D00373CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: `�03�i3 Date: �Z` � cs n: 25890 :�DMINI$TRATIVE �RDER, Consistent with the authority graMed to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the DiTector of the Departmerit of Ru61i . Works to amend the 19 94 budget of the Stteet Repair and Cleaning Fund fund, the Directa of the Department of Finance and ManagemerR Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: C �t� � � 1 225 - 42312 - 0439 2 225 - 42314 - 0439 Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits All other spending Totals $271,572.00 $105,476.00 $14,750,920.00 $15,127,968.00 ($IS,200.00) $253,372.00 $18,200.00 $123,676.00 $0.00 $14,750,920.00 $0.00 $15,127,968.00 3 225 -423XX-OXXX • Shifting work requirements moved personnel to Oiled and Paved Aliey Repair and Cleaning � G �� Preparetlby:l�cW' anager t — 1 � Requa4pd by. Daparlme irector Appro tl 8 yor � � !z—/-�y W�a r�,b� w�"k� L.Erichson 266-6224 ',�'.' H OfID R GREEN SHEET INfTUWDATE - �EPPRTMENTDIR�TOR S� :f1V ATfORNEV � � (GUP ALL lOCA710tL5 Wft 31GNANH� 0 Approve Administraiive Order adjusting fringe benefit budget of acrivity 42314 in the Sffee[ Repair and Cleaning Fund 225. stECOMMFNDn7�oNSt�pprare (A) or Reject (R) pEHSONAL SEpVICE CONTRACT$ MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PV.NNING COMMISSION _ CN1L SERVICE COMMISSION � Ha5 ihis p¢rsoNfirm ever Worked under a contraC[ for lliis department? C�8 COMMrtTEE _ YES NO a STAFF 2. Has ihis personlCrm e�er 6een a dry empbyee? — — YES NO _ DIS'fRICTGOUNCiI � 3. Does ihis perSONfirtn possess a skill not normaity possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCIL06JECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green shaet INITLITING PFOBLEM. ISSUE.OPPOflTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WNEN. WHERE, WHV): Oiled and paved alleys received more repair and maintenance and as such incurred more fringe benefit expendiwre. Increased salaries in an activiry lead to increased fringe benefit cosu. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �udgets will be corrected and fringe benefits paid. DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED: None RECEIVEC3 DEC � 51994 Ci�'Y CLERK DISADYANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Possible problems with Ciry Charter Chapier 10.i0 and Budget Goals and Po]icies B-13 which restricts spending to budgeted levels by major object code in the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund. �LAMOUNTOFTRANSAC'RON$ �UNDING SOURCE INANCIAL INFORMATION: (IXPLAIN} -0- COST/REVENUE BUDGETFA (CIRCIE ONE) ACTIVffY NUMBER � C[iY COUNCiI q7Y CI.ERK FIN & MGT. SERVICES NO di