02-495CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER Adopted by the Date � S� o.L_ �Y Nay Certified Passes by Council Secretary 3� FILE NO. 18959 VOTING WARD In the Matter o£ construction Hill Street Plaza project. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,200,000.00 financed by 575,000.00 of assessments and $625,000.00 of TIF funds. 2_ That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 26th of June, 2002,at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Yeas � Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom � Coleman v Harris � Lantry � Reiter o�_yq5 ORIGINAL F ° BY � In Fa�<r gy � Against _ Hearing Date: June 26, 2002 Works Sewer Utility 2666226 �•= - � ` 6J5l2002 70TAL A OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ fAAYORfOKASSISTMfT) Etl�Wam � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� x:noxr�a.�sren Set Ciiy Couacil hearing to assess I3istrict Energy $575,000 for their share of Hill STreet Reconstruction t��ermnnOr+s nparo+e (n) a tae�em (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONiFtACTS MUST ANSWEF THE FOLLOWING DUES'f10NS: !� PLRNNINGCOMMISSION t, }{�q��Spei50Nfi wWkBdulltlereCOMr2Ciforfhi5tlepaNneM? � []�Et�7enhvi7EE YES INO/ . t./ CtvIISERV�CECOMMIS570N 2 HasthispersoNfirm beenacityemplq2e? _'— YES AJOI •l/ - 3. Dces this perswn!Emyppssess a skill rwf normalN Wuessetl by anY amem pA' QmPbYee"? -- VES �70 - a. �s vus versoNtirm a3aF9�a �naon � YES `j AVTIATINGPROBL@.�ISSUE.OPPORNMTY(WHO. WHAT. WHEN. WHERE. WF1Y): The City needed to widen Kellogg Boulevazd at Mazkei Sueet. To accomplish this, Public Works built a bridge over Hill STreet. The cost otthis constraction was split in half between the City and District Energy. �ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. � KeIioggBonlevard will gain an extra traffic lane and wider sidewalk. • � Cost m the C'rtp and District Energy _ ; ��¢�` In�S/+DVA7diAGES iF NOT APPRDVED: Sellogg Ro�rtevazd at Mazket will not be wide enough for traffic. fDIALlWOUNTOF7RAN5ACT10N5 575QOD.OD flMIDiNG50UHCE �SSessl RW WC�AlitB-0RN0.T10N (EXPW tJ) �, s -E Q o�t - �q °"'�'""'"�° GREEN SHEET No. 111502 5/13Y1002 I�i4eVpate I�aYDate 2 DEPAHiMENfDIRECTOR � � CITYCOUNCIL ,� � �DrI � qTY AROqNEY � �,}Ty q,� r�ween wn � ❑ FlNANGALSERVICESdR ❑FlNANdAL$EHNACLTG � a �N. � 7/.A�_ COST/REVENUESUDGETED(CIHCLEONE) yEg' No ACnVm NUMeEH COl-2R041-25069 �( �.., i �t�. Y:S� c C � i' 9f .:. ?� �= � J