97-220LL ������z�:�� .�, CITY 6F ST. PAVS. C`UUPd�'ZL FY�7.� t�7i:. ��^ a�.c�a � E"�St��kANAl2Y 4P.8&� BY �`�.6^ l,tL�c/ F�.ie ca. "v" :Jb4-S3'1l�3G ✓ati g YIard 7 In t,'a� :+3�tt� of Recouv4r��ti�,� .�f ui���n2k a: tue f��ltcwing 1z..^�ti->n°; 5�7424 - Both sicaes E. Fourt% 8±. fro� ;�orest �t. ta ��res� St, 597t725 - Bot* sides A7. He-.aard St. frcm &ush Iive. to E. Se�an�ix St. �57G2, - Boti si�es LaAe St, iroa� E, 3ev�nt�i St. to Stillwater r�ve, 097427 - B�th �icies E, �ixth St, frvm Arr�de St. tv Mendota St. S97U28 - Hotf; sides E, sistii 3t. from Fares� St. to ��.x�,re�� St. ��7�2A - Both sides E. 3ixth S*_, from �endoYa St. to Forest St, S97U30 -&c�th sides E. �ixtn S*. fro� RS. *r7_ St. tn I9. Mckn}q}ir P�3. *E9m?�n �C2n7�TR CmT 7d i2z�.m�� R��SL�E}�m'� T Rnfi S{t�e, twcs ar three family atructures} R�e�a�tr�xc�iaa ;i�pla�emer:t cf U1c3 siriewaZi�} - S?.�6 per front fcc�t f:s�x e €i�e (5} fo�t �caide .,alk a:�d $9.R4 psr fr�nt fu�t for a six (6) f�,c± �ride wal'k. t�.i otner �ric��hs zr;.i� be proratad accordinr�iy. 33aw consiruetion ;svhsrs na *.va1k esi�te�; - ?�J�� �f the actua2 e4�t ertima*��? ta bG apx�roximaYely $3.33 per �quare foot. r�3.3 corner resideritial t�roperties will reaeive a credit vn to the first 1�U faet GP new ar re�on�tructed sidewalk ai�ng �n� abutting tr�e "l�nq si�e of the prop=_rty. �tULmr_Ra�srna�nrmrnr {MVr� than tP�ree famil3: v±ruc±ures} ��a!�hT- F T,.N�r7Ar. R�mF� Far riew and reconstructed �i3ewalk; iv0� of actual cost autimatEd ta be s��ra.;i�tately $�.50 par squers €cct. ������l��� �I�t - ��o �,��,«�� MA4t t 51997 m7�e r�;��,�il af the city of saint Fau1 ha3ing re�eived the rep�rt �f *_he i�iayu� u�c�sa �ise abflve im�,ravement, and havir�q COR3i�8P6c� said ret h�reby resoi✓es; l. That t7�e said aeport and the ��me is herehy apprave� rrith no aiternatives, $13� 'Gp1aC t�i2 cS�7.P'iH�2i� COSt C�12"t�Gf =S '�'. AE'{" f0� fiSL'7.�$t�G C:C;?iF3t:c'�1t`.�.i0?? ratee f2nanced �y asseasmentm end 1997 Publi.c Ia�pr�uement Rid. 2. That a puhlic hesring be had on said improaement an the 23rd day �f z+_or?3, 1957, at 9•"s0 0' .lo k p 2�i in the Council G'hambers af the City Hali and c;ourt Hv�use Fn�ildinc� in th� City of ���rir_ p�u? , 3. That n�tice of said pub2ic hearirq be �iv2r. to the persaiE. snd in the manner provided by the Chartar, statinq the time and p7.ace af hearing, the nsture of the improveznent ar>d *_p�e tctai cast thereof as estimated. COUNCI LS EFtSOI35 Yeas� Nays ✓ �Blakey V �3 troa y�H�arr.is ,Mauer ��^.eqard �2et�man V Y? �� ? Ara'Upted by Cvuncil: Dete� �- 1 4� �ertified Passed by ccuncii Secretary �( En E'avor BY a . �Aqair�st -�L c , Nf3 jt'�i ��� Public Hearing Date — April 23, 1997 RE 2-1&-97 I�PAA7MEMAFGICEKAUNCIL DATEMffIASED GREEN SHEET r,o ?3 PubiicWorksSidewalks �'9-g7 M�TUUAATE WR1AL/DATE �NTACTPERSONbPHONE �pEPppTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNC0. ` Robert A Lissick - 2666086 �N crtr arrorwEr cm c�aK MLST BE ON COUNC0. AGENDA BY (OA'f� 3-5-9 7 �� � euo�� oir+�ctoa � FW, b NGT. SEAYICES 010. Must be in Council Research Office MAYOR(ORASSISTAN7) t Caunal Research b n n Fr'da —2 — � TOTILLIFOFSIGW1NFiEPAGE3 1 _� (CUPALI.LQCAiIONSWti9GWTURE) ASSPLUTE �DEPARTMENT/LLACCOUMANT ACTpNPE0UE5TED Aeconstrud Sidewalk in Ward 