D00351. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TFiE MAYOR • ADMI.'VISTIZATTVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No. Date: GS #: �351 i � �._JI.J �� 25927 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEK Consistent with fhe authorify granted to the Mayar in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of ihe Department of Pub(ic Works to amend the 19 94 budget of the Sewer Service Fund fund, the Direcior of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the fiollowing manner: Current Budget s 260 - 22200 - 0544 z 260 - 22201 - 0111 3 260 - 22201 - 0279 9 260 - 22201 - 0324 s 260 - 22201 - 0326 e 260 - 22201 - 0828 7 260 - 22201 - 0439 s 260 - 22203 - 0111 � 260 - 22203 - Q439 io 260 - 22207 - 0111 11 260 - 22207 - 0439 Payment to Metro Sewer $18,795,790.00 Full Time Permanent $863,675.00 Other-Repair & Maint. $203,800.00 Concrete Steel/Iron Products Bricks f Blocks Fringe Benefits Full Time Perrnanent $24,405.00 $57,410.00 $38,241.66 $228,232.00 $126,504.00 Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Fringe Benefits �33,4�12.00 $567,479.00 $152,795.00 Amended �� Budget $371,208.00 $19,166,998.00 ($96,000.00) $767,675.00 ($125,000.00) $78,800.00 ($10,000.00) $14,405.00 ($10,000.00) $47,410.00 ($6,208.00) $32,033.66 ($24,000.00) �204,232.00 ($50,000.00) $76,504.00 ($12,500.00) $20,912.00 ($30,000.00) $537,479.00 ($7,500.00) $145,295.00 Totals $21,091,743.bb $0.00 $21,091,743.66 iz To transfer spending authority between line iteins in the Sewer Service Enterprise Fund to is allow full payment to Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services (MCWS). The MCWS ia amount was incorrectly budgeted for 1994. This transfer of spending authority is due in is part to savings in salaries and fringe benefits for employees receiving workers ie compensation benefits. It is anticipated that this is a one-time saving oniy. ApProv 8 Mayo• � � �r_ .�.� —�Y o,� ,,� .., � � b�-_'i A� VR' MET1JlOFFICE/GDUNCiL z�nli� wor� �' CONTpCf PEASOMd PHONE„ , , .,,_ , . Roger PachreiYer 26Cr6248 �Q' � MUST 8E ON GOUNCIL AGENDA 6Y {DATEJ � AL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES GREEN _ T�035I o. 2s92? , '•. . .. INITJ¢UDATE.- "' " ` ' �DEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR �. �O ASSIGN CITV ATYORNEY ' NOtABFA FOR ❑ ROl{TING . Q9UDGETDIRECTOR � �� n MAYOR(Ofl ASSISTANn i (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOfl SIGNAiUfiq �$ENIOB CITY COUNG� _ qtt CLERK 61N & MGT. SERVICES DIiL O DEPARTMENT Approve transfer of spending authority between line i[ems in the Sewer Service Enterprise Fund to atlow full payment to Meaopoliran Council Wasrewater Services (MCWS). The MCWS amount was incott�ctly budge[ed for 1994. aECOe�e�ENOat�ks:na��o� w o� �i� tR� _ PUINNING COMMISSION __ CNIL qB COMMITfEE _ _ A STAFF _ DIS7RICTCOUNpL � _ _ SUPPORTS WHICM COUNCIL O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SEAVtCE COtSTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFtE FOLLOWING (}UESTIONS: t. Has Nis persoNfirm ever worked under a conttac[ for tNS tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever 6een a ciry empbyee? "- � FES` ' �NO � � � 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skdl no[ nortnaily possessetl by any curren[ ciry employee? YES NO Explain ail yes answers on sepa2te sheet aM attaeh to green sheet INITIATING Pfl06LEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WNO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE. WHY): When Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services approved its 1994 budget, i[ approved exma funding [o begin reducdon of phosphorus in the treated water released to the Mississippi River. The City's Final 1994 Budget was adopted basecl on prelim�nary esfimates &om MCWS before phosphorus removal was included. ', I This pansfer of spending authoriry is due in par[ to savings in salaries and fringe benefits for employees receiving workers compensation ' henefits. It is anticipated thac this is a one-dme saving only. � ADVANTAGES IF AAPROVED: ' Payment of Metropolita� Council Wastewater Services will be allowed within the approved ] 994 Budget. „..,. . �� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: None. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � � ; The Departrnent of Pnblic Works risks violatiag City Charter Chapter 10.10. RECEIVED NOV 2 81994 CITY CLERK � ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ N (lOt_g � COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCIEONE) YES NO DINGSOURCE �i17, 0279�0496- 04� 044q AC7IVITYNUMBER Z2207, ??ZQ3 and 22207 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPCAIN� � (, - ` !V l 6 ! L1 VV