97-89LL CITY OF ST. PAUL (s;` � � P ' € �i �.- E � t_1 � € `�` ; � �a� i ..d�i... �_,.. In tYia Matter af Feuer_strv�=io?i nf sidewalk at the fol2owin� lccstiar;s: �9'003 - Eot�? sides y1���ter 3t. fr�ze �rac2 °t. tc ::effersan AvE. °9'��4 - Beth sid�� �ioin�atn?� nv�, fr�m F. �i�noy �r, ±=. E. Belvi3�re gt. 537L�05 - Bc�th sidea Wiil�lc:w �v=. from tw7. E2izar.teri� St. to Ni. Bak�r St. S�?��G'E - P7crth 8ide ef i1d. _-crsi`r�2 St. frC $�I.I ,"-,V�. t'v ',tr}si£2r '�v�. 8.�1 the East eide Stryker Ave. fro:n W. Ge�rr#e St. to W. R�bie St, sH700? - Bcti? si�Yea �1ch�a;,nd St. fro�t Banfi2 St> te Goodhue 5t, anct va�t aide Riciimon� .;'t, from Banfil �t. to Gacdrioh Ave. *FS , I} � N mFt r �mTC�R �am�� ff�`�7fi p7m7°i �n^ n {�e, tTNO r�r three f�r.ily �tructuresj R$aa��ruatsrsts {replscem�at uf �11 �i1�walki - 97.45 �zr f;:o'r�t io=2t �er � {ive (5} facst wide wal.k and S6.g4 per front feot for a aix (°�} fo�t v�?iu�e naiit, A11 �th�r svicit�i� �:ili hz frorate:i acco'rdisiyly. P7ecr aassstrueti�ia {rovYiere ;xo �l;c existed) - i��?� c�f the �ct�asi r¢st est:.mated to be appra�imateiy $3.33 �er rtquare . ?LtI cori�er resic3�nti�il properties will reLeive a c:reciit u�s tv the fir�t 15D feet of ne�n �r recc:nstruct�d sida��rlk along aad a�a'ti�, t?s� "2'vr.y side" _, f the pr�pert?�. NP3LTI- F°77�ENTTRT fMore than three family struatv.res) NOP3-RF ?D Nm i?ATk'�`- For naw anu' reconstructed �idewa2k; �aa� ef a�tual cast estimated tc be a�praxi,tateiy $�.50 per aquare faGt. �� � ��1Af IS6fFIS �E� 2 21997 The Ccuncil of the �ity af saint Paul hauin� received tY�e report ci Lhe Mayc,r upc+n the abat=s improvement, an� Yia oon9iderzd srxid report, Y,ereby reso3ves: W� �� 3. t^ha"t the said regart and t:�e same is nereby approve3 �aith no alternative�, an� ttiat the evt:._mated cost thereaf _� *3EE PBO',TE far est�vat�d aonatruc*_ic=n r�te� financed by asse�sments and 1997 FuiSiic Impr�v�ment s'�id. That a puksiic hearing 3�e had on said i,mpravement on the 2nd day Of F1�PP21 1937, a= 4:30 o'cicck P.M., in t:?e ca�nai2 �a��ners c:f th� C�ty K&Il �r.d �ourt Hcuse Bvildinq in the City of Saint Faul. fihat notice of sa_d public hearing he given to the persons er�d i,n the manner provided by the L"narter, stating the time ana pl�ce oP hearing, che nature of the impr�vemant and tt�e total cosL thereof as estim�tecl. COU^7CILPERSQA7� Yeas � Nays ✓B3 ✓��trom � VMa�ier Iey ard vECet�m�n i/i�urce Adopted by Courcil: �ate�� . � �1q� � Certified Fassed by council �ecret�ry �In Favor By . A ��, � Against � MByoi Public Hearing Date — 4-2-97 RE 1-24-97 n a� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCAUNCIL DATEINfTiAlED GREEN SHEET NO.S �� Public Works Sidewalks 1•9-97 INITiAUDA7E MITWUDATE CANTACTPEASONSPHONE �pEppqTMENTDIREC70R �CffYCOUNGL Robert A. Lissick - 266-6086 AS9GN �y qnpqNEy �CRY C�ERK NUMBER PoN MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DR'fE) 2-12-97 MUSt nounrw BUDGEfD�FECTOH FlN,dMGT.SEFVICESDIR be in Council Research Office °"°ER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n 1 Council Research TOTAI N OF SIGNATURE PAGES ` 1 _(CUP ALL LOCAi1aNS FOR SIGNATURE} � ASSOCIATE � DEPARi1AENTPI ACGOUNTpM ACTIDN REOUESTED Reconstruct Sidewalk in Warda �(See attached list) , Finance File No. 597003� FECOMMENDA7roN5: npprare V.7 w Hejed (R7 PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER tHE FOLLOWING QUESTION3: _PIANNINGCOMMISS{ON _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• H � �15 �.ES� NOer WOrked under a conVaGt for this depazlmBni? _CI9 COMMITTEE ^ 2. H89 ��s �ES � NO ��en e dly employee7 A STaFF 3. Does 6�is persoNfirm possess a skiil noi normaly possessed by arry current ciry — Q empioyee? ! DISTfiICT COl3NCIL — 3� '(_ �cplaln all yo E nswors on saparota ahoct and attaoh to greon shoot SUPPoN7S WNICH COUNCp.09JECTNE4 Neighborhoods Ward 2 INITIATINQ PPOBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (WNO, WHA7, WHEN, WNEPE, WHt�: The problem "defective sidewalk' was created because ot tree roots, de�eterious subgrade material, ahernating freerthaw cycles, service Iife limits, chemical additivas, extreme tempetature variatio�s, etc. These problems occur on a citywide Ievel and must be addressed and correcled on an annuaf basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition woufd worsen to a state whare R woufd be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible Iftigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: The community wi{! bensfit from this project because it wil{ pravide sate detect free sidewaiks for Hs many citizsns. The sidewalk ' contracts are executed by private contractors, so it tollows that privata sector jobs are created as a resuft of this activity. DISADYANTAGES IF APPPDVED: Historically, the sidewafk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessment deR� e_ the fa�t u}� to one-half the assessment is City subs(dized, (t still remalns controversial. ��� �%����C�f 1�011��P = Co!��c11 F��s�srch Gant�r JAN 3 0 1997 JnN 2 4 1997 4�� OtS0.0VANTAGfS {F NOT APPROYED: This option would allow the intrastructure ot sidewalk stxk to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uRimately resulting in the expenditure oi larger doilar amounts in aventuaf repairs andlor replacement, as wel{ as,claim payouts. }�'�°t� F�S 07 1397 ,�i.�3�r,t�,� ,�r�au� TOTALAMWMOFTpANSACfIONS COST/HEVENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YES No FUNOINGSIXIHCE A. P I A 97 ACRVRY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIM � , AST � C. CIB 97 LL CITY OF ST. PAUL (s;` � � P ' € �i �.- E � t_1 � € `�` ; � �a� i ..d�i... �_,.. In tYia Matter af Feuer_strv�=io?i nf sidewalk at the fol2owin� lccstiar;s: �9'003 - Eot�? sides y1���ter 3t. fr�ze �rac2 °t. tc ::effersan AvE. °9'��4 - Beth sid�� �ioin�atn?� nv�, fr�m F. �i�noy �r, ±=. E. Belvi3�re gt. 537L�05 - Bc�th sidea Wiil�lc:w �v=. from tw7. E2izar.teri� St. to Ni. Bak�r St. S�?��G'E - P7crth 8ide ef i1d. _-crsi`r�2 St. frC $�I.I ,"-,V�. t'v ',tr}si£2r '�v�. 8.�1 the East eide Stryker Ave. fro:n W. Ge�rr#e St. to W. R�bie St, sH700? - Bcti? si�Yea �1ch�a;,nd St. fro�t Banfi2 St> te Goodhue 5t, anct va�t aide Riciimon� .;'t, from Banfil �t. to Gacdrioh Ave. *FS , I} � N mFt r �mTC�R �am�� ff�`�7fi p7m7°i �n^ n {�e, tTNO r�r three f�r.ily �tructuresj R$aa��ruatsrsts {replscem�at uf �11 �i1�walki - 97.45 �zr f;:o'r�t io=2t �er � {ive (5} facst wide wal.k and S6.g4 per front feot for a aix (°�} fo�t v�?iu�e naiit, A11 �th�r svicit�i� �:ili hz frorate:i acco'rdisiyly. P7ecr aassstrueti�ia {rovYiere ;xo �l;c existed) - i��?