D00350^ - _ ` . ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: Date: GS #: 'Joo35c� I � ��V �Q`9 25891 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciiy Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pi�blic Work� ro amerdthe 19 �budgetofthe Stteet Repair and CleaninQ Fund fund, the Direc[or of the Depar6nerrt of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI-IE MAYOR Curtent ��dget 1 225 - 42313 - 0283 2 225 - 42321 - 0274 3 225 -42XXX-OXXX Rental-Vehicles Self Propelled Veh-Repair All other spending Totals $945,218.00 $4,219.00 $14,178,531.00 $15,127,968.00 • Giange ($15,000.00) $15,000.00 $0.00 $o.00 Amended 2udget $930,218.00 $19,219.00 $14,175,531.00 $15,127,968.00 To provide for the cost of repairing equipment used for the control of weeds in City right-of-ways. .';/r?���/ C.��Z��� Preparedby: ivM1yManager �� Requested by. DepartrnerR Di cror m atl By: Mayor � �� ��-aa�� Dete r��i� wo�x� � °��J Gary L. Erichson 26fi-6229 SIGNANRE PAGE.S � 11(14(94 GREEN SHEET � 3 � 0.25891 INfTIAUDATE - DEPAR'RAENTDIRECTOR jB CIN ATTORNEV BLLDGEC 6fRECTOA MAYOR(OR /SSISTANn (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOR SIGNATURE) Q CfiYCAUNCIL O CI7YCLEi2K a FIN & MGT. SERV4 ❑1 . ApmlyManager � Q DFPAFi7MENr Approve Administraave Order adjusting the budget of acavity 42321 Weed Conorol on Sueet Right of Way in che Street Repair and Cleaning Fund 225. RECOMMENDATIONSApprwe (A) or qajeC (f� _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CN�� CI8 COMMfTTEE _ _ a STAFF _ DISTAICTCpUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH CDONCIL O&IECTIVET PEqSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: 7. Has ihis person�rm ever worked Under a contract for ihis department4 YES NO 2. Has tltis persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personJfirm possess a ski11 not normafiy possessed by arry currerrt ciry employee? YES NO Explain ali yes answare on separate sheat and attaeh to green sheet INITfAT1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORSUWtt (WHO, WHAT, WNEN. WHERE, WHVJ: To provide for the cost of xepairing equipment used for the conl�ol of weeds in City right-of-ways. Mechanical means aze used in lieu of chemical defoliants [o control unwanted plant growth. \DVANTACaES IF APPFOVED: Coszs of repair will be paid. RECEIVED DISADYANTAGES IF APPROVED: None n�UV 2 81994 �;'T� e;�.�f�i`i DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �• Possible problems with City Charter Chapter 10.10 and Budget Goals and Policies B-13 which restricts spending [o budgeted leveis by major object code in the Sueet Repair and Cleaning Fund. C0.ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ACTIVITY NUMBER 42322 YES ) No � VV