7(See attached tisi) Q�—�2� Finance File No. S970L�i— 30 AEff�MMMENDAT�ONS: Appm�o (A) a ibjaa (R) pERSpNpL SERVICE CON�RACTS TAUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG WESTIONS: _PLANNING (bIdMISSbN �CN9. SERY�CE COMM�SSS�ON 7. Has ihis peESOnlfi �er vrorlced under a canVac[ (�r ihis departrnent2 Y _Cie GOUiMiT[EE _ 2 Has 9�i5 per� NO r been a eiq emptoyse? YE A STaFF 3. Dces this parsonHirm poss¢ss a skAl not rrormally possessed hy any current ciry — employee? _,DtSrn�cicXwt+c� — )y Z� YES NO SuPPORTS WFIICH CWNCLL 08JECTNE4 �P�n sll y�s am�rnn on srparetc shaat and attaeh to grwn sheat Neighborhoods Ward '7 INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (WHO, WFfAT, WHEN, WHEPE. WHY1: The problem 'defective sidewaik" was created because of tree roots, deteterious subgrade materiai, aRemating iree/thaw cydes, service life limits, chemical additives, eMreme temperature variations, etc. Tfiese probfems occur on a cityvride level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewaik condition woufd worsan to a state where it woufd be rendered unusabie and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falis and possible fitigations. ADVAMAGES ff APPPOVED: The community will benefit from this project because k wil( provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk �ntracts are executed by private wntrectors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. D�SADYANTAGES IF APPROYED: Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative teedback in the area of construction p�ocedure and assessment. Simply siated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. DISA�VANTAGES ff NOT APPqOVEO: This option xrould allow the infrastruclure o! sidewatk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate mo�e personal injury suits, uhimately resulting in the expenditure of Ia�ger doila� amounts in eventual tepairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. �d�.'l`G�" ��: _;, ....; -_.,� -� TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACTIONS COST/pEYENUEBUDG£TED(CIRCLEOTiE) VES 1� FlINDMGSWRCE A. PIA 97 AC(NRYNUMBER FMIANCIqLINFORMATION:(E%PWN) �, QST C. CIB g7 LL ������z�:�� .�, CITY 6F ST. PAVS. C`UUPd�'ZL FY�7.� t�7i:. ��^ a�.c�a � E"�St��kANAl2Y 4P.8&� BY �`�.6^ l,tL�c/ F�.ie ca. "v" :Jb4-S3'1l�3G ✓ati g YIard 7 In t,'a� :+3�tt� of Recouv4r��ti�,� .�f ui���n2k a: tue f��ltcwing 1z..^�ti->n°; 5�7424 - Both sicaes E. Fourt% 8±. fro� ;�orest �t. ta ��res� St, 597t725 - Bot* sides A7. He-.aard St. frcm &ush Iive. to E. Se�an�ix St. �57G2, - Boti si�es LaAe St, iroa� E, 3ev�nt�i St. to Stillwater r�ve, 097427 - B�th �icies E, �ixth St, frvm Arr�de St. tv Mendota St. S97U28 - Hotf; sides E, sistii 3t. from Fares� St. to ��.x�,re�� St. ��7�2A - Both sides E. 3ixth S*_, from �endoYa St. to Forest St, S97U30 -&c�th sides E. �ixtn S*. fro� RS. *r7_ St. tn I9. Mckn}q}ir P�3. *E9m?�n �C2n7�TR CmT 7d i2z�.m�� R��SL�E}�m'� T Rnfi S{t�e, twcs ar three family atructures} R�e�a�tr�xc�iaa ;i�pla�emer:t cf U1c3 siriewaZi�} - S?.�6 per front fcc�t f:s�x e €i�e (5} fo�t �caide .,alk a:�d $9.R4 psr fr�nt fu�t for a six (6) f�,c± �ride wal'k. t�.i otner �ric��hs zr;.i� be proratad accordinr�iy. 33aw consiruetion ;svhsrs na *.va1k esi�te�; - ?