREET - Orchard to Jessamine MILTON STREET - Fronf fo Orchard V[CTpRfA STREET - Front to Jessamine BARRETf STREET - Front to Jessamine GQMO PLACE - Front to Jessamine . AVQN STREET - Front to Jessamine JAMESON STREET - Frant to Orchard GROTTO STREET - Front to Goma Avenue SAINT ALBANS STREET - Front ta Como Avenue Seventh-Douglas: ERIE STREES — Randolph Avenue to James Avenue DUKE STREET- James Avenue fo Pa4ace Avenue M{CHIGAN S�REET' - Toronto Street to Websfer Street M[CHIGAN STREET — Richmond Street to Westem Avenue HARRISON AVENUE — Goodrich Avenue to Do.ugias Street STURGIS SSREET—Garfield Sfreetto Daugfas Sfreet DOUGLAS STREET — W_ Seventh Street to Grand Avenue FORBES AVENUE — Dauglas Street to Exchange Street LEECH STREET — W. Seventh Street to Grand Avenue EXCHANGE STREET— Eim Street to Sherman CHESTI�UT STREFT — U1/_ Seventh Street to Smith Avenue Hoyt-Kennarcl: CRLfFORNtA AVENUE — Fiandrau Street to White 8ear Avenue lDAHO AVEhfUE— Hazelwood Street to Germain Street [DAHO AVENUE — Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue IOWA AVENUE — Flandrau Street to Whife Bear Avenue HOYT AVENUE — Hazelwood Street to Germain S{reef MONTAIVA AVEIVUE — Hazelwoad Street to Germain Street MQNTANA AVENUE — Fiandrau Street to Whife Bear Avenue NEBRASKA AVENUE — Hazelwood Street to Germain Streef NEBRASKA AVENlJE — Flandrau Street fo White Bear Avenue 1dEVADA AVE(VllE — Hazelwood Street to Germain Street NEVADA AVENUE — Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue FLANDRAU STREET —Adingfon Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue 2 /o�/�g Davern-Jefferson: BERKELEY AVENUE — Fairview Avenue io Sneliing Avenue STANFORD AVENUE — Fairview Avenue ta Snelling Avenue WELLESLEY AVENUE — Fainriew Avenue to SneEling Avenue JEFFERSON AVENUE — Faisview Avenue fo Macalester Street JEFFERSON AVENUE — Macalester to Sne(ling {Street Lighting Only) WHEElER STREEi — Jefferson Avenue to St. Ctair Avenue dAVERN STREET — Jefferson Avenue to St. Clair Avenue MACALESTER STREET — Jefferson Avenue to St. Clair Avenue FAIRVIEW AVENUE — Rando4ph Avenue to St. Clair Avenue Decisions regarding the streEt widths wi11 be made keeping in rrtind the right-of-way widths, existing street widths, any relevant neighborhood issues, and the impact on boulevard trees. New curb may be hand formed to avoid damaging boulevard trees or their roots. Tree trimming may be necessary to facilitate construction. All the streets to be paved {lisied above) will also have a lantern styfe street iighting system installed as part of this project. ALTERNATES To do nothing wou{d be inconsistent with the City's commitment to improve existing oiled and older paved streets. POSlTiVE BENEFITS Genera! improvemenf of the public right-of-way will enhance and add quality to the neighborhaod. The newly rebuitt roadways will improve drivability of the neighborhood, and continue the City's efforts to improve the street system in Saint PauL Lantem style I€ghting will enhance neighborhood safefy and esfhetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, reduced access ta the neighborhood, and generai disruption wilf be presenf. EFFECTS OM TREES Street widths will be selected to minimize the impacf on trees. New trees will be pianted as part of the boulevard restoration. TtME SCHEDULE The pro}ects will begin in the summer of 2010 and will be completed by the fall of 20'! Q. SEVENTFi DOUGLAS 70-P-8748 COST ESTtMATE Construction