97-276L� �ITY GZF ST. PAVL �iEL�iARY ORDER Sn the Matter of ( �:�'�ff'?t( 1, �� � lr� � � � ,. � , `: .�`;. � a$; � �-��a-�� , 8Y � 1e841 TVi�dYV �6iFVu� Y ^ancleaena*_zon snd takinc� af a per�±�nent easemert fer right-of=.a-ay purpoaes _n connsction rzit; tne Wneeler StreetfMunster Avenue Rea:.ignment Yroject {Gi�y Praject 97-�-1161) - F�a�osed easement t� 3�e l�cated at the intervection of vdYiee2er �tieet and Munster Avenus, deacribed as fol.iows: xil that part �f LQt 2�, Bloak �, Homecroft kdditian t� ��ir,t r^a�al l_yin�3 st�nti,ea�teriy oP the fal2owinq dksc}heci Iine: e`IO21: triB 30i1i <Ea3i, COZRBI Oi i,iev� 337,� �.G�` i� ti,.enre i�StArly @ d13taIl•v� Ci 19.U� feet to the paint of beginsting; thence northeasteriy to a point on the east line of the s�id Lot 24 2ying 12.QQ feet northerly af t31e said sautheast corner, and thpre termina±_nq. ihe Counci2 c�f tne vity c,f �aint Pau:i having receive3 the rm�c;rt of the N?ayvr upon the a}�c,ve im�rc,v�menr �n�i h�viaa con�idere� s�i3 rep�rt, hereby res�lves; E1 � �s That the s.sid report and the rer.me is h2reby apprcved with no altern�t3ve�, �: d that the estimated cost t'tiareof is $2,5vt} €2nerzcea by 1��7 Capital Smgsrovemer,t Eand3, That a p�i�lic }�searing �e had on said im�ravement an t*�e � AtY• 2av of Ntay �.,_ �97,_ at 4•3Q e'c�o k P M in the Council Chambers of the rity Hal2 and Court Fiouse Buildir.g ia the City 6f Saint Paul. Ttiat notice of �aid �ublia hearing be given to t�ie per�ons and i� the manner �rovidad by the Cnarter, �tsting the time and place af �iearinq, the nature of tae im�rovement and tk�e total co�t tt�er�of as estim�te�. COUNCILr^EFtSt7Pv'S Ye�s Naya i�Biak2y �3�sLr�m ,�Harris /' k3cp r .t�— �eqsrci ,�/ttatt�isn �Thune Zi.�opt�d by a��ancii: nate CertifiQd Fassscz by Counci2 �ecretary k? zr_ Fa��r B� '� _ � � � FAj{1STk8 L �`� Mavor a��,euew � AP� � � �9�� llate — T.1�.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION '�udnrl 1'ww�w nnA 1'Lonn NumL�rt Peter White 266-8850 � i � p S , . /5 `s::1w; � f'u' `.'k ii2s u 3/3l47 Green Sheet Nwnbcr: >Y.1'MCIA1t;N'1' UIt14:CTOR CI'1'Y COUNf:/L I7Y ATIORT7EY 2 ITY CLEAK DIAECTOR tx on Co�„rit ng�ae by: 3-26-9 7 Mus t be in fAYOR (OR ASSISTANi� covivccc xFSE,ucct[ ancil Research Offira t,., F,-i '�_l4_ 7 1 CAL �1 OF SIGNATUIiE PAGES 1 (CLLP ALL LOCATIOIVS FOR SIGNATLJRE) PION REQLTESTED: 1. To set hearing date to approve acquisition of easement for the Wheeler StreetiMunster Avenue Realigvment Project; and 2. To approve said easemeut. PLANNMC COMMRSION C3V3L SGIYSCE COMMISSION C1H COT1MtiTEE Fil� No- /$$y� (A) OR REJEC7' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWLR TIIG FOI,LOWING: L Ilns fhe perso�/f rm ever worked under a co�drnct for lltis depnrfinentl YGS NO p sr�rr WIIICSI COUNCIL OAJ�CTIVE? COUNCIL WARU(S� I[as Utis �xrsadGrm ever Lcen a City eqiptoye¢? OF FINANC[AL SvCS. YES NO . Does lhts