08-1409: CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER IL FILE O. UO ' 1 i3o. 1907 Votiag ward 2 Green 5heet No . �� � r's3 7 In the Matter of improving the brick alley in Summit Court, being a Rearrangement of Terrance Court by grading and paving with brick. (Bounded by Grand Hi11/Summit Court, Summit Avenue, Lawton Street and Summit Court), also, Ia the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or land remainder thereof, occasioned by excavation thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and paving with brick the alley in Summit Court, being a Rearrangement of Terrance Court. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approve with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $77,512.27 financed by assessments. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 21s day of Sanuary, 2009, at 5:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom � Carter ,� Harris ,/ Helgen ✓ Lantry ✓ Stark � Thune ✓ Adopted by the Council: Date: ���a!/��2��i�A Certified Passed by the Council Secretary �Y�! /����iliis� ���j /� %�� ��-a5 bzQ� s� � Mayor �,��,y�� Sutnmarv of En¢ineerina Recommendations Report Prepazed November 19, 2008 Final Order EIeating PR03ECT Improve the brick alley in Summit Court, being a Rearrangement of Terrace Court (Bounded by Grand Hill ! Sumnut Caurt, Sumwit Avenue, Iawton Street and Summit Court) by grading and paving with brick. Also, condemning and taldng an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateial suppart from subject land or land remainder thereof, occasioned by excavarion thereof or construcfion of slopes in the grading and paving of said alley. INITIATING ACTION This impxovement was iniriated by a peririon signed by 73% of the abutting property owners. The alley is platted 20 feet wide. The alley is paved. The surface of the alley is brick. Grade the alley to a width of 20 feet and place salvaged and replacement brick. ESTIMATED COST AND FINANCING Esrimated Conshucrion Cost Engineering and Inspecrion Service Fee Miscellaneous Estixnated Total E�cpenditures $48,294.24 14,488.28 5,070.90 9.658.85 $77,512.27 Financing - Assessments Estimated Rate per Assessable Foot INFORMATIONAL MEETING Not yet scheduled. SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION $77,512.27 $155.00 For additional information, contact Pete Gallagher at 651-266-6085 SiIMMARY OF RECOMNIENDATIONS The Deparanent of Public Works recommends that tlus project be constructed. Respectfully submitted, Dan Haak Project Engineer � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ny.ltLnr � v� ,-�v OepartmenVOfficelCounciL• � Date Initiated: � ' I PW_PublicWorks i ZaNO�-0$ Green Sheet NO: 3064537 � � � Contact Person & Phone: I Deoartment Sent To Person InitiallDate � � PetO GallBghe� I y 0 Public Works I �blic Works ' � I 266$085 � 1 Council Ma Erickson ` � I 2 Ciri Cierk I CiN C7erk-SLari Moore I Must Be on Council Agenda by {Date): � Num6er i 24DEG08 For � Routing ' Doc. Yype: OTHER (DOESNT FIT ANY Order � CATEGORI� � E-Document Required: N � Document Contact: Juan Ortiz ConWd Phone: 2668864 - Total # of Signature Pages� (qfp Ail Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Sei date of hearing to unprove the brick alley in Summit Court, being a reazrangement of Tenace Court (bounded by Grand HilU5ummit Court, Summit Ave, Lawton Sheet and Summit Court) Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foilowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coniract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civii Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a aty employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any _ current ciry employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separete sheet and altach to green sheet. Initiffiing Prob{em,lssues, OppoAUnity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The improvement was iniriated by a petition signed by 73 % of the property owners. AdvanWges IfApproved: Drainage in the alley will be improved. Disadvantages IfApproved: Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, and general disruption will occw. � I DisadvanWges If NotApproved: � � Total Amount of $�� 512.27 - Transaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Y . Funding Source: ASSBSSfI'1Bf1lS pctivity Number. Financial Information: I I (Euplain) . i December 11, 2008 3:00 PM Page 1