97-344�L CZTY OF ST. PAtTt. B3�&�1Zt�illRY Q12DEA x , � -- , t� F'f�E Pw'=�, I r I "�3 y y � �, �✓ _ ✓ 1J �� F`i. ra�. - -�� f '?�' ._..:.� y.;> .v_ , n, ? _ �33 '�S ��'��&' a� r :;� "3.a2`r3�.K c:Y, U, ��C-}:�Or :jt, 9�= �r:,3 �_ �„ R44 La_y:�e Pcv., 838 Sroc�uc?is Ate., 213� S�illwater Ava. �nd =189 resa A�e, TT�'STTI�,t':T Pi `0�75IkU"TTON FAT ° �FoT �F�j^T"'T, �{t, twc, or tt.ra� iamiiy strurtnresi Reaanstructiea (re�:la�agtent of �13 side:valk; -$7,�5 _�r front fcot for a five (5) fUCt wide iralk and 58.94 ger front fcsot for a �ir. {5} foot wide :aalk. R�.i cti:er width� c�ill b2 prcrat2c� acc�r�3ira�ly. l4ecv aonstruation (w�era na wsik existed) - 100� af the aatval c�ost estisnated to he a�proximately $3.33 ��r squarc foot< Fiii ccrr.er :esidar,tiai properi;.a� zviil recaive a credit up Lo thP first ISQ feet of ^e=v a: recenstructe:3 �ic�etasli� alen� arid eLiuttixiy the "l�nq si3e" of the �iroperty. �rt�rm7-F�vr�s�*R7m7�T (�Gre t_},an three family dtructnres}, i�InS*- F T F`STTaT �°TF•° For _new �i�a� r�cori3tructe� side*aalk; 1JGo of act�lel ca�r =stir�ate+3 tc ge approxixn�t=2y $fl.50 par sqizare f�at. The Caunc;.l af the City of Sa_ri� Fsui hsvi::g received the report of the :ia�=csr upan �he abave imprcvenent, an� na�•ing can�idered said rspor±, �iereu� resoZve�: l. Th.�t the ��id r2�.�rt �::r� the ��n� is �er�b5' a�Prcv�< with nc a3tarr.ati�re�, and thet the estimated cevt thereof is *SEE r�Es�tE for �etim�t�ci �`OZSSLiLICT y{y:l ratss, firar.e2�v �,y ass���ment� aZ� iG97 FubSic Imprnver.i�n� z�.i.v, 2 3 fihst a gnblic hearing be nad on said improvement on �ha 28th da;� of r�ay i997 a� 4•`�6 0' ^ k p r�t , ir. tAe Council Chambe�s vf t2ie City xall r�nd Courr_ Hause Building in the �`ity of Saint Paul. That notice af said pub2ic hearinq be qiven to thE r,ersons an3 in the mannsr �ravic2e.� ty *_he +_t��irt==, =�at�n� t �e t�.2 axxd �,lace �f �?eaz��y, thE � ��f the improvement azzd the t�tai cost ci,ere�f ss est=maced. C4UNCZLFERSORSS Y�as � Nays t/�18kFy �strcm ✓H rri3 �8s3CP �Dr� � � � c�ard ✓ Y2tL82aR I/�Irilii� Adontect by Couucil: Date }�,, a���''�S7 —�— Certifiet� F��sed hy Ccuncii Searetary ( In Favor fiY� �^ , �- �2- ,�-.-_ O Ag�inst ra&}ycrY �I Ipi IQL1�A P�AY 1fl 1997 Public�Hearit.g Date — May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 ����� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL , DA7EINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. `����!- Public Works Sidewalks 2'25'97 INITIAUOATE �NITMLIOATE CoNinCipER90NePHONE �ryKpAfIiMCNibIfIFCiOtl BCItYCOUNCIL Robert A. Llsslck - 266-6068 Ag� CITV ATTOflNEV CITV CLERK 01 NUMBEA PDR MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ly�9-9 pOUTIN6 �gUDGET0IRECTOR �FIN.SMpT.SEPVICESDIR. Must be in Council Research Office °pD� b noon Frida 3-28— 7 �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn t[�Counal Research TOTAL! OF SIGNATUHE PAGES 1 _(CI1p Al.l LOCAAONS f-0N SIGNAtURE� � ASSOCIATE PARTMENTAL PGCOUNiAM AC7fON RE�UESSED Recor�siruct Sidewalk in Ward 5��ee attached list) a � 7 a�1 �3'�y Fic,a.vb• 0 2 FECOMMENDATIDNS: A{DNVa (A) w fle�Od (R) pER30NAL SERVICE CONTRACT3 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION3: _PLANNINO CAMMISSiON ^ GYIL SEPYfCE COMMISSION �• ��� �5 � NO� worked under a contract for this departrnen[? CI6 COMMITfEE 2. Has ih{a paBOnflirm evat been a City empioyee? — VES NO A SrAFF 3. Does rtiis person/firm possass a skill not normaly posseased by any curcent ciry employee7 _DISTRICTCAUNGL G_ YES NO 1 Explain eli yes anawers on separate sheet and ffitatfi to green ahaet SUPPORTS YMICH COUNCIL OBJECTNEi /�EI W INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO. WHAT, HE . WHERE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because ot tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alternating freefthaw