97-219LL .�.; CITY OR ST. FAt3L L`+�3A7G' L FILu I3��, q� -� lq ?�L�ARY 4It�8� B�1 (/�° File No. �9?;t1E-83iU23 �at:iIl� r7ar•? fi Za th� Matter o£ Rec��vtr�ctic.r :i si�a��l� :._ �ia foiic�:�in:3 �oc�tic•ne,= s97�1$ - Brii.ti 3idE3 E. COi.tug6 AvB. irOL� ?�fendut& ^uL. $6 Foi'e: `U St. �°74i9 - Nle�t side N. Hazal St. fram E. 5eventh St. to Stillv:ater Ava. 597Q20 - B�th si�ies E;. kyacintn Iive. fram Mendoca ut. to Forest St. ��7G22 - B�th �idss �. Iyy Tive. from Mendota St, tfl Forest ;�t, s97022 - Bvth side� E. Saver,th st. from N. vlhite Bear Ave. to Van UsYe �t, ar,� tne Narth side E. ve;���t�i St. PrGm Van D�>ke �t. tc N, H�ze2 st. gg7623 - Po±r� sic3�a York Ave. from bdalsn St. to TnTeide 3t. *��iT'IMAT �i) .C)NS'R�p T"PT >gj AT <# F'�7D .NfiInF. RAfi 4ULZa, tvao �r Ghses family atr R@CbYI&�Y13C'�iCSZi (re�lacemer.t vf ola sic�ewaik) -$7.45 per iront fc�Qt fur a fi•r� {St f�s�t wide w�lk and 58,34 per ;.ron+ f�ot €o* a six {&? foot wi�� wa2:c. Ae.l otkier widtYas wiil `�,e pr�rateci accordinqiy. Haca eanstruazion {vrhere no we2k existed; - 10C� af the actua2 vost es*i�atsk to be appraa:imatety 53.33 per square f60�. iil.l carrser rasic�enLiei �,r�perties *�rill r�CQi�re a creccit up ta tY�e £irst 19fi feet of n�w �r renonstraetE�3 si�eeaalic al�ng ar� �nttin� the "l�ng siae" c�f the property. p�3�r.m {MOre th_an t$ree f8T!ti2y �tz'uctureS} , N4T�-RF'S2BEt��?A; F�nm�� For neva and reaenstructed sidewalk; 16�� of actual cost �stia�at�r1 tc �a appro�ivRatelv $�.�G+ �er sq�:ar� foc�t. �� — ��� vrreares�cn MAR 15 1997 2`Yiu �ounci2 of the City of saint Psul havinq reaeive� th� rep�rt of *_h� c�tayor u�scsr-- the abave impzovemant, and having oonsidere� said seport, tiere�y resalves: FI 2. � That tne �aid report �nd the aaxne zs herek�y approved witn no a2ternati�res, and that the estimated aost the*eof ia *SEE 1aEOVE for estimatac cv_rzatrnc=ivn rates financed by asses�ments and 1997 yublic Impravement Aid. That a pub2ic hearina be hed on said lmpravement an the �'rd aa� a�,r�r;2 1597. at 4e30 o'c�ock P.M.. 1n the Cauncii Chasbers of the Lity H�11 and C'.onrt House Sui2ding in the City vf Sa1nt Paul. That notias uf said public hearinq he qivesi ta tne persa�s anr3 in i:x� mar.ner provided by tne t:harter, st�tting the tims and plae.e oP heari.ng, the natnre of the iusprovement an� LYse t4ta1 aost theredf as esti.�stE@. cozr�ciz��r�sotss Yeas /� Nays i/ r,�,kakey 1�$��tr��.n r�H I/� uer �gsrd Rettman �hune Ada�ted by Counci:L: Late �,, S ti �qq �j Certifieci Passed �uy Coun:11 3zcr�tacy �In Favor $y r �Against T3ayor �Pulilic Aearing Date - April 23, 1997 RE 2-14-97 � 1 9 DEPAflTMEMAFFICFJCOUNCIL DA7E 1NITIATED G R E E N SH E ET N 0.1 8' �s z Pubt'�c Works Sidewaiks t-9-97 winavonre wrrwwaTe CAHTACT PERSON S PHONE p�PPApTMENT DIRECTOH � CrtY CAUNpL D Robert A Lissick - 2666086 �� � cm nrrorwer cm c�ax MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E� 3� S� 9 ROUTING g�IDG�7 DIRECTOR GIN. 6 MGf. SEfiV7Ct5 DIR Must be in Council Researc Office � MAYOR(OFASSISTAM� t Coundl Research b noon Frida 2-21-97 ❑ TOTAL! OF 51GNATURE PAGES 1 _(C17P JLLl LOCATONS FON SIGNANN� ASSOCIA'fE � DEPARTMEtiTAL ACCOUNTANT pC7qNt�0UESiED Reconstruci Sidewalk in Ward (j (See attached tist) Finance File No. 5970) — flECOMMENdATqNS: Approre lA! w RejeU (fry pgpSpNAI S CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING OUESTIONS: _PUNNR�IG cafMisSroN _Crvri sERVicE COMi��SS�ON 1. Has tfiis YES� NOer vrorked untler a contract fw this department? _CIfl COMMt17EE _ 2 Has 7his person/Fi Ne been a ciry empfoyee? YES A STAfG 3. Does �his persorvfirm possess a skill not mrmaiy possessed by any eunent ciry — amployce? D�S7RICTCWNCI� — Z� S YES NO SUPaORTS WHiWt CWt�(;tl08JECTNE? �plain all y�s answars on uparata shwt and ntaeh to g�en aheat Neighborhoods Ward (� INRIATING pROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (VMO, YMAT, WHEN, WHEHE, WH1�: The problem 'defeaive sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterbus subgrade materiai, afternating free/thaw cycies, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These probiems occur on a citywide ievei and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition woufd worsen to a state where it wouid be rendered unusabie and subjed to increased pedestrian injurias trom talls and possibie litigations. ADVAMF(iES IF APPROVED: The community wiif benetit from this project because it wiii provide safe detect free sidewalks for ds many cdizens. The sidewalk eontiaqs are executed by private contractors, so it fo{lows that private secior jobs are created as a resuR of this activity. OISPDVANTAGES IF MPROVFA: Historicaily, the sidewafk reconstructions have aeated negative feedback in tfie area oi construction procedu�e and assessment. Simply stated, propeAy owners detest assessments, and despBe the tact up to one-haif the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains coMroversiai. DLSADYANTAGES lF NOT AGPROVED: This option wouid afbw the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, wii{ generate more personai injury suits, uBimately resuking in the expendfture ot larger do!!ar amounts in eventuai repairs aod/or replacement, as weli as claim payouts. $it n . � :. '� se�.�< f�-..' " ris:b,. E"pe.,_._ . �:A,.. I � L`• Yv�if TOTALAMWNfOFTHANSACTIONi CDST/RE�'ENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YES No FUNDWC�SWRCE A, PIA 97 ACINITYNUMBER FiNANCiALINFORAIATION:(EXPLAMI g. AST G. CIB 97 LL .�.; CITY OR ST. FAt3L L`+�3A7G' L FILu I3��, q� -� lq ?�L�ARY 4It�8� B�1 (/�° File No. �9?;t1E-83iU23 �at:iIl� r7ar•? fi Za th� Matter o£ Rec��vtr�ctic.r :i si�a��l� :._ �ia foiic�:�in:3 �oc�tic•ne,= s97�1$ - Brii.ti 3idE3 E. COi.tug6 AvB. irOL� ?�fendut& ^uL. $6 Foi'e: `U St. �°74i9 - Nle�t side N. Hazal St. fram E. 5eventh St. to Stillv:ater Ava. 597Q20 - B�th si�ies E;. kyacintn Iive. fram Mendoca ut. to Forest St. ��7G22 - B�th �idss �. Iyy Tive. from Mendota St, tfl Forest ;�t, s97022 - Bvth side� E. Saver,th st. from N. vlhite Bear Ave. to Van UsYe �t, ar,� tne Narth side E. ve;���t�i St. PrGm Van D�>ke �t. tc N, H�ze2 st. gg7623 - Po±r� sic3�a York Ave. from bdalsn St. to TnTeide 3t. *��iT'IMAT �i) .C)NS'R�p T"PT >gj AT <# F'�7D .NfiInF. RAfi 4ULZa, tvao �r Ghses family atr R@CbYI&�Y13C'�iCSZi (re�lacemer.t vf ola sic�ewaik) -$7.45 per iront fc�Qt fur a fi•r� {St f�s�t wide w�lk and 58,34 per ;.ron+ f�ot €o* a six {&? foot wi�� wa2:c. Ae.l otkier widtYas wiil `�,e pr�rateci accordinqiy. Haca eanstruazion {vrhere no we2k existed; - 10C� af the actua2 vost es*i�atsk to be appraa:imatety 53.33 per square f60�. iil.l carrser rasic�enLiei �,r�perties *�rill r�CQi�re a creccit up ta tY�e £irst 19fi feet of n�w �r renonstraetE�3 si�eeaalic al�ng ar� �nttin� the "l�ng siae" c�f the property. p�3�r.m {MOre th_an t$ree f8T!ti2y �tz'uctureS} , N4T�-RF'S2BEt��?A; F�nm�� For neva and reaenstructed sidewalk; 16�� of actual cost �stia�at�r1 tc �a appro�ivRatelv $�.