97-140�� 3�, �_� � ��. g�� � R 1 G I NA L :�{a�fl�� ���� �b�, � �, _ � � a �za��tx o�t ��, � „�� i�'11E �IC. :i31�1�.3 ;'otirg W.ar� 4 �n th� Matte� af R�ccr��tructi�n c:f siue:ralk �t +he �cliaw;.::� iccKtions: :i�`:G?,'i - �ovii 3_�c3 i:itk'ibSsZ'a AT79, T3'.6L1 Z'`If .4 i'J A1�:itiE n't. aR� rT�s= a=de F'ry St. fr�m Hubbard Are, tc Engsevaccci A€e. xF$Ti`MATw �'�•Y�S R' T iPyT d� • RFSIL�EN�F T�am�r {q�ye, two r,r three €amily s�rna�uras) �eaor,�truatioa !re�lace�e�nr of oid silevaal� 3-$7.45 �r fres:t f�n� f�r s five (5j F60C wide walX and 58.94 per front fr�ot for a six {6} foot �ride �raZk. P,1.Z vth�r wi�tl wi12 be �r:>rate� accordinciy. N�w �c�truetion iwhere no walk existed} - 1QQn of tt�e actual cost evtimated tc be approxim�te3� $v.�3 per square foat. �iii aorr,er rasi�anti�3 prGpes'tie� will receive � crE�it up to tYie firvt i50 fe�t af nevr or recoiistructe� sidewalk �lor:_r and abutting the "1�nt� �ide" cf the �ronerty. tvtt thar thr�F fs�rtily atructures}, '3 AF-kF�i7 r tvmiP7 za�^�� For newr 4nd Y'9COri3tfliCt2f� si�ewalk; :tt��e of aotu�I vost estimstec3 ta b� a�,pr:.xim�ateiy $4.SQ per s�iare frot. The Covra��il af the City �f Saint Paul havi.r,c� rec�ivEd the repart of it�e Ma�>or upan the abcre i.a�razsmant, �rd fl:avin� r_r;r,�id�red sai� report, hereby res���ss= T. itiat the waid report and tt sss:� is ��erEby ��,prr,�x�� witti ric aiternst2�as, ancf that the ast5.ntated cast r��reof is �SEE A84VE for estimatea conata°;�ction .^aLes, fir>anced by a��essm�nts and 25�7 Fublic Improvement kici. 2. 3'i a gublic hearixxg h� i�rx� on sai� im�,racement on t2 5th ciay �f I� 1�97. at 4� o' �gck P-M S.n the C�uncil Chambers �f the City Hal2 and vvurt Ho�se Building in the City of 8aint Paul. 3. Thei notice of aeid pu3�iZa hearir,g he qi.ven �o t>�E �ersor�s a.zci iri the maruxer pr� rided bp t'r_e Cl �tatinq the tiu�e �n� r�iuGe �f tiaaring, t�s nature �i the �tprevemar,t axzd t�e tatal coa*_ thereof a� estimated. �ou�ri 7�.��sc�rs `eas RT�tVs � ' �trnm � YM�� e r i/ at�ri ✓F.�t�an �/` une PIIR� �craen �aR - x 7ssr ?lc�c�*_ed �;x Cour.ci? : 3�ate � eX� � `.,� , `� �' `7 Ce �ass�4 �y :;ouncil �e�ret�ry _ __f Zrz Favor Br� �Agains. � T�yor � R Public Hearing Date — EPARiME�iTAFFICE.COUNC0. 'u61ic Works S�+ralks O PER � i y Ri0 I l � � p �� / ��� 1WOR � l.Ai1M ° LW'WOV WS'r9EONlYJUMCLIUiENDABr10A'[E) : Must be in Council Re� by noon on Fridav 2-7• orksacs�unx�v� _ 1-31-97 GREEN SHEET wa. $�Zq CIiY AT70ttl�lEY 0£fice _ wrruuo�� p CRYCOUl/CK C��� ) 7� FIN. t YGT. SERYIC CdJflal _ �uv �u. �oc�noMC wa acau*unq �1 AssocN� �o� sdewae� �, w�� y �s� �a u�� Finance Fi1e No. CIB COYYITTEE StAFF osm�eTCOUxcd — Il )N75 Y/r11Gi COIIMC9 OBJE Neigfibarhoods OEF'AR'iIAEMIII ACGOIAnMlT '� � - (�-C� lk+PA PEtiSONAI. SERVICE COHiNACfS Ml7Si ANSWEfl SHE FOLLOWING dUESTIONS: i CNL SERYICE C041AIS,Sqti t Fha Ufis pBtB wOrke6 untler a arrtraq for fiis deparanent? YE _ 2 Hu fiit peis ufrm� been a e6y emplv/ee? s. Does il�is peisa+Rm+ possess a skAl rrot rormaly possessed by siry eurtent ary � YES NO ..