97-275� � ��� a� ��. ���. ���� �� Ia t$e Ma�Gter a£ C��'1��;�,4�1 F� � � ��d' �_�. �� ��, ���_ �.� a�� 8Y F . �9 IN� FF 1 Psr�a: en*_ Easemenr f�r p�b ilv r3Cf�1C-9F-'rl3j cr, over an1 above the fc21a?aiz�g �escri=�7 y :.�x'tr: Ali that part cf Lot 32, Auditc,rs vui�divisi�n 230, 52 �t. Pa�al i+iinn. 2yiag westarly of the fDI�.047].YiCf described lina. Beginninq at a point on th� ncrthwester2�{ line o= aaid Lot 32, 3.20 feat northeaster2y of the m�st westerly aarner of said Jat "s2; thence southeasterly to a poin� an th2 �outhwesterly 1ir_e cf said Lot 32, 55,OG feet eoutheastezlV af the most westarly cors�er of �aicz Lc�t 32� and there said Iine terminatas. mhe Cc:uz:cii cf the Ci*_y �f Sair:t Faul havin� rece=ue�3 t7as r��;ort �f =h� Ma�ror uAOn the �bove imgravemen�, and h�vint3 con:�i�erecl �ai� regart, hsrauy re:,olves: � 2. That the saiu� raport aZd Gtse �ame i4 hzraby ap�raved with na altern�tiv�s, t�nd Znat the City wi1J receive a right-of-way easameni at nv cos�. Th�t a puh2ic hearing be had on said improvement vn the 1?th dav of May ��7. �+ g �' ���- �*� in the vcuncil G`haa�ars of th� Gfity I:ali an�? %ourt �ouse Building in the City cf 8sint psul. �. That not_ae of sai.d p��blia :�aarinc} be aiven to the persers anci ir tY�a mann¢r provided by the Charter, st�tir.� the ti.�e and piace of hearing, the nature of tha _u�r�vemerat �nd *_he rc±as' cost ther�nf as �ctima±o3. CdUDtCILPER�u'nNS Yens Nays �/ Blekey �Bostrcm �Hsrr�.� 11 t�� �.s �'2�3'Q'�° ����� Rett3�an �I'hurx� AdogtEd'r,y C=ouncil; Date (��,��.,�I 1 �e�tified Pase�d by Council Sscreiarv � Ir. s avor E�y � �, �,.,_,�.,� ' � e? ���:�g� � [ � ,'1, ?�ycr �O�alecueR �PR 12199� . -��c - nay 14� 177� �M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION ontact Person and Fhone Number: Eob Novak 266-8850 Aate: 1 2(2g(g7 y, Greeu Sheet Number•. � AQI EPAR'ITiEta2' pSRECTOR IY COUNCIL � � IIY ATTORN£Y 7Y CL&RIC UDG£t DIRECTOR N. & TfGT. SVC. DTA. (OR ASSISTANq be ou Couucil Age. A OF SIGNATOR� PAGES FOR Res ��Council Research +in a Right-of-Way Easement for Maideu Lane betweeu Nina St. aud 5elby Ave. � L� n(o. I $�'yo rIM1IENDATI0IV5: APPROVE (A) OR RFJEGT ([q ERSONAL SER VICE CONTRAC'CS MUST ANS WLR TIIG FOLIAW[NG: � L Ilna the person/rrm ever worked wder e contracf tor tlJs department7 YPS NO 1'NNtJ�NC COMM6510N 6TAPp ifxt lhis per5onifirm m•er becn n Cify cmployccl CNILSERVIC& COMMLSSION cie con�nnrree WtIICII COUNCIL OI37LCTIVE7 xIl YLS NO YES NO COUNCIL WARD(S� � D[SCRICT PLANNING COUNCIL R MITIATING PROBLG��i, ISSUE, OPS'ORTUNiTY (Who, Whnt, K7�cn, Whcre� Why1): TJus part of Maiden I.aue (south branch) is very uaz and 'u� order to make it wide enough at tl�e cwve for Yraffic an adclitioval3 feet is needed. ADVAN'I'AC�S IF AFFAOVFb: The City will receive a right-of-way easeinevt at iao cost, froin the ac(jaceut property orvuer aud the s4reet will he wide enough for traffic. xF nrrxov�p: rvANTACLS IF NOT APPROVLD: South Brauch of Maideu Laue would note be wide enough for traffic. AhfOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $Q SOURC�: INFORMATION: (EXPLAiM Docs lh(.s person/firm passcss a skill nd norninlly Possessed by xny currt�d Cily cm�doyeet COSLBCVLNUE IIUDCfiTED (CIRCLG QNL) AC'iIVITY N[1MI3GR: C:t�t!s�r.s! �� ^cayfi�l G?11tC4f ::!: ii; 0 7 1�37 YPS NO � � ��� a� ��. ���. ���� �� Ia t$e Ma�Gter a£ C��'1��;�,4�1 F� � � ��d' �_�. �� ��, ���_ �.