� c�f the �ct�asi r¢st est:.mated to be appra�imateiy $3.33 �er rtquare . ?LtI cori�er resic3�nti�il properties will reLeive a c:reciit u�s tv the fir�t 15D feet of ne�n �r recc:nstruct�d sida��rlk along aad a�a'ti�, t?s� "2'vr.y side" _, f the pr�pert?�. NP3LTI- F°77�ENTTRT fMore than three family struatv.res) NOP3-RF ?D Nm i?ATk'�`- For naw anu' reconstructed �idewa2k; �aa� ef a�tual cast estimated tc be a�praxi,tateiy $�.50 per aquare faGt. �� � ��1Af IS6fFIS �E� 2 21997 The Ccuncil of the �ity af saint Paul hauin� received tY�e report ci Lhe Mayc,r upc+n the abat=s improvement, an� Yia oon9iderzd srxid report, Y,ereby reso3ves: W� �� 3. t^ha"t the said regart and t:�e same is nereby approve3 �aith no alternative�, an� ttiat the evt:._mated cost thereaf _� *3EE PBO',TE far est�vat�d aonatruc*_ic=n r�te� financed by asse�sments and 1997 FuiSiic Impr�v�ment s'�id. That a puksiic hearing 3�e had on said i,mpravement on the 2nd day Of F1�PP21 1937, a= 4:30 o'cicck P.M., in t:?e ca�nai2 �a��ners c:f th� C�ty K&Il �r.d �ourt Hcuse Bvildinq in the City of Saint Faul. fihat notice of sa_d public hearing he given to the persons er�d i,n the manner provided by the L"narter, stating the time ana pl�ce oP hearing, che nature of the impr�vemant and tt�e total cosL thereof as estim�tecl. COU^7CILPERSQA7� Yeas � Nays ✓B3 ✓��trom � VMa�ier Iey ard vECet�m�n i/i�urce Adopted by Courcil: �ate�� . � �1q� � Certified Fassed by council �ecret�ry �In Favor By . A ��, � Against � MByoi Public Hearing Date — 4-2-97 RE 1-24-97 n a� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCAUNCIL DATEINfTiAlED GREEN SHEET NO.S �� Public Works Sidewalks 1•9-97 INITiAUDA7E MITWUDATE CANTACTPEASONSPHONE �pEppqTMENTDIREC70R �CffYCOUNGL Robert A. Lissick - 266-6086 AS9GN �y qnpqNEy �CRY C�ERK NUMBER PoN MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DR'fE) 2-12-97 MUSt nounrw BUDGEfD�FECTOH FlN,dMGT.SEFVICESDIR be in Council Research Office °"°ER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n 1 Council Research TOTAI N OF SIGNATURE PAGES ` 1 _(CUP ALL LOCAi1aNS FOR SIGNATURE} � ASSOCIATE � DEPARi1AENTPI ACGOUNTpM ACTIDN REOUESTED Reconstruct Sidewalk in Warda �(See attached list) , Finance File No. 597003� FECOMMENDA7roN5: npprare V.7 w Hejed (R7 PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER tHE FOLLOWING QUESTION3: _PIANNINGCOMMISS{ON _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• H � �15 �.ES� NOer WOrked under a conVaGt for this depazlmBni? _CI9 COMMITTEE ^ 2. H89 ��s �ES � NO ��en e dly employee7 A STaFF 3. Does 6�is persoNfirm possess a skiil noi normaly possessed by arry current ciry — Q empioyee? ! DISTfiICT COl3NCIL — 3� '(_ �cplaln all yo E nswors on saparota ahoct and attaoh to greon shoot SUPPoN7S WNICH COUNCp.09JECTNE4 Neighborhoods Ward 2 INITIATINQ PPOBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (WNO, WHA7, WHEN, WNEPE, WHt�: The problem "defective sidewalk' was created because ot tree roots, de�eterious subgrade material, ahernating freerthaw cycles, service Iife limits, chemical additivas, extreme tempetature variatio�s, etc. These problems occur on a citywide Ievel and must be addressed and correcled on an annuaf basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition woufd worsen to a state whare R woufd be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible Iftigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: The community wi{! bensfit from this project because it wil{ pravide sate detect free sidewaiks for Hs many citizsns. The sidewalk ' contracts are executed by private contractors, so it tollows that privata sector jobs are created as a resuft of this activity. DISADYANTAGES IF APPPDVED: Historically, the sidewafk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessment deR� e_ the fa�t u}� to one-half the assessment is City subs(dized, (t still remalns controversial. ��� �%����C�f 1�011��P = Co!��c11 F��s�srch Gant�r JAN 3 0 1997 JnN 2 4 1997 4�� OtS0.0VANTAGfS {F NOT APPROYED: This option would allow the intrastructure ot sidewalk stxk to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uRimately resulting in the expenditure oi larger doilar amounts in aventuaf repairs andlor replacement, as wel{ as,claim payouts. }�'�°t� F�S 07 1397 ,�i.�3�r,t�,� ,�r�au� TOTALAMWMOFTpANSACfIONS COST/HEVENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YES No FUNOINGSIXIHCE A. P I A 97 ACRVRY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIM � , AST � C. CIB 97 LL CITY OF ST. PAUL (s;` � � P ' € �i �.- E � t_1 � € `�` ; � �a� i ..d�i... �_,.. In tYia Matter af Feuer_strv�=io?i nf sidewalk at the fol2owin� lccstiar;s: �9'003 - Eot�? sides y1���ter 3t. fr�ze �rac2 °t. tc ::effersan AvE. °9'��4 - Beth sid�� �ioin�atn?� nv�, fr�m F. �i�noy �r, ±=. E. Belvi3�re gt. 537L�05 - Bc�th sidea Wiil�lc:w �v=. from tw7. E2izar.teri� St. to Ni. Bak�r St. S�?��G'E - P7crth 8ide ef i1d. _-crsi`r�2 St. frC $�I.I ,"-,V�. t'v ',tr}si£2r '�v�. 8.�1 the East eide Stryker Ave. fro:n W. Ge�rr#e St. to W. R�bie St, sH700? - Bcti? si�Yea �1ch�a;,nd St. fro�t Banfi2 St> te Goodhue 5t, anct va�t aide Riciimon� .;'t, from Banfil �t. to Gacdrioh Ave. *FS , I} � N mFt r �mTC�R �am�� ff�`�7fi p7m7°i �n^ n {�e, tTNO r�r three f�r.ily �tructuresj R$aa��ruatsrsts {replscem�at uf �11 �i1�walki - 97.45 �zr f;:o'r�t io=2t �er � {ive (5} facst wide wal.k and S6.g4 per front feot for a aix (°�} fo�t v�?iu�e naiit, A11 �th�r svicit�i� �:ili hz frorate:i acco'rdisiyly. P7ecr aassstrueti�ia {rovYiere ;xo �l;c existed) - i��?� c�f the �ct�asi r¢st est:.mated to be appra�imateiy $3.33 �er rtquare . ?LtI cori�er resic3�nti�il properties will reLeive a c:reciit u�s tv the fir�t 15D feet of ne�n �r recc:nstruct�d sida��rlk along aad a�a'ti�, t?s� "2'vr.y side" _, f the pr�pert?�. NP3LTI- F°77�ENTTRT fMore than three family struatv.res) NOP3-RF ?D Nm i?ATk'�`- For naw anu' reconstructed �idewa2k; �aa� ef a�tual cast estimated tc be a�praxi,tateiy $�.50 per aquare faGt. �� � ��1Af IS6fFIS �E� 2 21997 The Ccuncil of the �ity af saint Paul hauin� received tY�e report ci Lhe Mayc,r upc+n the abat=s improvement, an� Yia oon9iderzd srxid report, Y,ereby reso3ves: W� �� 3. t^ha"t the said regart and t:�e same is nereby approve3 �aith no alternative�, an� ttiat the evt:._mated cost thereaf _� *3EE PBO',TE far est�vat�d aonatruc*_ic=n r�te� financed by asse�sments and 1997 FuiSiic Impr�v�ment s'�id. That a puksiic hearing 3�e had on said i,mpravement on the 2nd day Of F1�PP21 1937, a= 4:30 o'cicck P.M., in t:?e ca�nai2 �a��ners c:f th� C�ty K&Il �r.d �ourt Hcuse Bvildinq in the City of Saint Faul. fihat notice of sa_d public hearing he given to the persons er�d i,n the manner provided by the L"narter, stating the time ana pl�ce oP