�± Et�i�k��py�sam�rsmfpvtl�sMrtaMathehtoyn'nshrt � Ward Tha probiem "detec[n+e sidewatk" was created berzuse of vee roots, deleterious subgrada matarial, aftemating fresrthaw cycles, sarvice I'rfe Nmits, chemical additives, e�ctreme temperature variations, eta These prob{ems oc�ur on a citywide level and must be addiessed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncor�ected, tfie s�lewaik conddion would worsen to a state where 8 would be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries trom falfs and poss�le {itigations. The crommu�ity wiii benefit from tfiis project because R wiil pmvide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewelk contracts are euecuted by private contradors, so it foibws that pr'rvate sector jobs are craated as a resuft of ihis aMiv'rty. Fiistoricatly, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negatrve teedbadc in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simp}y stated, property owners detest assessmenfs, and desp8e the fact up to one-hafl the assessment is City subsidized, A still remains controversial. ��"-'::� ���f�! �fl��f ��N 3 �,1997 This o�an would allow tha iMrasuucture ot sidewa& stock to deterio�ate, which in tum,�vill generate more pe�onal injury suiis, ultimatefy resutting in the expenditure of Iarger dollar amoums in everrWal t�airs and/or reptacemerrt, as weil as daim payouts. TOTALAMpUMOF7RANSACffONS LbST/REVENUE 9UDGETEO (CIPCLE ONE) ( YES� 1q �+��� A. PIA 97 ACiTYlTYNUMBEH =wa+cu� e�oaw�Tan: �xr�.aro B . AST t. cle 97 �� 3�, �_� � ��. g�� � R 1 G I NA L :�{a�fl�� ���� �b�, � �, _ � � a �za��tx o�t ��, � „�� i�'11E �IC. :i31�1�.3 ;'otirg W.ar� 4 �n th� Matte� af R�ccr��tructi�n c:f siue:ralk �t +he �cliaw;.::� iccKtions: :i�`:G?,'i - �ovii 3_�c3 i:itk'ibSsZ'a AT79, T3'.6L1 Z'`If .4 i'J A1�:itiE n't. aR� rT�s= a=de F'ry St. fr�m Hubbard Are, tc Engsevaccci A€e. xF$Ti`MATw �'�•Y�S R' T iPyT d� • RFSIL�EN�F T�am�r {q�ye, two r,r three €amily s�rna�uras) �eaor,�truatioa !re�lace�e�nr of oid silevaal� 3-$7.45 �r fres:t f�n� f�r s five (5j F60C wide walX and 58.94 per front fr�ot for a six {6} foot �ride �raZk. P,1.Z vth�r wi�tl wi12 be �r:>rate� accordinciy. N�w �c�truetion iwhere no walk existed} - 1QQn of tt�e actual cost evtimated tc be approxim�te3� $v.