�J�� �f the actua2 e4�t ertima*��? ta bG apx�roximaYely $3.33 per �quare foot. r�3.3 corner resideritial t�roperties will reaeive a credit vn to the first 1�U faet GP new ar re�on�tructed sidewalk ai�ng �n� abutting tr�e "l�nq si�e of the prop=_rty. �tULmr_Ra�srna�nrmrnr {MVr� than tP�ree famil3: v±ruc±ures} ��a!�hT- F T,.N�r7Ar. R�mF� Far riew and reconstructed �i3ewalk; iv0� of actual cost autimatEd ta be s��ra.;i�tately $�.50 par squers €cct. ������l��� �I�t - ��o �,��,«�� MA4t t 51997 m7�e r�;��,�il af the city of saint Fau1 ha3ing re�eived the rep�rt �f *_he i�iayu� u�c�sa �ise abflve im�,ravement, and havir�q COR3i�8P6c� said ret h�reby resoi✓es; l. That t7�e said aeport and the ��me is herehy apprave� rrith no aiternatives, $13� 'Gp1aC t�i2 cS�7.P'iH�2i� COSt C�12"t�Gf =S '�'. AE'{" f0� fiSL'7.�$t�G C:C;?iF3t:c'�1t`.�.i0?? ratee f2nanced �y asseasmentm end 1997 Publi.c Ia�pr�uement Rid. 2. That a puhlic hesring be had on said improaement an the 23rd day �f z+_or?3, 1957, at 9•"s0 0' .lo k p 2�i in the Council G'hambers af the City Hali and c;ourt Hv�use Fn�ildinc� in th� City of ���rir_ p�u? , 3. That n�tice of said pub2ic hearirq be �iv2r. to the persaiE. snd in the manner provided by the Chartar, statinq the time and p7.ace af hearing, the nsture of the improveznent ar>d *_p�e tctai cast thereof as estimated. COUNCI LS EFtSOI35 Yeas� Nays ✓ �Blakey V �3 troa y�H�arr.is ,Mauer ��^.eqard �2et�man V Y? �� ? Ara'Upted by Cvuncil: Dete� �- 1 4� �ertified Passed by ccuncii Secretary �( En E'avor BY a . �Aqair�st -�L c , Nf3 jt'�i ��� Public Hearing Date — April 23, 1997 RE 2-1&-97 I�PAA7MEMAFGICEKAUNCIL DATEMffIASED GREEN SHEET r,o ?3 PubiicWorksSidewalks �'9-g7 M�TUUAATE WR1AL/DATE �NTACTPERSONbPHONE �pEPppTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNC0. ` Robert A Lissick - 2666086 �N crtr arrorwEr cm c�aK MLST BE ON COUNC0. AGENDA BY (OA'f� 3-5-9 7 �� � euo�� oir+�ctoa � FW, b NGT. SEAYICES 010. Must be in Council Research Office MAYOR(ORASSISTAN7) t Caunal Research b n n Fr'da —2 — � TOTILLIFOFSIGW1NFiEPAGE3 1 _� (CUPALI.LQCAiIONSWti9GWTURE) ASSPLUTE �DEPARTMENT/LLACCOUMANT ACTpNPE0UE5TED Aeconstrud Sidewalk in Ward 7(See attached tisi) Q�—�2� Finance File No. S970L�i— 30 AEff�MMMENDAT�ONS: Appm�o (A) a ibjaa (R) pERSpNpL SERVICE CON�RACTS TAUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG WESTIONS: _PLANNING (bIdMISSbN �CN9. SERY�CE COMM�SSS�ON 7. Has ihis peESOnlfi �er vrorlced under a canVac[ (�r ihis departrnent2 Y _Cie GOUiMiT[EE _ 2 Has 9�i5 per� NO r been a eiq emptoyse? YE A STaFF 3. Dces this parsonHirm poss¢ss a skAl not rrormally possessed hy any current ciry — employee? _,DtSrn�cicXwt+c� — )y Z� YES NO SuPPORTS WFIICH CWNCLL 08JECTNE4 �P�n sll y�s am�rnn on srparetc shaat and attaeh to grwn sheat Neighborhoods Ward '7 INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (WHO, WFfAT, WHEN, WHEPE. WHY1: The problem 'defective sidewaik" was created because of tree roots, deteterious subgrade materiai, aRemating iree/thaw cydes, service life limits, chemical additives, eMreme temperature variations, etc. Tfiese probfems occur on a cityvride level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewaik condition woufd worsan to a state where it woufd be rendered unusabie