02-423CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDER -_.,, � _. � t `. ��,.e E i� . . . ._.. �o�� FIL No. o�- 4 a 3 BY � '� FILS NO. 18970 VOTING WARD In the Matter of improving the following streets with bituminous roadway, construct concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard sodding, tree planting, construction of a lantern style lighting system, and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement of East Sixth Street from Mounds Boulevard to Maria Avenue. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $225,000 finarlced by assessments of $5,000, MSA of $170,000 for 2002, and City Sales Tax of $50,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, 26th of June, 2002, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said the manner provided hearing, the nature as estimated. COUNCILPERSON Yea Nay �Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom � Coleman � Harris �/ Lantry � Reiter public hearing be given to the persons and in by the Charter, stating the time and place of of the improvement and the total cost thereof Adopted by the Date � S . - o d � Certified Passes by Council Secretary r'( In By � Against � - June 26, 2002 T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION Person and P6one Num6er: Glenn Picha �l��l u,�: C000al Researc6 Office 1 REQl1ESTED: SIXT'H STREET from Mounds to Maria vctien of new bituminous surfaced street with conerete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and Iks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and new lantem style lighting system c� mAUn77'ee iec-r nq A s'an' hblit Hwk6 v,ao� suµ . __ � ba �s�' Date May 2, 2002 Green Sheet Nnmber: 110492 EPARTHENT DIREGTOR 2 ITY COUNCIL �'°' ITY ATTORNEY ITY CLERK D�EOW �+l1MPOAl.bY6 RSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWAG: Hrs the persod6rm ever worked ander a contract far t6is deparmieot? YES NO Has this persodfirm ever beeu a CSty employee? Ik�es this persoWGrm possas a altill eot �rmalfy possesaed by aoy eorrent Cry employee? YES NO YES NO EspSain all YES auswers on a sepsrate shttt and attach. 7A71NG PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Whq What, Wheq Where, W6y?): . transform this block from au extension of Interstate 94 on/off ramps to a gateway to Dayton's bluff ghborhoods and Metropolitan State University. The streets will be narrowed and parking eliminated on VTAGESIFAPPROVED: project will improve the quality of road surface and reduce traffic noise, reduce traffic volume and spee� ng off of the freeway, create a safer pedestrian area along the roadway, and encourage traftic to Seventh IFAPPROVED: Wlt�l such as 1VTAGES IF NOT APPRQVED: The pavement will continue to deteriorate, traffic from Interstate 94 will continue to flow into the nei�hborhood, and narrow boulevards create a oedestrian hazard_ )UNT OF TRANSACfION: $22S�OOO �vacE: Assessments, MSA, Sales Taa Ci INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV) _ t S�.Y � � COST/REVENOE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO ncr�vrrxxoMB�e: � R.,���fC�t C�nt2fi