hearing, che nature of the impr�vemant and tt�e total cosL thereof as estim�tecl. COU^7CILPERSQA7� Yeas � Nays ✓B3 ✓��trom � VMa�ier Iey ard vECet�m�n i/i�urce Adopted by Courcil: �ate�� . � �1q� � Certified Fassed by council �ecret�ry �In Favor By . A ��, � Against � MByoi Public Hearing Date — 4-2-97 RE 1-24-97 n a� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCAUNCIL DATEINfTiAlED GREEN SHEET NO.S �� Public Works Sidewalks 1•9-97 INITiAUDA7E MITWUDATE CANTACTPEASONSPHONE �pEppqTMENTDIREC70R �CffYCOUNGL Robert A. Lissick - 266-6086 AS9GN �y qnpqNEy �CRY C�ERK NUMBER PoN MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DR'fE) 2-12-97 MUSt nounrw BUDGEfD�FECTOH FlN,dMGT.SEFVICESDIR be in Council Research Office °"°ER � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n 1 Council Research TOTAI N OF SIGNATURE PAGES ` 1 _(CUP ALL LOCAi1aNS FOR SIGNATURE} � ASSOCIATE � DEPARi1AENTPI ACGOUNTpM ACTIDN REOUESTED Reconstruct Sidewalk in Warda �(See attached list) , Finance File No. 597003� FECOMMENDA7roN5: npprare V.7 w Hejed (R7 PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER tHE FOLLOWING QUESTION3: _PIANNINGCOMMISS{ON _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• H � �15 �.ES� NOer WOrked under a conVaGt for this depazlmBni? _CI9 COMMITTEE ^ 2. H89 ��s �ES � NO ��en e dly employee7 A STaFF 3. Does 6�is persoNfirm possess a skiil noi normaly possessed by arry current ciry — Q empioyee? ! DISTfiICT COl3NCIL — 3� '(_ �cplaln all yo E nswors on saparota ahoct and attaoh to greon shoot SUPPoN7S WNICH COUNCp.09JECTNE4 Neighborhoods Ward 2 INITIATINQ PPOBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (WNO, WHA7, WHEN, WNEPE, WHt�: The problem "defective sidewalk' was created because ot tree roots, de�eterious subgrade material, ahernating freerthaw cycles, service Iife limits, chemical additivas, extreme tempetature variatio�s, etc. These problems occur on a citywide Ievel and must be addressed and correcled on an annuaf basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition woufd worsen to a state whare R woufd be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falls and possible Iftigations. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: The community wi{! bensfit from this project because it wil{ pravide sate detect free sidewaiks for Hs many citizsns. The sidewalk ' contracts are executed by private contractors, so it tollows that privata sector jobs are created as a resuft of this activity. DISADYANTAGES IF APPPDVED: Historically, the sidewafk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessment deR� e_ the fa�t u}� to one-half the assessment is City subs(dized, (t still remalns controversial. ��� �%����C�f 1�011��P = Co!��c11 F��s�srch Gant�r JAN 3 0 1997 JnN 2 4 1997 4�� OtS0.0VANTAGfS {F NOT APPROYED: This option would allow the intrastructure ot sidewalk stxk to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate more personal injury suits, uRimately resulting in the expenditure oi larger doilar amounts in aventuaf repairs andlor replacement, as wel{ as,claim payouts. }�'�°t� F�S 07 1397 ,�i.�3�r,t�,� ,�r�au� TOTALAMWMOFTpANSACfIONS COST/HEVENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YES No FUNOINGSIXIHCE A. P I A 97 ACRVRY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIM � , AST � C. CIB 97