09-8013� CITY OF SATNT PAUL PRELIMIPIARY ORDER COI7NCII. FILE NO. 09-801 BY � /�,% "- Y FILE NO � AE2009-02 VOTING R'ARD 5 In the Matter of acquiring property rights for right-of-way needed to construct a left-tum-lane signalization project along _l'iaryiand Avenue at the intersection of Rice Street, as indicated on the attached map and report. The Council of the City of Saint Pau1 having received Yhe report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no aiternatives, and that the estunated cost thereof is $1,700,000.00, financed by project funds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said imptovement on the 19th of Aueust, 2009. at 530 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paui. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provtded by #he Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cast thereof as estimated. COUNCII.PERSONS ,} Yeas Navs .H �sen t �strom ;� Carter __�, Hazris _ ,/ Helgen , ` i Lantry — r Stark _ ,/ Thune _ Adopted by Council: Date 7 /���� Certified Passed by Council Secretary � In Favor By � � �� d Against , � Mayor � Green Sheet Green Sheet 09-801 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Depar6nentfOffice/Council: Date indiated: Fs -��e���a�$em� ,�,,��-0s_ � _Green_Sheet I�tO�__30�72fi05_ _ __ _ Contact Person & Phone: ����t Sent To Person Initlal/Date Bob Novak � U mancial servica � zss-sasa , oq � � Assign 2 Clerk 0 Must 9e on Co�meii Ageeda by (Date): Number 22JUL-09 Fw Routing Doc. Type: OTHER (DOESN'f FIT ANY Order CATEGORI� E-DocumeM Required: Y Doeument Contact ConfaM Phone: ToW I# of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Loeations for Signature) Adion Requested: Apaove Preliminary Order to establish public hearing date for Final Order [o acquire property rights needed to conshuct left tum lanes and insta(1 new signals on Maryland Ave. W. at Rice St. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 7, Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrad forihis departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this person7firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheM. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City Council must espblish a public hearing date to consider the final order approving the acquisrion. The preliminary order establishes that date. Advanfages If ppproved: The acquisHon wotk for the project may go forward Disadvantages If Approved: None DisadvaMages H Not Approved: , T1te Final Order and acquistion work cannot be approved Total Amount M CostlRevenue Bud eted: Transaction: 9 Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Informatiort: (Ezplain) July 15, 2009 1:19 PM Page 1 1' :I SI)1VIMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Maryland Avenue at Rice Street Left Turn Lanes Albemarle Street to Park Street Right of Way Acquisition Report Prepared - 7-14-09 Public Hearing to be scheduled — 8-19-09 PROJECT: Acquire right of way for the proposed widening of Maryland Avenue for installation of a left turn lane on Maryland Avenue at the Rice Street intersection. INITIATING ACTION: This project was initiated by both St. Paul and Ramsey County Public Works. Both Maryland and Rice Street aze Ramsey County State Aid Highways. The Maryland/Rice intersecfion has a high number of left turn crashes. This intersection has had the second highest number of total crashes in St. Paul over the past five yeazs. Ramsey County applied for and received Federal Safety related funds for installation of a left turn lane on Maryland and Rice Street which will reduce left turn type crashes and improve traffic operations and access at the intersection. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS: It is proposed to acquire right of way on Maryland Avenue between Albemarle Street to Park Street to allow for the widening and mstallation of left turn lane on Maryland Avenue at the Rice Street intersection. The conshuction project will be administered by Ramsey County Public Works. City Council approval far the construction project will be completed under a sepazate final order. Construction is planned to be completed in 2010. PROPOSED ffiGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION: Ramsey County has requested that the City of St. Paul complete the right of way acquisition. The County will reimburse the City for right of way acquisition costs as per County Cost Participation Policy. The right of way proposed to be acquired is on Maryland Avenue between Albemarle Street to Park Sireet as shown on the attached map. The property at the SW corner of Maryland and Rice Street intersection has already been acquired in anticipation of this project. ADVERSE EFFECTS: The widening project will require permanent and temporary right of way acquisition on properties on the south side of Maryland and temporary easements on the north side. The acquisition process being managed by City of St. Paul will provide relocation payments and services to owners of acquired properiy in accordance with the Uniform Relocation 1 of2 09-801 Assistance and Real Properties Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended and required under state law. TIME SCHEDULE: The property acquisition will be completed in Fa112009 and construction will be completed in 2010. COST ESTIMATES: Right of Way Acquisition ESTIMATED FINANCING: Ramsey Cowity $1,700,000 $1,700,000 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION; For additional information, contact Brian Vitek at 266-6256 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works believes this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the Engineering Recommendation is far approval of the project and the acquisition. 2 of 2 � I �- � ; � � � , I� , � i � ; � u i � � I I (� � � ��� ❑ uC � ��� � � � sE ^ I o� W � Z ' W > Q _ � Z �� o } � s � � � H n N ' �L n 09-801 r i I ! � �� -- � w � 133b1S 3�12J _' > z � ao �-- � Z w � �, � O Q I \ UJ ¢ W F � F } w � ¢ � � i a o � a a W x o : � � I n x i x a x . I o N d � � T a � I ¢ U w �� � I I Q N L� � Z � U Q � J r � � d' Q � r� ��� � 8 � �l� i�d � � u� o � � � �� � 1332i1S 3lbt/W39V ❑ �J � 09-801 1 1210 Albermarie St. 2 159 Maryland Ave. W. 3 155 Maryland Ave. W. 4 7201 Rice St. 5 99-721 Maryland Ave. W. 6 1794 Aibermarle St. 7 91 Maryland Ave. W. 8 1200 Rice St. 9 120 Maryland Ave. W. 10 776 Maryland Ave. W. 11 172 Maryland Ave. W. 12 104 Maryland Ave. W. 13 90 Marytand Ave. W. 242923440119 242923440118 242923440117 242923440116 192922330085, 87, 89,124 252923110011 192922330090 302922220007 302922220006 302922220005 302922220004