cycles, service IiEe limits, chemical additives, eztreme temparature variatio�s, etc. These pro6lems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an an�ual basis. Left unwrrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would ba rendered unusable a�d sub}ect to increased pedestrian injuries trom falls and possible litigations. ADYANTAGES lF APPROVED: The community will benet@ irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so R follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk raconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construciion procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. '�,�''�I3;ii � S,T�r��S ���t#'�I' Itu�,�; 2119�7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure ot sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which iri turrt, will generate more.personal suits, ultimately resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in evantual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouis. TOTALAMOUMOFTRANSACTIONf ��j�„L�.S.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FlJNDINGSOURCE g7<M-,o667 A. P A — � �Q� ACRVRYNUMBEH C97-zT729-0754-2 Ot2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) B � AST = 300 �,000 C� Ct6 97 = 50,000 �L CZTY OF ST. PAtTt. B3�&�1Zt�illRY Q12DEA x , � -- , t� F'f�E Pw'=�, I r I "�3 y y � �, �✓ _ ✓ 1J �� F`i. ra�. - -�� f '?�' ._..:.� y.;> .v_ , n, ? _ �33 '�S ��'��&' a� r :;� "3.a2`r3�.K c:Y, U, ��C-}:�Or :jt, 9�= �r:,3 �_ �„ R44 La_y:�e Pcv., 838 Sroc�uc?is Ate., 213� S�illwater Ava. �nd =189 resa A�e, TT�'STTI�,t':T Pi `0�75IkU"TTON FAT ° �FoT �F�j^T"'T, �{t, twc, or tt.ra� iamiiy strurtnresi Reaanstructiea (re�:la�agtent of �13 side:valk; -$7,�5 _�r front fcot for a five (5) fUCt wide iralk and 58.94 ger front fcsot for a �ir. {5} foot wide :aalk. R�.i cti:er width� c�ill b2 prcrat2c� acc�r�3ira�ly. l4ecv aonstruation (w�era na wsik existed) - 100� af the aatval c�ost estisnated to he a�proximately $3.33 ��r squarc foot< Fiii ccrr.er :esidar,tiai properi;.a� zviil recaive a credit up Lo thP first ISQ feet of ^e=v a: recenstructe:3 �ic�etasli� alen� arid eLiuttixiy the "l�nq si3e" of the �iroperty. �rt�rm7-F�vr�s�*R7m7�T (�Gre t_},an three family dtructnres}, i�InS*- F T F`STTaT �°TF•° For _new �i�a� r�cori3tructe� side*aalk; 1JGo of act�lel ca�r =stir�ate+3 tc ge approxixn�t=2y $fl.50 par sqizare f�at. The Caunc;.l af the City of Sa_ri� Fsui hsvi::g received the report of the :ia�=csr upan �he abave imprcvenent, an� na�•ing can�idered said rspor±, �iereu� resoZve�: l. Th.�t the ��id r2�.�rt �::r� the ��n� is �er�b5' a�Prcv�< with nc a3tarr.ati�re�, and thet the estimated cevt thereof is *SEE r�Es�tE for �etim�t�ci �`OZSSLiLICT y{y:l ratss, firar.e2�v �,y ass���ment� aZ� iG97 FubSic Imprnver.i�n� z�.i.v, 2 3 fihst a gnblic hearing be nad on said improvement on �ha 28th da;� of r�ay i997 a� 4•`�6 0' ^ k p r�t , ir. tAe Council Chambe�s vf t2ie City xall r�nd Courr_ Hause Building in the �`ity of Saint Paul. That notice af said pub2ic hearinq be qiven to thE r,ersons an3 in the mannsr �ravic2e.� ty *_he +_t��irt==, =�at�n� t �e t�.2 axxd �,lace �f �?eaz��y, thE � ��f the improvement azzd the t�tai cost ci,ere�f ss est=maced. C4UNCZLFERSORSS Y�as � Nays t/�18kFy �strcm ✓H rri3 �8s3CP �Dr� � � � c�ard ✓ Y2tL82aR I/�Irilii� Adontect by Couucil: Date }�,, a���''�S7 —�— Certifiet� F��sed hy Ccuncii Searetary ( In Favor fiY� �^ , �- �2- ,�-.-_ O Ag�inst ra&}ycrY �I Ipi IQL1�A P�AY 1fl 1997 Public�Hearit.g Date — May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 ����� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL , DA7EINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. `����!