97-381� l.� Y�� �� �.. _�:.,:. �$T.iiftiYIIITtY C}1�.I�ER C4UNC2L �A� D70. a�- �38` ! In the E�ta&ter of Improve pedesrrian access and s&fety at sunnin:, pa thr.�uGh b��.a�:ou4.s an=� a traf�ia si�3na1 installatian. Frcject alsc inclu�es 3�si�n snd conu±ruction uf a er�cial entrance tG the Parxs, usiny nartv a€ the �ld Sel?�y 3r��ge. ^itxs �,��anail cf tt;e t�;±y o€ S�int Pr�ul t�a•.iro rec.eive? t??a r���r*_- af the N:s�={r upon ? s�� aboue im�r�vexeient, and 'na� ing consi�3ered ssid re�,ort, i:ere?�y resolv�� c i� � 3 That t:�e said rapert and t;�e same is ;.ar�by ayprr,ve' wiLix no aitertiatives, enc ch�± the estim�tsci cost t?:are�f is $20Q, OOC� finaa��3 hy 19�,Fi I�.:n�cira2 S'ta{� R�.e� $40, OOQ aiici 19N6 Capitai Imnrovemenr Bands $16C7, dOQ. Tnat a pub2ic hearing be Y:ad on said improvement or� t2ze 4th dav c•f uune 1997 at 9°;6 c' �leck F M in vize U�uncil Chambers of 4he City Aail and Ceurt Aouse Butldin� in the City of saint Paul. That r,oti��e af �aid public hearing be qiven ro the per�onv and in the manner grovi�ed by t��e G`t,arter, �tatinq the tia+z and pl�zce o£ hearir�g, the natur� of the imy�ro:•a�:ent ard the tota3 co�t thereaf as estisnatect. t�a� ?J � y3 � B� r �2V t/Bostraxr t�:i� �� a,rd i�f rten � _�et�tman L.�'nune Adopted i�y Ccunaii: Dece °�� ���1 Certified Pass�ci by vouneil Sacratary �3n Favor Sy �,� � y �„�.�-�.y�-�_1 r � T VAgains* � iRayor 9PIRI I.St1en y; ;i: � ` a . a ., c Hearing Date - Sune d, 1997 RE 3-28-9� ��� �� � 70FFICElCOUNQL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. J Norks Department I3/18/97 Must be �DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR q/ ASSIGN � �ITy qnORNEY —7 NUMBERFOR �Office aR �NG ❑BUDGEfDIRECTOR � MAYOA (OA ASSi5TANn SIGNANHE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATiONS FOfl SIGNATUqE) trv111AUUNTE _ ❑2 CINCOUNGL � CIN CLERK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlp, 01 Council Research ACCOUNTANT lmprove pedestrian access and safety at Dunning Parks through bumpouts and a traffic signal installation. Project also includes design and construction of a specia{ entrance to the Parks, using parts of the old Selby Bridge. �, G ,, rGa ,,, itc�mmtrvuni wrvs: Approve (A) or Raject (R) � pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING q0ESl10NS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION t. Has ihis YES � NO er worked under a conlract for this department7 _cie coMM17TEE _ 2. Has thla pe n(fl NO ar been a cNy empioyee? Y !1 STAFF _ 3. Does lhis persoNtlttn possess a sklll not normally possessed 6y any current clty employee� _DISTRICTCOUNCIL—(3 — YES NO SUPPOqTS WHfCH COUNQL OeJEC71VE1 �P�a�� a�� Yes answers on separaSe sheet and attach to green sheM viunnrvu rnutlLtM, ISSUE, �PPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV): This project is inciuded in the 1996 Capital Improvement Budget. it was proposed by the Lexington-Hamline Community Councii which has been involved in the design phase of the project. RECEIVED MAR 2 8 1997 4UVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The bumpouts and traffic signal will improve pedestrian access in the area. �'f]�(lr,tl f?.-a.3x�s�'i C �t'�r�i� � �S �. Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and generai disruption will occur. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIpN$ FUNDINGSOURCE See atta FiNANCIAL iNFORMATON: (EXPLA�N) COSTIAEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACINI7Y NUMBER O � l.