97-1239CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDPsR L� ��, Z� °I.'1- � 02�/. In the Matter of assessments for the Bidwell/Congress Area Street Paving and Lighting Project, including concrete curbs and gutters, bituminous surface roadways, concrete driveway aprons, a lantern-style lighting system, and other work incidental to the paving and lighting work on the following streets: Manomin Avenue Orleans 5treet Robie Street Robie Street Robie Street Winslow Avenue Winslow Avenue Charlton Street Congress Street Isabel Street Delos Street Colorado Street Propsect Blvd. Bidwell Street Stryker Avenue Stryker Avenue Hall Avenue Hall Avenue PIIAI ICUen NOU � 11g97 George to Cherokee (30'-32') George to Cherokee (30'-32') Manomin to Ohio (30'-32') Ohio to Bellows (30'-32') Winslow to Stryker (30'-32') George to Robie (30'-32') Isabel to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') 125' South of Winifred to Congress (20'-24') Ohio to Stryker (30'-32') Hall to 200' West of Wabasha (30'-32'} Bellows to Hall (30'-32') Winslow to Hall (30�-32') Bidwell to Hall (3D'-32') Winifred to Prospect B1vd. (30'-32') Winifred to Congress (30'-32') Isabel to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') Winifred to Congress (30'-32') Delos to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') Qi�i«�cn NOI� d � 1997 The Council of the City of 5aint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,756,762 financed by 1998 Capital Improvement Bonds $1,3�0,�9� and Assessments $456,672. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of December, 1999,at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Conrt House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON5 Yeas Nays ✓Blakey ✓�ostrom ✓G vI`farris ✓Pfegard vPlorton �it'hune Adopted by Council: Date C.�e� S' Certified Passed by Council Secretary 2 1n Favor By��,� �„ ��-�1��.� QAgainst � Mayor Public Hearing Date - December 3, 1497 T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DNISION D��e� Person end PUone NwnUcr: Peter White 2G6-8850 6e mt Cowcil Agenda by: OCtOI1Ct LS 1997, pu6lic hearutg ou December 3, 1997. • �� 16, 1997 Green Sheet Nmuber: 50052 )EPAR7TIE7.'f DIRECTOR CI71' COl7NCIL '1'Sl' A7T0}in'El' 17Y CLERR DIRECTOR OF F71�ANCIAL SVCS. (OR ASSISTAI�'n � 1 AESEARC3S OTAL �1 OF SIGNATiJItE PAGES 1 ccLm nLL LocATtors FoR s�cnnrua�� ;TION REQUE5TED: Set hearing dafe of December 3, 1997, for the BIDWELL/CONGRESS ARBA STREET PAVING ANA LIGHTING PROJECT. (Tech. Fle No. 18854) Approve the construction of street improvements fbr Q�e above-mentioned project, inclucling concrete curbs and dters, Uituminous surface roadways, concrete drive�t�ay aprons, a lantern-style lighting system and other work AITROVE (A) OR XEJECT Qi� PLANNINC CO�fAt4S5IpN cn�a seae�ce con+n+�ss�od A ssaee RSONAL SLRVICP COT"fRACTS b1U5f ANSWER THE POLLOW WG: llns the �xrsou/finn erer w�orkeA m�der n cnntrxet for tlus de�u�rtment? YPS NO llxs Ihic �xrsnn/Ynn evcr bcen n Cily empinyce? YES NO . Ikil'S OIIS �N'15p11/fllll �](55CS5 H SRIII bOI 00lI1PIII)' �IOSSCSSCfI V)' AO)' YGS NO cx�rrent City employce? as conmt�rree —_ Pc �lnin nit l'L•S nnsvers on x sc ixrxie slceet nud ntfxcli. �R7'S N711C7�7 COUTCIL OBJL•C'1'I\'G? getter & Safer Streeets CAUNCIL WARD(SJ 2 D[S'CIt1C'C I'I.ArS�IS�G COUS�CIL 3 PRQBLEM, ISSUE, OPi'ORTUN[1'Y (R9�a, N9urt, l�1�en, 117icre, N1�y?): is one oF five projects recommended Uv the Department oP PuUlic 1�1'orks under the Residential Street Vitality ram (RSVP) amd approved Uy the Lonf Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee and the City Council (C.F. AGFS I� APPROVED: reconstruction of the remaining oiled streets �; ill complete the paeing of the locs! residential streets in this area. The street lighting wilt also improve the safetv in the area. DISADVAnTAGrSIFAPPROYED: �ssessments would be levied against the Uenefitted properiies, plyable o��er a maximum of 20 years. Also, normal , �roblems associated with constivetion such as