03-463��fr!�I.1�� CITY OF ST. PALTL PRELIMINARY ORDER COUNC�3, � LE NO .�' � 3� �� J BY � �� � FILE NO. 03-10 VOTING WARD 2 � � In the Matter of acquiring a pexmanent easement for right of may purposes and a temporary construction easement over under and across the Northwesterly portions of the folloming Blocks: Block 1�7, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul; Bloak 174, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul; Block 5, Bazil & Robert's Addition to west St. Paul and Block 6, Bazil & Robert's Addition to Atest St. Paul, along with any vacated right of may accruing, subject to any easements of record. � The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above mentioned. and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost to acquire the property rights mentioned is $33,000 to be financed by Project Funds. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 4th dav of June,2003, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Cha=ter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓Benanav I�V.��,,..t- B 1 akey �ostrom �eoleman �farris �antry rF.'eiter � In Favor � Against ! ��P3cri� Adopted by Council: Date_ �\V �-a y} d Certified Passed by Council Secretasy �T Public Hearin Re uested for June 4, 2003 b'S -�1�3 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number: 202983 EPARTME�TDIRECCOR ��' COUNCIL ntac[ Person and Pbone 1\umber: ��� p]Tpg,��y ITI' CLERK Paul St Martin p " " (Public�Vorks)266-6118 tiDGETDIRECTOR Iv.&MGLSVCDIR ' LfYOR(ORASSLSTA.�Tj RFALESTAiEDIVISIONROO�S130CH lust be on Council Conseat A enda 6v: C� , S/ 6 G- OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 4CTION REQUESTED: et date of Public Hearing. cquire permanent right of way easements and temporary construction easements to improve FYllmore venue from Wabasha to Livingston. F71e#AE2003-10 mmuaveno�:.�rraovewoaxuecr�� ERSO\AL SERVICE CO.�TRACTS M[JST A1SR'ER THE FOLLOWING: n '"'"rGC O �ss 1 O 1 ' �_ ST^tT . Hu the perso�Grm ever worked under a contract for this depastment? YES I`O avavxn� co>v+a�ou _ . Haz this person/6rm ever been a C7ty employee? YES NO �� . Dou this penon/firm possess a sl;ill not normally possessed by any lain all YES answers on a se rate sheet and attach. UPPORTS K'HLCA COLNCIL OBJECTIVE? COL'1NCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLA!rI�'InG COU\CIL \'ITIATING PROBLEb1, ISSUE, OPPORTL7IVITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): In accordance with the tiVest Side Master Plan (12/9/2001), the City is to complete the improvement of ilimore Avenue to help complete the development of the U.S. Bank Site. VAATAGES IFAPPROVED: The City's comply with its development agreement ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The work will necessitate the taking of roadway right of way on private properties . ISADVANTAGES IF IiOT APPROVID: fihe City's portion of the U.S. Bank development agreement will not be in compliance. OTAL A�SOUNT OF TRA\SACTION: $33�000 COST/REVE:V[JE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES 1�0 INGSOURCE: PrO�CCYFtiII1t�S ACTIVITYNUMBER: INAIVCIAL I.NFOFL�tATION: (EXPLAI� ����:�;'�il �ivr�£ �� ` F ' ``�`° c�: � ��a'`� �