� Y�� �� �.. _�:.,:. �$T.iiftiYIIITtY C}1�.I�ER C4UNC2L �A� D70. a�- �38` ! In the E�ta&ter of Improve pedesrrian access and s&fety at sunnin:, pa thr.�uGh b��.a�:ou4.s an=� a traf�ia si�3na1 installatian. Frcject alsc inclu�es 3�si�n snd conu±ruction uf a er�cial entrance tG the Parxs, usiny nartv a€ the �ld Sel?�y 3r��ge. ^itxs �,��anail cf tt;e t�;±y o€ S�int Pr�ul t�a•.iro rec.eive? t??a r���r*_- af the N:s�={r upon ? s�� aboue im�r�vexeient, and 'na� ing consi�3ered ssid re�,ort, i:ere?�y resolv�� c i� � 3 That t:�e said rapert and t;�e same is ;.ar�by ayprr,ve' wiLix no aitertiatives, enc ch�± the estim�tsci cost t?:are�f is $20Q, OOC� finaa��3 hy 19�,Fi I�.:n�cira2 S'ta{� R�.e� $40, OOQ aiici 19N6 Capitai Imnrovemenr Bands $16C7, dOQ. Tnat a pub2ic hearing be Y:ad on said improvement or� t2ze 4th dav c•f uune 1997 at 9°;6 c' �leck F M in vize U�uncil Chambers of 4he City Aail and Ceurt Aouse Butldin� in the City of saint Paul. That r,oti��e af �aid public hearing be qiven ro the per�onv and in the manner grovi�ed by t��e G`t,arter, �tatinq the tia+z and pl�zce o£ hearir�g, the natur� of the imy�ro:•a�:ent ard the tota3 co�t thereaf as estisnatect. t�a� ?J � y3 � B� r �2V t/Bostraxr t�:i� �� a,rd i�f rten � _�et�tman L.�'nune Adopted i�y Ccunaii: Dece °�� ���1 Certified Pass�ci by vouneil Sacratary �3n Favor Sy �,� � y �„�.�-�.y�-�_1 r � T VAgains* � iRayor 9PIRI I.St1en y; ;i: � ` a . a ., c Hearing Date - Sune d, 1997 RE 3-28-9� ��� �� � 70FFICElCOUNQL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. J Norks Department I3/18/97 Must be �DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR q/ ASSIGN � �ITy qnORNEY —7 NUMBERFOR �Office aR �NG ❑BUDGEfDIRECTOR � MAYOA (OA ASSi5TANn SIGNANHE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATiONS FOfl SIGNATUqE) trv111AUUNTE _ ❑2 CINCOUNGL � CIN CLERK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlp, 01 Council Research ACCOUNTANT lmprove pedestrian access and safety at Dunning Parks through bumpouts and a traffic signal installation. Project also includes design and construction of a specia{ entrance to the Parks, using parts of the old Selby Bridge. �, G ,, rGa ,,, itc�mmtrvuni wrvs: Approve (A) or Raject (R) � pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING q0ESl10NS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION t. Has ihis YES � NO er worked under a conlract for this department7 _cie coMM17TEE _ 2. Has thla pe n(fl NO ar been a cNy empioyee? Y !1 STAFF _ 3. Does lhis persoNtlttn possess a sklll not normally possessed 6y any current clty employee� _DISTRICTCOUNCIL—(3 — YES NO SUPPOqTS WHfCH COUNQL OeJEC71VE1 �P�a�� a�� Yes answers on separaSe sheet and attach to green sheM viunnrvu rnutlLtM, ISSUE, �PPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV): This project is inciuded in the 1996 Capital Improvement Budget. it was proposed by the Lexington-Hamline Community Councii which has been involved in the design phase of the project. RECEIVED MAR 2 8 1997 4UVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The bumpouts and traffic signal will improve pedestrian access in the area. �'f]�(lr,tl f?.-a.3x�s�'i C �t'�r�i� � �S �. Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and generai disruption will occur. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIpN$ FUNDINGSOURCE See atta FiNANCIAL iNFORMATON: (EXPLA�N) COSTIAEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACINI7Y NUMBER O � l.