- Public Works Sidewalks 2'25'97 INITIAUOATE �NITMLIOATE CoNinCipER90NePHONE �ryKpAfIiMCNibIfIFCiOtl BCItYCOUNCIL Robert A. Llsslck - 266-6068 Ag� CITV ATTOflNEV CITV CLERK 01 NUMBEA PDR MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ly�9-9 pOUTIN6 �gUDGET0IRECTOR �FIN.SMpT.SEPVICESDIR. Must be in Council Research Office °pD� b noon Frida 3-28— 7 �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn t[�Counal Research TOTAL! OF SIGNATUHE PAGES 1 _(CI1p Al.l LOCAAONS f-0N SIGNAtURE� � ASSOCIATE PARTMENTAL PGCOUNiAM AC7fON RE�UESSED Recor�siruct Sidewalk in Ward 5��ee attached list) a � 7 a�1 �3'�y Fic,a.vb• 0 2 FECOMMENDATIDNS: A{DNVa (A) w fle�Od (R) pER30NAL SERVICE CONTRACT3 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION3: _PLANNINO CAMMISSiON ^ GYIL SEPYfCE COMMISSION �• ��� �5 � NO� worked under a contract for this departrnen[? CI6 COMMITfEE 2. Has ih{a paBOnflirm evat been a City empioyee? — VES NO A SrAFF 3. Does rtiis person/firm possass a skill not normaly posseased by any curcent ciry employee7 _DISTRICTCAUNGL G_ YES NO 1 Explain eli yes anawers on separate sheet and ffitatfi to green ahaet SUPPORTS YMICH COUNCIL OBJECTNEi /�EI W INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO. WHAT, HE . WHERE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because ot tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alternating freefthaw cycles, service IiEe limits, chemical additives, eztreme temparature variatio�s, etc. These pro6lems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an an�ual basis. Left unwrrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would ba rendered unusable a�d sub}ect to increased pedestrian injuries trom falls and possible litigations. ADYANTAGES lF APPROVED: The community will benet@ irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so R follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk raconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construciion procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. '�,�''�I3;ii � S,T�r��S ���t#'�I' Itu�,�; 2119�7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure ot sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which iri turrt, will generate more.personal suits, ultimately resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in evantual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouis. TOTALAMOUMOFTRANSACTIONf ��j�„L�.S.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FlJNDINGSOURCE g7<M-,o667 A. P A — � �Q� ACRVRYNUMBEH C97-zT729-0754-2 Ot2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) B � AST = 300 �,000 C� Ct6 97 = 50,000 �L CZTY OF ST. PAtTt. B3�&�1Zt�illRY Q12DEA x , � -- , t� F'f�E Pw'=�, I r I "�3 y y � �, �✓ _ ✓ 1J �� F`i. ra�. - -�� f '?�' ._..:.� y.;> .v_ , n, ? _ �33 '�S ��'��&' a� r :;� "3.a2`r3�.K c:Y, U, ��C-}:�Or :jt, 9�= �r:,3 �_ �„ R44 La_y:�e Pcv., 838 Sroc�uc?is Ate., 213� S�illwater Ava. �nd =189 resa A�e, TT�'STTI�,t':T Pi `0�75IkU"TTON FAT ° �FoT �F�j^T"'T, �{t, twc, or tt.ra� iamiiy strurtnresi Reaanstructiea (re�:la�agtent of �13 side:valk; -$7,�5 _�r front fcot for a five (5) fUCt wide iralk and 58.94 ger front fcsot for a �ir. {5} foot wide :aalk. R�.i cti:er width� c�ill b2 prcrat2c� acc�r�3ira�ly. l4ecv aonstruation (w�era na wsik existed) - 100� af the aatval c�ost estisnated to he a�proximately $3.33 ��r squarc foot< Fiii ccrr.er :esidar,tiai properi;.a� zviil recaive a credit up Lo thP first ISQ feet of ^e=v a: recenstructe:3 �ic�etasli� alen� arid eLiuttixiy the "l�nq si3e" of the �iroperty. �rt�rm7-F�vr�s�*R7m7�T (�Gre t_},an three family dtructnres}, i�InS*- F T F`STTaT �°TF•° For _new �i�a� r�cori3tructe� side*aalk; 1JGo of act�lel ca�r =stir�ate+3 tc ge approxixn�t=2y $fl.50 par sqizare f�at. The Caunc;.l af the City of Sa_ri� Fsui hsvi::g received the report of the :ia�=csr upan �he abave imprcvenent, an� na�•ing can�idered said rspor±, �iereu� resoZve�: l. Th.�t the ��id r2�.