person(finn �wsscss a skill nd normnlly passesscd by ent9 yPS Np current Cily employecl Gx Ixin all YRS xnswers on a sc rate sheet and nttxch, 3 AISTRICT PLANNiNG COUNCIL � 5 T1NG PROTiLPM� ISSUr., OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whnt, Whrn� Whcre, Why7): Realigiuneut of the iutersection of Wlxeeler Street aud Mutaster Avenue is plaxuied. Easemeut rights will be needed to covstruct and maintaau the realigned streets. �crs ix nrrxovcn: Coitstruction of tlte reali�ned strcets wiil proceed as plat�ned. ,NTAGES IF APPROV�D: 1. Affected propezty owners will have an encumbrauce ov tl�eir property; and 2. City will have to compei�sate property owners for easezneut rights. NTAGLS IF NOT APPROVED: Iutersection could not be realigned as plauued. �POTALhMOUNTOFTRANSAC7'30N: $2�54� GUNDING SOURCE: �()()7 C� BOIICjS - SIgII81 �ll119I1CeIriCllt 1NANCIA4INFORMATION: (GXPLAII� COST/RGVfiNUC BUDGGT�D (CIRCLC ONIi) ACTN(TY NUMAEA: �;Ol1IlCS� YGS NO E,�(I(2 0 7 1J�7 L� �ITY GZF ST. PAVL �iEL�iARY ORDER Sn the Matter of ( �:�'�ff'?t( 1, �� � lr� � � � ,. � , `: .�`;. � a$; � �-��a-�� , 8Y � 1e841 TVi�dYV �6iFVu� Y ^ancleaena*_zon snd takinc� af a per�±�nent easemert fer right-of=.a-ay purpoaes _n connsction rzit; tne Wneeler StreetfMunster Avenue Rea:.ignment Yroject {Gi�y Praject 97-�-1161) - F�a�osed easement t� 3�e l�cated at the intervection of vdYiee2er �tieet and Munster Avenus, deacribed as fol.iows: xil that part �f LQt 2�, Bloak �, Homecroft kdditian t� ��ir,t r^a�al l_yin�3 st�nti,ea�teriy oP the fal2owinq dksc}heci Iine: e`IO21: triB 30i1i <Ea3i, COZRBI Oi i,iev� 337,� �.G�` i� ti,.enre i�StArly @ d13taIl•v� Ci 19.U� feet to the paint of beginsting; thence northeasteriy to a point on the east line of the s�id Lot 24 2ying 12.QQ feet northerly af t31e said sautheast corner, and thpre termina±_nq. ihe Counci2 c�f tne vity c,f �aint Pau:i having receive3 the rm�c;rt of the N?ayvr upon the a}�c,ve im�rc,v�menr �n�i h�viaa con�idere� s�i3 rep�rt, hereby res�lves; E1 � �s That the s.sid report and the rer.me is h2reby apprcved with no altern�t3ve�, �: d that the estimated cost t'tiareof is $2,5vt} €2nerzcea by 1��7 Capital Smgsrovemer,t Eand3, That a p�i�lic }�searing �e had on said im�ravement an t*�e � AtY• 2av of Ntay �.,_ �97,_ at 4•3Q e'c�o k P M in the Council Chambers of the rity Hal2 and Court Fiouse Buildir.g ia the City 6f Saint Paul. Ttiat notice of �aid �ublia hearing be given to t�ie per�ons and i� the manner �rovidad by the Cnarter, �tsting the time and place af �iearinq, the nature of tae im�rovement and tk�e total co�t tt�er�of as estim�te�. COUNCILr^EFtSt7Pv'S Ye�s Naya i�Biak2y �3�sLr�m ,�Harris /' k3cp r .t�— �eqsrci ,�/ttatt�isn �Thune Zi.�opt�d by a��ancii: nate CertifiQd Fassscz by Counci2 �ecretary k? zr_ Fa��r B� '� _ � � � FAj{1STk8 L �`� Mavor a��,euew � AP� � � �9�� llate — T.1�.