and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falis and possible fitigations. ADVAMAGES ff APPPOVED: The community will benefit from this project because k wil( provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk �ntracts are executed by private wntrectors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. D�SADYANTAGES IF APPROYED: Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative teedback in the area of construction p�ocedure and assessment. Simply siated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. DISA�VANTAGES ff NOT APPqOVEO: This option xrould allow the infrastruclure o! sidewatk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate mo�e personal injury suits, uhimately resulting in the expenditure of Ia�ger doila� amounts in eventual tepairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. �d�.'l`G�" ��: _;, ....; -_.,� -� TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACTIONS COST/pEYENUEBUDG£TED(CIRCLEOTiE) VES 1� FlINDMGSWRCE A. PIA 97 AC(NRYNUMBER FMIANCIqLINFORMATION:(E%PWN) �, QST C. CIB g7 LL ������z�:�� .�, CITY 6F ST. PAVS. C`UUPd�'ZL FY�7.� t�7i:. ��^ a�.c�a � E"�St��kANAl2Y 4P.8&� BY �`�.6^ l,tL�c/ F�.ie ca. "v" :Jb4-S3'1l�3G ✓ati g YIard 7 In t,'a� :+3�tt� of Recouv4r��ti�,� .�f ui���n2k a: tue f��ltcwing 1z..^�ti->n°; 5�7424 - Both sicaes E. Fourt% 8±. fro� ;�orest �t. ta ��res� St, 597t725 - Bot* sides A7. He-.aard St. frcm &ush Iive. to E. Se�an�ix St. �57G2, - Boti si�es LaAe St, iroa� E, 3ev�nt�i St. to Stillwater r�ve, 097427 - B�th �icies E, �ixth St, frvm Arr�de St. tv Mendota St. S97U28 - Hotf; sides E, sistii 3t. from Fares� St. to ��.x�,re�� St. ��7�2A - Both sides E. 3ixth S*_, from �endoYa St. to Forest St, S97U30 -&c�th sides E. �ixtn S*. fro� RS. *r7_ St. tn I9. Mckn}q}ir P�3. *E9m?�n �C2n7�TR CmT 7d i2z�.m�� R��SL�E}�m'� T Rnfi S{t�e, twcs ar three family atructures} R�e�a�tr�xc�iaa ;i�pla�emer:t cf U1c3 siriewaZi�} - S?.�6 per front fcc�t f:s�x e €i�e (5} fo�t �caide .,alk a:�d $9.R4 psr fr�nt fu�t for a six (6) f�,c± �ride wal'k. t�.i otner �ric��hs zr;.i� be proratad accordinr�iy. 33aw consiruetion ;svhsrs na *.va1k esi�te�; - ?�J�� �f the actua2 e4�t ertima*��? ta bG apx�roximaYely $3.33 per �quare foot. r�3.3 corner resideritial t�roperties will reaeive a credit vn to the first 1�U faet GP new ar re�on�tructed sidewalk ai�ng �n� abutting tr�e "l�nq si�e of the prop=_rty. �tULmr_Ra�srna�nrmrnr {MVr� than tP�ree famil3: v±ruc±ures} ��a!�hT- F T,.N�r7Ar. R�mF� Far riew and reconstructed �i3ewalk; iv0� of actual cost autimatEd ta be s��ra.;i�tately $�.50 par squers €cct. ������l��� �I�t - ��o �,��,«�� MA4t t 51997 m7�e r�;��,�il af the city of saint Fau1 ha3ing re�eived the rep�rt �f *_he i�iayu� u�c�sa �ise abflve im�,ravement, and havir�q COR3i�8P6c� said ret h�reby resoi✓es; l. That t7�e said aeport and the ��me is herehy apprave� rrith no aiternatives, $13� 'Gp1aC t�i2 cS�7.P'iH�2i� COSt C�12"t�Gf =S '�'. AE'{" f0� fiSL'7.�$t�G C:C;?iF3t:c'�1t`.