99-844CITY OF ST. PAUL •;. , �RIGINAL COUNCIL F�+ E NO. ( \ ^ ��'}� � � � fJ� BY �a�. FIL NO. VOTING WARD In the Matter of the condemnation and taking £or public purposes of certain properties, described ia Exhibit "A", attached hereto, in the Trout Brook area. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 Pa That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $900,000 financed from funds provided by the State of Minnesota. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22" dav of September,l999, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPBRSON Adopted by Date: T ,q �T_ Yea Nay �Benanav �Blakey �ostrom �Coleman — -�� , �xarris — ✓Lantry fReiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By � a °t �9 f q 1 � Against P(1AlISHPM1 ayor �EP 1 � 199� T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 20,1999 Green Sheet Ntmiber: 100901 on�ad Penon snd Phone N�6er: �1�kvRU2 axsa�coa CTl'Y COUNCII. Peter White � 266-8850 �°" �� 2 � � UDGEl' DIRECI�DR OF FlNANCLIL SVCS. k�c�aa��: September 1, 1999 YOA(ORASS7STAA'Tj 1 ouxcn.p�°IIC$ OTAL 1f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. To set hearing date to approve acquisition of certain properties in the Trout Brook area; and 2. To approve said acquisition. OM6fENDATIONS: APPROVE (ey OR RETECT PO ERSOPIAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/ficm ever�vorked mder a cont[act (or fhis deQa�ent? yES NO ruesm�cconu.�ss�ox A sren' Hag tAis petsonl8im everleeu s CSt9 �YK� YES NO C7VII. SBRVICH COMl14SSION . Ibes this penoNBrm pw�e.ss a ydp not noimeltY P� 6 9 �9 YES NO cm co�nrtas �� � �� Eaplam aIl YES snswers oa a sepazate sheet md attach YORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S� 5 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, 6 IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wheq Where, Why?j; The State of Minnesota has provided funds to acquire this property for the reestablishment of natural6abitat as well as recreational and environmeutal educational opportunities. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The property would be allowed to revert to natural habitat ISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Property would be removed from taa rolls. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The area wonld not revert to natural habita� AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'fON: $ 9 00 ,000.00 �ST/RE�'ENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) n�.s xo �� SO ��' State of Minnesota Ac�'IViTY r�u�ER. CfAL INFORMATION: (EXPLALA� Cotr�tl Rss&�sch Ce�fer Funding will be provided by the State of Minnesota AUG 2 � 19�3 CITY OF ST. PAUL •;. , �RIGINAL COUNCIL F�+ E NO. ( \ ^ ��'}� � � � fJ� BY �a�. FIL NO. VOTING WARD In the Matter of the condemnation and taking £or public purposes of certain properties, described ia Exhibit "A", attached hereto, in the Trout Brook area. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 Pa That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $900,000 financed from funds provided by the State of Minnesota. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22" dav of September,l999, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPBRSON Adopted by Date: T ,q �T_ Yea Nay �Benanav �Blakey �ostrom �Coleman — -�� , �xarris — ✓Lantry fReiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By � a °t �9 f q 1 � Against P(1AlISHPM1 ayor �EP 1 � 199� T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 20,1999 Green Sheet Ntmiber: 100901 on�ad Penon snd Phone N�6er: �1�kvRU2 axsa�coa CTl'Y COUNCII. Peter White � 266-8850 �°" �� 2 � � UDGEl' DIRECI�DR OF FlNANCLIL SVCS. k�c�aa��: September 1, 1999 YOA(ORASS7STAA'Tj 1 ouxcn.p�°IIC$ OTAL 1f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. To set hearing date to approve acquisition of certain properties in the Trout Brook area; and 2. To approve said acquisition. OM6fENDATIONS: APPROVE (ey OR RETECT PO ERSOPIAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/ficm ever�vorked mder a cont[act (or fhis deQa�ent? yES NO ruesm�cconu.�ss�ox A sren' Hag tAis petsonl8im everleeu s CSt9 �YK� YES NO C7VII. SBRVICH COMl14SSION . Ibes this penoNBrm pw�e.ss a ydp not noimeltY P� 6 9 �9 YES NO cm co�nrtas �� � �� Eaplam aIl YES snswers oa a sepazate sheet md attach YORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S� 5 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, 6 IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wheq Where, Why?j; The State of Minnesota has provided funds to acquire this property for the reestablishment of natural6abitat as well as recreational and environmeutal educational opportunities. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The property would be allowed to revert to natural habitat ISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Property would be removed from taa rolls. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The area wonld not revert to natural habita� AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'fON: $ 9 00 ,000.00 �ST/RE�'ENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) n�.s xo �� SO ��' State of Minnesota Ac�'IViTY r�u�ER. CfAL INFORMATION: (EXPLALA� Cotr�tl Rss&�sch Ce�fer Funding will be provided by the State of Minnesota AUG 2 � 19�3 CITY OF ST. PAUL •;. , �RIGINAL COUNCIL F�+ E NO. ( \ ^ ��'}� � � � fJ� BY �a�. FIL NO. VOTING WARD In the Matter of the condemnation and taking £or public purposes of certain properties, described ia Exhibit "A", attached hereto, in the Trout Brook area. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 Pa That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $900,000 financed from funds provided by the State of Minnesota. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22" dav of September,l999, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Ha11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPBRSON Adopted by Date: T ,q �T_ Yea Nay �Benanav �Blakey �ostrom �Coleman — -�� , �xarris — ✓Lantry fReiter Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By � a °t �9 f q 1 � Against P(1AlISHPM1 ayor �EP 1 � 199� T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: August 20,1999 Green Sheet Ntmiber: 100901 on�ad Penon snd Phone N�6er: �1�kvRU2 axsa�coa CTl'Y COUNCII. Peter White � 266-8850 �°" �� 2 � � UDGEl' DIRECI�DR OF FlNANCLIL SVCS. k�c�aa��: September 1, 1999 YOA(ORASS7STAA'Tj 1 ouxcn.p�°IIC$ OTAL 1f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. To set hearing date to approve acquisition of certain properties in the Trout Brook area; and 2. To approve said acquisition. OM6fENDATIONS: APPROVE (ey OR RETECT PO ERSOPIAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/ficm ever�vorked mder a cont[act (or fhis deQa�ent? yES NO ruesm�cconu.�ss�ox A sren' Hag tAis petsonl8im everleeu s CSt9 �YK� YES NO C7VII. SBRVICH COMl14SSION . Ibes this penoNBrm pw�e.ss a ydp not noimeltY P� 6 9 �9 YES NO cm co�nrtas �� � �� Eaplam aIl YES snswers oa a sepazate sheet md attach YORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCII, WARD(S� 5 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, 6 IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wheq Where, Why?j; The State of Minnesota has provided funds to acquire this property for the reestablishment of natural6abitat as well as recreational and environmeutal educational opportunities. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The property would be allowed to revert to natural habitat ISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVED: Property would be removed from taa rolls. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The area wonld not revert to natural habita� AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'fON: $ 9 00 ,000.00 �ST/RE�'ENUE BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) n�.s xo �� SO ��' State of Minnesota Ac�'IViTY r�u�ER. CfAL INFORMATION: (EXPLALA� Cotr�tl Rss&�sch Ce�fer Funding will be provided by the State of Minnesota AUG 2 � 19�3