D00367� WM1na — CiryCle�k Pi^k — Pinanca DeDt. Ci�ary — OeDt. • 'YlIt1LiC 7IB9L1A 0&D BNr"OnCE CITY OF SAI2�'T I�AUL OYYIGF; OF THE DfAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER BI'I)(:ET KF,\'ISIO� �D\I�ZS�.��� �)RD�R, Consistent with the ut{�Qnty 9rante� tQ the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of �Ub I t C H2d I ttt to amentl the 19�4. budget of the Ha� 1 th Ord i nancP fund, the Direc[or of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: ) Current Amended Budget Change Budget 3uo-3aifi6-u2y3 inUin-I}3-SAL"n �"r n6USIAG - Oirin& aiSC, ia.a9o.00 3G5-33i6P-G8S7 iuJin-iN-3AGn OF HGJ3iNG - D'ni& PROCn:iNG 35,6a0.0u No: L003(� Date: }� � i$9's,"v01 �Y4��� �u.uu • $9,u§8�06 i?HBBfie&, 9FnNDi}iC AUTIiOaiTF I9 NSn"Dn"D Iii hGTIViiF 33io8 GBJ3CT C6D"n 0�37 D'aiB FE�iCfi35ING B9UiPEMT. �N� ririBR�AS, iHn&B iS S"rHnDikG 4UTROnii± iA 3�i60, Q29� TflAi LUI�LD "nn Tfl91a3:nurcBD iAn&6KOR5 E� SB96LVBD, iART ;rin tinYGB eFr"nOr63 Tnn CriaNG"n i0 T'n'.n i994 BliDGEi, $3,a04.00 y5,i44.OG �u�"uu \ �__���,f ��r� Prepared by: ActivRy Manager � ��.��P Requested 6y: Oepartmant drtector �����Y AP ad by: yor � l - 2� �l � DBte f Ofl?�(D� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUI�CIL DATE INITIATED N 18 9 8 0 1 1 GREEN SHEE A R E 1NISIALDATE INI7IALlDATE ODEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CIT'COUNCIL ASSIGN � CITYATTORNEV � CIT' CLERK NUNBERFOR B ON CAUNGILAGENDA BV (DATE) qOUTING �ET �IRECTO � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OBDEF MAYOR (OR ASSI5TA TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL WCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEO: City signautres on Adminis�rative Order transferring spending authority between various Ord4nance Enforcement object codes, RECOMMENOATIOnlS: Appro�e (n) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMI55ION _ CIVIL SEFVICE CqMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a wnhaci for this depadment? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has ihis personlf�rm ever been a city employse? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISrpICr CoUai — 3. Dues this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally posses5ed 4y any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCI4 OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explai� all yes answera on separate sheet a�d attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where,Why): Activity 33260 - 0857 needs additional spending authority for the purchase of a computer. There is authority in 0299 that could be transferred. �ECE�VED � 2 g 1994 NTACaES IFAPPROVED� �����E suo�€� Deficit object code will be cleared. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED� RECEIVED NONE DEC -11994 CfTI' CLERK DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPR�VED� There will be a deficit in 0857. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ �1Q., O� COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE He�l �h 9rdi n�ns�--�nfer��mpnfi ACTIVITY NUMBER 33260 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) t � N