�G+ �er sq�:ar� foc�t. �� — ��� vrreares�cn MAR 15 1997 2`Yiu �ounci2 of the City of saint Psul havinq reaeive� th� rep�rt of *_h� c�tayor u�scsr-- the abave impzovemant, and having oonsidere� said seport, tiere�y resalves: FI 2. � That tne �aid report �nd the aaxne zs herek�y approved witn no a2ternati�res, and that the estimated aost the*eof ia *SEE 1aEOVE for estimatac cv_rzatrnc=ivn rates financed by asses�ments and 1997 yublic Impravement Aid. That a pub2ic hearina be hed on said lmpravement an the �'rd aa� a�,r�r;2 1597. at 4e30 o'c�ock P.M.. 1n the Cauncii Chasbers of the Lity H�11 and C'.onrt House Sui2ding in the City vf Sa1nt Paul. That notias uf said public hearinq he qivesi ta tne persa�s anr3 in i:x� mar.ner provided by tne t:harter, st�tting the tims and plae.e oP heari.ng, the natnre of the iusprovement an� LYse t4ta1 aost theredf as esti.�stE@. cozr�ciz��r�sotss Yeas /� Nays i/ r,�,kakey 1�$��tr��.n r�H I/� uer �gsrd Rettman �hune Ada�ted by Counci:L: Late �,, S ti �qq �j Certifieci Passed �uy Coun:11 3zcr�tacy �In Favor $y r �Against T3ayor �Pulilic Aearing Date - April 23, 1997 RE 2-14-97 � 1 9 DEPAflTMEMAFFICFJCOUNCIL DA7E 1NITIATED G R E E N SH E ET N 0.1 8' �s z Pubt'�c Works Sidewaiks t-9-97 winavonre wrrwwaTe CAHTACT PERSON S PHONE p�PPApTMENT DIRECTOH � CrtY CAUNpL D Robert A Lissick - 2666086 �� � cm nrrorwer cm c�ax MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E� 3� S� 9 ROUTING g�IDG�7 DIRECTOR GIN. 6 MGf. SEfiV7Ct5 DIR Must be in Council Researc Office � MAYOR(OFASSISTAM� t Coundl Research b noon Frida 2-21-97 ❑ TOTAL! OF 51GNATURE PAGES 1 _(C17P JLLl LOCATONS FON SIGNANN� ASSOCIA'fE � DEPARTMEtiTAL ACCOUNTANT pC7qNt�0UESiED Reconstruci Sidewalk in Ward (j (See attached tist) Finance File No. 5970) — flECOMMENdATqNS: Approre lA! w RejeU (fry pgpSpNAI S CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING OUESTIONS: _PUNNR�IG cafMisSroN _Crvri sERVicE COMi��SS�ON 1. Has tfiis YES� NOer vrorked untler a contract fw this department? _CIfl COMMt17EE _ 2 Has 7his person/Fi Ne been a ciry empfoyee? YES A STAfG 3. Does �his persorvfirm possess a skill not mrmaiy possessed by any eunent ciry — amployce? D�S7RICTCWNCI� — Z� S YES NO SUPaORTS WHiWt CWt�(;tl08JECTNE? �plain all y�s answars on uparata shwt and ntaeh to g�en aheat Neighborhoods Ward (� INRIATING pROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (VMO, YMAT, WHEN, WHEHE, WH1�: The problem 'defeaive sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterbus subgrade materiai, afternating free/thaw cycies, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These probiems occur on a citywide ievei and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition woufd worsen to a state where it wouid be rendered unusabie and subjed to increased pedestrian injurias trom talls and possibie litigations. ADVAMF(iES IF APPROVED: The community wiif benetit from this project because it wiii