02-22CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER couN =z Fx No. Ca - 9.3. BY 3`� FIL NO. 18952E-2 aka AE2001-07-B VOTING WARD In the Matter of coademaing and takiag of property rights aecessary to complete the construction of a padestriaa/bike trail in the area southwesterly of Lexington Parkway and Jessamine Avenue (TMS File #18952E-2 aka AE2001-07-B), as described and showa oa the attached (Exhibit "A"). The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $11,000, financed by Project Funds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, Januarv 23, 2002, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the manner provided by the Charter, stating the hearing, the nature of the improvement and the as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓Benanav Pbs�v.�' Blakey ✓Bostrom ✓Coleman ✓karris ✓Lantry ✓Reiter � In Favor �Against � Pbs��.'c the persons and in time and place of total cost thereof Adopted by Council: Date d 3. Certified Passed by Council Secretary G:\USF1t5\Engel\wp£iles\easements\AE2001-07.COmoBikeTUnne1.PO.wpd T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION D�: December 21, 2001 Green Sheet Number: 111610 d Person and Phone Nmnber: EPARTMENT DIREC[OR 2 CITY COUNCIL Peter White �� 2b6-8850 YATTORNEY czEiuc iJDGET DIRECTOR FEICE OF FINANCRAL SVCS be on CouncL Consent Agenda 6y: .JAN[JARY 2� Z�2 � YOR (OR ASSISTANT) 1 COUNCIL RESF,ARCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE CTION REQL�F,STED: 1. To approve setting a Jan. 23, 2002 Public Hearing date to condemn and acquire easements. . Acquire easements on property owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF� to develop a edestrianlbike trail along along Lexington Parkway (southwest of Lexington and Jessamine). T`MS File # 18952E-2 aka AE2001-07-B . F'COMT�NDATtONS: APPRO VE (A) OR RF IECl' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RAC1'S MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: pl,At�IVING COMMISSION A STAFF - Has the personlSrm ever worked nnder a wntract for this depaHment? YES NO . Has UJs person/tirm ever been a CYty employee? YES NO CNII. SERVICE COMMISS70N . . Does th3s person/fum possess a sM'ii not normaRy possessed by any YES NO CIB COMMITTEE �i'�'ent employee7 Ei lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach POAT3 `.;7FIICFI COUNCII.OBJECTNE7 U1�C%L 5 DISTRICf 10 � ARD(8) PLANNING p'+�;1��'?C COUNCIL " w neAR``•F , TING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq R'hen, Where, Why?): y, , Parks and Recreafion has available funds to develop a �'`. £,� `?' <''`� ���� edestrian/bike trail alon Lexin ton Parkwa . VAF3TAGES IF APPROVED: Improved :and safer usage of the right of way for pedestrians and HE COUNCIL HEARING ON i clists travelit► to and throu h Como Park. THIS A'fATTER IS SET FOR ISADVAN'tA^.,.ES IF APPROVED: ncumbrance to the affected ro er owner. ,TANUARY Z3 ZOOZ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: e City will be unab►e to acquire the necessary easements and pprovat for this project Funding for the project may not be vailable if delayed. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: Ap�ICO%. $I I�OOO �ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO LY➢ING SOURCE: PY0,�0CY FURf�S AGTIVII'Y NUMBER: ANL7AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV� G.IUSERS�EngeAw�les�eatttnrntsWE2007-07 ComoB�keTwmeLGS3 wpd CITY OF ST. PAIIL PRELIMINARY ORDER couN =z Fx No. Ca - 9.3. BY 3`� FIL NO. 18952E-2 aka AE2001-07-B VOTING WARD In the Matter of coademaing and takiag of property rights aecessary to complete the construction of a padestriaa/bike trail in the area southwesterly of Lexington Parkway and Jessamine Avenue (TMS File #18952E-2 aka AE2001-07-B), as described and showa oa the attached (Exhibit "A"). The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $11,000, financed by Project Funds. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on Wednesday, Januarv 23, 2002, at 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the manner provided by the Charter, stating the hearing, the nature of the improvement and the as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Yeas Nays ✓Benanav Pbs�v.�' Blakey ✓Bostrom ✓Coleman ✓karris ✓Lantry ✓Reiter � In Favor �Against � Pbs��.'c the persons and in time and place of total cost thereof Adopted by Council: Date d 3. Certified Passed by Council Secretary G:\USF1t5\Engel\wp£iles\easements\AE2001-07.COmoBikeTUnne1.PO.wpd T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION D�: December 21, 2001 Green Sheet Number: 111610 d Person and Phone Nmnber: EPARTMENT DIREC[OR 2 CITY COUNCIL Peter White �� 2b6-8850 YATTORNEY czEiuc iJDGET DIRECTOR FEICE OF FINANCRAL SVCS be on CouncL Consent Agenda 6y: .JAN[JARY 2� Z�2 � YOR (OR ASSISTANT) 1 COUNCIL RESF,ARCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE CTION REQL�F,STED: 1. To approve setting a Jan. 23, 2002 Public Hearing date to condemn and acquire easements. . Acquire easements on property owned by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF� to develop a edestrianlbike trail along along Lexington Parkway (southwest of Lexington and Jessamine). T`MS File # 18952E-2 aka AE2001-07-B . F'COMT�NDATtONS: APPRO VE (A) OR RF IECl' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CON1'RAC1'S MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: pl,At�IVING COMMISSION A STAFF - Has the personlSrm ever worked nnder a wntract for this depaHment? YES NO . Has UJs person/tirm ever been a CYty employee? YES NO CNII. SERVICE COMMISS70N . . Does th3s person/fum possess a sM'ii not normaRy possessed by any YES NO CIB COMMITTEE �i'�'ent employee7 Ei lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and atfach POAT3 `.;7FIICFI COUNCII.OBJECTNE7 U1�C%L 5 DISTRICf 10 � ARD(8) PLANNING p'+�;1��'?C COUNCIL " w neAR``•F , TING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq R'hen, Where, Why?): y, , Parks and Recreafion has available funds to develop a �'`. £,� `?' <''`� ���� edestrian/bike trail alon Lexin ton Parkwa . VAF3TAGES IF APPROVED: Improved :and safer usage of the right of way for pedestrians and HE COUNCIL HEARING ON i clists travelit► to and throu h Como Park. THIS A'fATTER IS SET FOR ISADVAN'tA^.,.ES IF APPROVED: ncumbrance to the affected ro er owner. ,TANUARY Z3 ZOOZ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: e City will be unab►e to acquire the necessary easements and pprovat for this project Funding for the project may not be vailable if delayed. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: Ap�ICO%. $I I�OOO �ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO LY➢ING SOURCE: PY0,�0CY FURf�S AGTIVII'Y NUMBER: ANL7AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIV� G.IUSERS�EngeAw�les�eatttnrntsWE2007-07 ComoB�keTwmeLGS3 wpd