D00339CITY OF SAINT PAUL • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, No: �_ Date: �� e 1 �'�� WHEREAS, contingent upon the maintenance of certain minimum standards by the Science museuzn, the C`ity has awarded, from the MaXor's 1994 Ca�ital Improvement Proeram. a sum not to exceed $49,OOQ to fund the renovation of the cooling tower and air handiers; and WHEREAS, the authorized representatives of the Science Museum have signed an instrument de£ining the above referenced minimum standards and agreeing to the conditions proposed by the • City for the reixnbursement of up to $49,000 for e�cpendiriues on the project; THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City of�icials are hereby authorized and directed to execute the above referenced instrument. APPROVED AS TO FORM u l Assistant ttome 1 Date � Mayor �������� . � r F.x.s. fREAL SSTATS DIVISIOlT nate 10 f 24/94 Green Shcet Namber: 28757 EPAICIINFNI' DIRP.CPDR Cfl'Y CO[7N(�. Pelsoa and PLone Nam6er������ p�� l 11 "°' (�LY A71�ORNEY Qi'Y C1�RS 1 TC .,.,,,� � Nelson '` 266-8850 � �°�1' D�'°x � Mcr s�'G D�x- YOR(ORASS7STAN1) 5 ESlATEDIVLA0I3 ast be on Cwm7 Agtada tq. !/w �`� / # OF S[GNA'17JRLYAGFS 1 (Q1P AII.IACA'IIONS FORSCGNAIT7RL) CPI N RPQUPSIFD; o approve a contract deSning the minimum standards the Science Museum must maintain in order to eceive reimbnrsement firom the Mayor's I994 Capital Improvement Budget for renovation of the cooling ower and air handlers in the Arts & Science Buiiding. ef: 1. Administrative Order for approval; Z. Sample copy of contract. REC'AMME'�7DATIOISS: APYROVE (A) OR 1tRJF�P (R) ruv. se�vicE coxrnacrs r,rosr nrrsw� ��c.ww¢ac_ PLANNING COI�fiSSION STAPP L Has the peisoa/Grm ever worked under a conhac[ for this dtpartment? YPS NO CiVII. SERVICG COMM[SSION Has this peison/Cum ever been a Gtp employee? YES NO , — I)pes tLis peaso¢�5tm possess a skill aot noxmally possessed by any A CIB COMMITTEF. _ t]imnt 6ty employte? YRS NO POR1S WHICH COUNCii. OSIF.CIIVL? lam all Yf�S answers on a separate s6cet and atiach cn. wa�(sx 2 n�cr ri�s�� couricn. 17 TING PROBiEM, ISSI7F., OPPORTUPIITY (WLq Wha; When, Whcre, Whyx e application for a CIB grant of $49,000 to fund the renovation of the cooling tower and air handlers in he Arts & Science Building was approved for funding from the Mayor's 1944 Capital Tmprovement Program. VANl'AGFS IFAPPROVID: inimum standards to be maintained by the Science Museum in order to qualify for reimbursement of its osts will be defined in a formal agreement. ISADVANi'AGES IFAPPROVED: R rr/a NOV 151994 ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVFA: isunderstanding by the Science Museum of requirements would be possible. oFel Amonnt of Transaction �9��.00 Cast/Revenuc Budget Y NO s� Mayor's I494 Capital Improvements Program d UV na:�,uy x�� . � ��: �> �9� �lo��-��9�a��