provide safe detect free sidewalks for ds many cdizens. The sidewalk eontiaqs are executed by private contractors, so it fo{lows that private secior jobs are created as a resuR of this activity. OISPDVANTAGES IF MPROVFA: Historicaily, the sidewafk reconstructions have aeated negative feedback in tfie area oi construction procedu�e and assessment. Simply stated, propeAy owners detest assessments, and despBe the tact up to one-haif the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains coMroversiai. DLSADYANTAGES lF NOT AGPROVED: This option wouid afbw the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, wii{ generate more personai injury suits, uBimately resuking in the expendfture ot larger do!!ar amounts in eventuai repairs aod/or replacement, as weli as claim payouts. $it n . � :. '� se�.�< f�-..' " ris:b,. E"pe.,_._ . �:A,.. I � L`• Yv�if TOTALAMWNfOFTHANSACTIONi CDST/RE�'ENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YES No FUNDWC�SWRCE A, PIA 97 ACINITYNUMBER FiNANCiALINFORAIATION:(EXPLAMI g. AST G. CIB 97 LL .�.; CITY OR ST. FAt3L L`+�3A7G' L FILu I3��, q� -� lq ?�L�ARY 4It�8� B�1 (/�° File No. �9?;t1E-83iU23 �at:iIl� r7ar•? fi Za th� Matter o£ Rec��vtr�ctic.r :i si�a��l� :._ �ia foiic�:�in:3 �oc�tic•ne,= s97�1$ - Brii.ti 3idE3 E. COi.tug6 AvB. irOL� ?�fendut& ^uL. $6 Foi'e: `U St. �°74i9 - Nle�t side N. Hazal St. fram E. 5eventh St. to Stillv:ater Ava. 597Q20 - B�th si�ies E;. kyacintn Iive. fram Mendoca ut. to Forest St. ��7G22 - B�th �idss �. Iyy Tive. from Mendota St, tfl Forest ;�t, s97022 - Bvth side� E. Saver,th st. from N. vlhite Bear Ave. to Van UsYe �t, ar,� tne Narth side E. ve;���t�i St. PrGm Van D�>ke �t. tc N, H�ze2 st. gg7623 - Po±r� sic3�a York Ave. from bdalsn St. to TnTeide 3t. *��iT'IMAT �i) .C)NS'R�p T"PT >gj AT <# F'�7D .NfiInF. RAfi 4ULZa, tvao �r Ghses family atr R@CbYI&�Y13C'�iCSZi (re�lacemer.t vf ola sic�ewaik) -$7.45 per iront fc�Qt fur a fi•r� {St f�s�t wide w�lk and 58,34 per ;.ron+ f�ot €o* a six {&? foot wi�� wa2:c. Ae.l otkier widtYas wiil `�,e pr�rateci accordinqiy. Haca eanstruazion {vrhere no we2k existed; - 10C� af the actua2 vost es*i�atsk to be appraa:imatety 53.33 per square f60�. iil.l carrser rasic�enLiei �,r�perties *�rill r�CQi�re a creccit up ta tY�e £irst 19fi feet of n�w �r renonstraetE�3 si�eeaalic al�ng ar� �nttin� the "l�ng siae" c�f the property. p�3�r.m {MOre th_an t$ree f8T!ti2y �tz'uctureS} , N4T�-RF'S2BEt��?A; F�nm�� For neva and reaenstructed sidewalk; 16�� of actual cost �stia�at�r1 tc �a appro�ivRatelv $�.�G+ �er sq�:ar� foc�t. �� — ��� vrreares�cn MAR 15 1997 2`Yiu �ounci2 of the City of saint Psul havinq reaeive� th� rep�rt of *_h� c�tayor u�scsr-- the abave impzovemant, and having oonsidere� said seport, tiere�y resalves: FI 2. � That tne �aid report �nd the aaxne zs herek�y approved witn no a2ternati�res, and that the estimated aost the*eof ia *SEE 1aEOVE for estimatac cv_rzatrnc=ivn rates financed by asses�ments and 1997 yublic Impravement Aid. That a pub2ic hearina be hed on said lmpravement an the �'rd aa� a�,r�r;2 1597. at 4e30 o'c�ock P.M.. 1n the Cauncii Chasbers of the Lity H�11 and C'.onrt House Sui2ding in the City vf Sa1nt Paul. That notias uf said public hearinq he qivesi ta tne persa�s anr3 in i:x� mar.ner provided by tne t:harter, st�tting the tims and plae.e oP heari.ng, the natnre of the iusprovement an� LYse t4ta1 aost theredf as esti.