� a�� 8Y F . �9 IN� FF 1 Psr�a: en*_ Easemenr f�r p�b ilv r3Cf�1C-9F-'rl3j cr, over an1 above the fc21a?aiz�g �escri=�7 y :.�x'tr: Ali that part cf Lot 32, Auditc,rs vui�divisi�n 230, 52 �t. Pa�al i+iinn. 2yiag westarly of the fDI�.047].YiCf described lina. Beginninq at a point on th� ncrthwester2�{ line o= aaid Lot 32, 3.20 feat northeaster2y of the m�st westerly aarner of said Jat "s2; thence southeasterly to a poin� an th2 �outhwesterly 1ir_e cf said Lot 32, 55,OG feet eoutheastezlV af the most westarly cors�er of �aicz Lc�t 32� and there said Iine terminatas. mhe Cc:uz:cii cf the Ci*_y �f Sair:t Faul havin� rece=ue�3 t7as r��;ort �f =h� Ma�ror uAOn the �bove imgravemen�, and h�vint3 con:�i�erecl �ai� regart, hsrauy re:,olves: � 2. That the saiu� raport aZd Gtse �ame i4 hzraby ap�raved with na altern�tiv�s, t�nd Znat the City wi1J receive a right-of-way easameni at nv cos�. Th�t a puh2ic hearing be had on said improvement vn the 1?th dav of May ��7. �+ g �' ���- �*� in the vcuncil G`haa�ars of th� Gfity I:ali an�? %ourt �ouse Building in the City cf 8sint psul. �. That not_ae of sai.d p��blia :�aarinc} be aiven to the persers anci ir tY�a mann¢r provided by the Charter, st�tir.� the ti.�e and piace of hearing, the nature of tha _u�r�vemerat �nd *_he rc±as' cost ther�nf as �ctima±o3. CdUDtCILPER�u'nNS Yens Nays �/ Blekey �Bostrcm �Hsrr�.� 11 t�� �.s �'2�3'Q'�° ����� Rett3�an �I'hurx� AdogtEd'r,y C=ouncil; Date (��,��.,�I 1 �e�tified Pase�d by Council Sscreiarv � Ir. s avor E�y � �, �,.,_,�.,� ' � e? ���:�g� � [ � ,'1, ?�ycr �O�alecueR �PR 12199� . -��c - nay 14� 177� �M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION ontact Person and Fhone Number: Eob Novak 266-8850 Aate: 1 2(2g(g7 y, Greeu Sheet Number•. � AQI EPAR'ITiEta2' pSRECTOR IY COUNCIL � � IIY ATTORN£Y 7Y CL&RIC UDG£t DIRECTOR N. & TfGT. SVC. DTA. (OR ASSISTANq be ou Couucil Age. A OF SIGNATOR� PAGES FOR Res ��Council Research +in a Right-of-Way Easement for Maideu Lane betweeu Nina St. aud 5elby Ave. � L� n(o. I $�'yo rIM1IENDATI0IV5: APPROVE (A) OR RFJEGT ([q ERSONAL SER VICE CONTRAC'CS MUST ANS WLR TIIG FOLIAW[NG: � L Ilna the person/rrm ever worked wder e contracf tor tlJs department7 YPS NO 1'NNtJ�NC COMM6510N 6TAPp ifxt lhis per5onifirm m•er becn n Cify cmployccl CNILSERVIC& COMMLSSION cie con�nnrree WtIICII COUNCIL OI37LCTIVE7 xIl YLS NO YES NO COUNCIL WARD(S� � D[SCRICT PLANNING COUNCIL R MITIATING PROBLG��i, ISSUE, OPS'ORTUNiTY (Who, Whnt, K7�cn, Whcre� Why1): TJus part of Maiden I.aue (south branch) is very uaz and 'u� order to make it wide enough at tl�e cwve for Yraffic an adclitioval3 feet is needed. ADVAN'I'AC�S IF AFFAOVFb: The City will receive a right-of-way easeinevt at iao cost, froin the ac(jaceut property orvuer aud the s4reet will he wide enough for traffic. xF nrrxov�p: rvANTACLS IF NOT APPROVLD: South Brauch of Maideu Laue would note be wide enough for traffic. AhfOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $Q SOURC�: INFORMATION: (EXPLAiM Docs lh(.s person/firm passcss a skill nd norninlly Possessed by xny currt�d Cily cm�doyeet COSLBCVLNUE IIUDCfiTED (CIRCLG QNL) AC'iIVITY N[1MI3GR: C:t�t!s�r.s! �� ^cayfi�l G?11tC4f ::!: ii; 0 7 1�37 YPS NO � � ��� a� ��. ���. ���� �� Ia t$e Ma�Gter a£ C��'1��;�,4�1 F� � � ��d' �_�. �� ��, ���_ �.