D00344Whne — Cixy C�erk Pink — Finanu DBOt. Canary — Dept. • CITY OF SAI1�T I�ALTL OFFIGF. AF THE MAYOR ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER F3l'IX;E7' RF.l7SI0A Current Amended Budget Change Budget �DJIL�'ISTR�ITT��E ORDEI2� Consistent with the authorit granted io the Ma or in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Cbarter and based on the request ot the Director of the Departmeni of Execu�ive Adminis�ration to amend the 79� budget of the GeneT3.1 fund. the Director of the Department of F�nance antl Management Services is authorized to amentl said butlget in the followmg manner: Executive Administration Office o£ License, Inspections � Environmental Protection License $ Inspection Administration GL-001-00170-0111 Full Time Permanent 185,698 Food Regulation GL-001-00175-0111 Fuli Time Permanent • • Preparetl by: Activity Manager ��xt9r� � � � ��•� 93� RequesteE by. Department A�rector 481,102 666,800 No: Date 4,925 (4,925) 0 `-/ �/U�l � � � � — ZZ� _I �I 190,623 476,177 666,800 ��r��lle�--� Appr ved : Mayo iT . . / .�y Uu1� 1��� �� �y._ �re "D003�� DEPARTMEMfOFFlCElCOUIdCiI DATE INITIATED N°_ � 2 9 4 4 8 Executive Administration LIEP 11/9/94 EEN SH EE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE IN1TIPll0ATE 3 M1 h �� DEPARTMEM�IqECTOR � CIiYCOUNGIL Uu ASSIGN CITYATTORNEY CITVCLERK Janet Odalen 266-9111 p�ygEpFOR �� � ST BE ON CpUNpL AGENDA BY (�ATE) ROUi1NG BUDfiEf DIRECTO {('%} � FIN. & MGi. SERVICES DIR. N A �DER � MpyOR (OR ASSI a TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESiED: . Approval o£ 1994 budget revisions. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) ar Rejec[ (R� PEpSONAt SEpViCE CONTpACTS MUST AHSWER THE FOLLOWING �OESTIONS: __ PIJWNING COMMISSION _ C�VIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever woNced under a contract for this departmeM? _ CB COMMI7TeE _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFP — YES NO _ DiS7YiiCTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE'+ YES NO Explain alf yes answers on separate sheet end attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why)� City Council File 94-793 adopted by the Saint Paul City Council on 7/6/94 added two (2) positions (one Inspector and one Aide) to the Office o£ LIEP. $34,817 was added to 001-00175-0111 Food Regulation. However, the Aide po§ition perfc�rms functions £or 001�00170-0111 License F, Permit Administration. This Administrative Order will transfer $4,925 from Food Regulation to License $ Permit Administration and balance the 1994 General Fund Salaries Budget. VANTAGES IFAPPROVED� The 1994 LIEP General Fund Activity budget wiil be in balance. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. NONE RECENED NOV 2 2 1994 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. The 1994 LIEP General Fund Activity budget will not be in balance. �V� TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTI�N $ COST(pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOUHCE AC7IVITY NUMBEp FINANCIALINFORMATION (EXPUIN) �q � / VV