�stE@. cozr�ciz��r�sotss Yeas /� Nays i/ r,�,kakey 1�$��tr��.n r�H I/� uer �gsrd Rettman �hune Ada�ted by Counci:L: Late �,, S ti �qq �j Certifieci Passed �uy Coun:11 3zcr�tacy �In Favor $y r �Against T3ayor �Pulilic Aearing Date - April 23, 1997 RE 2-14-97 � 1 9 DEPAflTMEMAFFICFJCOUNCIL DA7E 1NITIATED G R E E N SH E ET N 0.1 8' �s z Pubt'�c Works Sidewaiks t-9-97 winavonre wrrwwaTe CAHTACT PERSON S PHONE p�PPApTMENT DIRECTOH � CrtY CAUNpL D Robert A Lissick - 2666086 �� � cm nrrorwer cm c�ax MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7E� 3� S� 9 ROUTING g�IDG�7 DIRECTOR GIN. 6 MGf. SEfiV7Ct5 DIR Must be in Council Researc Office � MAYOR(OFASSISTAM� t Coundl Research b noon Frida 2-21-97 ❑ TOTAL! OF 51GNATURE PAGES 1 _(C17P JLLl LOCATONS FON SIGNANN� ASSOCIA'fE � DEPARTMEtiTAL ACCOUNTANT pC7qNt�0UESiED Reconstruci Sidewalk in Ward (j (See attached tist) Finance File No. 5970) — flECOMMENdATqNS: Approre lA! w RejeU (fry pgpSpNAI S CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWING OUESTIONS: _PUNNR�IG cafMisSroN _Crvri sERVicE COMi��SS�ON 1. Has tfiis YES� NOer vrorked untler a contract fw this department? _CIfl COMMt17EE _ 2 Has 7his person/Fi Ne been a ciry empfoyee? YES A STAfG 3. Does �his persorvfirm possess a skill not mrmaiy possessed by any eunent ciry — amployce? D�S7RICTCWNCI� — Z� S YES NO SUPaORTS WHiWt CWt�(;tl08JECTNE? �plain all y�s answars on uparata shwt and ntaeh to g�en aheat Neighborhoods Ward (� INRIATING pROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (VMO, YMAT, WHEN, WHEHE, WH1�: The problem 'defeaive sidewalk" was created because of tree roots, deleterbus subgrade materiai, afternating free/thaw cycies, service I'rfe limits, chemical additives, extreme temperature variations, etc. These probiems occur on a citywide ievei and must be addressed and corrected on an annual basis. left uncorrected, the sidewalk condition woufd worsen to a state where it wouid be rendered unusabie and subjed to increased pedestrian injurias trom talls and possibie litigations. ADVAMF(iES IF APPROVED: The community wiif benetit from this project because it wiii provide safe detect free sidewalks for ds many cdizens. The sidewalk eontiaqs are executed by private contractors, so it fo{lows that private secior jobs are created as a resuR of this activity. OISPDVANTAGES IF MPROVFA: Historicaily, the sidewafk reconstructions have aeated negative feedback in tfie area oi construction procedu�e and assessment. Simply stated, propeAy owners detest assessments, and despBe the tact up to one-haif the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains coMroversiai. DLSADYANTAGES lF NOT AGPROVED: This option wouid afbw the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deteriorate, which in turn, wii{ generate more personai injury suits, uBimately resuking in the expendfture ot larger do!!ar amounts in eventuai repairs aod/or replacement, as weli as claim payouts. $it n . � :. '� se�.�< f�-..' " ris:b,. E"pe.,_._ . �:A,.. I � L`• Yv�if TOTALAMWNfOFTHANSACTIONi CDST/RE�'ENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YES No FUNDWC�SWRCE A, PIA 97 ACINITYNUMBER FiNANCiALINFORAIATION:(EXPLAMI g. AST G. CIB 97