D00376CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR U Approved Copies io: — City Clerk (Original) — Fnance DepYs Accounting Division — Requesting Dept ADMlNISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: � 1 �LJ Date:_-��'�{� _t.`f ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 1�.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of Cily Council to amend the 1994 _budget of the General Fund fund, the Director c Fnance and Managemerrt Services Deparhne�t is authorized to arnend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTIVITY, OBJEC7, PROJECT City Council Legislative GL-001 00001-0219 Fees — Other Professional Services GL-0�1 �0001—�221 Postage GL-001 00001-0235 Type II — Regular Mileage GL-001 00001-0242 Dupiicating GL-001 00001-0251 Transportation � 001 00001-0252 Lodging — Meals 001 00001-0253 Registration Fees GL-001 00001-0276 Office EquipmeM & Furniture Repair GL-001 00001-0368 Office Supplies GL-001 00001-0857 Data Processing — Hardware All Other Activdy Spending CURRENT BUDGEf 32,000 32,000 12,324 4,219 7,243 7,805 4,742 11,630 13,711 50,500 1,408,100 1,584,274 Date 1-2 - Date � � `Date APPROVED CHANGES (22,000) (25,000) (10,OOQ) (2,600) (6,000) (6,500) (1,400� (8,500) (2,�00) 84,000 0 0 AMEN�E� BUDGET 10,000 7,000 2,324 1,619 1,243 1,305 3,342 3,130 11,711 134,500 1,408,100 1,584,274 �o3�b N_ 26929 City Council Strathman 6-8575 �t� C 11-21-94 I GREEN SHEET C17V ATfORNEY BUDGET OIREGTOR MAVOR �OR ASSISTAN'n TOTAL # OF SIGPIATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATfOP7S FOR SIGNATURE) MI'f1AWNTE Q qTY CLEFlK Q FlN. & M(3T. SEFiVIGES Dlq. a - Approval of Administrative Order transferring fnnds in Bndget Activity 00001(City Conncil) from Services and Suppfies to Data Processing Hazdware � . MPr� IA) or __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMfffEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTpICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERYlCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a cOnVact for this department? YES NO 2. Has ihis perso�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Oces this person/firm possess a skill not nwmally possessetl by any current ciry employee? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet There aze insufficient funds in the Equipment category to implement Council-approved computer system redesign DEC Og 1994 U v.� The Council will realize the benefits of an improved computer system None RECEIVED DEC - 8 1994 CITY CLERK It will not be possible to implement the Council-approved computer system redesiga , *'l�YC3ti�ii ��� � � ���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION =UNDIfdG SOURCE 9NANCIAL INFORMATION� �EXPLAIN) COSTlREYENUE BUDGETED (CIHCIE ONE) YES NO ACTIVI7Y NUMBER dw �