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION '�udnrl 1'ww�w nnA 1'Lonn NumL�rt Peter White 266-8850 � i � p S , . /5 `s::1w; � f'u' `.'k ii2s u 3/3l47 Green Sheet Nwnbcr: >Y.1'MCIA1t;N'1' UIt14:CTOR CI'1'Y COUNf:/L I7Y ATIORT7EY 2 ITY CLEAK DIAECTOR tx on Co�„rit ng�ae by: 3-26-9 7 Mus t be in fAYOR (OR ASSISTANi� covivccc xFSE,ucct[ ancil Research Offira t,., F,-i '�_l4_ 7 1 CAL �1 OF SIGNATUIiE PAGES 1 (CLLP ALL LOCATIOIVS FOR SIGNATLJRE) PION REQLTESTED: 1. To set hearing date to approve acquisition of easement for the Wheeler StreetiMunster Avenue Realigvment Project; and 2. To approve said easemeut. PLANNMC COMMRSION C3V3L SGIYSCE COMMISSION C1H COT1MtiTEE Fil� No- /$$y� (A) OR REJEC7' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWLR TIIG FOI,LOWING: L Ilns fhe perso�/f rm ever worked under a co�drnct for lltis depnrfinentl YGS NO p sr�rr WIIICSI COUNCIL OAJ�CTIVE? COUNCIL WARU(S� I[as Utis �xrsadGrm ever Lcen a City eqiptoye¢? OF FINANC[AL SvCS. YES NO . Does lhts person(finn �wsscss a skill nd normnlly passesscd by ent9 yPS Np current Cily employecl Gx Ixin all YRS xnswers on a sc rate sheet and nttxch, 3 AISTRICT PLANNiNG COUNCIL � 5 T1NG PROTiLPM� ISSUr., OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whnt, Whrn� Whcre, Why7): Realigiuneut of the iutersection of Wlxeeler Street aud Mutaster Avenue is plaxuied. Easemeut rights will be needed to covstruct and maintaau the realigned streets. �crs ix nrrxovcn: Coitstruction of tlte reali�ned strcets wiil proceed as plat�ned. ,NTAGES IF APPROV�D: 1. Affected propezty owners will have an encumbrauce ov tl�eir property; and 2. City will have to compei�sate property owners for easezneut rights. NTAGLS IF NOT APPROVED: Iutersection could not be realigned as plauued. �POTALhMOUNTOFTRANSAC7'30N: $2�54� GUNDING SOURCE: �()()7 C� BOIICjS - SIgII81 �ll119I1CeIriCllt 1NANCIA4INFORMATION: (GXPLAII� COST/RGVfiNUC BUDGGT�D (CIRCLC ONIi) ACTN(TY NUMAEA: �;Ol1IlCS� YGS NO E,�(I(2 0 7 1J�7 L� �ITY GZF ST. PAVL �iEL�iARY ORDER Sn the Matter of ( �:�'�ff'?t( 1, �� � lr� � � � ,. � , `: .�`;. � a$; � �-��a-�� , 8Y � 1e841 TVi�dYV �6iFVu� Y ^ancleaena*_zon snd takinc� af a per�±�nent easemert fer right-of=.a-ay purpoaes _n connsction rzit; tne Wneeler StreetfMunster Avenue Rea:.ignment Yroject {Gi�y Praject 97-�-1161) - F�a�osed easement t� 3�e l�cated at the intervection of vdYiee2er �tieet and Munster Avenus, deacribed as fol.iows: xil that part �f LQt 2�, Bloak �, Homecroft kdditian t� ��ir,t r^a�al l_yin�3 st�nti,ea�teriy oP the fal2owinq dksc}heci Iine: e`IO21: triB 30i1i <Ea3i, COZRBI Oi i,iev� 337,� �.G�` i� ti,.enre i�StArly @ d13taIl•v� Ci 19.U� feet to the paint of beginsting; thence northeasteriy to a point on the east line of the s�id Lot 24 2ying 12.QQ feet northerly af t31e said sautheast corner, and thpre termina±_nq. ihe Counci2 c�f tne vity c,f �aint Pau:i having receive3 the rm�c;rt of the N?ayvr