D00347CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: — City Cierk (Origina� — Flnance DepYs Accounting Division — Requesting Dept. ADMINISTRATiVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: 1�(�3u7 Date: it Zq—Q� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of Fnance and Manaaement Se�vices to amend the 19 * budget of the Capital Improvement Bond Fund fund, the Director of the Finance and Management Services Depariment is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. *1981-1994 CURRENT BUDGET � L_J Como Pool Rehabilitation (C88-3J011) P7 925-90081-0565-73121 1981 CIB Specified Contingency P7 925-90081-0565-700�4 Fire Communications Center Improvements (C92—ST004) P7 925-90084-565-75125 Police Annex Remodeling (C89-4R001) P7 925-94084-0.565-74108 1984 CIB Specfied Contingency P7 925-90084-0565-70004 Mississippi River BNd. Recon. P7 925-93086-0565-73129 1986 GIB Specfied Contingency P7 925-90086-0565-70004 Flre Station No. 1 Roof Reptacement (C91-51001) P7 925-90091-0565-75125 20,591.62 138,925.00 18,616.70 1,204,600.00 (3,422.03) 73,5�0.00 1991 CIB Specfied Contingency • P7 925-90091-0565-70004 25,038.21 APPROVED CHANGES (7,241.35) 7,241.35 (20,689.00) (327.40) a�,o�s.ao AMENDED BUDGET 13,350.27 7,241.35 118,236.00 18,289.30 21,016.40 (3,751.78) 1,200,84822 3,751.78 (3,895.50) 3,898.50 329.75 69,6�1 SO 28,936.71 �-���� • 1992 Bond Saie & ReWiner Expernes P7 925-90092-0601-70003 �re Station IVo. 8 Roof Replacement {C92-5C001) P7 925-90092-0565-75126 Fre Station Remodeling —Females (C92—ST003) P7 925-90092-0565-75127 P7 925-90085—�65-75127 1992 CIB Specified Contingency P7 925-90092-0565-70004 1985 CIB Spec'rf'ied Contingency P7 925-90085-0565-70004 . Stormwater Ponding Acquisition/Constr. P7 925-92085-0565-72123 1993 Bond Saie & Reiainer Expenses P7 925-90093-0601-70003 CIB Rainleader Disconnect (C93-3T044) P7 925-90093-0565-73153 1993 CIB Specfied Contingency P7 925-90093-0565-70004 1994 Bond Sale & Retainer Expenses P7 925-90094-0601-70003 1994 CIB Specfied Corrtingency P7 925-90094-0565-70004 � �� Prepared by: Activdy anager � M �s..�� quested b : epar�6nent Director .� ��� �� 75,450.00 .� ��� �i (24,564.54) (684.50J (33,495.96) 33,495.96 (58,745.00) 58,745.00 33,708.95 45,464.98 (20,500.52) (12,995.44) 35,435.46 74,765.50 126,504.04 33,495.96 0.00 13,208.43 32,469.54 60,000.00 (12,522.41) 47,477.59 160,000.00 (10,574.26) 149,425.74 13,149.00 23,096.67 .� ��� �� 13,0�0.00 (15,601.96) i5,60i.96 0.00 11-� Daie Il-��-�l�f Date 36,245.67 44,398.04 28,601.96 Approved by: Budget Director Date � oos �-� DEPARTMENLOfPICNCOUNpL 't DATE �NRIATED sua et Offi.e Z`�aC� ii 16 94 GREEN SHEE N_ 20688 CONTACT PERSON 8%10NE INff1ALNA7E INITIAUDATE � DEPARTMENT OIRECfOR � CIlY COUNCIL ASSIGN CRYATTOHNEY CT'CLEHK BrllCC' Engelbrekt 266-8546 NUYBER FOR � BUDGEf DIRECNR O FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Olq, BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DA'f� pp�� OfiUER �MqYOR(OPASSISTANT� � Finanrc TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCASIONS FOFi SIGNATURE) acnorraEnuESrEO: Approval of attached Administrative Order RECOMMENDA710N5: Approve (n) ar Raject (R) pEflSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEF TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ C1V5L SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this person/firm ever worked uoder a cont*act for this tlepartmeM? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a cdy empfoyee? _ STAFF — YES NO , DISmICiCOURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPOFTSWHICHCOUNCILOB,IECTIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green shcet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (W�o. What. When. Where, WM/�: There are balances remaining for several Capital Projects which have been completed. These projects should be closed out and the remaining balances transferred to contingency. ANTAGES IFAPPROVED: The completed projects can be closed and the balances reallocated. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � ' , None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPpOVED: The balances cannot be reallocated and the projects cannot be closed out. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 14� r OOO CpST/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Capital IIDpTOVetIlEnt BOIIdS qCTIVITYNUMBEH Variouc FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPIAIN) NO d(�tL . C! I.ID