� a�� 8Y F . �9 IN� FF 1 Psr�a: en*_ Easemenr f�r p�b ilv r3Cf�1C-9F-'rl3j cr, over an1 above the fc21a?aiz�g �escri=�7 y :.�x'tr: Ali that part cf Lot 32, Auditc,rs vui�divisi�n 230, 52 �t. Pa�al i+iinn. 2yiag westarly of the fDI�.047].YiCf described lina. Beginninq at a point on th� ncrthwester2�{ line o= aaid Lot 32, 3.20 feat northeaster2y of the m�st westerly aarner of said Jat "s2; thence southeasterly to a poin� an th2 �outhwesterly 1ir_e cf said Lot 32, 55,OG feet eoutheastezlV af the most westarly cors�er of �aicz Lc�t 32� and there said Iine terminatas. mhe Cc:uz:cii cf the Ci*_y �f Sair:t Faul havin� rece=ue�3 t7as r��;ort �f =h� Ma�ror uAOn the �bove imgravemen�, and h�vint3 con:�i�erecl �ai� regart, hsrauy re:,olves: � 2. That the saiu� raport aZd Gtse �ame i4 hzraby ap�raved with na altern�tiv�s, t�nd Znat the City wi1J receive a right-of-way easameni at nv cos�. Th�t a puh2ic hearing be had on said improvement vn the 1?th dav of May ��7. �+ g �' ���- �*� in the vcuncil G`haa�ars of th� Gfity I:ali an�? %ourt �ouse Building in the City cf 8sint psul. �. That not_ae of sai.d p��blia :�aarinc} be aiven to the persers anci ir tY�a mann¢r provided by the Charter, st�tir.� the ti.�e and piace of hearing, the nature of tha _u�r�vemerat �nd *_he rc±as' cost ther�nf as �ctima±o3. CdUDtCILPER�u'nNS Yens Nays �/ Blekey �Bostrcm �Hsrr�.� 11 t�� �.s �'2�3'Q'�° ����� Rett3�an �I'hurx� AdogtEd'r,y C=ouncil; Date (��,��.,�I 1 �e�tified Pase�d by Council Sscreiarv � Ir. s avor E�y � �, �,.,_,�.,� ' � e? ���:�g� � [ � ,'1, ?�ycr �O�alecueR �PR 12199� . -��c - nay 14� 177� �M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION ontact Person and Fhone Number: Eob Novak 266-8850 Aate: 1 2(2g(g7 y, Greeu Sheet Number•. � AQI EPAR'ITiEta2' pSRECTOR IY COUNCIL � � IIY ATTORN£Y 7Y CL&RIC UDG£t DIRECTOR N. & TfGT. SVC. DTA. (OR ASSISTANq be ou Couucil Age. A OF SIGNATOR� PAGES FOR Res ��Council Research +in a Right-of-Way Easement for Maideu Lane betweeu Nina St. aud 5elby Ave. � L� n(o. I $�'yo rIM1IENDATI0IV5: APPROVE (A) OR RFJEGT ([q ERSONAL SER VICE CONTRAC'CS MUST ANS WLR TIIG FOLIAW[NG: � L Ilna the person/rrm ever worked wder e contracf tor tlJs department7 YPS NO 1'NNtJ�NC COMM6510N 6TAPp ifxt lhis per5onifirm m•er becn n Cify cmployccl CNILSERVIC& COMMLSSION cie con�nnrree WtIICII COUNCIL OI37LCTIVE7 xIl YLS NO YES NO COUNCIL WARD(S� � D[SCRICT PLANNING COUNCIL R MITIATING PROBLG��i, ISSUE, OPS'ORTUNiTY (Who, Whnt, K7�cn, Whcre� Why1): TJus part of Maiden I.aue (south branch) is very uaz and 'u� order to make it wide enough at tl�e cwve for Yraffic an adclitioval3 feet is needed. ADVAN'I'AC�S IF AFFAOVFb: The City will receive a right-of-way easeinevt at iao cost, froin the ac(jaceut property orvuer aud the s4reet will he wide enough for traffic. xF nrrxov�p: rvANTACLS IF NOT APPROVLD: South Brauch of Maideu Laue would note be wide enough for traffic. AhfOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $Q SOURC�: INFORMATION: (EXPLAiM Docs lh(.s person/firm passcss a skill nd norninlly Possessed by xny currt�d Cily cm�doyeet COSLBCVLNUE IIUDCfiTED (CIRCLG QNL) AC'iIVITY N[1MI3GR: C:t�t!s�r.s! �� ^cayfi�l G?11tC4f ::!: ii; 0 7 1�37 YPS NO