D00357Ofiginai—City Clerk Copy--Finance Department Copy—Depar[ment • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR E�DMIlVISTRATIVE �RDER BUDGET REVISION m 1��.ST�TIV�+ ��ER� Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter an.d based on [he request of ihe Director of the Department of Finance to amend 1994 budget af the General fund, ffie Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Budeet Finance and Management Services Risk and Employee Benefit Management GL 001 01370 0133 Capital City Interns GL 001 01370 0219 Fees — Othr Profsstion Servs GL 001 01370 0389 Other — Misc Supplies GL001 013 70 0814 Other — Office Equipment � \ '�' � — � — � � y: Activiry Manager �� Requested by: Department Director �1� . 5�>1 183,842.�0 4,000.00 50.959.99 238,801.99 Na �0035'7 ��: Iz-z.-�y Chan¢e 21,000.00 15,500.a0 2,600.00 (39100.001 r� Amended Bud¢et 21,000.00 194,342.00 6,600.00 11.859.99 238,801.99 ! � ` ��5��--� App ed by: Mayor t�-� � Date `t�0035 �7 6 � �EP0.fiTMENT/OFPICE/COUNqL ' ... . . ., , .. ". DATE INITIATED ., . , • , , ' , . *YD' � @ � (] � .� '� t GREEN SHEET l� �' ' Finance Risk & Em Benefit M t V'" �"� iHmaware MRIAUDATE � CGNTA[:T PERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECfOR O CCfY COUNGI . Ron J. Guilfoile 266-888Q ��e� q� Cm'q7TORNEY c �aK �� BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BV (DAiE) pp� Y „ N�� R � BUDGET DIflECTOA � F�N. & MGT. SERVICES DIq. ACC C. ORDEp O MAYOF (OR ASSISTMIT) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) : accroN AEOUESTEn Approval of administrative order budget revision. HECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejeet (ta) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: ^ _ PLANNING COMMISSION ._,. _ CIVIL SE9VICE C9MMISSION .�� Hd5 YniS pei50Nfifm CVe� wO�kZtl Und2I a COMIad fOx thiS tlepffrtmeM? � ��' ' "' ' YES NO _ GB WMM1TfEE _ - ' � 2. Has this person�rm e�er been a city employee? _ STAFF — �'ES NO _ DiSiRiCT COUH'f _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? . � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO � Explain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet . INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): City changed the manner (direct versus contract) used to finance Urban Corp interns. The � City needs'to review Ziability for areas not covered by the statueory limitations--for example: ADA, Civil Rights, EEOC, EPA claims. 'ti ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: . . . Finances,avuiiable to pay the student interns employed by the Risk and Employee Benefit , Managemen6 Bivision. Finances available to determine the exposure to large lawsuits in areae �rhere sovereign immunity and statutory limitations do not protect us. u... �;a::.. � _ - � ���i�9V��1 . ��Yi'., '. . , ( f ( DISAWANTAGES IF APPROVED r ', None. (7F"riiCE �J� `!'i-9E Dif3�CTOR ' RECE6VED ��P���"1��a o� Ft��r�CE �' it �wr�e\,q�:E�E;�7 S�RViCES DEC -11994 �� � � � CI�'Y CLER6E � DISAOVAN7AGES IF NyAPPROVED. , ' Finances not available to pay for interns. City financial exposure and determination on how to protect will not be analyzed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $�9 100 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YE NO FUNDIftlG SOURCE GL-001 pC7ryYfY NUMHEB 013��-� ' FINANC�AIINFORMATION�(EXPlA1N) ' , �iAr V