�3 per square foat. �iii aorr,er rasi�anti�3 prGpes'tie� will receive � crE�it up to tYie firvt i50 fe�t af nevr or recoiistructe� sidewalk �lor:_r and abutting the "1�nt� �ide" cf the �ronerty. tvtt thar thr�F fs�rtily atructures}, '3 AF-kF�i7 r tvmiP7 za�^�� For newr 4nd Y'9COri3tfliCt2f� si�ewalk; :tt��e of aotu�I vost estimstec3 ta b� a�,pr:.xim�ateiy $4.SQ per s�iare frot. The Covra��il af the City �f Saint Paul havi.r,c� rec�ivEd the repart of it�e Ma�>or upan the abcre i.a�razsmant, �rd fl:avin� r_r;r,�id�red sai� report, hereby res���ss= T. itiat the waid report and tt sss:� is ��erEby ��,prr,�x�� witti ric aiternst2�as, ancf that the ast5.ntated cast r��reof is �SEE A84VE for estimatea conata°;�ction .^aLes, fir>anced by a��essm�nts and 25�7 Fublic Improvement kici. 2. 3'i a gublic hearixxg h� i�rx� on sai� im�,racement on t2 5th ciay �f I� 1�97. at 4� o' �gck P-M S.n the C�uncil Chambers �f the City Hal2 and vvurt Ho�se Building in the City of 8aint Paul. 3. Thei notice of aeid pu3�iZa hearir,g he qi.ven �o t>�E �ersor�s a.zci iri the maruxer pr� rided bp t'r_e Cl �tatinq the tiu�e �n� r�iuGe �f tiaaring, t�s nature �i the �tprevemar,t axzd t�e tatal coa*_ thereof a� estimated. �ou�ri 7�.��sc�rs `eas RT�tVs � ' �trnm � YM�� e r i/ at�ri ✓F.�t�an �/` une PIIR� �craen �aR - x 7ssr ?lc�c�*_ed �;x Cour.ci? : 3�ate � eX� � `.,� , `� �' `7 Ce �ass�4 �y :;ouncil �e�ret�ry _ __f Zrz Favor Br� �Agains. � T�yor � R Public Hearing Date — EPARiME�iTAFFICE.COUNC0. 'u61ic Works S�+ralks O PER � i y Ri0 I l � � p �� / ��� 1WOR � l.Ai1M ° LW'WOV WS'r9EONlYJUMCLIUiENDABr10A'[E) : Must be in Council Re� by noon on Fridav 2-7• orksacs�unx�v� _ 1-31-97 GREEN SHEET wa. $�Zq CIiY AT70ttl�lEY 0£fice _ wrruuo�� p CRYCOUl/CK C��� ) 7� FIN. t YGT. SERYIC CdJflal _ �uv �u. �oc�noMC wa acau*unq �1 AssocN� �o� sdewae� �, w�� y �s� �a u�� Finance Fi1e No. CIB COYYITTEE StAFF osm�eTCOUxcd — Il )N75 Y/r11Gi COIIMC9 OBJE Neigfibarhoods OEF'AR'iIAEMIII ACGOIAnMlT '� � - (�-C� lk+PA PEtiSONAI. SERVICE COHiNACfS Ml7Si ANSWEfl SHE FOLLOWING dUESTIONS: i CNL SERYICE C041AIS,Sqti t Fha Ufis pBtB wOrke6 untler a arrtraq for fiis deparanent? YE _ 2 Hu fiit peis ufrm� been a e6y emplv/ee? s. Does il�is peisa+Rm+ possess a skAl rrot rormaly possessed by siry eurtent ary � YES NO ..�± Et�i�k��py�sam�rsmfpvtl�sMrtaMathehtoyn'nshrt � Ward Tha probiem "detec[n+e sidewatk" was created berzuse of vee roots, deleterious subgrada matarial, aftemating fresrthaw cycles, sarvice I'rfe Nmits, chemical additives, e�ctreme temperature variations, eta These prob{ems oc�ur on a citywide level and must be addiessed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncor�ected, tfie s�lewaik conddion would worsen to a state where 8 would be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries trom falfs and poss�le {itigations. The crommu�ity wiii benefit from tfiis project because R wiil