D00379Wn+w — Ciiy C�erk Pink — Finenct OePt. Cana.y — Devi. C_� GITY OF SAIleT PAiTL OYFIGY, pg TFiE MAYOR ADMINIS"IRATiVE ORDER I3C'(x:ET KF;l7SI0\ Gurrent Amended Budgei Change 6utlget Office o£ License, Inspections $ Environmental Protection License $ Permit Special Revenue Fund . t 6,183 20,000 20,071 3,200 49,454 :��1��ISZR.��'E C)�?ER, Consistent with the authoritY grantetl to the Mayor in Section 10.07 4 of the City Charter and basetl on the request of the Director of the Department of ExeCUtive Adm7�}r. iStTati on to amentl the }9 9 4 buaget of the License & PeTIItit S eCial ReVenue funtl, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services �s authonzed to amend said budget i� the fofbw[ng mannec Alarm Permit GL-167-31355-0132 - Not Certified-TempJSeasnl Business Process Redesign GL-167-31350-0132 - Not Certified-Temp/Seasnl Council Administrative Heaxing GL-167-31356-0219 - Fees-Other Profsnl Services Environmental Health Educatian GL-167-31353-0219 - Fees-Other Profsnl Services Prepered 6y. Activiry Managu 3equestetl by�t tliraclrn ' /�� �( No: ��R Date: 1 � � � � _ �� 3,65� (3,650) 2,500 (2,500) 0 9,833 16,350 22 700 49,454 �� Appr by: Mayor � / � � � r � � LIEP 11/3Q/44 Odalen 266-9111 � A fOR D0037 q EN SHEET N_ 30701 �NRIAVDATE INITIAU�AIE EPAFiTMEMOiRECTOR �CfiYCOUNCiL C�i`! ATTORNEY O CITY CLERK BUDGET DIREGTOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR ,�� �oR,���� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� of 1994 budget revisions. HECOMMENDATIONS: AP7�o� �A) ot fleiect IH) _ qB COMMRTEE _ _ _ s7AFF _ . ,. DISIAICT COUiiT _ . SUPPORTS WHIC/f COUMCIL 08JEC1'IVE? ISSUE. PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST AN3WER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has Mis personffirm ever worketl under a conlract for Mis tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city emplqree? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO Erplain all yes answers on sepereM sheet and at[ech ro graen sheet (WM. Whet. When. Wh¢re, Why): e are shortages in the 1994 LIEP Special Fund Budget (167). There are sufficient ss dollar amounts which will cover all of the shortages. This Administrative Oxder balance the 1994 LIEP Special Fund Budget. 1994 LIEP Special Fund budget will be in ba2ance. REGElVED DEC COST/flEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) SU���T O��FfCE RECEIVE� DEC 121994 CITY CLER�t Fund budget will not be in balance. Ab10UNT OF TRANSACTION FUNDItd4 SOURCE FlNANqAL INFORMATION: (E%PUIIN} �, � NUMBER YES NO l� V �