D00353WAite - City Cierk Pink - Finance Dept • \J CITY OF SAINT PAUL ADMINISTRATIVE OFiDER, OFFICE OF TNE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: �35,� Date: 1 1 °�-Q� WIiEREAS, a 1995 budget priority for the Mayor is the development and implementation of the Safe City initiative; WFiEREAS, in order to facilitate the development of the initiative a site visit will be made to the Canadian cities of Edmonton and Toronto to learn from their e�cperiences with Safe City initiatives; WHEREAS, Mayor Coleman appointed William Carter III as Chairman of the Public Sa£ety Advisory Council that will guide the Safe City initiative; WHEREAS, the travel e�cpenses for the site visit will be approximately $1,300 per person; NOW, THEREFORE, William Carter III is authorized to accompany 5afe City staff on this site visit and to receive reimbursement for travel ez:penses from the Safe City budget authorized for this purpose. FL7ND SOURCE: 001 - 06025 - 0251 APPROVED AS TO FORM ssistan Ci Attor ey � • ` /6 //�9� Date PED Melton x66570 �Q0353 N_ 29576 11/14/94 G REEN SH EET INRIP�./OR'(,� INITIAIJDATE � DEPAflTMENT DIRECTOR �,i1.� � cm couNa� �SSIGN �j[� pTYATfORNEV � �(�(��CINCIERK IUNBEF FOR `,�, BUDGET DIfiECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEFVICES DIR. IOUi7NG � J �' IflOEH � ypYOR (Ofi1�SSiST � � Am (� j ('I}'i�� � YA� +-�.�+F TO7AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of attached Administrative Order will authorize and provide financing for the reimbursement of travel expenses for the site visit of T�Tilliam Carter, I3I, to the cities of Edmonton and Toronto. • RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Fejecl (R) _PLANNINGCqMMi$$ION _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ __ STAFF _ _ DISTRICT COUFT _ . SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? YES NO Explein ell ye8 answers on separete Sheet end attach to gfeen Sheet IIVITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What. `/��en, Whe�e, Why): Safe City Saimt Paul is Mayor Coleman's comprehensive public safety initiative. The Mayor appointed William Carter III Co chair the Public Safety Advisory Council that coill direct the Safe City initiative. William Carter, III, along with three Safe City staff, will make a site visit to the Safe City initiatives of Edaonton and Toronto from November 17 - 22, 1994. APPROVED: The cities of Edmonton and Toronto have had Safe City initiatives since 1990 and 1989, respectively. This site visit will provide William Carter, III, to learn from their experiences in order to better advise the Mayor and direct the Public Safety Advisory Council in Saint Paul's initiative. 1F None RECEIVED NOV 2 91994 CITY CLERK IF NOT ��V .� � 1994 �� � �' ��������"� William Carter, III will not make the site visit to Edmonton and Toronto. TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ approx.�1 COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) ES NO FUND1idGSOURCE Safe C7_ty �l' (���p�NI7YNUMBER �� �� FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) !�% tT