Engineering Miscelfaneous e TOTAL ESTIMATED FtNANCING ` Street lmprovement Bonds TOTAL FRONT VICTORtA 10-P-8149 COST ESTlMATE Construction Engineering M+scellaneous TOTAL $ 2,110,042 $ 411,548 $ 17.888 $ 2,539,476 $ 2 ;539,47& $ 2,539,476 $ 4,127,234 $ 804;810 $ 300.000 $ 5,232,Od4 ESTIMATED FINANCING StreeffrciprovementBonds $ 3,174,541 Streef Improvement Bonds carried overfrom 2009 $ 1,590,1d9 Sewers $ 467.394 TOTAL liOYT-KENNRRD 10-P-8950 COST ES7IMATE Construction Engineering _ UtiiitieslMiscellaneous TOTAL ESTIMATEQ FINANCING Street Emprovament Bonds Sewer TQTAL ' $ 5,232,044 $ 2,492,3t0 $ 486 $ 200.000 $ 3,178,310 $ 2,771,262 $ 407.d48 $ $,178,310 ,� /��/�8 DAVERN-JEFFERSON 10-P-8152 COST ESTIMATE Consfruction Engineering UfilitiesiMiscetianeous TOTAL ESTlMATED FINANCING Street fmprovement Bonds Sewers MSA Assessments TOTAL ALL RSVP PROGRAMS COST ESTtMATE Co�struction Engineering Utilities/Miscellaneous PROJECTTOTAL ESTlMATEQ FINANCING $ 5,200,000 $ 1,014,Q40 $ " 276.866 $ 6,490,866 $ 3,827,927 $ 562,839 $ 1,575,Od0 $ 525A00 $ 6,49�,8&6 $ 13,929,586 $ 2,716,358 $ 794.752 $ 7 7,440,696 Streef Improvemenf Bonds $ 12,313,206 Street Improvement Bonds carrisd over from 2009 $ 1,590,'[08 MSA $ 1,575,040 Assessments $ 525,000 Sewers $ 1.437.381 PRO.iECT TOTAL $ 17,44a,696 The 2074 assessment rates for residential street paving and fighting are: $40.97 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for street paving $7.25 per ASSESSABLE FOOT for lantem sfy(e street lighting on residential streets SOURCE OF ADDiT10NAL INFORMATlON For additional information, contact [7an Haak, at 266-6084. SUMMAItY AND RECOMMENDAT[ON The Department of Pubfic Works fee[s that this is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project and financing_ Respectfufty submitted, Dan tiaak Public Works 0 _! {____J �.� � 3 i �-� r� 11�G ,�� � �� `,, t 1 r ,� / I I �, c s �'t �� Z L��+O�XO: ��❑ � SNHSlV '1S al��� NOs3Yi�(' t�Ontl 'ld flY40J u�a�sve �i�oi�{n >- �s6.t��w � � �C �-- arnoa � w �L � �a�b C� � H l o . r ., � U� � � � O a ,—� � �-~-'� a � � z � � -� � ---i � � � � N � � ��--i �-a-1 � � � U rn �I '� R` v2 � � � � a {' � � � � � � -� w � � � -� � n � � H � '� � � � W � v v �, � � ti�ne��x H���S1HH3 riana��� � � � , 'hAA�c; N Ol�NlX3� � � �� o � v ¢ a F � [Y = L 4� � � � � M v �� �� C � i� _ C � � J�' ��'� J � < ��� l P ��1✓ ` .��` ����> .�� ,���, � :� �, .i -, ..'d'b. � ` l O � � \� K �' ��- Q � � � �� ��� .\ ��\ � �.�ldF! �arar� � Nria E3' �� = �`��� � n a K g � � r a u� � w � Q I r� r t � a N � � � w rc m es � � a � Q � 0 z d K ' SAINT! PAliLi �, AAAA' �n...r City of Saint Paul J���� Department of Public Works Street Engineering and Construction Division c � r � I� i I I I � � a z _ARPENTEUR CALIFORNIA IDAH.O )� J � � �4��� �'p �� ♦ I i • � � �� �1� ;.:�,_�'� . 0 0 0 � J W N Q S ARLtNGTON z � Q � `� a � Q � z o w � W a m Y � F Li _ � �= STREETS TO BE RECONSTRUCTED IN 2010 � = WATER MAW CONSTRUCTION ONLY 2010 HOYT/KENI�TARD RSVP 10—P-8150 Project Area 12 saarr PAiSL � AAA �� 5T. CI;AiR AVE BERKELEY AVE. STANFORD AVE. WELLESLEY AVE. JFFFERSON qVE JUllET AVE. PALACE AVE. JAMES AVE. RANDOLPH AVE City o�- Saint Paul Department of Public Warks Street Engineering and Construc�ion Division J L 1 t ! �� � � > � � < � ; � � � �w Z 5 w � v � w 4 � 0 � �= STREETS TO BE RECONSTRUCTED iN 201Q � = STREET LIGHTlN� CONSIRUCTION ON�Y 2010 DAVERN/JEFFERSON RSVP 10—P-8152 D...�e..} Arc.. 7R 1 I I I � 0 z L r � � � 2 w N � � � � �