�rt �::r� the ��n� is �er�b5' a�Prcv�< with nc a3tarr.ati�re�, and thet the estimated cevt thereof is *SEE r�Es�tE for �etim�t�ci �`OZSSLiLICT y{y:l ratss, firar.e2�v �,y ass���ment� aZ� iG97 FubSic Imprnver.i�n� z�.i.v, 2 3 fihst a gnblic hearing be nad on said improvement on �ha 28th da;� of r�ay i997 a� 4•`�6 0' ^ k p r�t , ir. tAe Council Chambe�s vf t2ie City xall r�nd Courr_ Hause Building in the �`ity of Saint Paul. That notice af said pub2ic hearinq be qiven to thE r,ersons an3 in the mannsr �ravic2e.� ty *_he +_t��irt==, =�at�n� t �e t�.2 axxd �,lace �f �?eaz��y, thE � ��f the improvement azzd the t�tai cost ci,ere�f ss est=maced. C4UNCZLFERSORSS Y�as � Nays t/�18kFy �strcm ✓H rri3 �8s3CP �Dr� � � � c�ard ✓ Y2tL82aR I/�Irilii� Adontect by Couucil: Date }�,, a���''�S7 —�— Certifiet� F��sed hy Ccuncii Searetary ( In Favor fiY� �^ , �- �2- ,�-.-_ O Ag�inst ra&}ycrY �I Ipi IQL1�A P�AY 1fl 1997 Public�Hearit.g Date — May 28, 1997 RE 3-21-97 ����� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL , DA7EINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. `����!- Public Works Sidewalks 2'25'97 INITIAUOATE �NITMLIOATE CoNinCipER90NePHONE �ryKpAfIiMCNibIfIFCiOtl BCItYCOUNCIL Robert A. Llsslck - 266-6068 Ag� CITV ATTOflNEV CITV CLERK 01 NUMBEA PDR MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ly�9-9 pOUTIN6 �gUDGET0IRECTOR �FIN.SMpT.SEPVICESDIR. Must be in Council Research Office °pD� b noon Frida 3-28— 7 �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn t[�Counal Research TOTAL! OF SIGNATUHE PAGES 1 _(CI1p Al.l LOCAAONS f-0N SIGNAtURE� � ASSOCIATE PARTMENTAL PGCOUNiAM AC7fON RE�UESSED Recor�siruct Sidewalk in Ward 5��ee attached list) a � 7 a�1 �3'�y Fic,a.vb• 0 2 FECOMMENDATIDNS: A{DNVa (A) w fle�Od (R) pER30NAL SERVICE CONTRACT3 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION3: _PLANNINO CAMMISSiON ^ GYIL SEPYfCE COMMISSION �• ��� �5 � NO� worked under a contract for this departrnen[? CI6 COMMITfEE 2. Has ih{a paBOnflirm evat been a City empioyee? — VES NO A SrAFF 3. Does rtiis person/firm possass a skill not normaly posseased by any curcent ciry employee7 _DISTRICTCAUNGL G_ YES NO 1 Explain eli yes anawers on separate sheet and ffitatfi to green ahaet SUPPORTS YMICH COUNCIL OBJECTNEi /�EI W INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO. WHAT, HE . WHERE. WHY): The problem "defective sidewalk" was created because ot tree roots, deleterious subgrade material, alternating freefthaw cycles, service IiEe limits, chemical additives, eztreme temparature variatio�s, etc. These pro6lems occur on a citywide level and must be addressed and corrected on an an�ual basis. Left unwrrected, the sidewalk condition would worsen to a state where it would ba rendered unusable a�d sub}ect to increased pedestrian injuries trom falls and possible litigations. ADYANTAGES lF APPROVED: The community will benet@ irom this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk contracts are executed by private contractors, so R follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Historically, the sidewalk raconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construciion procedure and assessment. Simply stated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. '�,�''�I3;ii � S,T�r��S ���t#'�I' Itu�,�; 2119�7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastructure ot sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which iri turrt, will generate more.personal suits, ultimately resulting in the expenditure of larger dollar amounts in evantual repairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouis. TOTALAMOUMOFTRANSACTIONf ��j�„L�.S.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FlJNDINGSOURCE g7<M-,o667 A. P A — � �Q� ACRVRYNUMBEH C97-zT729-0754-2 Ot2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) B � AST = 300 �,000 C� Ct6 97 = 50,000