09-117CIR`Y OF ST. PAUI, PRLLIMINARY ORDER COUNCIL FILE NO. � �� �--� �,5 File No. COMO BIKE LN voting ward Green Sheet No . .3 � ro 4°�-1-� In the Matter of re-constructing Como Avenue between Raymond Avenue and the west City Limits by adding on-street bicycle lanes. Bump-outs will be installed at Como & Scudder as well as 180 feet east of Eustis on Como, countdown pedestrian timers will installed at various intersections and bike racks installed in the Como & Carter and Como & Doswell commercial areas. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report. and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $418,800.00 is to be financed by the TLC Non-motorized Transportation Pilot Program. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 18th day of February, 2009, at 5:30 �'��� p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Pau1. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom ✓ Carter ,/ Harris ,/ Helgen ✓ Lant�y ✓ Stark ✓ Thune ✓ 7 Adopted by the Council: Date: � 9 Certified Passed by the Counc3l Secretary By � � �tK��%� Mayor � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � d/ //y ; DepartmenUOfficelCounciL I Datelnitiated: GI�PrP•I7 Sheet NQ 30662'15 ; FS - Financiai Services ZS�AN-09 i i � Contad Person & Phone: � David Kuebler Pub. Works , 266-6217 V Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date]: i ' 28-JAN-09 � ` Dec. Type: OTHER (DOESNT FIT ANY �; i CATEGORI� �� i � ! E-Document Required: N I I Document CoMact: �uan Ortiz I I Contact Phorte: 2668&64 � �► Assign Number For Routing Order Totai # of Signature Pages �{Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Set Public Hearing date to consider the re-consuuction of Como Avenue from Raymond, west to the City Limits, with bike lanes and other bike/trafficlpedestrian conuol improvements. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejea (R): Plannin9 Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Servlce Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: �. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes P7o 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any � current city empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity �Who, What, When, Where, Why): Bike lanes currently exist on the Minneapolis side of Como Avenue as well as east of Raymond Avenue. The existing road width will accomodate the proposed improvements. Advantages If Approved: Continuity in the regional bike network will be increased by filling in this gap along Como Avenue. There will be improved bike, traffic and pedestriau azninenities adailable. DisadvantageslfApproved: General construction disruptions, which include, but may not necesasarily be limited to, noise, dust and general disruptions to traffic. Disadvantages !f Not Approved: • Improved bike, vehiculaz and pedestrian ammenities will not be available immediately to this azea. Total Amount of Transaction: $418,80Q.OQ CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y Funding source: TLC Nonmotorized Transportaion p�ivky Number: Pilot Program Financial lnformation: (Explain) � Januarv 21. 2009 9:58 AM pa„p � �9-ii� SUMMARY OF: ENGWEERWG RECOMMENDATiONS Como Avenue Bike lanes , City Project Na. 08-P-1339 Report Prepared — 1/5i09 Pub{ic Hearing — -+/09 PROJECT The purpose of tiiis project is to provide safie bicycle and pedestrian facilities that encourage biking and waiking. Additionaliy, there is a strong desire by the bicycling community, the City of Minneapolis, the City of St. Paul and Transit for Livable Communities (TLC) to provide safe bicycle specific facilities that connect the two cities and connect to o#her regional attractions. The project as referenced in this Summary of Engineering Recommendations form provides such facilities. EXISTING CONDITIONS Bike lanes currently exist on Como Avenue +n Minneapolis as well as on Como Avenue east of Raymond Avenue is St. Paut. The existing roadway width, 46', will accomni6date the desired improvements without disturbing the existing roadway. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS This project will restripe Como Avenue between Raymond Avenue and the avest limits of the City such that on-street bicycle lanes are provided. Pedsetrian safety elements (bump-outs) will be installed at the intersection of Como/Scudder as well as approximately 180 feet east of Eustis Street on Como Avenue. Countdown pedestrian timers wi{I be instaUed at the intersections of ComolRaymond, Coma/Carter, ComolQoswell and ComofEustis. Bike racks will be installed at the ComolCarter and Como/Doswell commercial areas. ALTERNATES Siace the project has been awarded a grant by TLC to implement the facilities on Como Avenue, there are no other alternatives to the one presented in this form. POStTIVE BENEFITS As it relates to adding bicycle infrastructure to the City, the project referenced in this form will fill the gap that exists on Como Avenue beiween Raymond Avenue and Minneapofis. As a result, system continuity in the regional bicycle network wil! be increased. It is anticipated that implementing the facility referenced in this form wilf encourage mode shifit and will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. Bump- outs wiff provide