pmvide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewelk contracts are euecuted by private contradors, so it foibws that pr'rvate sector jobs are craated as a resuft of ihis aMiv'rty. Fiistoricatly, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negatrve teedbadc in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simp}y stated, property owners detest assessmenfs, and desp8e the fact up to one-hafl the assessment is City subsidized, A still remains controversial. ��"-'::� ���f�! �fl��f ��N 3 �,1997 This o�an would allow tha iMrasuucture ot sidewa& stock to deterio�ate, which in tum,�vill generate more pe�onal injury suiis, ultimatefy resutting in the expenditure of Iarger dollar amoums in everrWal t�airs and/or reptacemerrt, as weil as daim payouts. TOTALAMpUMOF7RANSACffONS LbST/REVENUE 9UDGETEO (CIPCLE ONE) ( YES� 1q �+��� A. PIA 97 ACiTYlTYNUMBEH =wa+cu� e�oaw�Tan: �xr�.aro B . AST t. cle 97 �� 3�, �_� � ��. g�� � R 1 G I NA L :�{a�fl�� ���� �b�, � �, _ � � a �za��tx o�t ��, � „�� i�'11E �IC. :i31�1�.3 ;'otirg W.ar� 4 �n th� Matte� af R�ccr��tructi�n c:f siue:ralk �t +he �cliaw;.::� iccKtions: :i�`:G?,'i - �ovii 3_�c3 i:itk'ibSsZ'a AT79, T3'.6L1 Z'`If .4 i'J A1�:itiE n't. aR� rT�s= a=de F'ry St. fr�m Hubbard Are, tc Engsevaccci A€e. xF$Ti`MATw �'�•Y�S R' T iPyT d� • RFSIL�EN�F T�am�r {q�ye, two r,r three €amily s�rna�uras) �eaor,�truatioa !re�lace�e�nr of oid silevaal� 3-$7.45 �r fres:t f�n� f�r s five (5j F60C wide walX and 58.94 per front fr�ot for a six {6} foot �ride �raZk. P,1.Z vth�r wi�tl wi12 be �r:>rate� accordinciy. N�w �c�truetion iwhere no walk existed} - 1QQn of tt�e actual cost evtimated tc be approxim�te3� $v.�3 per square foat. �iii aorr,er rasi�anti�3 prGpes'tie� will receive � crE�it up to tYie firvt i50 fe�t af nevr or recoiistructe� sidewalk �lor:_r and abutting the "1�nt� �ide" cf the �ronerty. tvtt thar thr�F fs�rtily atructures}, '3 AF-kF�i7 r tvmiP7 za�^�� For newr 4nd Y'9COri3tfliCt2f� si�ewalk; :tt��e of aotu�I vost estimstec3 ta b� a�,pr:.xim�ateiy $4.SQ per s�iare frot. The Covra��il af the City �f Saint Paul havi.r,c� rec�ivEd the repart of it�e Ma�>or upan the abcre i.a�razsmant, �rd fl:avin� r_r;r,�id�red sai� report, hereby res���ss= T. itiat the waid report and tt sss:� is ��erEby ��,prr,�x�� witti ric aiternst2�as, ancf that the ast5.ntated cast r��reof is �SEE A84VE for estimatea conata°;�ction .^aLes, fir>anced by a��essm�nts and 25�7 Fublic Improvement kici. 2. 3'i a gublic hearixxg h� i�rx� on sai� im�,racement on t2 5th ciay �f I� 1�97. at 4� o' �gck P-M S.n the C�uncil Chambers �f the City Hal2 and vvurt Ho�se Building in the City of 8aint Paul. 3. Thei notice of aeid pu3�iZa hearir,g he qi.ven �o t>�E �ersor�s a.zci iri the maruxer pr� rided bp t'r_e Cl �tatinq the tiu�e �n� r�iuGe �f tiaaring, t�s nature �i the �tprevemar,t axzd t�e tatal coa*_ thereof a� estimated. �ou�ri 7�.