� Y�� �� �.. _�:.,:. �$T.iiftiYIIITtY C}1�.I�ER C4UNC2L �A� D70. a�- �38` ! In the E�ta&ter of Improve pedesrrian access and s&fety at sunnin:, pa thr.�uGh b��.a�:ou4.s an=� a traf�ia si�3na1 installatian. Frcject alsc inclu�es 3�si�n snd conu±ruction uf a er�cial entrance tG the Parxs, usiny nartv a€ the �ld Sel?�y 3r��ge. ^itxs �,��anail cf tt;e t�;±y o€ S�int Pr�ul t�a•.iro rec.eive? t??a r���r*_- af the N:s�={r upon ? s�� aboue im�r�vexeient, and 'na� ing consi�3ered ssid re�,ort, i:ere?�y resolv�� c i� � 3 That t:�e said rapert and t;�e same is ;.ar�by ayprr,ve' wiLix no aitertiatives, enc ch�± the estim�tsci cost t?:are�f is $20Q, OOC� finaa��3 hy 19�,Fi I�.:n�cira2 S'ta{� R�.e� $40, OOQ aiici 19N6 Capitai Imnrovemenr Bands $16C7, dOQ. Tnat a pub2ic hearing be Y:ad on said improvement or� t2ze 4th dav c•f uune 1997 at 9°;6 c' �leck F M in vize U�uncil Chambers of 4he City Aail and Ceurt Aouse Butldin� in the City of saint Paul. That r,oti��e af �aid public hearing be qiven ro the per�onv and in the manner grovi�ed by t��e G`t,arter, �tatinq the tia+z and pl�zce o£ hearir�g, the natur� of the imy�ro:•a�:ent ard the tota3 co�t thereaf as estisnatect. t�a� ?J � y3 � B� r �2V t/Bostraxr t�:i� �� a,rd i�f rten � _�et�tman L.�'nune Adopted i�y Ccunaii: Dece °�� ���1 Certified Pass�ci by vouneil Sacratary �3n Favor Sy �,� � y �„�.�-�.y�-�_1 r � T VAgains* � iRayor 9PIRI I.St1en y; ;i: � ` a . a ., c Hearing Date - Sune d, 1997 RE 3-28-9� ��� �� � 70FFICElCOUNQL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. J Norks Department I3/18/97 Must be �DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR q/ ASSIGN � �ITy qnORNEY —7 NUMBERFOR �Office aR �NG ❑BUDGEfDIRECTOR � MAYOA (OA ASSi5TANn SIGNANHE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATiONS FOfl SIGNATUqE) trv111AUUNTE _ ❑2 CINCOUNGL � CIN CLERK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlp, 01 Council Research ACCOUNTANT lmprove pedestrian access and safety at Dunning Parks through bumpouts and a traffic signal installation. Project also includes design and construction of a specia{ entrance to the Parks, using parts of the old Selby Bridge. �, G ,, rGa ,,, itc�mmtrvuni wrvs: Approve (A) or Raject (R) � pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING q0ESl10NS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION t. Has ihis YES � NO er worked under a conlract for this department7 _cie coMM17TEE _ 2. Has thla pe n(fl NO ar been a cNy empioyee? Y !1 STAFF _ 3. Does lhis persoNtlttn possess a sklll not normally possessed 6y any current clty employee� _DISTRICTCOUNCIL—(3 — YES NO SUPPOqTS WHfCH COUNQL OeJEC71VE1 �P�a�� a�� Yes answers on separaSe sheet and attach to green sheM viunnrvu rnutlLtM, ISSUE, �PPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV): This project is inciuded in the 1996 Capital Improvement Budget. it was proposed by the Lexington-Hamline Community Councii which has been involved in the design phase of the project. RECEIVED MAR 2 8 1997 4UVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The bumpouts and traffic signal will improve pedestrian access in the area. �'f]�(lr,tl f?.-a.3x�s�'i C �t'�r�i� � �S �. Normal problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and generai disruption will occur. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIpN$ FUNDINGSOURCE See atta FiNANCIAL iNFORMATON: (EXPLA�N) COSTIAEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACINI7Y NUMBER O