better visibility of pedestrians wanting to cross the street and at the same time help to calm vehicle traffic. Countdown pedestrian timers wilt provide information to both pedestrians and vehicles enabling both users to make informed decisions. Providing bicycle parking will provide a much needed amenity to the bicycle system and will help to increase the mode share. Oq r�� ADVEI2SE EFFECTS Normal issues relative to impfementing infrasfrucfure improvement projects will be present. Those issues inciude, but may not necessarily be limited to, noise, dust and general disruption to vehicie traffic. EFFECTS ON TREES There wiil be no impacts to trees. _ TIME SCHEDULE {t is anticipated that project construction wili begin midsummer of 2009 and will be complefed by the fall of 2009. . COST ESTIMATE Construction Engineering PROJECT 70TAL ESTlMATED FINANCING TLC Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot program PROJECT TOTAL $ 354,80Q $ 64,Q00 $ 418,800 � ::�� $ a�a,eoo SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION � For additional information please cantact David Kuebier at 266-6217. David is the Pro}ect Engineer/Manager: SUMMARY AND REGOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works befieves the project submitted in this form to be necessary and feasible. The DepartmenYs Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the project inclusive of financing. � - Respectful�y submitted, David Kuebler, P.E. �„.,,, . Pi#b1ic Works Traffic Engfneering � .A.'..�- : � - 2 w � z w >� Q w Q wN Q �� J � �o Z=� � Z �oo U ~' � W W �3 J z O W (. �QQ � Q � � z z H Q � � W>-YL' r�Qa � � � LL O� � {� LL. O I ° ��3 � W � � Q w3 >_ a .o v- a � 0 c� EAST � w � z w >� Q w Q w� Q v� _ J F' J 0 Z = � o z �oo U ~ Q N W W �3 J z O W U � J � Q � } Q Ur � Z z H Ca�Y W }- O_.' f�QQ � n � � LL T Q � 1 � Q � °- �3 � �tj � � Q z3 w >. Q� �t 0 � a � EAST R,�,W, �. e w � Q v � 0 �-- � 0 z � � � � �`�I� y� �¢� � F o� s �Ji 0�00 z��W �W�Q W°z �q€ U 6�r � F � p ���-3 0 V ~ Q o z n t~ U �°+ rcoJ n�.� 1 ' 1S�M ,�, 1S3M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B- Coteman, Mayo. 3anuary 21, 2009 Dear Como Avenue Resident or Business pwner. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Bruce Beese, Directar PauT St Martin, T�aJfic Engineer 800 Ciry H¢11 Annex 25 West Foutth Street Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Facsimi(e 657-298-4559 t��l //9 In 2009, the Como Bike Lane pro}ect is scheduled for conshuction. As such and in cooperation with the Saint Antkony Park District Council, a neighborhood meeting will be held to present the project and answer auy questions that may arise. The meeting will be an item on the agenda of the Environment Committee meeting. The date and time of that meeting aze as follows: 7:t30 pm, Wednesday, 3anuary 28 Sont}i Sain��Anthbri� Paik Re`e:' �enfer 890 Gromwell Avenue Project Tnformation Purpose The purpose of this project is to provide safe bicycle and pedestrian facilities that encaurage biking and walking in St Paul. Additionally, there is a strong desire by the bicycling community, the City of Minneapolis, the City of St. Paul and Transit for Livable Communities (TLC) to provide safe bicycle and pedestrian specific facilities that connect the two cities and connect to other regionai attractions. The proposed project provides such faciliries. Note that bike Iaues currenfly exist on Como Avenue in Minueapolis as well as on Como Avenue east of Raymond Avenue is St. Paul. The project referenced in this letter will fill the gap that �ists on Como Avenue between Raymond Avenue and Muuieapolis thereby increasing system continuity in the regional bicycle network. Route On Camo Avenue from I2ayinond Avenue to the west limits of tke City of Saint Paut. Note that the geographic orientation of Como Avenne is northwestJsoutheast. Please see attached map. Scope This pmjecY will restripe Como Aveuue such that on-street bicycle Ianes are provided that connect existing hike lanes in St. Paul to existing bike lanes in Minneapolis. Roadway work AA-ADA-EE6 Emptoye� ResponsiveServices • Qua[iryFacilities • EmployeePride � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Bruce Beese, Director CTTY OF SAIN7` PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor Pau1 St_ Mmtin,Tra�c Engineer SOOCityHaltAnner � 25 Wesz Pourth Sbeet SaintPaul, MNSSIO2 Facsimile. 651-298-4559 l.��!-//7' will l�e limited to the installation o£pedestxian safety elements (62anp-outs) at the intersee$on of Como and Scudder as well as approaixnately 180 feeY east of Eustis Street Cowrtdown pedestrian timers will be installed at the intersections of ComolRaymond, Como/Carter, Como/Doswell and Como/Eustis. Additionatly, bicycle racks wiIl be instailed at comruercial nodes. Fynancing and Cost The pmject is entirely funded bq a graiet from TT.C. The estiinated eost of the project is $418,800. . Please contact me at 651-266-6217 or at david.kuebler�u,c�.stpaul.mn.us if you have any questions or comments. s�iy, � David Kneb2er, P.E 1'rojecY 114aaager City of St. Paul Bike%Ped Coordinator AA-ADA-EEO Employer ResponsiveServices • QualiryFacitities • EmployeePride � � O � � � � � � PRQJECT LOCATION MAP dy ir� � O � � � � � � RANG�' ��3 IIjE'.S'T