��sc�rs `eas RT�tVs � ' �trnm � YM�� e r i/ at�ri ✓F.�t�an �/` une PIIR� �craen �aR - x 7ssr ?lc�c�*_ed �;x Cour.ci? : 3�ate � eX� � `.,� , `� �' `7 Ce �ass�4 �y :;ouncil �e�ret�ry _ __f Zrz Favor Br� �Agains. � T�yor � R Public Hearing Date — EPARiME�iTAFFICE.COUNC0. 'u61ic Works S�+ralks O PER � i y Ri0 I l � � p �� / ��� 1WOR � l.Ai1M ° LW'WOV WS'r9EONlYJUMCLIUiENDABr10A'[E) : Must be in Council Re� by noon on Fridav 2-7• orksacs�unx�v� _ 1-31-97 GREEN SHEET wa. $�Zq CIiY AT70ttl�lEY 0£fice _ wrruuo�� p CRYCOUl/CK C��� ) 7� FIN. t YGT. SERYIC CdJflal _ �uv �u. �oc�noMC wa acau*unq �1 AssocN� �o� sdewae� �, w�� y �s� �a u�� Finance Fi1e No. CIB COYYITTEE StAFF osm�eTCOUxcd — Il )N75 Y/r11Gi COIIMC9 OBJE Neigfibarhoods OEF'AR'iIAEMIII ACGOIAnMlT '� � - (�-C� lk+PA PEtiSONAI. SERVICE COHiNACfS Ml7Si ANSWEfl SHE FOLLOWING dUESTIONS: i CNL SERYICE C041AIS,Sqti t Fha Ufis pBtB wOrke6 untler a arrtraq for fiis deparanent? YE _ 2 Hu fiit peis ufrm� been a e6y emplv/ee? s. Does il�is peisa+Rm+ possess a skAl rrot rormaly possessed by siry eurtent ary � YES NO ..�± Et�i�k��py�sam�rsmfpvtl�sMrtaMathehtoyn'nshrt � Ward Tha probiem "detec[n+e sidewatk" was created berzuse of vee roots, deleterious subgrada matarial, aftemating fresrthaw cycles, sarvice I'rfe Nmits, chemical additives, e�ctreme temperature variations, eta These prob{ems oc�ur on a citywide level and must be addiessed and corrected on an annual basis. Left uncor�ected, tfie s�lewaik conddion would worsen to a state where 8 would be rendered unusable and subject to increased pedestrian injuries trom falfs and poss�le {itigations. The crommu�ity wiii benefit from tfiis project because R wiil pmvide safe detect free sidewalks for its many citizens. The sidewelk contracts are euecuted by private contradors, so it foibws that pr'rvate sector jobs are craated as a resuft of ihis aMiv'rty. Fiistoricatly, the sidewalk reconstructions have created negatrve teedbadc in the area of construction procedure and assessment. Simp}y stated, property owners detest assessmenfs, and desp8e the fact up to one-hafl the assessment is City subsidized, A still remains controversial. ��"-'::� ���f�! �fl��f ��N 3 �,1997 This o�an would allow tha iMrasuucture ot sidewa& stock to deterio�ate, which in tum,�vill generate more pe�onal injury suiis, ultimatefy resutting in the expenditure of Iarger dollar amoums in everrWal t�airs and/or reptacemerrt, as weil as daim payouts. TOTALAMpUMOF7RANSACffONS LbST/REVENUE 9UDGETEO (CIPCLE ONE) ( YES� 1q �+��� A. PIA 97 ACiTYlTYNUMBEH =wa+cu� e�oaw�Tan: �xr�.aro B . AST t. cle 97