03-175CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELID�TARY ORAER �' , �i ; ; —, , ;. � vl\; V:s'u��._ co cu. E o - 1 BX FILE NO. 18978 �� VOTING WARD In the Matter of improving of the alley in Smedley's Addition, Block 1 by grading and paving with bituminous material. (Bounded by Curtice, Sidney, Brown, and Andrew). under Preliminary The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. 2 That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $28,250.40 financed by Assessments. Tlzat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th dav of March, 2003, at 5:30 o�clock b.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPER50N Adopted by the Date: '�.�.�q YeaS Nays � Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom � Coleman ,� Harris � Lantry �Reiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By 0 Against Public Hearin Date - March 26, 2003 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION ontac[ Person and Phone Number: Glenn Picha 266-885� ust be on Council Agenda by: FQUTUaI'y �� 2003 AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES RESEARCH � Date: February 6, 2003 Green Sheet Number: 204049 EPAR7'MENTDIItECTOR 2 IlYCOUNCII. 17Y ATI'OIWEY CLERK UDGE7'DIILECfOR FFICEOFFINA1vCW.5VC5. JR (OR ASS151'Al'71) ALL LOCATIONS Set Final Order Public Hearing date to improve an alley in Smedley's Addifion, Block 1(Bounded by Curtice, 3idney, Brown, and Andrew) by grading and paving of bituminons material. APPRO�'E (A) OR PLMiYN`GCOMMISSION A SfAFF RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Aas the person/firm ever worked under a contract (or this departmen[? YES NO Has this person7frrm ever been a City employee? crvu, serzv�ce coMnussiorv CIB COMMITTEE WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7'NE? COUNCIL WARD(S) YES NO Does this�person/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any YES NO curren[ City employee? Explain all YES avswers on a separate shee[ and a[tach. 2 DISTRICTPLANNINGCOUNCIL � TINGPROBLEM.ISSUE� OPPORTONI7T (Who, What, When Where� Why?): This alley was initiated by a petltion b.y 59 % of the proper owners. �TAGES IF APPROVED: Draina�e in aliey will be improved. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption will occur. ,NTAGES IF NOT AYPROVED: Drainage conditions will not improve. AMOUNT OF'I'AANSACTiON: ASSESSMENT $28,250.40 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO )URCE: A5SQSS1T10IIt5 ACTNTTY NTIMBER: W FORMATION: (EXYLAIN) ��c€� F��a�ci� Cen'ter ... .�Yy � � .:����.�. 17 property owners will be notified of