noise, dust, and general disruption �+�iVl occur. tISADVAA'TAGES IF NOT AI'PROVCD: 'he pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will be higher, and the level of service provided �e streets will drou. �TALAMOUIVTOFTRA7�SACTI07�: $ J� ,75G,7G2. COSI'/RE�'61�'UEBUDCE7'GD(CIRCLEOI�E) YES NO �.nire souRCC: 1998 CIB and Assessments RE 9-26-97 - 1 � ` � AC7'IVI7'Y r'UAfBGR: \ANCIAL I�FORn4AT[ON: (LXPLA(N) Estunated Financing: 1998 CIB: $1,300,U90 Assessments: $ 456,G72 Total: $1,756,7G2 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research 310 City Hall REC�lVEi� SEF 2 5 i997 ClTY CL.ERK From: Peter White Real Estate ivision 140 City Hall Date: September 26, 1997 Snbject: Pablication of Notice of Pnblic Hearing for BidwelUCongress Area= ; Sfreet i'aving and Lighting Project. GS# 50052 for Street Paving and Lighting Project for BidwelllCongress Area. "f "� ° �a sl GS# 50053 far connections for BidwelUCongress Area Project. ��,. C�� To comply with Minnesota State Statue, Chapter 429, the attached Preliminary Orders must be published twice%ne week apart with publication on November 1 and November 8, 1997. City Clerk's office would need the signed Preliminary Orders in their office no later than Friday October 24, 1997. If you have any questions, call me at 26fi-8850. RF:kt cc: Deborah Wiley CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDPsR L� ��, Z� °I.'1- � 02�/. In the Matter of assessments for the Bidwell/Congress Area Street Paving and Lighting Project, including concrete curbs and gutters, bituminous surface roadways, concrete driveway aprons, a lantern-style lighting system, and other work incidental to the paving and lighting work on the following streets: Manomin Avenue Orleans 5treet Robie Street Robie Street Robie Street Winslow Avenue Winslow Avenue Charlton Street Congress Street Isabel Street Delos Street Colorado Street Propsect Blvd. Bidwell Street Stryker Avenue Stryker Avenue Hall Avenue Hall Avenue PIIAI ICUen NOU � 11g97 George to Cherokee (30'-32') George to Cherokee (30'-32') Manomin to Ohio (30'-32') Ohio to Bellows (30'-32') Winslow to Stryker (30'-32') George to Robie (30'-32') Isabel to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') 125' South of Winifred to Congress (20'-24') Ohio to Stryker (30'-32') Hall to 200' West of Wabasha (30'-32'} Bellows to Hall (30'-32') Winslow to Hall (30�-32') Bidwell to Hall (3D'-32') Winifred to Prospect B1vd. (30'-32') Winifred to Congress (30'-32') Isabel to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') Winifred to Congress (30'-32') Delos to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') Qi�i«�cn NOI� d � 1997 The Council of the City of 5aint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,756,762 financed by 1998 Capital Improvement Bonds $1,3�0,�9� and Assessments $456,672. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of December, 1999,at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Conrt House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON5 Yeas Nays ✓Blakey ✓�ostrom ✓G vI`farris ✓Pfegard vPlorton �it'hune Adopted by Council: Date C.�e� S' Certified Passed by Council Secretary 2 1n Favor By��,� �„ ��-�1��.� QAgainst � Mayor Public Hearing Date - December 3, 1497 T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DNISION D��e� Person end PUone NwnUcr: Peter White 2G6-8850 6e mt Cowcil Agenda by: OCtOI1Ct LS 1997, pu6lic hearutg ou December 3, 1997. • �� 16, 1997 Green Sheet Nmuber: 50052 )EPAR7TIE7.'f DIRECTOR CI71' COl7NCIL '1'Sl' A7T0}in'El' 17Y CLERR DIRECTOR OF F71�ANCIAL SVCS. (OR ASSISTAI�'n � 1 AESEARC3S OTAL �1 OF SIGNATiJItE PAGES 1 ccLm nLL LocATtors FoR s�cnnrua�� ;TION REQUE5TED: Set hearing dafe of December 3, 1997, for the BIDWELL/CONGRESS ARBA STREET PAVING ANA LIGHTING PROJECT. (Tech. Fle No. 18854) Approve the construction of street improvements fbr Q�e above-mentioned project, inclucling concrete curbs and dters, Uituminous surface roadways, concrete drive�t�ay aprons, a