upon the a}�c,ve im�rc,v�menr �n�i h�viaa con�idere� s�i3 rep�rt, hereby res�lves; E1 � �s That the s.sid report and the rer.me is h2reby apprcved with no altern�t3ve�, �: d that the estimated cost t'tiareof is $2,5vt} €2nerzcea by 1��7 Capital Smgsrovemer,t Eand3, That a p�i�lic }�searing �e had on said im�ravement an t*�e � AtY• 2av of Ntay �.,_ �97,_ at 4•3Q e'c�o k P M in the Council Chambers of the rity Hal2 and Court Fiouse Buildir.g ia the City 6f Saint Paul. Ttiat notice of �aid �ublia hearing be given to t�ie per�ons and i� the manner �rovidad by the Cnarter, �tsting the time and place af �iearinq, the nature of tae im�rovement and tk�e total co�t tt�er�of as estim�te�. COUNCILr^EFtSt7Pv'S Ye�s Naya i�Biak2y �3�sLr�m ,�Harris /' k3cp r .t�— �eqsrci ,�/ttatt�isn �Thune Zi.�opt�d by a��ancii: nate CertifiQd Fassscz by Counci2 �ecretary k? zr_ Fa��r B� '� _ � � � FAj{1STk8 L �`� Mavor a��,euew � AP� � � �9�� llate — T.1�.SJREAL ESTATE DIVISION '�udnrl 1'ww�w nnA 1'Lonn NumL�rt Peter White 266-8850 � i � p S , . /5 `s::1w; � f'u' `.'k ii2s u 3/3l47 Green Sheet Nwnbcr: >Y.1'MCIA1t;N'1' UIt14:CTOR CI'1'Y COUNf:/L I7Y ATIORT7EY 2 ITY CLEAK DIAECTOR tx on Co�„rit ng�ae by: 3-26-9 7 Mus t be in fAYOR (OR ASSISTANi� covivccc xFSE,ucct[ ancil Research Offira t,., F,-i '�_l4_ 7 1 CAL �1 OF SIGNATUIiE PAGES 1 (CLLP ALL LOCATIOIVS FOR SIGNATLJRE) PION REQLTESTED: 1. To set hearing date to approve acquisition of easement for the Wheeler StreetiMunster Avenue Realigvment Project; and 2. To approve said easemeut. PLANNMC COMMRSION C3V3L SGIYSCE COMMISSION C1H COT1MtiTEE Fil� No- /$$y� (A) OR REJEC7' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWLR TIIG FOI,LOWING: L Ilns fhe perso�/f rm ever worked under a co�drnct for lltis depnrfinentl YGS NO p sr�rr WIIICSI COUNCIL OAJ�CTIVE? COUNCIL WARU(S� I[as Utis �xrsadGrm ever Lcen a City eqiptoye¢? OF FINANC[AL SvCS. YES NO . Does lhts person(finn �wsscss a skill nd normnlly passesscd by ent9 yPS Np current Cily employecl Gx Ixin all YRS xnswers on a sc rate sheet and nttxch, 3 AISTRICT PLANNiNG COUNCIL � 5 T1NG PROTiLPM� ISSUr., OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whnt, Whrn� Whcre, Why7): Realigiuneut of the iutersection of Wlxeeler Street aud Mutaster Avenue is plaxuied. Easemeut rights will be needed to covstruct and maintaau the realigned streets. �crs ix nrrxovcn: Coitstruction of tlte reali�ned strcets wiil proceed as plat�ned. ,NTAGES IF APPROV�D: 1. Affected propezty owners will have an encumbrauce ov tl�eir property; and 2. City will have to compei�sate property owners for easezneut rights. NTAGLS IF NOT APPROVED: Iutersection could not be realigned as plauued. �POTALhMOUNTOFTRANSAC7'30N: $2�54� GUNDING SOURCE: �()()7 C� BOIICjS - SIgII81 �ll119I1CeIriCllt 1NANCIA4INFORMATION: (GXPLAII� COST/RGVfiNUC BUDGGT�D (CIRCLC ONIi) ACTN(TY NUMAEA: �;Ol1IlCS� YGS NO E,�(I(2 0 7 1J�7