D00340CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • BUDGET REVISION No. Date: GS #: �`Jl A.�J'7o � � � 1 1 ''7� 25889 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.a of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of pttblicJdLorks _ to amend the 19 94 budget of the Street Repair and Cleanina Fund fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foilowing manner: Current Miended Budcje[ � Budge[ 1 225 - 42312 - 0111 2 225 - 42314 - 0111 3 225 -423XX-OXXX • Full Time Permanent Fu11 Time Pennanent All other spendina Totals 5994,503.00 �4�5,682.�(J SI3,727,783.00 $15,127,968.00 (570,000.00) 57�,0��.�� $0.00 �0.00 5924,503.00 �475,682.�(l �] 3,727,783.00 $15,127,968.00 Shifting work requirements moved persomlel to Oiled and Paved Alley Repair and Cleaning � ��� ��� Prepared by; �., iviry Manager � ` Requestetlby.D nmentDirector � � Fpprovetl y ayor � � - /(-f�_"�_� oate wo�ks - :ONTACT PEflSON 8 PHONE Gary L, Erichson 266-6229 S1GPlATURE PAGES ATE INITIATED �o�z�i9a GREEN SHEET � N0.2588.9 INITIAVDATE INITIqVDPTE � �'DEPARTMENT�IRECTOR � CtNGOUNC�L NUMBFRf-0R ❑C��ATTORNEY � CITVCLERK flOUTING �BUDGETDIflECTOR a FINSMGT.SERVICES OR�FR MAYOfl(ORASSISTANn ❑1 Ac(ivIlyMara9er � (Cl1P ALL LOCAS10N5 FOR SIGNATURE) � �2' DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT r Approve Administrative Order adjusung salaries budget of acuvity 42314 in the S�reet Repair and Cleaning Fund 225. RECOMMENDATIONSApprwe (A) w Rejecl(R) PLANNINGCAMMISSION CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION CIB COMMISTEE A STAFF _ DI57flICTCAUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIOWING QUES710NS: 1. Has [his persoNhrm ever worked under a convact for this department? YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm eve� been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfircn possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any curren[ c�ry empioyee? VES NO Explatn a{t yes answers on sepa�ate sheet and attach to green sheet NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNIiV (WHO. WHAT. WHEN. WHERE, WH1�: Oiled and paved alleys received more regair and maintenance and as such incurred more salazy expenditure. Maintenance of these facilities is every bit as important as aze streets. Repair of alleys permits better passage of vehicles and satisfied homeowners. ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: Budgets will be conected and salaries paid. ., �' �+ 199y ��acFr oFF�c� RECE9VED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: None NOV 1 5 'QQ4 CiTY CG_ ,.. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Possible problems with City Charter Chapter 1010 and Budgei Goals and Policies 8-13 which restricts spending to budgeted levels by major object code in the Street Repa'u and Cleaning Fund. AMOUNT aF TRANSACTION $ �CNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INKORMATION: (EXPLAIN7 COSTBEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER VES ) No � V'