�.i0?? ratee f2nanced �y asseasmentm end 1997 Publi.c Ia�pr�uement Rid. 2. That a puhlic hesring be had on said improaement an the 23rd day �f z+_or?3, 1957, at 9•"s0 0' .lo k p 2�i in the Council G'hambers af the City Hali and c;ourt Hv�use Fn�ildinc� in th� City of ���rir_ p�u? , 3. That n�tice of said pub2ic hearirq be �iv2r. to the persaiE. snd in the manner provided by the Chartar, statinq the time and p7.ace af hearing, the nsture of the improveznent ar>d *_p�e tctai cast thereof as estimated. COUNCI LS EFtSOI35 Yeas� Nays ✓ �Blakey V �3 troa y�H�arr.is ,Mauer ��^.eqard �2et�man V Y? �� ? Ara'Upted by Cvuncil: Dete� �- 1 4� �ertified Passed by ccuncii Secretary �( En E'avor BY a . �Aqair�st -�L c , Nf3 jt'�i ��� Public Hearing Date — April 23, 1997 RE 2-1&-97 I�PAA7MEMAFGICEKAUNCIL DATEMffIASED GREEN SHEET r,o ?3 PubiicWorksSidewalks �'9-g7 M�TUUAATE WR1AL/DATE �NTACTPERSONbPHONE �pEPppTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNC0. ` Robert A Lissick - 2666086 �N crtr arrorwEr cm c�aK MLST BE ON COUNC0. AGENDA BY (OA'f� 3-5-9 7 �� � euo�� oir+�ctoa � FW, b NGT. SEAYICES 010. Must be in Council Research Office MAYOR(ORASSISTAN7) t Caunal Research b n n Fr'da —2 — � TOTILLIFOFSIGW1NFiEPAGE3 1 _� (CUPALI.LQCAiIONSWti9GWTURE) ASSPLUTE �DEPARTMENT/LLACCOUMANT ACTpNPE0UE5TED Aeconstrud Sidewalk in Ward 7(See attached tisi) Q�—�2� Finance File No. S970L�i— 30 AEff�MMMENDAT�ONS: Appm�o (A) a ibjaa (R) pERSpNpL SERVICE CON�RACTS TAUST ANSWER THE FOLLON7NG WESTIONS: _PLANNING (bIdMISSbN �CN9. SERY�CE COMM�SSS�ON 7. Has ihis peESOnlfi �er vrorlced under a canVac[ (�r ihis departrnent2 Y _Cie GOUiMiT[EE _ 2 Has 9�i5 per� NO r been a eiq emptoyse? YE A STaFF 3. Dces this parsonHirm poss¢ss a skAl not rrormally possessed hy any current ciry — employee? _,DtSrn�cicXwt+c� — )y Z� YES NO SuPPORTS WFIICH CWNCLL 08JECTNE4 �P�n sll y�s am�rnn on srparetc shaat and attaeh to grwn sheat Neighborhoods Ward '7 INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (WHO, WFfAT, WHEN, WHEPE. WHY1: The problem 'defective sidewaik" was created because of tree roots, deteterious subgrade materiai, aRemating iree/thaw cydes, service life limits, chemical additives, eMreme temperature variations, etc. Tfiese probfems occur on a cityvride level and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncorrected, the sidewaik condition woufd worsan to a state where it woufd be rendered unusabie and subject to increased pedestrian injuries from falis and possible fitigations. ADVAMAGES ff APPPOVED: The community will benefit from this project because k wil( provide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewalk �ntracts are executed by private wntrectors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created as a result of this activity. D�SADYANTAGES IF APPROYED: Historically, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative teedback in the area of construction p�ocedure and assessment. Simply siated, property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains controversial. DISA�VANTAGES ff NOT APPqOVEO: This option xrould allow the infrastruclure o! sidewatk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, will generate mo�e personal injury suits, uhimately resulting in the expenditure of Ia�ger doila� amounts in eventual tepairs and/or replacement, as well as claim payouts. �d�.'l`G�" ��: _;, ....; -_.,� -� TOTALAMWNTOFTRANSACTIONS COST/pEYENUEBUDG£TED(CIRCLEOTiE) VES 1� FlINDMGSWRCE A. PIA 97 AC(NRYNUMBER FMIANCIqLINFORMATION:(E%PWN) �, QST C. CIB g7