08-434CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER COUNCIL FILE NO. , ; l• , ,� � � BY ,� � FILE NO. � AE2008-5 VOTING WARD 6 In the Matter of acquiring the property rights needed for rigjit of way purposes, for the public purpose of re- aligning the intersection of Rose Ave. and Clarence Ave. (See attached map.) The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $30,000, fmanced by project funds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 21st of Mav, 2008, at 530 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and iri the manner provided by the Charter, stating the rime and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Navs ✓ Bostrom ✓ Carter ✓ Hazris ,i Helgen ,i Lantry ✓ Stark I��Sthf' — Thune Adopted by Council: Date '`�fd?3/�p�� Certified Passed by Council Secretary � Tn Favor By � Against Mayor G:uteal EstatelAcquiihoas\�Public Wocks44E2007-1OP0 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 6$��� PW — �tic works 1SAPR-08 Green Sheet NO: 3052414 Contad Person 8 Phone: Bob Novak 266-8863 must �se on 23APR-08 Doc. Type: OTHER (OOESNT FIT ANY C E-0ocument Required: N Dxument Contact: Contad Phone: � Assign Number For Routing Qrder Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) 0 blic Works Division Mana r 1 unN ' Counnl 2 Cteck C' Clerk Appzove Preliminazy Ordet to establish public hearing date for Final Ordet to acquire easements across a part of 1388 Maryland Ave. as a part of the re-alignment oFRose Ave at the intersection with Clarence Planning Commission CIB Committee Ciwl Service Commission 1. Has ihis person/firm ever wodced under a contract for this deparime�t2 Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attaeh to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): As a part of the re-alignment easements aze needed to make the intersection line up with the enteraace to the new Cub Foods Advanfages H Approved: The project may go f6rwazd DisadvaMages NApproved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: T'he Final Order and acquisition work cannot be approved � Transaction: �30,0�0.00 CostRtevenue Budgeted: y Funding Source: _p Aid FUnds �M�/}l Activiry Number: Financial lnformation: r `��`"� � (Explain) April 16, 200812:11 PM Page 1 t Ug f�l J 1 SUNIlVIARY OF RECOD'IlVIENDATIONS Department of Public Works: CLABENCE STREET Properly Acquisition Report Prepazed February 22, 2008 Public Hearing May 21, 2008 PROJECT The City of Saint Paul proposes to purchase a portion of commercial property at 1388 Maryland Avenue in order to re-align Rose Avenue. This would create a four leg intersecrion with Rose Avenue, Clarence Street and the new Cub Foods entrance/exit. INTTIATING ACTION This project is initiated by the Department of Public Works. Currently, Rose Avenue intersects with Prosperity Avenue which subsequently intersects with Clarence Street at a 34 degree angle. The increase in traffic from the proposed Cub Foods driveway would add to an already confusing intersection. The proposal is to re-align Rose Avenue to line up with the Cub Foods driveway and re-align Prosperity to intersect with Rose creating two standard intersections instead of one skewed intersection. (see attached map) The project will require partial acquisition ofthe property at 1388 Maryland Avenue. EXISTING CONDITIONS This properly acquisition would include about 700 sq, ft. of land adjacent to McDonalds at 1388 Maryland. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The Pina1 Order does not authorize construction of the re-aligned intersection, but authorizes City staff to proceed with acquisition of the necessary right-of-way. However, when the project is built, it will provide increased safety for both pedestrian and vehicle traffic. ALTERNATIVES The intersecfion cannot be re-designed without the acquisition of additional right of way. To do nothing would create a confusing and potenfially dangerous situataon. POSITIVE BENEFITS The City can acquire property that is mosfly vacant, thereby avoiding the need to relocate an existing business, and potentially saving acquisidon costs. ADVERSE EFFECTS The purchase of this site wi11 require some trees and landscaping to be removed. ��u�� TIMESCHEDULE The acquisition process will begin in early Mazch, 2008, and should be completed within 8-12 months. Project planning, desigp and constniction is anficipated for some time in 2008. COSTS AND FUNDING Costs — Public Works/Real Estate estimates the cost of acquiring this portion of properry at 1388 Maryland Avenue at $30,000. TYris amount includes purchase of the land, appraisal and closing costs. Fundin� — The project will be funded by Minnesota State Aid funds. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Bob Novak, Real Estate (266-8863) Bruce Engelbrekt, Rea1 Estate (266-8854) -Z- n51�(k�i� � „ � '�� w;� Vj Z:d R� p U �_ r :O F�P �.Z W " �I; m,� a f 'w�� ; �.�IN � N�� ��� �� � � � � O N � w 6 [� b [i] a � � Q'i g F � .E `s w = U '� W � 6 c a �� � :� s • q � z ¢ � � I ; ; F . a m � �� ��� �� �