lantern-style lighting system and other work AITROVE (A) OR XEJECT Qi� PLANNINC CO�fAt4S5IpN cn�a seae�ce con+n+�ss�od A ssaee RSONAL SLRVICP COT"fRACTS b1U5f ANSWER THE POLLOW WG: llns the �xrsou/finn erer w�orkeA m�der n cnntrxet for tlus de�u�rtment? YPS NO llxs Ihic �xrsnn/Ynn evcr bcen n Cily empinyce? YES NO . Ikil'S OIIS �N'15p11/fllll �](55CS5 H SRIII bOI 00lI1PIII)' �IOSSCSSCfI V)' AO)' YGS NO cx�rrent City employce? as conmt�rree —_ Pc �lnin nit l'L•S nnsvers on x sc ixrxie slceet nud ntfxcli. �R7'S N711C7�7 COUTCIL OBJL•C'1'I\'G? getter & Safer Streeets CAUNCIL WARD(SJ 2 D[S'CIt1C'C I'I.ArS�IS�G COUS�CIL 3 PRQBLEM, ISSUE, OPi'ORTUN[1'Y (R9�a, N9urt, l�1�en, 117icre, N1�y?): is one oF five projects recommended Uv the Department oP PuUlic 1�1'orks under the Residential Street Vitality ram (RSVP) amd approved Uy the Lonf Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee and the City Council (C.F. AGFS I� APPROVED: reconstruction of the remaining oiled streets �; ill complete the paeing of the locs! residential streets in this area. The street lighting wilt also improve the safetv in the area. DISADVAnTAGrSIFAPPROYED: �ssessments would be levied against the Uenefitted properiies, plyable o��er a maximum of 20 years. Also, normal , �roblems associated with constivetion such as noise, dust, and general disruption �+�iVl occur. tISADVAA'TAGES IF NOT AI'PROVCD: 'he pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will be higher, and the level of service provided �e streets will drou. �TALAMOUIVTOFTRA7�SACTI07�: $ J� ,75G,7G2. COSI'/RE�'61�'UEBUDCE7'GD(CIRCLEOI�E) YES NO �.nire souRCC: 1998 CIB and Assessments RE 9-26-97 - 1 � ` � AC7'IVI7'Y r'UAfBGR: \ANCIAL I�FORn4AT[ON: (LXPLA(N) Estunated Financing: 1998 CIB: $1,300,U90 Assessments: $ 456,G72 Total: $1,756,7G2 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research 310 City Hall REC�lVEi� SEF 2 5 i997 ClTY CL.ERK From: Peter White Real Estate ivision 140 City Hall Date: September 26, 1997 Snbject: Pablication of Notice of Pnblic Hearing for BidwelUCongress Area= ; Sfreet i'aving and Lighting Project. GS# 50052 for Street Paving and Lighting Project for BidwelllCongress Area. "f "� ° �a sl GS# 50053 far connections for BidwelUCongress Area Project. ��,. C�� To comply with Minnesota State Statue, Chapter 429, the attached Preliminary Orders must be published twice%ne week apart with publication on November 1 and November 8, 1997. City Clerk's office would need the signed Preliminary Orders in their office no later than Friday October 24, 1997. If you have any questions, call me at 26fi-8850. RF:kt cc: Deborah Wiley CITY OF ST. PAUL PRELIMINARY ORDPsR L� ��, Z� °I.'1- � 02�/. In the Matter of assessments for the Bidwell/Congress Area Street Paving and Lighting Project, including concrete curbs and gutters, bituminous surface roadways, concrete driveway aprons, a lantern-style lighting system, and other work incidental to the paving and lighting work on the following streets: Manomin Avenue Orleans 5treet Robie Street Robie Street Robie Street Winslow Avenue Winslow Avenue Charlton Street Congress Street Isabel Street Delos Street Colorado Street Propsect Blvd. Bidwell Street Stryker Avenue Stryker Avenue Hall Avenue Hall Avenue PIIAI ICUen NOU � 11g97 George to Cherokee (30'-32') George to Cherokee (30'-32') Manomin to Ohio (30'-32') Ohio to Bellows (30'-32') Winslow to Stryker (30'-32') George to Robie (30'-32') Isabel to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') 125' South of Winifred to Congress (20'-24') Ohio to Stryker (30'-32') Hall to 200' West of Wabasha (30'-32'} Bellows to Hall (30'-32') Winslow to Hall (30�-32') Bidwell to Hall (3D'-32') Winifred to Prospect B1vd. (30'-32') Winifred to Congress (30'-32') Isabel to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') Winifred to Congress (30'-32') Delos to Prospect Blvd. (30'-32') Qi�i«�cn NOI� d � 1997 The Council of the City of 5aint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 2 3 That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,756,762 financed by 1998 Capital Improvement Bonds $1,3�0,�9� and Assessments $456,672. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of December, 1999,at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Conrt House Building in the City of Saint Paul. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSON5 Yeas Nays ✓Blakey ✓�ostrom ✓G vI`farris ✓Pfegard vPlorton �it'hune Adopted by Council: Date C.�e� S' Certified Passed by Council Secretary 2 1n Favor By��,� �„ ��-�1��.� QAgainst � Mayor Public Hearing Date - December 3, 1497 T.M.SJREAL ESTATE DNISION D��e� Person end PUone NwnUcr: Peter White 2G6-8850 6e mt Cowcil Agenda by: OCtOI1Ct LS 1997, pu6lic hearutg ou December 3, 1997. • �� 16, 1997 Green Sheet Nmuber: 50052 )EPAR7TIE7.'f DIRECTOR CI71' COl7NCIL '1'Sl' A7T0}in'El' 17Y CLERR DIRECTOR OF F71�ANCIAL SVCS. (OR ASSISTAI�'n � 1 AESEARC3S OTAL �1 OF SIGNATiJItE PAGES 1 ccLm nLL LocATtors FoR s�cnnrua�� ;TION REQUE5TED: Set hearing dafe of December 3, 1997, for the BIDWELL/CONGRESS ARBA STREET PAVING ANA LIGHTING PROJECT. (Tech. Fle No. 18854) Approve the construction of street improvements fbr Q�e above-mentioned project, inclucling concrete curbs and dters, Uituminous surface roadways, concrete drive�t�ay aprons, a lantern-style lighting system and other work AITROVE (A) OR XEJECT Qi� PLANNINC CO�fAt4S5IpN cn�a seae�ce con+n+�ss�od A ssaee RSONAL SLRVICP COT"fRACTS b1U5f ANSWER THE POLLOW WG: llns the �xrsou/finn erer w�orkeA m�der n cnntrxet for tlus de�u�rtment? YPS NO llxs Ihic �xrsnn/Ynn evcr bcen n Cily empinyce? YES NO . Ikil'S OIIS �N'15p11/fllll �](55CS5 H SRIII bOI 00lI1PIII)' �IOSSCSSCfI V)' AO)' YGS NO cx�rrent City employce? as conmt�rree —_ Pc �lnin nit l'L•S nnsvers on x sc ixrxie slceet nud ntfxcli. �R7'S N711C7�7 COUTCIL OBJL•C'1'I\'G? getter & Safer Streeets CAUNCIL WARD(SJ 2 D[S'CIt1C'C I'I.ArS�IS�G COUS�CIL 3 PRQBLEM, ISSUE, OPi'ORTUN[1'Y (R9�a, N9urt, l�1�en, 117icre, N1�y?): is one oF five projects recommended Uv the Department oP PuUlic 1�1'orks under the Residential Street Vitality ram (RSVP) amd approved Uy the Lonf Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee and the City Council (C.F. AGFS I� APPROVED: reconstruction of the remaining oiled streets �; ill complete the paeing of the locs! residential streets in this area. The street lighting wilt also improve the safetv in the area. DISADVAnTAGrSIFAPPROYED: �ssessments would be levied against the Uenefitted properiies, plyable o��er a maximum of 20 years. Also, normal , �roblems associated with constivetion such as noise, dust, and general disruption �+�iVl occur. tISADVAA'TAGES IF NOT AI'PROVCD: 'he pavement structure will continue to deteriorate, maintenance costs will be higher, and the level of service provided �e streets will drou. �TALAMOUIVTOFTRA7�SACTI07�: $ J� ,75G,7G2. COSI'/RE�'61�'UEBUDCE7'GD(CIRCLEOI�E) YES NO �.nire souRCC: 1998 CIB and Assessments RE 9-26-97 - 1 � ` � AC7'IVI7'Y r'UAfBGR: \ANCIAL I�FORn4AT[ON: (LXPLA(N) Estunated Financing: 1998 CIB: $1,300,U90 Assessments: $ 456,G72 Total: $1,756,7G2 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Nancy Anderson Council Research 310 City Hall REC�lVEi� SEF 2 5 i997 ClTY CL.ERK From: Peter White Real Estate ivision 140 City Hall Date: September 26, 1997 Snbject: Pablication of Notice of Pnblic Hearing for BidwelUCongress Area= ; Sfreet i'aving and Lighting Project. GS# 50052 for Street Paving and Lighting Project for BidwelllCongress Area. "f "� ° �a sl GS# 50053 far connections for BidwelUCongress Area Project. ��,. C�� To comply with Minnesota State Statue, Chapter 429, the attached Preliminary Orders must be published twice%ne week apart with publication on November 1 and November 8, 1997. City Clerk's office would need the signed Preliminary Orders in their office no later than Friday October 24, 1997. If you have any questions, call me at 26fi-8850. RF:kt cc: Deborah Wiley