D00381• No. Date: GS #: LJL�IJ�C> � {Z' 12 25931 ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER Gonsistent with the authoriiy granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the requsst of the Director of the Department of Public Works to amerid the 19 44 budgei ot the Sewer Service Fund tund, the Direcror of the Depactment ot Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOK ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Curtent Burk�et 1 260 - 22201 - 0111 2 260 - 22201 - 0279 3 260 - 22201 - 0439 4 260 - 22203 - 0111 s 260 - 22203 - 0439 6 260 - 222Q4 - 0111 � 260 - 22Z04 - 0439 a 260 - 22205 - 0111 9 260 - 22205 - Q279 � 260 - 22205 - 0439 11 260 - 22207 - 0222 iz 260 - 22214 - 0274 i s 260 - 22214 - 0356 la 260 - 22225 - 0217 15 260 - 22225 - 0244 le 260 - 22225 - 0337 1� 260 - 22226 - 0111 1 a 260 - 22226 - 0222 19 260 - 22226 - 0335 zo 260 - 22226 - 0439 Full Time Permanent Other-Repair & Maintenance Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Fringe Benefits Fuil Time Permanent Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Other-Repair & Maintenance Fringe Benefits Telephone-Mo Charges Self Propelled Veh-Repair Safety Supplies Fees-Engineers Testing Services Signing MaEerials Full Time Permanent Telephone-Mo Charges Painting Materials Fringe Benefits Totals $767,675.00 $203,800.00 $204,232.00 $76,504.00 $20,912.00 $580,733.�0 $154,771.00 $62,986.00 $2,054.00 $16,139.00 $719.00 $3,000.00 $2,109.00 $47,575.00 $10,547.00 $0.00 $57,237.00 $0.00 $211.00 $14,882.00 $2,22b,086.00 $O.dO Amended Bud3et $732,147.67 $153,800.00 $195,232.00 $39,004.00 $10,912.00 $653,330.10 $172,255.23 $63,37d.25 $4,620.67 $16,294.41 $2,946.b6 $0.00 $1,109.00 $97,575.00 $8,547.00 $358.18 $58,608.04 $770.19 $215.95 $14,989.65 $2,226,086.00 zi To transfer spending authority between line items of the Sewer Service Enterprise Fund to zz properly reflect where spending is projected to occur during the remainder of 1994. � � y:Mayor (�-_ �- -� `f— o� � Charige ($35,527.33) ($50,000.00) ($9,000.00) ($37,500.00) ($10,000.00) $72,59710 $17,484.23 $384.25 $2,566.67 $155.41 $2,227.6b ($3,000.00) ($1,000.00) $50,000.00 ($2,000.00) $358.18 $1,371.04 $770.79 $4.95 $107.65 _ �� �. .� �0�3 1 PA /OFF UNpL ATE INITIATED 8 25931 - _rubli��o�� � Q, ii�z�a GREEN SHEET No. CONTAGTPFASON•&PFIONE ' . � _, . �.._ IMI4AUDA]E . .`" .." INffiAL/�A'fF— �P. . .. . . .. , . ARTMEM DIREGTOR � qTY GOUNG0. Ed W�n, 266=�i142 � � xu�wa ❑ crre arrowaer ��� yy �� - � qqg----------- 0 cmcxErac ? MUSTBEONCOUNGILAGENDABY(DA'!� ROU7ING UDC�7DIFEC� 7 FtN&MGT,SEFiVICESDIR. �� � �MAVORfORASSISTM � pdiWyMa�a,7er 3 Al # OF SiC�IASURE PAGES S tCIJP AtL LOCA7ION3 FOR SIGNA7Uflq Q3 SENIOti M O DEPApTAENT p� ' AC710NREQUESTEO Appmve ihe traacfes of spending authority within the Sewer Sexvice Entsiprise Fimd (260) ao where spending is projected to ocau before die end of the year. " FEC�MMENDATrot�SJ�pr°ve�a°r�(F� PERSONALSERVICECONTRACiSMUSTANSWENTHEFOLLON7NGQUESTfONS: _ PLANNING COMpA1SSION _ CNiL SERVICE COMMISSION 7. Hy5 }hjg PgrsorVflrm eVBf wOfked undBr a GOntraGC for Ihls tleParllnent? CI6 COMMfT7EE YES NO A STAFF � 2. Has this persoNfrcm ever heen a citY emPbYee? - VES NO :.,., _ DI57qIC7 CqJNCiL _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunen[ city employee? SUPPOqTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTNE? YES NO ;; , Explain all yes answers on sepa2ta sheet and attach to greert sheet �, MRTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORlUNIN (WHO, WIiAT, WHEN, WNERE. WHY�: Since the 1394 budget was adopted, new needs have occiured for which changes in spending authority aze necessary.' These needs should be addressed by amending the appropriate 1994 budget in the Sewer Service Enterprise Fund. The following changes have occmred: 1.- Increased maintenance attention was given w sewer cleaning rather than repair; , ,. 2. An opportunity eacisis to reduce fuwre MCW S cost through sharing of costs related to the Trout Brook intercep[or wi[h other aypropriaze , municipalifies. This requires an engineering study (cast approximately $50,�0). These costs will eventually be shared 50% wiffi the , MCWS. 3. Miscellaneous other small corrections aze needed for projected spending to the end of 1994. - ADVANTAGESIF APPq6VED: � The 1994 work program can be camed out within the approved budget. st as Saint Paul has made process determining the appropriate responsibility for the Belt Line Interceptor, we now have the opportunity to ,'< , reduce our costs related ro[haTrout Bmok Interceptor. J OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . None. ; REC�SV�� DEC 121994 CIT`l CLER4� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � The Department of Public Warks risks violating Ciry Charter Cfiapter 10.10 ALAMWNTOFTRAI�ACTpNj Nez (l.(1(1 COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCIEaNE) YES t� NDINGSWHCE F.ziatin Rn etc ACTIVITYNUMBER Q2201,22203,222D4,22205,22207,22225 & fINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 22226 . ' Tlus adntinistrative order does not inerease the overall budget. The movement of budget wIll allow the accumul,ation of accurate cost inforrnation for - the Sewer Service Enterprise Fund on the Ciry Finance Computer. - -- � _i yA ► L2 yV „ �